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LoS Fixes for Dante’s Tragedy coming in next Hotfix


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Dante went from amazing to utterly useless. Both due to the recent changes and the bugs that came with them, while I can just delete enemies across the map with so many different frames, such as Saryn, which has infinite scaling.

Additionally, Dante's kit has such an incredible synergy that you can't really subsume over any of his abilities, yet what good is a synergy if it isn't strong enough to keep the player running?
I really enjoyed playing Dante day one but now he's just sitting there with the rest of the frames I own but don't play

Please revert the changes and find a different method to nerf him without ruining him :'(

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Please make Dante's Tragedy hit the same LOS targets as Dark Verse does, only in an AoE. That would be adequate (Soft LOS). This Hard LOS is extremely damaging to the usability of Dante. Thank you.

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Replying in this thread and likely going to make my own thread in the feedback category, but I want to voice my opinion on this. Like many others here, I think the change to Tragedy that made it require LoS was unwarranted and should be entirely reverted. Here's why.

1) Tragedy needs enemies to be under the effects of DoTs to do meaningful damage. The means to apply these DoTs in Dante's kit, Dark Verse, already has a LoS check. Both abilities requiring LoS is redundant and only serves to make Tragedy feel less impactful and consistent.
2) No other Final Verse requires LoS to apply its effects. Tragedy requiring LoS is an inconsistency in the functionality of the power.
3) Dante's nuking potential was never the problem. Digital Extremes has said so themselves in the very patch notes where the nerfs to Dante's damage potential were spelled out.

"After much review and feedback consideration, we recognized that it’s not the damage Dante can deal that needed to be addressed, but rather his accumulation of Overguard."

Dante's nuking in its release state did not increase the overall power level of the game. Other nukers like Saryn and Gauss could far outstrip what Dante did (without ANY LoS checks) with minimal setup.

While I understand the nerfs to Dante's overguard generation (as it was the strongest source of teamwide overguard in the game by far), I feel that the nerfs to Tragedy and Pageflight were completely unnecessary and out of left field. I reiterate, DE stated themselves that Dante's damage potential was NOT a probhlem and DID NOT NEED to be addressed.

I hope you listen to the overwhelming community feedback being presented here and revert the changes to Dante's Tragedy ability entirely instead of doubling down with half-measures and compromise.

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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)Irridescence701 said:

Is it not possible to just reduce damage dealt to enemies outside of LoS?


Say it detonates for 100% damage within LoS but if the enemy hit is outside LoS it only detonates for 50%?

That's actually kind of a cool idea.

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There's physically not enough data to consider Dante 'oppressive' except for people *@##$ing about it on the Forums. This is only killing excitement for new updates and causing distrust in the community after the last few new Frames being bad/underwhelming this whole change just needs to be reverted. Saryn, Octavia, and plenty other gets to be at the same level Dante was at with less down-sides and there's no possible way Dante has enough play-rate over 8 days to be this warranted


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3 minutes ago, Crackensan said:


This is crazy, and yet you have people here who unironically defend this as "good change". Absolutely nuts..

14 minutes ago, Minion135 said:

Abilities like this using LoS only makes sense. Thanks for the update on consistency for hitting enemies in LoS!

10 minutes ago, TennoHellGamer69 said:

well its a overpowered ability and plus with the combination of the 4th ability and to combine slash damage and ticks plus other damage types and ticks to a final damage nuke the Line of sight change is nothing since it wouldn't make sense if there were no line of sight in the ability to begin with.


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15 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

We've been poring over your comments regarding the balance changes to Dante. We want to reiterate that we are paying close attention to player feedback and taking these conversations very seriously. As with everything in Warframe, iteration is always possible, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on how Dante feels now that these alterations are in your hands. 

One of the clearest pain points from the community is the inconsistencies in Tragedy’s Line of Sight (LOS) checks, and we can confirm that the following changes are already on deck for an upcoming hotfix: 

  • Tragedy not hitting ragdolled enemies that are within LOS

  • Increasing the number of LOS checks per enemy to improve the reliability of marginal hits 

We are still actively reading your feedback and encourage you to continue to share your constructive thoughts after spending time playing Dante with the changes. Thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts with us thus far!

What about Nezha? For real needs more Range. 50% nerf is OVERKILL. Make it 25-30% at most. 

Fix LOS for Khora while your at it then please?  

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Go back to what it was, this magnitude of a nerf was UNNECESSARY! 

There should have been more time between the release and the "nerf" to gather more data. (You just released the frame!) 

He was a fun frame, and I genuinely enjoyed playing him, but that got shot that down with the nerf you gave him. 

Brozime's also given some really good feedback on what he's felt about the Dante changes, PLEASE listen to his thoughts 

Edited by Bennett-Prime
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Revert the whole last patch, it was awful, you destroyed Nezha who was finally fun to use. Destroyed Dante in one fell swoop and this isn't fixing it, "fixing" line of sight is going to go as well as "fixing" crowd control. Now there's even MORE reason to go "nuke the room frame" because almost all CC is useless now. GREAT JOB!

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1 minute ago, Vainon_ajat said:

I feel really bad that even after overwhelming majority of players wants to revert the changes, DE is still unwilling to do that.

DE can be rather stubborn and/or thickheaded when it comes to what we, the players, want.

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3 minutes ago, Valinar1 said:

The brozime video is ALL that was needed here. lol. revert it

Lol they removed the post with Brozime's video, but keep the troll posts making fun of people who Dante to be good or ask for more nerfs up.

Edited by (PSN)Arkel-99
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I hate doing forum posts but I feel like the LoS discussion for Dante's Tragedy means you really only have 2 options, Make LoS checks for all nuke abilities (Saryn Spores and 4, Volts 4, Mirage's 2 etc.) or you nerf the number and not the way it functions so it is still in line with other abilities. There's no way Dante was more disruptive to gameplay from a damage perspective than the other aforementioned frames and abilities and in that sense it also doesnt make sense to nerf nezha's augment which is a specific mod to do a specific gameplay that makes the gameplay similar to that of the other frames mentioned while sacrificing other aspects of his kit to do so.

I do think like many others have mentioned already the fact that his 3 already has LoS check should mean that Tragedy could exist without it. Again 

I don't disagree with the overguard changes although I think there's different directions that could've been made but I  also think people are overreacting on it a bit.


I will not test your new game mode until there's some form of better reflection and fix for the absolute gutting of Dante because the way I see it, if the new game mode is fun and enjoyable that will get nerfed too, atleast based on the current way things seem to be handled. 

Edit: Scratch that, I not only wont play the new game mode this whole hotfix with all the nerfs to Dante, augments and CC kinda has killed my joy to continue playing overall. Goodbye until you fully fix things.

Edited by Obitas
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Dante didn't deserve to be cut down so severely when hes a more active caster than many others between managing his pageflight and wordwarden uptimes, tome buffs, building status stacks, and invoking a few casts per major ability which can be costly for your energy. Meanwhile other frames are doing more for less like mirage, saryn, octavia, sunder titania, or even new inaros sandstorm.

Nevermind that these changes do nothing to even remotely address the biggest complaint of how his overguard interferes with teammates who want to take damage with their builds relying on rage/adrenaline or similar effects.

In future consider letting things sit longer before panic nerfing something new that hasn't even had time to settle into the power scale and find its place within the meta.

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De revert the changes with this maps that are corps ships or enclosed maps los can not keep thim at bay we need AOE Im ok with y'all decreaseing the rang but changing an attack from AOE to los is a bigger nerf that change stats. Because with stats we can mod to edit but changing how an ability work we cannot edit using mod please revert back the nerf

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Hey remember Vivergate 10 years ago? When a boatload of kneejerk nerfs and strict, punitive LoS checks were implemented? How'd that work out for DE again?

Edited by BongoSkaggs
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