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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Didn't like it

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Not only does the story of this quest basically boil down to one of those military action movies about soldiers with a dead wife who they loved so much, the "writing" for Jade was extremely disappointing. The way she was portrayed made her a female character whose entire role is to be somebody's pregnant wife and then die. You've shown before that you're fully capable of writing very good female characters not defined by their relationships to men, which is why I found this extra annoying.

The writing in this game has been extremely good before, even as recently as whispers in the walls, but releasing this during pride month after teasing so much that this was "something really special that shouldn't be spoiled" feels like a slap in the face.

I'm sure a lot of hard work went into this quest, the production value was phenomenal and it sets up some really interesting plot threads I'm looking forward to seeing you expand upon, but I just can't get over how safe and tone deaf the story felt.

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100% agree, and I'm glad people are talking about it. I was looking forward to Jade as a character so much, and her role in the quest was... that. The fact that she's apparently still pregnant as the playable frame is even worse, because it serves as a reminder that that was the whole point of her.

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You're far braver than I am - I had been hovering with my mouse over the post button on a very similar new thread. 

I'm a cis woman who's married to a trans woman, and you can imagine how much of a slap in the face this felt like for both of us, based on the theories that have been going around. I know there are other female frames, I know it was a theory with no evidence, yada yada yada... But still. God, it feels really bad that they went as cishet as possible for a quest during pride month. I know they donate to LGBT charities, which I'm SO grateful for, of course.

Even disregarding all of that, it feels really bad from a woman's perspective that there's an entirely new Warframe who's entire purpose was to get pregnant and then die for yet another Sad Man Has to Do the Mom Thing and Watch a Baby plot, of which there's already a billion. 

Idk. I also really, really hope there's some kind of way to turn off the visuals of the pregnancy on Jade. I don't even usually get squicked out by pregnancy, but just the messaging here is making it me feel a little nauseous at the idea of actually playing her or being in a squad with her.

Edited by PorpitaPorpita
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I will say one thing: the idea of it is...interesting.

I can only assume the premise is that she was turned into a warframe while pregnant, and that is what's been draining her energy. In a vacuum, that can raise some questions about how certain biological processes are affected during the process of becoming a warframe and what sorts of things linger when copies of the original are made.

That being said...yeah this was not handled well. At all.


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Too short for me to build an emotional connection - unless you're almost entirely filling in the void from your own experiences, I guess. 

I'm usually pretty sentimental and easy to get. But I have to have something to latch onto, first, and this was WAY too fast.

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23 minutes ago, mac10smg--Toa_of_Green said:

I will say one thing: the idea of it is...interesting.

I can only assume the premise is that she was turned into a warframe while pregnant, and that is what's been draining her energy. In a vacuum, that can raise some questions about how certain biological processes are affected during the process of becoming a warframe and what sorts of things linger when copies of the original are made.

That being said...yeah this was not handled well. At all.


In addition to what others have said, they just really didn't flesh out what Jade was doing between becoming a Warframe and the present day well at all. Other Warframe backstory quests and Leverians give us a pretty solid idea of their pre-Old War role (Protea guarded Parvos, Voruna watched over Continuity, Dagath was a former Dax/rich couple's paramour, Dante was a researcher, Saryn was created to combat the Infestation, Inaros was God-Emperor of Mars, Mirage was destroyed fighting the Sentients, etc.). 

Jade has ties to the Jade Light which has been given a lot of focus in other Orokin lore, but we still know barely anything about it. Is Jade THE Jade Light, or just channelling it through her abilities? Does she show up every time someone is given to the Jade Light? Was she just the Council's executioner or did she have other duties? Was the pregnancy draining her energy for all those millenia, or is that a recent thing? The opening of the quest implies that she was active for a while post-Old War and ended up saving Stalker before becoming inactive, but doesn't give us any details. There's meant to be something special about her 'sparing' Stalker but we don't know what that really means because we have no context on the people she didn't spare.  We don't even know the difference between a 'Guardian' like Stalker and a Dax.

It feels strange that the more basic Leverians and quests of yore told us much more about the focus Warframe's role and character in addition to sprinkling in worldbuilding. It felt more like a Stalker-centric quest with Jade as a plot device.

Edited by Shinoyami65
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12 minutes ago, Shinoyami65 said:

In addition to what others have said, they just really didn't flesh out what Jade was doing between becoming a Warframe and the present day well at all. Other Warframe backstory quests and Leverians give us a pretty solid idea of their pre-Old War role (Protea guarded Parvos, Voruna watched over Continuity, Dagath was a former Dax/rich couple's paramour, Dante was a researcher, Saryn was created to combat the Infestation, Inaros was God-Emperor of Mars, Mirage was destroyed fighting the Sentients, etc.). 

Jade has ties to the Jade Light which has been given a lot of focus in other Orokin lore, but we still know barely anything about it. Is Jade THE Jade Light, or just channelling it through her abilities? Does she show up every time someone is given to the Jade Light? Was she just the Council's executioner or did she have other duties? Was the pregnancy draining her energy for all those millenia, or is that a recent thing? The opening of the quest implies that she was active for a while post-Old War and ended up saving Stalker before becoming inactive, but doesn't give us any details. There's meant to be something special about her 'sparing' Stalker but we don't know what that really means because we have no context on the people she didn't spare.  We don't even know the difference between a 'Guardian' like Stalker and a Dax.

It feels strange that the more basic Leverians and quests of yore told us much more about the focus Warframe's role and character in addition to sprinkling in worldbuilding. It felt more like a Stalker-centric quest with Jade as a plot device.

The importance of Jade saving stalker was that they were a couple pre-warframe, or at least I think that was what the quest was getting at.

But that's the only thing I can say for certain because everything else either wasn't elaborated on or is just the, well, problematic stuff.

Seriously, the conversations between Parvos and Ordis while running the new mission provides more context than the actual quest, and that kinda frustrated me a bit.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb PorpitaPorpita:

Idk. I also really, really hope there's some kind of way to turn off the visuals of the pregnancy on Jade. I don't even usually get squicked out by pregnancy, but just the messaging here is making it me feel a little nauseous at the idea of actually playing her or being in a squad with her.

very much with you on that, just so not fitting imo. hell, i feel like she should be not pregnant in the playable version. for the quest version (aka npc) its "ok", but that constant reminder of what i will never be able to do, even if i wanted, nope

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It felt like a later Stalker quest. Like after we had more New War backstory, hints at his past during The Fall, exploring his actions with Hunhow, why Hunhow seemed to act like a fatherly/moral figure, how and why he was involved with Duviri, already knew his name was Sorren and had a waifu before becoming a Low Guardian, etc. But they just skipped all that backstory and emotional investment and started at the middle.

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The plus side is that it was short.

Its another quest that has us slowly walking towards something, never fun.  Also the corpus chick giving a #*!% that stalker had a baby in his arms seemed pretty out of place.

Some cool environment art, and we didn't do potato damage in it so I guess those are pluses too.

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2 hours ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

You're far braver than I am - I had been hovering with my mouse over the post button on a very similar new thread. 

I'm a cis woman who's married to a trans woman, and you can imagine how much of a slap in the face this felt like for both of us, based on the theories that have been going around. I know there are other female frames, I know it was a theory with no evidence, yada yada yada... But still. God, it feels really bad that they went as cishet as possible for a quest during pride month. I know they donate to LGBT charities, which I'm SO grateful for, of course.

Even disregarding all of that, it feels really bad from a woman's perspective that there's an entirely new Warframe who's entire purpose was to get pregnant and then die for yet another Sad Man Has to Do the Mom Thing and Watch a Baby plot, of which there's already a billion. 

Idk. I also really, really hope there's some kind of way to turn off the visuals of the pregnancy on Jade. I don't even usually get squicked out by pregnancy, but just the messaging here is making it me feel a little nauseous at the idea of actually playing her or being in a squad with her.

uh huh ok

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2 hours ago, Shinoyami65 said:

In addition to what others have said, they just really didn't flesh out what Jade was doing between becoming a Warframe and the present day well at all. Other Warframe backstory quests and Leverians give us a pretty solid idea of their pre-Old War role (Protea guarded Parvos, Voruna watched over Continuity, Dagath was a former Dax/rich couple's paramour, Dante was a researcher, Saryn was created to combat the Infestation, Inaros was God-Emperor of Mars, Mirage was destroyed fighting the Sentients, etc.). 

Jade has ties to the Jade Light which has been given a lot of focus in other Orokin lore, but we still know barely anything about it. Is Jade THE Jade Light, or just channelling it through her abilities? Does she show up every time someone is given to the Jade Light? Was she just the Council's executioner or did she have other duties? Was the pregnancy draining her energy for all those millenia, or is that a recent thing? The opening of the quest implies that she was active for a while post-Old War and ended up saving Stalker before becoming inactive, but doesn't give us any details. There's meant to be something special about her 'sparing' Stalker but we don't know what that really means because we have no context on the people she didn't spare.  We don't even know the difference between a 'Guardian' like Stalker and a Dax.

It feels strange that the more basic Leverians and quests of yore told us much more about the focus Warframe's role and character in addition to sprinkling in worldbuilding. It felt more like a Stalker-centric quest with Jade as a plot device.

Yeah, my big thing with the quest is it basically drops questions. But unless you really consider Stalkers name as a reveal, not a whole lot of info.

We don’t know how or why either of the two became a Warframe. We see a brief diorama of Jade saving Stalker from an Excal, which implies both were frames during the collapse.

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I thought the quest was great I wasn't expecting that twist at all and it was nice to get some development on the Stalker.  I'm really curious where his story will take him next, but DE really did a phenomenal job.   I also really like the final section and it ended on a neat sequence, personally I felt it was just the right length, it didn't drag on longer than it needed to, which I appreciate because it's more time for the event. 

I don't expect everyone to like the same things I do, or even like this story - which is perfectly fine. However reading some of these comments have me scratching my head. This was a clearly a family-oriented quest, and death at childbirth is a classic old trope, which has been used in plenty of stories. I understand not liking it, but for this case it served it's purpose for the story DE wanted to tell. 

It being pride month is completely irrelevant and pretty disrespectful to the Devs to say the work they put into this was "bad" because they didn't cater to you. Pregnancy is completely normal and natural, and while it was unexpected it does not take away from the story. If something like that angers you, then I think you have other problems you need to worry about. 

I say this with all due respect - but get a grip and come back to reality. 

Edited by Juebev
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10 minutes ago, sXeth said:

Yeah, my big thing with the quest is it basically drops questions. But unless you really consider Stalkers name as a reveal, not a whole lot of info.

We don’t know how or why either of the two became a Warframe. We see a brief diorama of Jade saving Stalker from an Excal, which implies both were frames during the collapse.

Yeah, it's vaguely implied that they were turned into Warframes as punishment for having a child and violating the Legems, but it's still very sparse on details. 

The scene of Jade saving Stalker could definitely have used more context timeline-wise. Was it during the Collapse, in which case the Tenno also tried to kill Stalker and then he and Jade just ran off together, or was it in the "present day" when he was already hunting Warframes? Has Stalker just been carrying Jade around with him from one villainous lair to another since the game's release? How did Jade feel about the rebellion against the people who turned her into a murder machine for daring to have a child? The quest just didn't give us much information on Jade when she should have been sharing the spotlight with Stalker.

Edited by Shinoyami65
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@ all of the people who liked it: that's great and i'm happy for you. but you know you can start your own thread talking about the things you liked about it, instead of getting mad in this thread that people didn't like it/things about it?

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3 hours ago, OxiumHeart said:

100% agree, and I'm glad people are talking about it. I was looking forward to Jade as a character so much, and her role in the quest was... that. The fact that she's apparently still pregnant as the playable frame is even worse, because it serves as a reminder that that was the whole point of her.

She got put in a fridge for a character that lacks any real establishment at all. This has to be a joke.

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3 hours ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

You're far braver than I am - I had been hovering with my mouse over the post button on a very similar new thread. 

I'm a cis woman who's married to a trans woman, and you can imagine how much of a slap in the face this felt like for both of us, based on the theories that have been going around. I know there are other female frames, I know it was a theory with no evidence, yada yada yada... But still. God, it feels really bad that they went as cishet as possible for a quest during pride month. I know they donate to LGBT charities, which I'm SO grateful for, of course.

Even disregarding all of that, it feels really bad from a woman's perspective that there's an entirely new Warframe who's entire purpose was to get pregnant and then die for yet another Sad Man Has to Do the Mom Thing and Watch a Baby plot, of which there's already a billion. 

Idk. I also really, really hope there's some kind of way to turn off the visuals of the pregnancy on Jade. I don't even usually get squicked out by pregnancy, but just the messaging here is making it me feel a little nauseous at the idea of actually playing her or being in a squad with her.

Yeah, this was... a miss in perhaps every possible way. I was excited for Jade in concept but I'm not really sure now that I've played the quest and there's the unremovable pregnancy orb. It's so disappointingly heterosexual, especially for all the buildup they did - heavy spoiler warnings, all the 'Jade is a reflection of the Stalker' stuff, the trailer/promo images with Jade walking into the Stalker's landing craft(which doesn't even happen! she's dying and then dead the entire time!), and what do we get? Sad bad man is a father now.

There isn't even anything on like, the 'Stalker is secretly a tenno and sad about it' side - no transference into Jade, no nothing.
'Was I one of these wretched things?' my ass - apparently he wasn't at all!

Edited by ChangelingRain
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33 minutes ago, Juebev said:

I thought the quest was great I wasn't expecting that twist at all and it was nice to get some development on the Stalker.  I'm really curious where his story will take him next, but DE really did a phenomenal job.   I also really like the final section and it ended on a neat sequence, personally I felt it was just the right length, it didn't drag on longer than it needed to, which I appreciate because it's more time for the event. 

I don't expect everyone to like the same things I do, or even like this story - which is perfectly fine. However reading some of these comments have me scratching my head. This was a clearly a family-oriented quest, and death at childbirth is a classic old trope, which has been used in plenty of stories. I understand not liking it, but for this case it served it's purpose for the story DE wanted to tell. 

It being pride month is completely irrelevant and pretty disrespectful to the Devs to say the work they put into this was "bad" because they didn't cater to you. Pregnancy is completely normal and natural, and while it was unexpected it does not take away from the story. If something like that angers you, then I think you have other problems you need to worry about. 

I say this with all due respect - but get a grip and come back to reality. 

The ''dead wife'' and ''death at childbirth'' trope is not inherently bad,because those are usually just minor,plot device characters that are meant to push the protagonists story forward. From a writing point of view,I'd expect the playable character,who I'm supposed to get invested into and who I'm going to spend maybe years playing to be more than a plot device,a character who can stand on their own without someone else.


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29 minutes ago, itsmeappo said:

@ all of the people who liked it: that's great and i'm happy for you. but you know you can start your own thread talking about the things you liked about it, instead of getting mad in this thread that people didn't like it/things about it?

^good for you if you enjoyed it but this thread is already getting people strawmanning what I said and completely ignoring my points to go on unrelated rants. There's more productive ways to have your voice be heard than hijacking feedback from someone you disagree with

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I personally didn't liked it because it felt rushed, it tried to be an important short story with a WTF/shocking moment like the Apostasy Prologue but with the emotional impact of The Sacrifice, the Kahl section of the New War had more emotional impact that this quest.

There is a lack of character development by Jade's part, bad story phasing and out of character moments.


Pregancy doesn't count as character development. The fact that everyone talks about Stalker and the baby but not the quest itself and Jade should tell you everything. Other out of character moments, the player doesn't involve in the quest, the Corpus sudenly having mercy and doesn't want to profit for Parvos. They could have involved the Stalker Disciples in the final part.

They could had repeated The Sacrifice chase but with Stalker chasing after Jade.

  1. Jade search for Warframe food or something around the Starchart.
  2. Stalker encounters Jade for the first time and gets a connection with her.
  3. He gets visions after some encounters with Jade.
  4. Stalker learns what Jade is doing and her condition.
  5. Stalkers defends Jade against a faction(Corpus or Grineer or The Indiference)

6. After everything calms down, Jade gives birth, Stalker remembers her.

7. She disolves and Stalkers have the baby in his arms.

8. He goes into hiding.


Edited by chofranc
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