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PC Dante Unbound: Deep Archimedea: Hotfix 35.5.3


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These nerfs remind me of how destiny 2 "sunset" their content but instead of just removing the content they simply made it so unusable and feel awful to play that there is no way anyone would actually play it

Thank you DE 

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hace 21 horas, Ciordales69 dijo:

But removing his 2's interaction with Archon Intensify?

It still triggers archon intensify, you just need to actually heal someone instead of casting it on allies with full health, just like the rest of abilities that trigger it

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21 hours ago, ArcticHelix said:

Nezha is just useless now. You give him a good augment to make him a viable nuker. But you nerf it and leave saryn untouched.

its insane what they did to Nehza! did they not tested it ?what happened here ?a dn now  this nerf !! the worst nerf i ever saw in warframe

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21 hours ago, Arddoran said:

Eclipse nerf (30% lmao), Nezha nerf (50% less range bruh), Dante nerfed to hell (Ah yes, the bugged line of sight, when all you had to do is reduce it's range a bit)... What else is going to be nerfed to hell? Just tell me already so I can avoid touching it, or maybe just leave the game. Every hotfix I see just make me feel sick, I've already lost the will to play the new game mode.

I think all would be fine if they made Radial Javelin a pseudo-exalted.

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Btw for those who are upset about the Overguard 'nerfs', they buffed your net Overguard gen on Dante. As long as you can 30 kills/assists within 45 seconds, you are gaining more Overguard than you were before this patch.

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Ok, Im gonna say it, a lot of you seem like spoiled children, sure, it was fun to nuke entire maps while having enough overguard to tank multiple heavy gunners, but it was also absurd, a lot of you act like he can't make a dent on the weakest enemies but he can still nuke on SP no problem even with the LOS issues wich they said they were going to fix, and with the overguard changes you just need to be a bit more carefull, not unlike other nukers the game has, end even then he still has pageflight to redirect enemy fire. It is honestly ridiculus how this comunity keeps asking for harder content and then go cry when something that makes the game too easy is modified, and not even to the point of making it unusable (most of the time) just to the point where you can clear maps in 2 seconds instead of 1, but god forbid we make infinity minus one damage, because everything has to nuke the entire map everytime I move 2 inches or I'll deem it not worth my time

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🙃 Brother..... what is this?
 Here is some feedback:

21 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Final Verse’s “Tragedy” now only affects enemies within Line of Sight.

 Nuh-uh. Big Nope. That ability's purpose was supposed to be detonation of DoT procs, right? Soo, what if instead of LoS check, it just does not deal any damage by itself, but instead only detonates DoT. That way you ensure that ONLY enemies that have been interacted with, are dying. Even the obvious circumvention of that - Melee Influence, is not that great since it has a static range.

21 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Final Verse’s “Triumph” from 5000 to 2000 at Max Rank. 

  • For a bit of compensation, we increased Triumph’s base Overguard Regeneration per second from 50 to 100 at Max Rank (can still be modified with Ability Strength). 

Why tho? The main problem was not that it gave obnoxious amounts of OG, but that it also gave it unrestricted to the entire team. An entire 60% cut is not a "small tweak".

Why not - Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Final Verse’s “Triumph” from 5000 to 3500 at Max Rank. Allies in Range gain 20% of the Overguard of the caster. The range promoting more control, since negative range builds will be appropriately more "greedy".

Alternatively it can be a Hold/Tap ability with the Tap being simple "Cast on Self", giving the player actual control and choice in Mission. If that is too much, Only Allies in the drawn on screen circle gain Overguard, akin to how Warding Halo cannot be cast on all allies everywhere on the map with one button press. Same logic can be applied to Light Verse.

22 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Increased the overall luminosity of the Orbiter to better account for shadows and player’s Decorations.

I cannot help but laugh at this.... You know the game has Adaptive Exposure..... that we cannot turn off.... and it will bring the brightness back to the same level, if not worse....

It would be nice if the light in the orbiter was at least trying to look like it was coming from the Diorama.... instead of the light coming from the left outside, when the Literal Sun is on the right.... The Uneditable BLUE light in the front is an eyesore for everyone not using cold color ship energy and ultimately craps on warm interior fashion hard!

22 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

While the “Divine Retribution” Augment Mod is equipped, the base range of Nezha’s Divine Spears is reduced by 50% (at all Mod Ranks).

  • We didn’t want to change the Mod in a way that would alter the functionality that makes it so effective, so we instead added a range reduction to keep its power within a reasonable level. 

 Very bad.... Just because "ThE mOsT mEtA" Builds use Maximum range, that does not mean Everyone uses max range. This change only Incentivizes MORE Max Range builds, while making anything else extremely worse. That is NOT a good design. Instead it can be made to Fix the range to an Unchangeable value. The static range would still mute the 50+meters Meta nuke AoE, while allowing some other builds that use Negative Range to use the mod. That is Not going to become a problem, because in general people want Negative Duration with Divine Retribution, so they don't have to manually Uncast the spears after everything held by them is dead. Therefore having Duration can only benefit something else, and will be generally detrimental for the desired META builds.

Give people Options and you would be surprised, pigeonhole people into the same build and what you get is the same exact build, but now there are angry people too.... 😊

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1 hour ago, DrNut said:

neither of the two major issues with Garuda were fixed, but at least this caught a few issues I was tracking. Hope you guys are able to squash those Garuda bugs soon.

Hopefully, it’s been more than a year now 

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You finally release a Warframe who is fun to play on release without being busted, assure you're only doing a "minor tweak", then nerf him into the ground. Good job DE. I've been pretty happy with most of the changes since Rebecca took over, so I genuinely believed you'd fix the only problem he actually had, which was Overguard blocking Rage mechanics, but you instead hit almost everything else. Guess he's just going on the shelf with Caliban.

This is one of the few F2P games I spend money on, because I wanted to support you, but if this is how you treat your players getting something that doesn't need to be buffed a month later to be fun...

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While I typically refrain from delving into patch discussions, I feel the need to express my concerns. My disappointment stems from the decisions surrounding Dante in particular. Your game holds a special place, offering a power fantasy reminiscent of an ARPG third-person experience, which I deeply appreciate. 

The essence of enjoyment for many players lies in the feeling of empowerment within gameplay. In my opinion, nerfing should be approached sparingly, if at all, as there are numerous frames that could benefit from buffs to achieve a balanced playing field. It's worth noting that despite these changes, players continue to effectively clear content, shifting to other frames like Saryn and Mesa while still relishing the thrill of obliterating maps – a quintessential aspect of the game's appeal.

Reflecting on the game's history, it's disheartening to witness a shift in perspective. The introduction of bullet jumping, for instance, emerged from an understanding that players were having fun with the copter bug. It feels contradictory to now witness decisions that seem to counteract this understanding.

Regarding Dante specifically, while adjustments may have been warranted, targeting aspects like the team-wide overguard might have been more appropriate. It's disheartening to see players resigned to accepting lesser nerfs out of desperation, hoping to salvage some enjoyment. Players invest not only money but also time and passion into your game, and it's saddening to witness their fun being diminished.

Furthermore, regarding the Deep Archimidea mode, I believe creating false difficulty by warframe-locking players isn't ideal. Offering temporary buffs to specific warframes, akin to how Arbitration works, could provide a more balanced approach. While incentivizing players to build more frames is understandable, offering buffs to specific warframes could achieve the same goal without restricting player choice.

In conclusion, I implore you to reconsider the nerfs and strive to better serve your community. Dante's impact is not as disruptive as perceived. It's crucial to prioritize the enjoyment and satisfaction of your player base in order to maintain a thriving and supportive community. But I think you already knew that. I'm quite disappointed DE, not gonna lie.

TLDR: Remove LoS on Dante, and avoid nerfing too much!

Edited by -Elyon-
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Maybe try to make more weapons and frames viable instead of killing the new thing.

One of the reasons old players like me take breaks and most of the time dont come back is that the power creep is astonishing and all we have left is left in the dust, needs ludicrous amounts of investment to work or just use the boring things that for some reason never change 

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  • Final Verse’s “Tragedy” now only affects enemies within Line of Sight.
    • This felt like the most reasonable change to Tragedy since it could be cast back to back without much forethought on positioning. So to make it a more active ability, enemies must now be within range in your Line of Sight to be impacted by it. 




Why DE, just why? The Frame just got launched. Nerf his range or his damage numbers. But the LoS nerfs always destroy a Frame.

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23 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

While the “Divine Retribution” Augment Mod is equipped, the base range of Nezha’s Divine Spears is reduced by 50% (at all Mod Ranks).

  • We didn’t want to change the Mod in a way that would alter the functionality that makes it so effective, so we instead added a range reduction to keep its power within a reasonable level. 


This seems a bit harsh. I can understand the augment needing a little bit of a nerf, but a hit to the base ability with the augment equipped seems rough. I can see reducing the effective range of the status spread (enemies withing X meters from the enemy that was hit with status) as a better hit to the augment that doesn't hurt nezha's base kit.

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1 hour ago, Vazumongr said:

Btw for those who are upset about the Overguard 'nerfs', they buffed your net Overguard gen on Dante. As long as you can 30 kills/assists within 45 seconds, you are gaining more Overguard than you were before this patch.

Nobody cares about the OG nerfs, it was always bout LoS

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i left the game during wukong prime release period. saw dante play video, decided to come back.

dante is still in his 72 hrs crafting time. guess the fun was already over.

this ninja game is still so hung up on nerfing??? god bless u de. bye.

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"DE - We don't need 'Better' LOS.
We need it gone. It ruins his usability."


This is what people told you.
And you bump up his overguard with a fix.
It was never about the overguard in the first place.
Sure, it was better before since you didn't die while casting your 2.
But the LoS was the reason people complained about..
You never listen.
I'm .. Lost for words.

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Just now, Nero.DMC said:

Nobody cares about the OG nerfs, it was always bout LoS

There have been numerous complaints about the Overguard adjustments all throughout the forums, even the Dante and LoS Issues thread, not just this one. This just felt like the more appropriate place to put clarification that Dante's net Overguard gen was buffed, not nerfed. A lot of people seem to have misunderstood the change.

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7 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

Nobody cares about the OG nerfs, it was always bout LoS

I'll have to disagree on this, while the OG nerfs weren't nearly as bad as LoS nerfs it was still gutting dante's OG, the difference between him and styanax in terms of OG after yesterday's hotfix was literally the difference between mirage and chroma

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I actually paid cash for the Dante bundle since the frame looked cool and I thought the "wizard / bookworm" aspect was nice. I was so surprised when I started playing him that he was actually, out of the gate, useful and fun to play! Hey, these spells actually have an impact! I don't need to optimize my mods to three decimals to do damage, even at higher levels! Wow, and I can give team buffs, too - and all that while not having to target anything with pinpoint precision (difficult for me because of an old injury).

I really, really, _really_ enjoyed playing this frame, I had so much fun, and I loved the surprised "Wow, who's giving all that overguard?" or "We can't die, we have a Dante! ^^" comments in chat.


I am hugely disappointed with the nerfs, especially since the philosophy at DE used to be "release weak, then buff" - it meant new frames weren't necessarily overkill, but you also didn't have to brace for disappointment like this.
I'm going to take a break from playing, since those changes really put a damper on my enjoyment, and I don't want to be constantly reminded of how much more fun it used to be to play this warframe.

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Do you guys like to play with 60k overguard and complaining the game is to easy after?

DE isn't you game based on somes skills ? or it's an autoplay gatcha ? When will you add auto-play for the player ?

In Warframe i like the way of difficulties because it's away from some games...

Some cries because Dante got nerfed, a small nerf very low nerf, this morning pple were telling in chat, the character is still very good after yesterday nerf

Now i see what, an update specially for criers, do you imagine the game is better without him...

What i see this times is only Dante giving 60k overshield, people flexing on an easy OP frame to play, it's made the way of wanting to play a game and one shooting all easely make people happy, this sort of lazy gameplay where they gonna get bored fast also...

I don't want to see only Dante players in my party cause it's op but for something like its cool to play with him, like a wisp for example...

I prefer loose on a hard difficulties with great players than win easely with lazy criers ...

DE did make the change for something, and the truth is they did not buff him as they wanted because they saw community cries from thousand miles, they want to keep the game balanced also, make him weaker to nerf him the good way after was probably a better move (Was this a commercial move, idk but do they really need to do this...)...

Dont feel me rude but guys cmn...  The most sad is that older frame are getting worst and worst even unplayed update after update 

Where are those Nyx? Limbo? Banshee? Oberon? Trinity? at Helminth ? Its so rare to see them ... As Inaros was....

Again dont get me wrong, I dont like autoplay games, i want dash, roll, use operator varazin, for my life. Not getting invincible the hole party and oneshoting everythink


Have fun to play everyone and have a good day !



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Why would you nerf CC when it's already not being used. the current meta is kill every thing before it kills you. the best status effect in this game is death.

making CC even more useless wont do anything but make Nuke builds more popular and the go to for everyone. I don't understand what the hard on is for damage despite you guys not wanting us to focus on it. it's a level of mixed signals that I've only gotten while dating. Be clear to us if you want us to focus on damage or if you want us to go for CC or if you really want to have the game work and have both be viable and not push CC to the side like you have been doing since the sanctuary onslaught update. 

I swear to god sometimes you guys have the most terrible design choices that don't even make sense nor are they consistent in what you have said in the past.




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17 minutes ago, SunixDev said:

Do you guys like to play with 60k overguard and complaining the game is to easy after?

DE isn't you game based on somes skills ? or it's an autoplay gatcha ? When will you add auto-play for the player ?

In Warframe i like the way of difficulties because it's away from some games...

Some cries because Dante got nerfed, a small nerf very low nerf, this morning pple were telling in chat, the character is still very good after yesterday nerf

Now i see what, an update specially for criers, do you imagine the game is better without him...

What i see this times is only Dante giving 60k overshield, people flexing on an easy OP frame to play, it's made the way of wanting to play a game and one shooting all easely make people happy, this sort of lazy gameplay where they gonna get bored fast also...

I don't want to see only Dante players in my party cause it's op but for something like its cool to play with him, like a wisp for example...

I prefer loose on a hard difficulties with great players than win easely with lazy criers ...

DE did make the change for something, and the truth is they did not buff him as they wanted because they saw community cries from thousand miles, they want to keep the game balanced also, make him weaker to nerf him the good way after was probably a better move (Was this a commercial move, idk but do they really need to do this...)...

Dont feel me rude but guys cmn...  The most sad is that older frame are getting worst and worst even unplayed update after update 

Where are those Nyx? Limbo? Banshee? Oberon? Trinity? at Helminth ? Its so rare to see them ... As Inaros was....

Again dont get me wrong, I dont like autoplay games, i want dash, roll, use operator varazin, for my life. Not getting invincible the hole party and oneshoting everythink


Have fun to play everyone and have a good day !



This change makes him more of an autoplay frame, before you'd mark multiple groups of enemeis with his 3 and then activate your 4 strategically to hit them all, now you just activate 3,3,4 on every group of enemies you encounter and don't have to think at all since you won't be able to hit all the groups

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