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Nuke Builds Are Ruining Gameplay Enjoyment


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I would kill for a filter. Nothing too complicated, nothing that segregates the playerbase too much, preferably just two options.

And I could choose one option and expect to find an open slot on a team I can do something in with builds that I want to use that are designed with multiplayer in mind, filled with players who are also expecting to find a team they can do something in.

And then when I want to leech, I simply flip the filter and join up with a bunch of players who can’t stop using their builds to wreck everything, who’re built to solo the multiplayer portion and they make sure you know about it and how dare you be anything other than accepting, and I could put on Youtube and relax while the zero-effort rewards come flowing in.

And I wouldn’t be complaining, because I know what I signed up for when I switched it to Leech mode! Which is different to switching the game to Public! Or should be at least, because Public is Leech Mode at the moment

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1 hour ago, MrGrimm150 said:

My word you lot are STILL going at this?

12 pages of “It’s a lawless land, though the rules are clear, and you’re gonna follow them because there’s no alternative when you sign up for multiplayer”.

When DE separate us, then there’ll be something approaching peace because we’re not stepping on each other’s toes.

Or when DE nerf stuff like AoE into the ground, causing players to get their solo-in-multiplayer kicks elsewhere because the point clearly isn’t being made when the game developers take away the toys they trusted us to use in good faith. By this point I’m fine with that too, though I wouldn’t have been in the past

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1 hour ago, Merkranire said:

12 pages of “It’s a lawless land, though the rules are clear, and you’re gonna follow them because there’s no alternative when you sign up for multiplayer”.

When DE separate us, then there’ll be something approaching peace because we’re not stepping on each other’s toes.

Or when DE nerf stuff like AoE into the ground, causing players to get their solo-in-multiplayer kicks elsewhere because the point clearly isn’t being made when the game developers take away the toys they trusted us to use in good faith. By this point I’m fine with that too, though I wouldn’t have been in the past

I aint getting into 12 pages worth of nonsense with you man but I'll say this. Of all the parties present in this absolute muck up of a thread. I'm inclined to take your side in this the least. 

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39 minutes ago, MrGrimm150 said:

I aint getting into 12 pages worth of nonsense with you man but I'll say this. Of all the parties present in this absolute muck up of a thread. I'm inclined to take your side in this the least. 

Shame. Had I been better behaved, would you have been more inclined to listen?

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1 hour ago, Merkranire said:

12 pages of “It’s a lawless land, though the rules are clear, and you’re gonna follow them because there’s no alternative when you sign up for multiplayer”.

When DE separate us, then there’ll be something approaching peace because we’re not stepping on each other’s toes.

Or when DE nerf stuff like AoE into the ground, causing players to get their solo-in-multiplayer kicks elsewhere because the point clearly isn’t being made when the game developers take away the toys they trusted us to use in good faith. By this point I’m fine with that too, though I wouldn’t have been in the past

The thing is some players that like SP were also the ones pushing DE to separate the player base. I was asking for SP fissures since day 1. There is no reason that someone with thousands of hours should be farming the same enemies we were fighting in the first week of starting the game. That makes no sense. SP fissures are still relatively new but DE has not done a good job at incentivizing the player base to make the move to SP fissures as the new farm for prime parts. A single extra SE is not enough for most people since they are there for prime parts. Double drop rates on gold would be though. If gold drops were 20% in SP fissures we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. 

I see SP like I see normal/nightmare/hell difficulty in Diablo 2. It was a way to separate the player base so that over powered players wouldn't be wiping the map for lower lvl players. You reached a certain lvl and normal was no longer a challenge and the drops were no longer useful so you naturally progressed to nightmare. From there the same thing happened in nightmare and you progressed to hell. D2 did it better because there was a whole new loot table in the next difficulty setting and you got way less xp from low lvl enemies. You were not only incentivized to progress but if you stayed put your progress would come to a screeching halt. That is the natural progression of games like this but DE is doing their own thing so we're stuck together. 

If you're wondering, I was actually asking about SP fissures on day 1. I was trying to avoid this situation from the beginning.


SP released 07/08/2020 and thread I made on 07/09/2020

didn't stop there either

But wait, there's more



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10 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

The thing is some players that like SP were also the ones pushing DE to separate the player base. I was asking for SP fissures since day 1. There is no reason that someone with thousands of hours should be farming the same enemies we were fighting in the first week of starting the game. That makes no sense. SP fissures are still relatively new but DE has not done a good job at incentivizing the player base to make the move to SP fissures as the new farm for prime parts. A single extra SE is not enough for most people since they are there for prime parts. Double drop rates on gold would be though. If gold drops were 20% in SP fissures we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. 

I see SP like I see normal/nightmare/hell difficulty in Diablo 2. It was a way to separate the player base so that over powered players wouldn't be wiping the map for lower lvl players. You reached a certain lvl and normal was no longer a challenge and the drops were no longer useful so you naturally progressed to nightmare. From there the same thing happened in nightmare and you progressed to hell. D2 did it better because there was a whole new loot table in the next difficulty setting and you got way less xp from low lvl enemies. You were not only incentivized to progress but if you stayed put your progress would come to a screeching halt. That is the natural progression of games like this but DE is doing their own thing so we're stuck together. 

If you're wondering, I was actually asking about SP fissures on day 1. I was trying to avoid this situation from the beginning.

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SP released 07/08/2020 and thread I made on 07/09/2020

didn't stop there either

But wait, there's more



That soft segregation based on trust is already failing to cut it because there’s a reason players are building like they’re going into SP, and then not going into SP. The content they’re choosing to do is designed for alternative builds and loadouts that don’t do SP, whether they’re created by some newbie or some 2k-hour player who knows what they’re building for and likes the freedom of choice to do it, if that player isn’t also doing something like leveling things that don’t automatically have 60 capacity and forma’d slots

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2 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

That soft segregation based on trust is already failing to cut it because there’s a reason players are building like they’re going into SP, and then not going into SP. The content they’re choosing to do is designed for alternative builds and loadouts that don’t do SP, whether they’re created by some newbie or some 2k-hour player who knows what they’re building for and likes the freedom of choice to do it, if that player isn’t also doing something like leveling things that don’t automatically have 60 capacity and forma’d slots

There isn't enough incentive to farm SP fissures. Why spend extra time in a SP fissure for 1 SE and the exact same drop rates when the goal is the prime part and normal star chart is faster? Since every 3 months we get new primes we will forever be stuck in this cycle. The players that have everything feel the need to hop back into low lvl fissures to get newly released primes. DE has created this situation, we're all just stuck playing along side each other. Well, more like in front of and behind each other,but you know what I'm saying. 

If players had a reason to farm SP fissures they would leave and you all would have an abandoned normal star chart all to yourselves. You'd get bored eventually and progress to SP. The natural order of games would be restored where new players would be left alone and more advanced players would progress.

I've been having this exact same discussion for 3+ years yet I somehow always let myself get dragged into it again and again. 

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9 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

There isn't enough incentive to farm SP fissures. Why spend extra time in a SP fissure for 1 SE and the exact same drop rates when the goal is the prime part and normal star chart is faster? Since every 3 months we get new primes we will forever be stuck in this cycle. The players that have everything feel the need to hop back into low lvl fissures to get newly released primes. DE has created this situation, we're all just stuck playing along side each other. Well, more like in front of and behind each other,but you know what I'm saying. 

If players had a reason to farm SP fissures they would leave and you all would have an abandoned normal star chart all to yourselves. You'd get bored eventually and progress to SP. The natural order of games would be restored where new players would be left alone and more advanced players would progress.

I've been having this exact same discussion for 3+ years yet I somehow always let myself get dragged into it again and again. 

It’s not always about the reward incentive alone, there’s also the goal of just how much you can avoid being inconvenienced by the game or other players while chasing it. Even if DE incentivised more reward from SP, the gamemode itself was designed for players to take their comparitively-few most-powerful builds to test in a mode that shortcutted players to higher-level crunchier enemies, and you just plain get more options to easy-street your way to mission complete as fast as possible outside of SP. And the more incentive for unbalanced SP, the more players feel pressured into the gamemode, the fewer options they find themselves with despite the main game still being there as it ever was, the more they complain, the more powercreep increases, the less SP is the place it once was, the more players complain that the game’s too easy for their most powerful builds, and so on and so forth

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32 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

It’s not always about the reward incentive alone, there’s also the goal of just how much you can avoid being inconvenienced by the game or other players while chasing it. Even if DE incentivised more reward from SP, the gamemode itself was designed for players to take their comparitively-few most-powerful builds to test in a mode that shortcutted players to higher-level crunchier enemies, and you just plain get more options to easy-street your way to mission complete as fast as possible outside of SP. And the more incentive for unbalanced SP, the more players feel pressured into the gamemode, the fewer options they find themselves with despite the main game still being there as it ever was, the more they complain, the more powercreep increases, the less SP is the place it once was, the more players complain that the game’s too easy for their most powerful builds, and so on and so forth

IMO once SP was released the normal star chart should have never been considered the main game mode or the base line ever again. It should be where newer or more casual players play and/or learn to play the game. SP should be the eventual goal those players progress to. There should never be crossover where a MR30+ player is in a lith fissure against lvl 9 enemies with a MR4 ever. The difference in power is off the charts it's not even comparable. It's not normal for something like this to be a thing in other games but that's the game the way DE designed it. 

DE knew players could take any frame with countless loadout variations and solo SP before it was released because we were lvl capping every frame long before SP was a thing. DE knew power creep had gotten away from them. Then they double down on it and add weapon arcanes, incanons, helminth, lich/sister weapons etc. How can anyone with basic knowledge of the current game and any significant playtime not ez normal star chart on their most basic builds. 

This really is a "don't hate the player hate the game" kinda situation we got here. 

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2 hours ago, Berzerkules said:

IMO once SP was released the normal star chart should have never been considered the main game mode or the base line ever again. It should be where newer or more casual players play and/or learn to play the game. SP should be the eventual goal those players progress to. There should never be crossover where a MR30+ player is in a lith fissure against lvl 9 enemies with a MR4 ever. The difference in power is off the charts it's not even comparable. It's not normal for something like this to be a thing in other games but that's the game the way DE designed it. 

DE knew players could take any frame with countless loadout variations and solo SP before it was released because we were lvl capping every frame long before SP was a thing. DE knew power creep had gotten away from them. Then they double down on it and add weapon arcanes, incanons, helminth, lich/sister weapons etc. How can anyone with basic knowledge of the current game and any significant playtime not ez normal star chart on their most basic builds. 

This really is a "don't hate the player hate the game" kinda situation we got here. 

I’m aware that you’re of the opinion the game should be so linear, you’ve mentioned before.

I disagree, as it’s that rewarding of non-linearity that gives this game its variety of playstyles and choice as its strength, with the only caveat being that care must be excercised if you’re going to go out into multiplayer, which puts the responsibility for how players conduct themselves on the player

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21 hours ago, Merkranire said:

Then make your #*!%ing caster, starting from the modless baseline.

Are you stealing all the game?

No? Good!

Yes? Can you not? I’d like to do something too

Kinda uh... hard to start from elsewhere dont you think? Do you tell a sprinter that he needs to start from zero? 🤷‍♂️

I'd probably still steal the game since I'd still have AoE, just far lower but still enough to wipe out the very fragile SC in a cast. And why someone should downgrade to bend to your desires and demands is still behind my comprehension. You are still an extreme minority, so in reality you should accept that your way is not the common way.

For instance, the party with the fewest votes wont become the ruling one, and the ruling one wont change their plans to cater to the followers of the smallest. It is practically the same here, you want something that isnt the goal of the majority. That is simply life. There is this great old saying "Ta seden dit man kommer" (embrace the traditions of your host) or "When in Rome do as romans". You should likely consider that, both for the game and in real life.

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7 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Kinda uh... hard to start from elsewhere dont you think? Do you tell a sprinter that he needs to start from zero? 🤷‍♂️

I'd probably still steal the game since I'd still have AoE, just far lower but still enough to wipe out the very fragile SC in a cast. And why someone should downgrade to bend to your desires and demands is still behind my comprehension. You are still an extreme minority, so in reality you should accept that your way is not the common way.

For instance, the party with the fewest votes wont become the ruling one, and the ruling one wont change their plans to cater to the followers of the smallest. It is practically the same here, you want something that isnt the goal of the majority. That is simply life. There is this great old saying "Ta seden dit man kommer" (embrace the traditions of your host) or "When in Rome do as romans". You should likely consider that, both for the game and in real life.

I’m not going to accept that some grindheads with zero consideration are worth joining or even respecting. You seriously think I’m now at a point where I start going “If you can’t beat them, join them”? If anything I’m farther from that than I’ve ever been, because it’s blatantly obvious you’re not worth joining not only on principle, but also because the game itself, even for solo, doesn’t handle it well at all when I can’t step back and reconsider what I’m doing and how I’m going to achieve it. DE did something real stupid and trusted their players to identify when they’re doing something not-good and to stop doing the not-good thing which can just as easily take the form of something as simple as using a thing that wasn’t a problem until it becomes a problem and needs to at least be temporarily set aside by the player instead of straight up removed permanently. So listening to you makes for losing all round, since you only ever want me to do the not-good thing

I’m looking forward to making a Kullervo caster build and seeing how it can be tweaked and adjusted within the ever-shifting constraints of whatever various levels of content I’m doing and combinations of gear/schools/whatever I’m bringing but further customised than what you would do to still feel satisfying to use without being a problem for either myself or my teammates, because while it can be fun in moderation, it can get pretty boring if everything dies in one button press regardless of whether I’m squaded or not

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On 2024-01-20 at 3:16 AM, Berzerkules said:

You can't be serious.

After 9 years you really think that you're going to get the chance to use a new unranked unforma weapon in a pub fissure?

Fissures are for farming, no one is there have a friendly enjoyable co-op gaming experience, they are there to farm prime parts. Expecting anything else is unreasonable. By now you have to know pub fissures are going to be a speed run right 99% of the time?

I've been playing half as long as you and if I join any pub mission I expect to play follow the leader unless I load in first.


Hell I've only been playing for a month and I expect to just speedrun to the end. It's hard to believe this guy has been playing since 2015 and believes he can test a weapon like that in a public lobby.

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On 2024-01-22 at 8:25 PM, Merkranire said:

Dude, plain and simple, randoms are just inconsiderate jerks, with a cruel irony being that they often think they’re doing someone a favour. Like I said, OP made the mistake thinking otherwise, and they need to find someone else with a willingness to not be a jerk

Ah yes, trying to be efficient and not waste my time killing the same enemies over and over means I'm a jerk.. If you want to play at your own pace don't play exterminate fissures, if anything you'd be the inconsiderate jerk because you're slowing everybody down.

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49 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

I’m not going to accept that some grindheads with zero consideration are worth joining or even respecting. You seriously think I’m now at a point where I start going “If you can’t beat them, join them”? If anything I’m farther from that than I’ve ever been, because it’s blatantly obvious you’re not worth joining not only on principle, but also because the game itself, even for solo, doesn’t handle it well at all when I can’t step back and reconsider what I’m doing and how I’m going to achieve it. DE did something real stupid and trusted their players to identify when they’re doing something not-good and to stop doing the not-good thing which can just as easily take the form of something as simple as using a thing that wasn’t a problem until it becomes a problem and needs to at least be temporarily set aside by the player instead of straight up removed permanently. So listening to you makes for losing all round, since you only ever want me to do the not-good thing

I’m looking forward to making a Kullervo caster build and seeing how it can be tweaked and adjusted within the ever-shifting constraints of whatever various levels of content I’m doing and combinations of gear/schools/whatever I’m bringing but further customised than what you would do to still feel satisfying to use without being a problem for either myself or my teammates, because while it can be fun in moderation, it can get pretty boring if everything dies in one button press regardless of whether I’m squaded or not

Again, What people are doing with their builds is not a problem. At this point you are. You push peoples playstyles down. So what if they want to build for efficiency? Let them.
You are so set in having it your way you can't see that you are fundamentally the issue at hand. Dont blame other players for playing the way they want while you are playing the way you want.

Jesus christ your ego is big enough im starting to believe you are modded for range. You are NOT the center of the game. You do NOT get to disrespect other peoples playstyles while still wanting yours validated. The irony is big enough as it is. If you want to play this way then fine but realize that while you limit yourself to this playstyle other people have other playstyles not constricted to you and never will be. Whether old or new.

The only reason their playstyle is not good for you is because they are more efficient at killing or wiping out whats infront of them than you are, And if that ruins it for you build further up. People wont cater to you, Not in this nor any game. You do not get a set of playstyles laid out on a platter.

Will you also condemn kullervo players for wrecking the entire map? The guy can nuke basically unmodded as is and can get an almost infinite damage loop with just a slight mod set up and you want people to not kill everything? The only way for that to happen would be to run a full kullervo squad in SP if you want an even playing field for yourself.

Or better yet, If you want mixed up playstyles that respects everyone and no-one go and play the circuit. New players can dominate there just as much as old. Or is rng to much to depend on.

You also ask for filters, Well what in gods green earth would that look like? A squad based system for only unmodded? Or ranks? Or specific mod setups? That would cause clogs in the entire search system and we would be having 5-20 minutes queues just like overwatch has with only a class based filter.

And everything you ask for is already in the game provided for you. You want to go on an even playing field go run a nightmare mission with the unmodded modifier. Everyone will be on Your specific terms there and noone can trump anyone else with the exception for certain warframes and weapons.

Or better yet, Type in chat to find like minded people, There must be more around somewhere. Or friends that would tag along on that.

But im gonna guess thats not good enough either.

Get off your high horse, Warframe is about building the game for your own experiences. Not others.

Edited by darklord122
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19 minutes ago, Aesyaan said:

Ah yes, trying to be efficient and not waste my time killing the same enemies over and over means I'm a jerk.. If you want to play at your own pace don't play exterminate fissures, if anything you'd be the inconsiderate jerk because you're slowing everybody down.

Man, you’ve missed out on this conversation.

You don’t even want to be in multiplayer, do you?

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3 minutes ago, darklord122 said:

Again, What people are doing with their builds is not a problem. At this point you are. You push peoples playstyles down. So what if they want to build for efficiency? Let them.
You are so set in having it your way you can't see that you are fundamentally the issue at hand. Dont blame other players for playing the way they want while you are playing the way you want.

Jesus christ your ego is big enough im starting to believe you are modded for range. You are NOT the center of the game. You do NOT get to disrespect other peoples playstyles while still wanting yours validated. The irony is big enough as it is. If you want to play this way then fine but realize that while you limit yourself to this playstyle other people have other playstyles not constricted to you and never will be. Whether old or new.

The only reason their playstyle is not good for you is because they are more efficient at killing or wiping out whats infront of them than you are, And if that ruins it for you build further up. People wont cater to you, Not in this nor any game. You do not get a set of playstyles laid out on a platter.

Will you also condemn kullervo players for wrecking the entire map? The guy can nuke basically unmodded as is and can get an almost infinite damage loop with just a slight mod set up and you want people to not kill everything? The only way for that to happen would be to run a full kullervo squad in SP if you want an even playing field for yourself.

Or better yet, If you want mixed up playstyles that respects everyone and no-one go and play the circuit. New players can dominate there just as much as old. Or is rng to much to depend on.

You also ask for filters, Well what in gods green earth would that look like? A squad based system for only unmodded? Or ranks? Or specific mod setups? That would cause clogs in the entire search system and we would be having 5-20 minutes queues just like overwatch has with only a class based filter.

And everything you ask for is already in the game provided for you. You want to go on an even playing field go run a nightmare mission with the unmodded modifier. Everyone will be on Your specific terms there and noone can trump anyone else with the exception for certain warframes and weapons.

Or better yet, Type in chat to find like minded people, There must be more around somewhere. Or friends that would tag along on that.

But im gonna guess thats not good enough either.

Get off your high horse, Warframe is about building the game for your own experiences. Not others.

A filter that goes “I’d like to match to play multiplayer” versus “I’d like to match to play solo” seems reasonable, because if I see you in the multiplayer part, then I’m going to get mad.

Actually, you should do that. Jump into “I’d like to match to play multiplayer”, and then spout all this

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1 minute ago, Merkranire said:

A filter that goes “I’d like to match to play multiplayer” versus “I’d like to match to play solo” seems reasonable, because if I see you in the multiplayer part, then I’m going to get mad.

Actually, you should do that. Jump into “I’d like to match to play multiplayer”, and then spout all this

I regularly play multiplayer, More than you guaranteed at this point. You only see issues due to your own issues. If everyone else is a problem and you are not, Its time to do some self reflection.

And what you said is essentially just the same as what we already have.

And if you see me in multiplayer, Feel free to be mad about it. Ill be enjoying myself in the mission at-least while you can mald and be mad in the back-round as much as you want. Wont bother me nor change anything about the situation.

Having hissy fits because no-one wants to conform to you is childish.

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Just now, darklord122 said:

I regularly play multiplayer, More than you guaranteed at this point. You only see issues due to your own issues. If everyone else is a problem and you are not, Its time to do some self reflection.

And what you said is essentially just the same as what we already have.

And if you see me in multiplayer, Feel free to be mad about it. Ill be enjoying myself in the mission at-least while you can mald and be mad in the back-round as much as you want. Wont bother me nor change anything about the situation.

Having hissy fits because no-one wants to conform to you is childish.

This would be why I want the filter, so that I don’t see you. You’re not wanted when you hog the game all to yourself, this shouldn’t be considered a me problem, this is a “How is it not apparent that this is not a desired thing for anyone looking to play some game in multiplayer” problem.

Stick to your solo-in-multiplayer side, stay out of the multiplayer-in-multiplayer side. Since we don’t have that, Public is solo-in-multiplayer because it sure as hell aint multiplayer-in-multiplayer

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Just now, Merkranire said:

This would be why I want the filter, so that I don’t see you. You’re not wanted when you hog the game all to yourself, this shouldn’t be considered a me problem, this is a “How is it not apparent that this is not a desired thing for anyone looking to play some game in multiplayer” problem.

Stick to your solo-in-multiplayer side, stay out of the multiplayer-in-multiplayer side. Since we don’t have that, Public is solo-in-multiplayer because it sure as hell aint multiplayer-in-multiplayer

You can wish to filter out as many players as you want, Wont change there will always be players at a higher build than yours.

Its not me hogging the game to myself, Its you giving everyone else the game. And once again, If only you see issues infront of you yet somehow you are not the problem then you need to get some better introspective because 99% of the playersbase can not be at fault due to what you build.

So again get off your throne your majesty because the only way you are going to get the experience you want is either to change the way you think or make your very own version of warframe where only you are the protagonist getting to decide everyone else's decisions.

But it aint here.

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9 minutes ago, darklord122 said:

I regularly play multiplayer, More than you guaranteed at this point. You only see issues due to your own issues. If everyone else is a problem and you are not, Its time to do some self reflection.

And what you said is essentially just the same as what we already have.

And if you see me in multiplayer, Feel free to be mad about it. Ill be enjoying myself in the mission at-least while you can mald and be mad in the back-round as much as you want. Wont bother me nor change anything about the situation.

Having hissy fits because no-one wants to conform to you is childish.


5 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

This would be why I want the filter, so that I don’t see you. You’re not wanted when you hog the game all to yourself, this shouldn’t be considered a me problem, this is a “How is it not apparent that this is not a desired thing for anyone looking to play some game in multiplayer” problem.

Stick to your solo-in-multiplayer side, stay out of the multiplayer-in-multiplayer side. Since we don’t have that, Public is solo-in-multiplayer because it sure as hell aint multiplayer-in-multiplayer

Ahhhh who am I kidding. You can’t even stick to the content you’re built for, that filter’s as good as an ignored suggestion, and I’m going to see you in the multiplayer-in-multiplayer side, turning it into solo-in-multiplayer while I’m once more returning to solo

2 minutes ago, darklord122 said:

You can wish to filter out as many players as you want, Wont change there will always be players at a higher build than yours.

Its not me hogging the game to myself, Its you giving everyone else the game. And once again, If only you see issues infront of you yet somehow you are not the problem then you need to get some better introspective because 99% of the playersbase can not be at fault due to what you build.

So again get off your throne your majesty because the only way you are going to get the experience you want is either to change the way you think or make your very own version of warframe where only you are the protagonist getting to decide everyone else's decisions.

But it aint here.

Haha. Oh yeah, I need to fight my teammates for some game

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19 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Man, you’ve missed out on this conversation.

You don’t even want to be in multiplayer, do you?

I play multiplayer all the time, and I don't see how me responding late changes anything. All the replies here weren't going anywhere, so I read them all. To tell you the truth you just seem self-centered wanting people who don't want to waste their time to conform to your standards.

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3 minutes ago, Merkranire said:


Ahhhh who am I kidding. You can’t even stick to the content you’re built for, that filter’s as good as an ignored suggestion, and I’m going to see you in the multiplayer-in-multiplayer side, turning it into solo-in-multiplayer while I’m once more returning to solo

Haha. Oh yeah, I need to fight my teammates for some game

You can keep smoking that copium. Wont change a thing.

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