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Randomized loadout refresh DAILY!!?? Potential predatory practice.

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Yesterday, i've done my first regular DA run with Sevagoth, Vectis Prime, Ocucor and Mire. My Vectis Prime and Mire were really lackluster (and my Ocucor had the wrong build on it), but thankfully my Sevagoth don't need them to delete everything. However for DA Elite, since it used THE SAME Warframe/Primary/Secondary/Melee selection, i wanted to have better builds on my Vectis and Mire, so i went to do the usual thing (forma, leveling, you know the drill). Then I went to bed.

And right now, after login to the game to put my loadout to test with DA Elite, i discover that everything i've prepared went to nought because Warframe/Primary/Secondary/Melee selection has been randomized again after daily reset time! Even if the menu say the reset is expected in 2 days+ (for weekly reset).

WTF? Is that normal? Do we have only 24h to prepare the randomized loadout for the run? How the hell are we expected to tackle the challenge with such a time window?

This is BS, even more since my new selection is even worst than the previous one…

EDIT: And if this is intentional, this is predatory too! Incentivizing to use various warframes and weapons is a good thing, sure, but most players don't have all the stuff in the game, and don't already have a build for every single one of them. And it takes time, formas, potatoes, exilus and arcane adapters to prepare them for the challenge. With so little time, the player can be pushed to skip farming and crafting and instead bying them directly on the market.

In my case, i used formas and adapters on my Vectis Prime and Mire. I already had them, but i have very little stock of them. And now theses ressources have been completely wasted because i never intended to use these weapons before, and certainly will never use them afterward. It's depressing and leaves me with a very bad feel of this game mode.

Edited by Yulfan
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  • Yulfan changed the title to Randomized loadout refresh DAILY!!?? Potential predatory practice.

Ya. I had Mirage/Lex/Fragor, soaked in 6 forma, 5 archon shards, an incarnon adapter, an exilus for both the frame and the secondary, AND bought a mod for mirage in order to see it all be rerolled. I know it's likely a bug, but I still spent about 150 plat worth of resources(formas and adapters.. not counting farming up helminth bile in my math) only for it to all be wasted in the reroll, and that feels pretty bad 

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Imagine all 4 of your categories are garbage. No daily reset means the mode is effectively locked for the entire week. Imagine if duviri had one set of stuff all week without any way to change it (persists through all runs without changing). That; sis the equivalent of what you are suggesting.

We need a reset on this. It does need to be clearly labeled, though, which is the only legitimate point you bring up.

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Posted (edited)
il y a 53 minutes, Void2258 a dit :

Imagine all 4 of your categories are garbage. No daily reset means the mode is effectively locked for the entire week. Imagine if duviri had one set of stuff all week without any way to change it (persists through all runs without changing). That; sis the equivalent of what you are suggesting.

We need a reset on this. It does need to be clearly labeled, though, which is the only legitimate point you bring up.

I totally agree. I'm not advocating for removing this daily reset, but my case is showing that:

  1. The fact that there is no indication anywhere that the loadout is reset daily can lead to being bamboozled like i was.
  2. We can't comfortably prepare a loadout that we may consider as viable for our future run, even though it is a weekly mission.

Unlike the Circuit were the quality of the loadout rolls is traded for their quantity (timer of only few hours and ability to force a reroll), we have no way of influencing DA's rolls. If this daily reroll is meant to stay, we should at least be able to reroll it (to create the same dynamic than the Circuit) and/or lock it to prevent an unwanted reroll.

I didn't made a suggestion before but here is mine now:

Make the reroll manual. And to prevent abuse, either add a cost to it (with Vosfor for example) or limit how many reroll you can do per day.

Edited by Yulfan
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JUST TODAY it went from being doable with titania, ferrox, nuka kuvor and tatsu prime, then the choices reset and it was buildable with loki, nataruk, laetum and broken war but I spend all god damn morning building for it to reset again and the only choice I have built is CINTA and there's just no way I can put myself building another frame just for this especially when I've already had my options swapped out twice today

Edited by Astrolobos
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3 minutes ago, Astrolobos said:

JUST TODAY it went from being doable with titania, ferrox, nuka kuvor and tatsu prime, then the choices reset and it was buildable with loki, nataruk, laetum and broken war but I spend all god damn morning building for it to reset again and the only choice I have built is CINTA and there's just no way I can put myself building another frame just for this especially when I've already had my options swapped out twice today

oh yeah, I almost forgot that I spent all my vosfor trying to get arcanes for frames I don't have the option to choose anymore so now all that's down the drain, I bought augments for titania and loki and I had to buy forma off the market just so I thought I'd be up for an attempt at elite archimedea with the frames I had the choice of today but this was before DE pulled the rug out from under me yet again

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Today I wanted to try the new elite mode. I looked at what I could use. Everything was different from yesterday. All warframes and weapons were different, even DE said they would reset on MONDAY.

I thought it was becouse we were going into elite, so I've spent 3 HOURS and 18 FORMAS to get everything ready for such a challenge. And when we were going to start IT HAS CHANGED AGAIN. It is FRIDAY EVENING here in europe , not MONDAY. Why do they reset? Whos is going to return to me my 3 hours? and the 6 forma in the Attica to see it is worse than I thought, or the 6 formas in Komorex to never use it again, or the 2 extra formas on Ash to make him ultra defensive, or the 4 formas on the Venkas?

You said it would reset every monday. I used to trust you. What is the point on reseting this twice a day? How are we going to prepare for this if we use every forma we have and then our efford is worthless? Do we get our time back? I have limited time to play after work. And we couldn't play because we had a plan and 3 hours later it was monday so we couldn't use everything we prepared based on a 3 hour previous planning.

If you anounce some rules, like it resets on monday, KEEP THEM. If cry babies don't like them, change them the next monday, so you don't  mess with all the other players trying to play the way you said.

You earned my trust for years. Why throwing everithing away this way?


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In the last hotfix thread released 3 hours ago, they said that the daily reset was a mistake and they reverted the loadout selection back to what it was the first time…

Spoiler: It did not. Instead there is yet another selection of unappealing warframes and weapons i never bothered to craft and/or build.

Thankfully, i already completed my Elite DA run. Since the last stage of rewards are just 50 pitiful Vosfor, we are able to ditch one line of the loadout selection and bring a warframe or a weapon we find useful and fun to use (contrary to all the other stuff we never bother to use forma/potatoes/adapters on for a reason…).

In my case, i went with Sevagoth (which was luckily in my original loadout selection before all the rerolls shenanigans) which is a warframe that i really like and have played long enough to understand it's playstyle, it's pro and it's cons, and that i want to bring in the most difficult missions to push it to it's limits and to challenge my mastery of it. Like i already did with The Fragmented One during WitW.

And honestly, Deep Archimedea is in the end really underwhelming. It's just 3 regular missions back to back with enemies more or less buffed. Nothing original. I tried to play along the first time, but now i already don't care anymore. Next week i will also ditch one line of the selection and bring my Sevagoth once again, and tweak my build to face the modifiers and missions. And like that Deep Archimedea already became an unexciting weekly chore…

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I logged in yesterday right when it came out, spent formas, shards, even combined some tauforged etc. By the time I was ready to go, the loadout changed. I repeated the same process for my Ash and Atomos, completed normal mode then in preparation for elite I really invested hard into him and my weapons. Went to bed, went to work, came home and now changed a second time and to complete garbage loadout. DE, I'm not having fun here. This is frustrating and I wasted a tonne of resources on formas, creating and swapping shards and potatoes etc. My friend did the same. When he realized it had all switched a second time he just said F this and logged off. Having the loadout change once mid week is a good idea, but no more or less than that and be VERY clear and transparent about it.

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"Deep Archimedea missions, modifiers, deviations and risk variables" actually if you VERY carefully look at the wording, it doesn't say Warframe and weapons loadouts. If they mean for you not to interpret that from the word "modifiers". It might be technically correct, but that is not the best kind of correct in patch notes.

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