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DE should give console players more graphical options to disable.

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This is mostly a request for older consoles (PS4, XBONE, Switch), because there are some graphical options that are tanking performance even tile-wise. I don't know if you guys remember the volumetric fog crashes on PS5, they had to turn of volumetric fog themselves because there wasn't an option for us to do so by ourselves. 

Well turns out that in Dante Unbound with the addition of new tiles for the Labs, in PS4 (afaik) when you enter said tiles the framerate drops significally even if the other older tiles of the labs in the same mission run perfectly fine... And I think it's the volumetric fog causing those slowdowns, but since it's not crashing our games it's not been reported. I said it might be the VF because playing today I noticed that these new tiles are full of fog while the older tiles are crispy clean.

It's frustrating that DE is neglecting older consoles while focusing more on mobile (I know it's the hot thing but still). PS4 can handle Warframe just fine because before Dante Unbound I had to play in full on low settings because the game was unplayable with other graphical options turn on but since the update I have mostly all on and it runs beautifully. It's an optimization problem and if they keep doing us like that it will remain the same. 

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yeah, DE want the game to *technically* run on anything, but the fact is that over time, older consoles are just gonna struggle more and more and eventually there's got to be a point where they drop support for the last-gen. console and PC gamers alike all have to move with the times at some point, just gotta hope you can afford an upgrade when the time comes, or start saving up for one.

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I do agree that consoles can do work more settings for graphics. But last gen is quite old now and ain't going to last forever, they probably are better of dropping support for them over trying to optimise for hardware that was replaced 3.5 years ago. Modern day phones are more capable of running the game then last gen due to how long it been.

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Posted (edited)

I understand that the older generation is going to have trouble keeping up but when the game is giving crashes to 4090's because an optimization mistake, I am just asking them to give us more ways to fight those mistakes and optimize better. 

Edited by Poloslash18
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