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Nuke Builds Are Ruining Gameplay Enjoyment


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11 minutes ago, Xylia said:

There was high player engagement back then, too.

I'd argue, even moreso than there is now.

This is what you call "an opinion". 

Warframe has had the most players its had in several years. Might want to double check your not confusing your opinion for other people. 

11 minutes ago, Xylia said:

And players, happy? LOL that's rich. Half of every youtube video that I come across that isn't new players is "Why this sucks in Warframe" "Why that sucks in Warframe" "Warframe is dying" or "DE controversy" ....

Yet the player count tells a different story. There's something called "The vocal minority". 

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17 minutes ago, Xylia said:

What were you trying to Q for? I notice you left that out. Oh, and you were specific Qing, not Qing for roulette. Right.

Your duty roulette exists to fill for content I was queuing for. Specifically trial roulette. 

I love when I need to do trials for MSQ and wait for 3 hours for it to fill so I can continue the expansion :) 

20 minutes ago, Xylia said:

Obviously if you Q for some obscure trial,  

MSQ is obscure? Guess people would rather run content at their level, then a normal trial from one of the expansions :) 

It was the first trial fight in one of the expansions. Guess you need to double check your opinion.

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8 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

Everyone's time is valuable and that is why people run nuke builds. It gets them through the tedious stuff faster because WF has quite a few tedious grinds. 

You're almost there.

You have me mistaken for somebody else, I never said that it was wrong for people to want to nuke stuff.

I merely said that it is unfun to end up in a group where you have people nuking everything and that there's no way to prevent it other than 'go solo' was kinda stupid.

1 minute ago, HeavyFarms said:

MSQ is obscure? Guess people would rather run content at their level, then a normal trial from one of the expansions :) 

It was the first trial fight in one of the expansions. Guess you need to double check your opinion.

And what Datacenter were you on? Because, I've been taking an alt through MSQ recently and I get <10-15 minutes on my character as SMN (playing her as SMN because I did SCH on my main and never got to see SMN leveling up). Also, which expansion?

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12 minutes ago, Aarrggghhhh said:

It sounds to me like you don't like the game anymore. Which is understandable, it has changed a lot from launch.
So why keep playing if you're not enjoying it? Serious question.

I forget what it's called, but there's this thing that once you invest a bunch of time into something, it's hard to just walk away from it.

You WANT it to be fun, because it feels like a waste to dump thousands of hours of work down the drain and never play the game again.

Also, nostalgia. The game WAS fun back in its day and it could still be fun, if it weren't for certain design decisions (like gating everything behind Necramechs and/or putting Defense objectives inside of every single bounty).

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19 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

You want to play together? Cool, wanna run SP Circulus? It's my new favorite node. I'm actually testing a speedva build there now. Send me an invite in game

Long as you stop acting like I’m you and hate squading. I look through matchmaking for people to play alongside, not because I feel forced into doing it, and then I end up in a squad with someone who views other players as a problem and build to make them as small a part of the mission as possible and I’m reminded why I stick to solo; you don’t want me because of reasons, I don’t want you because you’re being a dip, but you’re the one forcing me to be carried when I’m already quite capable on my own for one player’s worth of game design and I specifically built for it

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1 minute ago, Xylia said:

I forget what it's called, but there's this thing that once you invest a bunch of time into something, it's hard to just walk away from it.

You WANT it to be fun, because it feels like a waste to dump thousands of hours of work down the drain and never play the game again.

Also, nostalgia. The game WAS fun back in its day and it could still be fun, if it weren't for certain design decisions (like gating everything behind Necramechs and/or putting Defense objectives inside of every single bounty).

Sunk cost fallacy, is the term I think.

Yeah, the Necramech grind can be really frustrating. You can buy parts from the Necraloid syndicate for standing. The mining can be tedious though.

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6 minutes ago, Aarrggghhhh said:

You can buy parts from the Necraloid syndicate for standing.

... which you need to do Bounties for, and every single Bounty has a Defense objective in.

I don't really like playing Frost, and I hate being forced to play Frost just to do these stupid Defense objectives. I main a Rhino because I like Rhino.

But no, Frost or go home.

Or try to find a public match and watch everything die around you God-knows-how-many-times before you get enough standing to buy all the BPs and parts.



They could slip on a banana peel and realize this crap isn't fun and remove the Defense objectives seeing that Necramechs are *REQUIRED* to do anything in late game, and let people solo the stupid things already.



Make the Defense objectives tanky like the ones in actual Defense missions, so that they don't die every time they get poked by an enemy or two. They let you solo Defense missions, I can solo all the lv30-40 defense missions on the star chart, quite easily.


But no, the ones in the Bounties, they die way too fast.

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3 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Long as you stop acting like I’m you and hate squading. I look through matchmaking for people to play alongside, not because I feel forced into doing it, and then I end up in a squad with someone who views other players as a problem and build to make them as small a part of the mission as possible and I’m reminded why I stick to solo; you don’t want me because of reasons, I don’t want you because you’re being a dip, but you’re the one forcing me to be carried when I’m already quite capable on my own for one player’s worth of game design and I specifically built for it

I don't play in squads most of the time because I can't pause. I have a family, other hobbies and work so I find it difficult to play content I enjoy in a group setting when I have the time to play. I get up from the game regularly to do stuff around the house and that's not conducive to group endurance runs so I solo most of the time. 

Like yesterday, i was running solo SP mot fissure for an hour+ then paused to go make dinner, ate with the fam then went on a fat bike ride at close to -40. Got home and continued where I left off 4+ hours ago. That's how my gaming sessions go.

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3 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

I don't play in squads most of the time because I can't pause. I have a family, other hobbies and work so I find it difficult to play content I enjoy in a group setting when I have the time to play. I get up from the game regularly to do stuff around the house and that's not conducive to group endurance runs so I solo most of the time. 

Like yesterday, i was running solo SP mot fissure for an hour+ then paused to go make dinner, ate with the fam then went on a fat bike ride at close to -40. Got home and continued where I left off 4+ hours ago. That's how my gaming sessions go.

This is the exact reason why I hated how the game kept gravitating towards Endless Mission Types back in the old days when we still had Void Keys to do Prime items.






Just HAD to have one of the parts in an Endless Mission type, and it was *ALWAYS* Rotation C.

That's when I gave up on farming prime parts. It just ain't worth the hassle.


Also, I remember back then, TRYING to get the... I forget what it was called back then, the gold mod that buffs warframe power damage. Focus I think it used to be called?

Finally got one to drop, after 20+ minutes of a survival.

Step into the exit pod and...


and.... lost everything. Including the mod. I would eventually get another after some months, but that was incredibly frustrating and it's really left a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to endless mission types.


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6 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

I don't play in squads most of the time because I can't pause. I have a family, other hobbies and work so I find it difficult to play content I enjoy in a group setting when I have the time to play. I get up from the game regularly to do stuff around the house and that's not conducive to group endurance runs so I solo most of the time. 

Like yesterday, i was running solo SP mot fissure for an hour+ then paused to go make dinner, ate with the fam then went on a fat bike ride at close to -40. Got home and continued where I left off 4+ hours ago. That's how my gaming sessions go.

Okay, that seems reasonable.

Stop jumping into content you’re way overbuilt for and then acting like players like me are looking at you with envy when you do all the work. I’ll join you in SP Circulus and build like I intend to help if that’s the only place you’re ever built for

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25 minutes ago, Xylia said:

And what Datacenter were you on? Because, I've been taking an alt through MSQ recently and I get <10-15 minutes on my character as SMN (playing her as SMN because I did SCH on my main and never got to see SMN leveling up). Also, which expansion?

Swapped to the new data center to buy a house with some friends. We got the house at least. 

Pretty sure Seraph is the server, so whatever data center that is. The Queue times make it really obvious of what is popular and what is not.

It was the Zodiark fight. So, last expansion, and it was just the normal mode so we could continue the story on the moon. People were too busy doing anything else :) 

Another friend of mine got stuck waiting for susanowo normal. We ended beating that fight just three of us going in unsynced :) 

5 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Stop jumping into content you’re way overbuilt

Stop telling other people what to do. 

We talked about your entitlement. You don't get to choose what people do. 

Cause if you could choose what people could do, I'd force you to get a brain that works.

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3 minutes ago, HeavyFarms said:

Swapped to the new data center to buy a house with some friends. We got the house at least. 

Pretty sure Seraph is the server, so whatever data center that is. The Queue times make it really obvious of what is popular and what is not.

It was the Zodiark fight. So, last expansion, and it was just the normal mode so we could continue the story on the moon. People were too busy doing anything else :) 

Another friend of mine got stuck waiting for susanowo normal. We ended beating that fight just three of us going in unsynced :) 



You're on the NEW, thus low populated Datacenter.

Next time, try Datacenter Visiting Aether.

You'll get groups WAY faster, because THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE THERE.


It has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with level sync being "unpopular" and/or "people too busy doing anything else".

You had trouble getting groups, because you were on the NEW data center in NEW low pop servers and you freely admit that you moved to said low pop server in order to cheat the housing system to get a house.

You got your house, but at a cost.


Edited by Xylia
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10 minutes ago, Xylia said:

... which you need to do Bounties for, and every single Bounty has a Defense objective in.

I don't really like playing Frost, and I hate being forced to play Frost just to do these stupid Defense objectives. I main a Rhino because I like Rhino.

But no, Frost or go home.

Or try to find a public match and watch everything die around you God-knows-how-many-times before you get enough standing to buy all the BPs and parts.



They could slip on a banana peel and realize this crap isn't fun and remove the Defense objectives seeing that Necramechs are *REQUIRED* to do anything in late game, and let people solo the stupid things already.



Make the Defense objectives tanky like the ones in actual Defense missions, so that they don't die every time they get poked by an enemy or two. They let you solo Defense missions, I can solo all the lv30-40 defense missions on the star chart, quite easily.


But no, the ones in the Bounties, they die way too fast.

You're thinking like it's several years ago. the game has changed and you don't need to protect the objective when everything is dead. Nuke is the answer...

..although, there aren't many true nukes in warframe. Most of what people call nukes are actually AoE/DoT and only "nuke" because the enemy lvl is so low. That's an entirely different topic though. 

4 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Okay, that seems reasonable.

Stop jumping into content you’re way overbuilt for and then acting like players like me are looking at you with envy when you do all the work. I’ll join you in SP Circulus and build like I intend to help if that’s the only place you’re ever built for

I've progressed to a point where all my builds are OP in normal star chart fissures. If I want to farm prime parts for say ducats to buy new stuff from Baro I bring the only builds I have and wreck the place. I'm there to farm prime parts as quick as possible. Pubs can enjoy the vaulted rad relics I'm running and follow along for some free plat. 

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5 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

You're thinking like it's several years ago. the game has changed and you don't need to protect the objective when everything is dead. Nuke is the answer...

Don't you think if I were capable of just killing everything before it could hurt the objective, I would?

I mean, OBVIOUSLY, in a defense mission, you kill the stuff before it can hurt the objective. Obviously.

however, when you get up to level 30-40 missions, that starts getting difficult to do unless you have Steel Path (or incarnon or whatever other ridiculously OP crap exists nowadays) ... but...


You need a Necramech to unlock ANY of that stuff.


ALL of that stuff is gated behind the Necramech and the Bounties you need to do to GET a Necramech.

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3 minutes ago, Xylia said:

Don't you think if I were capable of just killing everything before it could hurt the objective, I would?

I mean, OBVIOUSLY, in a defense mission, you kill the stuff before it can hurt the objective. Obviously.

however, when you get up to level 30-40 missions, that starts getting difficult to do unless you have Steel Path (or incarnon or whatever other ridiculously OP crap exists nowadays) ... but...


You need a Necramech to unlock ANY of that stuff.


ALL of that stuff is gated behind the Necramech and the Bounties you need to do to GET a Necramech.

Check your inbox in game😎

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Not sure what to say, didn't expect somebody to just send me one of those.

I appreciate the kindness, really I do. I just wish that I could have gotten it in-game, but I suppose with the way the game is actually designed, that wasn't feasible.

But at least now I can try to progress a bit further and get stuff opened up.

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28 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

I've progressed to a point where all my builds are OP in normal star chart fissures. If I want to farm prime parts for say ducats to buy new stuff from Baro I bring the only builds I have and wreck the place. I'm there to farm prime parts as quick as possible. Pubs can enjoy the vaulted rad relics I'm running and follow along for some free plat. 

You’re not set in stone since you’re as ever working from the modless baseline, and you’re most likely ignoring alternative builds, most likely using components you’re already using just arranged with different other components that you probably never looked twice at, that would be fun to use as well, considering how many ways we can combine things that simply don’t work in higher-level content but the game still enables us to find a place for by design

If you’re going to be a problem, though, you can do SP Circulus alone

Edited by Merkranire
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6 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

You’re not set in stone since you’re as ever working from the modless baseline, and you’re most likely ignoring alternative builds, most likely using components you’re already using just arranged with different other components that you probably never looked twice at, that would be fun to use as well, considering how many ways we can combine things that simply don’t work in higher-level content but the game still enables us to find a place for by design

If you’re going to be a problem, though, you can do SP Circulus alone

I've gone through the arsenal several times looking for diamonds in the rough. With the exception of a few newer releases most frames are fully forma with fully unlocked loadouts and multiple helminth abilities. I also have something like 1.5k forma into weapons testing builds and seeing what I like. If you want to talk weird alternate builds we can do that I guess. 

Also, I'm not the problem here, pretty sure you were the one getting their comments moderated. 

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1 hour ago, Berzerkules said:

I've gone through the arsenal several times looking for diamonds in the rough. With the exception of a few newer releases most frames are fully forma with fully unlocked loadouts and multiple helminth abilities. I also have something like 1.5k forma into weapons testing builds and seeing what I like. If you want to talk weird alternate builds we can do that I guess. 

Also, I'm not the problem here, pretty sure you were the one getting their comments moderated. 

A whole thing got moderated, I just happened to be the one who wasn’t trying to seem like the misunderstood hero of the people when dealing with a bunch of narrow-minded players who build to make themselves a problem and then act like we should all either be grateful that they’re doing everything or get out.

First thing I’d say regarding alternative builds is to not treat a fully-forma’d thing as the goal; forma and polarities open up options for the first few applied, but after a point it becomes a specialisation tool, and I’ve had to remove extra polarities that I’d spent forma on because it just got in the way.

Secondly, you’re going to sometimes have spare slots leftover that you can stick fillers in and you’re not going to be most optimal; that’s what your optimal builds that land you in Steel Path are for, and is what the mode was introduced for in the first place. If you’re going to struggle with that, not only are you and I going to be forever on the wrong wavelength, you’re going to be at odds with any sort of gameplay outside of SP

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5 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

A whole thing got moderated, I just happened to be the one who wasn’t trying to seem like the misunderstood hero of the people when dealing with a bunch of narrow-minded players who build to make themselves a problem and then act like we should all either be grateful that they’re doing everything or get out.

Nah, you were pretty toxic and resorted to name calling pretty much anyone that disagreed with you. DE did you a favor and removed that so you could save face.

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3 hours ago, HeavyFarms said:

This is what you call "an opinion". 

Warframe has had the most players its had in several years. Might want to double check your not confusing your opinion for other people. 

Yet the player count tells a different story. There's something called "The vocal minority". 

Theres also something called clickbait.

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12 hours ago, Xylia said:


You're on the NEW, thus low populated Datacenter.

You would think so. But the server is closed and not excepting new players. Needed friends to make characters on different servers and migrate to play with them. The popular queues pop instantly, but the less popular ones (Hint hint) take forever. 

12 hours ago, Xylia said:

It has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with level sync being "unpopular" and/or "people too busy doing anything else".

`People do "anything else" because its more fun. 

For example, I've been doing "anything else" for quite some time, as proving you wrong every other post gets quite tedious. 

"You don't place ff14" The only half way this was correct was when I waited in queue times longer than I played. 

Its so nice that in Warframe, I can solo anything :) I'm so glad I have the level of power you despise, so I don't have to rely on teammates to beat content. 

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I have to agree with this, when i play sanctuary or defense i just stay in the middle doing nothing, after 5 waves when everybody leaves then i can enjoy using my arsenal. Recently i've got kuva bramma and it's fun using it, but it does ruin the fun for others, watching low level players wanting to melee and the enemy explodes. It's a problem when in fissures the AoE forgot that we need reactant before nuking the map, then they get surprised that we can't open relics :))

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