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LoS Fixes for Dante’s Tragedy coming in next Hotfix


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Ain't no way you tell us that there's issues with lign of sight AFTER literally gutting Tragedy for literally no reason ( when there's other frames nuking even more than him and not limited to a single room ) when you told us some days ago that there's will be only some light changes and the main issues was overguard generation on allies ( because on the 3 and half chromas mains and some randoms playing around taking damage )

I want a refund for him if the changes for Tragedy are not reverted, and not buying anything from DE ever again.

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I can only add to the masses.

Please revert the LoS change completely. The rest, everyone can live with, I believe. But please, revert the LoS change. If you have to nerf Tragedy, please just decrease its range. LoS is simply terrible no matter how you spin it. Tragedy does no damage on its own anyway, it only works with Dark Verse, which works perfectly fine as is.

Please prove that you are not as stubborn as the previous Devteam when it comes to capricious and undeserved nerfs.

Edited by StarkillerHDX
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4 minutes ago, DanteTheHawk said:

Can we just get our refunds? I would like my plat and forma back and you can have your nerfed Warframe. 

Yep. I’d also like my resources for installing Archon shards and ascent fusion cost refunded seeing as I now have 5 Tau Shards on a frame that’s totally worthless. 

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13 minutes ago, Sarulas said:

There is no salvaging this mess, at least not with a hotfix like this. After the comments about this being a 'light adjustment' that was going to be 'carefully considered,'

There is a reason why so many people heard that and just went...


The moment they commented on Dante, those of us with a memory longer than ten minutes and a more reality based perspective knew they were going to butcher him somehow.

Adding a line of sight check to his 4 is actually how I expected them to do it. Any time they want to make something awful, they get their trainwreck of LoS code involved. Because it sounds reasonable on paper, but is absolutely dysfunctional in practice. So it ends up being a nerf nuke that allows for a lot of pretense and white knighting in their defense.

What I still don't understand is why Kullervo didn't get hit the same way by some other mega nerf. Because damage wise, he's stronger than Dante and it was apparent from the first week onwards. Maybe it's the accessibility of that power, Kullervo needs much more build investment and tweaking.

Edited by XaoGarrent
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Just now, Xynerath said:

They are aware of the community's negative connotation towards nerfs and yet they do this...

The worst part is that Rebecca said that the nerfs would be *small* not something like this, how can they expect us to trust them again when the DOUBLE DOWN on an objectively BAD DECISION IN THE EYES OF THE COMMUNITY.

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Please just revert the changes? Please. He was perfect. He was fun. He was unique. Now he’s meh. I don’t know why people saying he’s overpowered. I died playing him all the time. I play revenant and I can play mission after mission for six hours and NEVER die. Sure, regular star chart he made things a little easy, but that was with 8 total forma invested in him and noctua. Steel path he felt balanced. He even felt balanced in netracells. Wasn’t wiping maps there.

just admit it was the wrong way to do it and revert the changes and go back to the drawing board. Better yet, watch the data for longer than five days and let us have our fun. I regret paying plat for him. I was so excited to play him because he was so unique. But now it’s just bad.

It’s not just tragedy either. Triumph is also broken. Use to take two casts to hit max, now it take all your energy and 8 casts. That’s just wrong.

please just revert it.

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All you have to do is just revert the LoS changes keep the OG change how it is. If you are worried that without LoS nerf the 4 will nuke low level starchart maps then reduce its range but please just revert the LoS back

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1 minute ago, ZenithXZero said:

Full revert of these unreasonable changes. so please DE stop being stubborn and start listening to the majority we want DANTE UNBOUND NOT DANTE BOUND.

Do we have any artists in the ghread that can draw dante being bondaged down? Lol

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You have Ironically made Dante into a press 3 to win frame with casual sp testing, he plays best with Roar and spamming dark verse for the most part, I get better overall value from 4 dark verses over 2 Dark and Tragedy, and it costs the same energy, and is so very boring.

Why did you make him like this why are you bringing press button to win! he needed setup and used all his buttons, now I just spam, Dante is probably best played by Rhino with Dark Verse now lol and Nezha is still stronger despite being nerfed, 26m no los dark verse nukes at a cheaper cost.

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3 minutes ago, MightyMike87 said:

Yep. I’d also like my resources for installing Archon shards and ascent fusion cost refunded seeing as I now have 5 Tau Shards on a frame that’s totally worthless. 

I spend also Archon shards. 5 tau shards!!! oroking reactor, my time (6-7 hours) , 5 forma, like 1000 platinum. For what? For a frame that now literally doesn't exist.

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Friendly reminder that DE has not, will not, and WILL NEVER truly care about their playerbase. Pack it up and go home, folks. Any way you slice it, Dante and the Nezha augment are DOA unless they revert it. Which they won't, because why would they?

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I understand the overguard changes as he was an immortal room killer, but touching tragedy was completely unneeded seeing as so many other warframes can room wipe, corrosive hydroid and thermal sunder high range gauss as an example

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"We want to reiterate that we are paying close attention to player feedback and taking these conversations very seriously."

Interesting how many pages of "player feedback" do you need to revert frame-killing nerf? Because for 10 pages of said feedback 90%+ of msgs have the word "revert" in it.

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2 minutes ago, Amashiro said:

"We want to reiterate that we are paying close attention to player feedback and taking these conversations very seriously."

Interesting how many pages of "player feedback" do you need to revert frame-killing nerf? Because for 10 pages of said feedback 90%+ of msgs have the word "revert" in it.


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Y'all tested him plenty before releasing him. He was made powerful on purpose and it was done to make sales on Dante packs. Nerfing him after making money off his packs is shady business practice. I won't spend another dime with you guys. 

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8 minutes ago, CRimZonShinobi said:

I understand the overguard changes as he was an immortal room killer, but touching tragedy was completely unneeded seeing as so many other warframes can room wipe, corrosive hydroid and thermal sunder high range gauss as an example

The examples you just gave would go in one ear and out of the other with no resistance.

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57 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:


We appreciate the video, since it showcases the problem with the current Line of Sight checks in a very analytical and accurate way.  However, the behavior in the video is what is being fixed. See attached video for the upcoming improvements to how we check for LOS that were mentioned in the first post.

We don't like the changes, is it too hard to understand ? REVERT THEM

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