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Everything posted by TheMadCash

  1. I honestly did not know this. now im wondering if I should just take off my range mods & just leave the range at base.
  2. He can't continuously change elements. As soon as you lock 2 elements. Its lock. You can't change unless you activate an ability. If someone like Dante can change verses on the fly without being lock. I think the same change needs to come to a frame like Lavos. Especially if you not good at remembering element button combos or accidental element combo. You should be able to override.
  3. Jeez DE. 11 pages & counting of ppl telling you to revert the Los. I hope you guys are reading the comments
  4. The mode wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be. Could've been my loadouts that probably was the reason why but I didn't have weapons or a frame that could one shot. I had Cedo & Dual Toxicists. I had fun. I dunno about the rewards tho but I also didn't know what I expected either. I just think if you're adding a super difficult mode that can only be played once a week then the rewards should be the best in the game. I mean shards are cool but I don't use them on every frame. Plus even if I did. I only use like 2 or 3. Unless it's a frame I really like then I use all 5. But for right now. The rewards are meh
  5. Mine was decent. Mine were Nyx (Easy armor strip), Dual Toxicists & Cedo. Not a bad week to start
  6. Revert LOS. Los is not & never has been a great thing for a game like Warframe. Terrible nerf. Pls revert. #RevertDante
  7. I just hope Ivara Prime keeps her nice looking invisible effect cause I always liked it. It being changed to her looking more plain transparent is not something I want for her. I like her the way she is.
  8. Same issue. Keeps defaulting me to my Pc account even tho I want to log in with my Xbox info since I have more engagement & such on there. Idk if it's even lost but mad annoying.
  9. It’s all the way at the bottom of the site page. Like the very bottom. You’ll see where it says “theme”
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