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My quest for the sequence Ris Vome Khra.


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Okay, so, hear me out.

I am a void-darned maniac, and I know this. I have had this requiem sequence in my head and I just can't get it out, and I want to repeatedly create and destroy kuva liches until I get one with the precise sequence I have been obsessing over. And I'm crazy I know I am, but this freaking chain of requiem phrases has been appearing in my void forsaken dreams IRL (although oddly enough they are never tied to a litch in my dreams, they just sorta appear independently of the topic of my dreams, like how you might hear music in your dream that doesn't match what is going on, or see something out of place, they appear as background noise, their glyphs on scenery and objects, or the poem they form in that order as background noise. And very rarely does the dream itself have anything else to do with warframe.)

The requiem sequence is Ris(Light) Vome(Order) Khra(Time)


In luminous space, blackened stars.

They gaze, accuse, Deny

To cosmic madness laws submit 

Though stalwart minds entreat

To cosmic forms from tangent planes

We end as we began


It doesn't even form a good poem! 

I don't think these three words appear in this order anywhere in the story at all. And I have no clue why my brain has got me hooked on this specific sequence. And I'm not normally prone to obsession, so this is very weird for me.

And worst of all I am nowhere near close enough MR to even consider litch hunting. To demonstrate i will list all the reasons i am unqualified to litch hunt: I just turned MR 9; Less than half my mission nodes are complete; My higest standing with any of the non core syndicates is rank three with the quills: I have barely opened enough relics to unlock the solar rails; My only two prime frames are a necros and a wisp, and apparently also a hydroid that i didn't know i had untill checking my arsenal to make this post (I genuinely have no clue how i got a hydroid prime, i don't even like hydroid); the highest forma count in any item i have is 3, and that is in my base form Garuda's Claws; I can barely figure out what a riven mod is, let alone use one properly. But despite all my underqualifications my primal gremlin brain is chanting RIS VOME LHOK and it's driving me bonkers. I am half convinced if I do get a litch with that sequence some weird Easter egg or something will happen. Even though I know it won't! 

I tried checking various third party trade/auction trackers to see if i could trade for a litch with the requiem sequence I need, however it seems that a litch does not retain the same requiem sequence when it is traded. 

So, despite all better judgement and all of the advice of my betters I begin my horribly unprepared, wildly impulsive hunt for a litch with a hyperspecific requiem sequence to satisfy some odd urge that has consumed both my waking and sleeping mind.

TLDR: i got a weird obsession over a specific requiem sequence out of nowhere, and despite being horribly unprepared I am going to hunt litches untill I get one with that sequence. 

wish me all the luck in the world. Cause I'll need it.

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3 hours ago, Tromlui-Tine said:

The requiem sequence is Ris(Light) Vome(Order) Khra(Time)


In luminous space, blackened stars.

They gaze, accuse, Deny

To cosmic madness laws submit 

Though stalwart minds entreat

To cosmic forms from tangent planes

We end as we began


It doesn't even form a good poem! 

It reminds me so much of Borknagar or Vintersorg and similar blacked cosmic nature viking metal bands.

Ris Vom Khra also reminds me of someone having some bad rice pudding (risgrynsgröt) during christmas and trying to tell you that before vom(e)ting to the sound of "khra!" all over the place. But after that all is fine, since the tummy is empty and void again.

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Oooh, a chance to try to review what I learned in Probability 101!

I've never seen any repeated words in a Lich/Sister kill phrase, which means that with 8 possible words there are 8 x 7 x 6 = 336 different possible kill phrases.  If you're looking for a single specific phrase, that means that you have a 1 in 336 chance (or as a percentage, 0.29%) of getting it each time you spawn a new friend.  With a 1 in 336 chance of success each time, that means that each try has a 335 in 336 chance (or as a percentage, 99.7%) chance of failure.

So in short, you're rolling a dice with 336 sides and hoping to get a 1.  And with that information, we can calculate your probability of success after a variety of amounts of tries.  Each time you try, you have a 99.7% chance of failure, so the probability of trying twice and failing on both is 99.7^2, and the probability of trying and failing 3 times is 99.7^3, and so on.

  • 50 tries gives you a 13.8% chance of success.
  • 100 tries gives you a 25.7% chance of success.
  • 336 tries gives you a 63.3% chance of success.
  • 1000 tries gives you a 94.9% chance of success.

As you can see, even if you if you were to try 336 times, you would still have a 36.7% chance of failure.  And even 1000 tries wouldn't guarantee you success, as you'd still have a 5% chance of failure.

As a warning, don't be mislead by these numbers: your likelihood of getting your dream sequence does not improve each time you try.  Every single time you generate a new friend, you will still have that same 99.7% chance of failure.  If you try 1000 times and you still haven't succeeded, you are literally no closer to your goal than you were when you started.  After 1000 tries, 50 more tries would mean only a 13.8% chance of success, etc.

All of which is just to demonstrate the extent to which success in this search is improbable, and will likely take a great many tries.  So if you go for it, I hope this at least helps you understand what you're getting in to.

But if it brings you joy, I can't see a reason not to.  Good luck!

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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9 hours ago, Tromlui-Tine said:

I can assure you that I have not partaken in any mind altering substances, from duviri or otherwise. 

Are you sure? Have you been watching your drink at every moment? Did you go to the bathroom at any time? Did someone bring you food?

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10 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

Are you sure? Have you been watching your drink at every moment? Did you go to the bathroom at any time? Did someone bring you food?

Bold of you to assume I have a social life or have had any human interaction outside of video games In the past three months 

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