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Jade's quest and her in-game model after the quest

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Nice to know that I'm not the only one. It isn't a dealbreaker for me personally, although it isn't helping my frustration and disappointment when added to the other issues with her (like how they gutted her exalt). Ultimately though, DE isn't going to change her model so this entire thread is just pointless beyond venting into the void.

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I'm inclined to agree here. The design is cool, but it feels very off putting bringing a Warframe that is literally pregnant to battle.

If anything it feels morally wrong. I'm ok with it design wise because I understand the point of it from a story perspective. But it just feels kinda awkward. I love the frame and her abilities, but something about taking a pregnant woman to battle feels kind of morally wrong.

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We have a month dedicated to being inclusive and celebrating all forms of a person's shape and lifestyle. You won't find that in this thread. And quite frankly, the morally wrong excuse is insulting.

Edited by Sammonoske
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6 minutes ago, Sammonoske said:

We have a month dedicated to being inclusive and celebrating all forms of a person's shape and lifestyle. You won't find that in this thread. And quite frankly, the morally wrong excuse is insulting.

Someone that finally isn't insulted by well, ANYTHING? Wow happy to see it. Lore wise frames we have rn are REPLICAS. So it wouldn't make sense for us to well, be able to remove a part of one. 

No, we are not carrying new child and no it is not weird cause our biology≠warframe biology. If it did, we would not have witnessed this scene cause Jade was in this state propably from before the fall of orokin era. It's literally just a pregnant warframe with an implication of a child, cmon guys..

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25 minutes ago, Sammonoske said:

We have a month dedicated to being inclusive and celebrating all forms of a person's shape and lifestyle. You won't find that in this thread. And quite frankly, the morally wrong excuse is insulting.

For me, it's not about being uncomfortable with the shape of her body. I literally don't care. It's the moral aspect of bringing someone who's pregnant into a place with guns and blades and other things that kill you that I have a problem with. 

Not to bring an IRL situation into this, but imagine purposely bringing a pregnant person into a situation like this (well not EXACTLY like this, but you get the idea). Not only is the person with child, the person is at a very dangerous risk safety wise along with their unborn child. Again, I don't care that the frame was/is pregnant, it just doesn't feel right to bring that into a game like this.

I don't care if the frame is gay, straight, non-binary, trans, or whatever. It's the idea of a pregnant person being shot at. That's why it doesn't feel right.

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23 minutes ago, BluszczXD said:

Someone that finally isn't insulted by well, ANYTHING? Wow happy to see it. Lore wise frames we have rn are REPLICAS. So it wouldn't make sense for us to well, be able to remove a part of one. 

No, we are not carrying new child and no it is not weird cause our biology≠warframe biology. If it did, we would not have witnessed this scene cause Jade was in this state propably from before the fall of orokin era. It's literally just a pregnant warframe with an implication of a child, cmon guys..


39 minutes ago, Sammonoske said:

We have a month dedicated to being inclusive and celebrating all forms of a person's shape and lifestyle. You won't find that in this thread. And quite frankly, the morally wrong excuse is insulting.

it's not about being offended but how comfortable it is with the idea of how Jade looks as a playable character.


and your arguments about how she looks has nothing to do with a a factual state of a character that makes you feel uneasy to play as.


it's not how she looks, but the idea of what she is/presents by how she looks. 

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We play sociopathic child soldiers who murder people far far weaker than up en masse. We are the terror of the solar system. Bringing a pregnant warframe into battle, while certainly an unusual design choice, isn't any more "wrong" than anything else we do. I'm confused as to why this bothers people and honestly suspect it has more to do with pregnancy as a concept.

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2 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

I'm confused as to why this bothers people and honestly suspect it has more to do with pregnancy as a concept.

I can't speak for everyone on this, but for me personally, having a playable character that's perpetually pregnant isn't the issue. If they wanted a "mother" Warframe that's totally fine; but my issue is with how they went about it. Story wise, it doesn't make sense why we rebuild her and she's still pregnant if she gave birth in the mission. Either way, like I mentioned before, they showed us the concept drawing of Jade and told us her theme was angelic. I understand they didn't want to give away the whole story by telling us she's pregnant, but in all her promo art and even the picture with her alternate helmet she's noticeably less bulky, all her wings/feathers lay closer to her body and give a nicer silhouette. Personally, the moral implications aside, I couldn't care less if she was pregnant or not, I just don't like that she, visually, isn't what they hyped us up for. I've already played her, I like some of her abilities and she's already mastered and put on the shelf. Completely avoiding a frame because you don't like their appearance is a bit strange, I've mastered many framed I don't like the look of, but after reading the reasons people have it would be nice if DE handled Jade with a bit more care.

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39 minutes ago, Aeratin said:

I can't speak for everyone on this, but for me personally, having a playable character that's perpetually pregnant isn't the issue. If they wanted a "mother" Warframe that's totally fine; but my issue is with how they went about it. Story wise, it doesn't make sense why we rebuild her and she's still pregnant if she gave birth in the mission. Either way, like I mentioned before, they showed us the concept drawing of Jade and told us her theme was angelic. I understand they didn't want to give away the whole story by telling us she's pregnant, but in all her promo art and even the picture with her alternate helmet she's noticeably less bulky, all her wings/feathers lay closer to her body and give a nicer silhouette. Personally, the moral implications aside, I couldn't care less if she was pregnant or not, I just don't like that she, visually, isn't what they hyped us up for. I've already played her, I like some of her abilities and she's already mastered and put on the shelf. Completely avoiding a frame because you don't like their appearance is a bit strange, I've mastered many framed I don't like the look of, but after reading the reasons people have it would be nice if DE handled Jade with a bit more care.

Yea I don't get it. Pregnancy is not weird or uncomfortable to me, and doesn't look freaky or anything imo. And I don't think there's anything more wrong with a permanently pregnant angelic warframe than anything else involved with the tenno.

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22 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Yea I don't get it. Pregnancy is not weird or uncomfortable to me, and doesn't look freaky or anything imo. And I don't think there's anything more wrong with a permanently pregnant angelic warframe than anything else involved with the tenno.

I don't think anyone here is saying pregnancy is weird, and it's totally fine if you don't see other peoples perspective. I can respect that you and many others have no issues with Jade, but it's important that DE is aware of the people that do have feedback. Whether or not they do anything about it is up to them. Nobody wants to take away the Jade they gave us, some of us just want an alternative. I see no harm in allowing people to voice their concerns, especially when there are many with the same one. Again, your opinion is valid but so are the others.

Edited by Aeratin
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Hey, pregnant women have been killed on the front line in Ukraine, DE is a very modern studio.

Imagine playing Jade and the Stalker just shows up and mercs his (former?) partner and unborn child.

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I have to agree that is very disturbing to have a baby in the battlefield (even if from sci-fi imaginary character) 

I aways have that unsettling sentiment that's is very wrong to have a soon to be mother and her baby into fire. 

The gestational period is a very delicate and beautiful moment that the mother and her baby should be safe to have the child to be born in the best environment. 

Can you please at least make a skin to play with jade without she being pregnant? 

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Yeah I am feeling a bit of the same way about it. The quest is fine, her being pregnant and giving birth during the quest is fine. My issue like most peoples is bringing a pregnant warframe into battle, that's the issue I have. 

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I didn't really consider this when using Jade myself since I only see her from the back, but seeing Jade from the other perspective, when someone else is using her, is truly disturbing and makes me uncomfortable.

She reveals her glowing belly which is identical to the one she has in the quest, clearly signifying she is in her pregnant form. As a somewhat fresh father myself, seeing a pregnant woman on a battlefield is truly disturbing, even if it's hidden behind the sci-fi setting.

I would personally appreciate if DE gave Jade a alternate look without her pregnant belly or at least without the glowing fetus in it. I know this is just my own opinion but once more people will have Jade it's going to be really uncomfortable to play the game with Jade flying everywhere.

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The quest was great and all, but seeing her in-game pregnant model in a battle with energy projectiles flying left and right is giving me the heebie-jeebies.

Especially when her 4 is active, it becomes extremely off putting. She hovers in the air, fully exposing her belly, while it glows. Brightly.

I'm starting to feel guilty about the idea of taking her to a battlefield.

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I get why DE might have thought it was a cool idea..... but I'm surprised they didn't forsee there being this reaction to it.


There are many reasons why playing as a pregnant character is going to be uncomfortable for some people... and while the argument is "those people can just choose not to play as Jade", they can't really choose not to be in a squad or relay with one.  And we have the toggle option for stuff - there is no reason the pregnancy couldn't be a toggle for those who want to add the belly on if they wanted (though that just feels ick)


I'm uncomfortable with the idea of playing as a pregnant warframe, and not because I have a problem with pregnancy.  As a mother (who has therefore been pregnant) - it seems unconscionable for me to choose to take a baby into battle.  The idea makes me really uncomfortable, which is such a shame because I was looking forward to the "angel" warframe she was made out to be.

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My husband bought jade kollection for 800plat. Finally a new female frame... he put the noble idle on her.. went out.. she move her wings.. showns her belly.. husband angry at DE and deinstalled warframe -_- 

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As people said here and on other posts, having a frame that was sold as the 'anchelic choir' frame now also a grim reminder of personal experiences with child / mother /wife loss is not a great move from DE. Again, this is not about politics or whatever, more about communication from the devs to the playerbase. Don't think we want the frame after to be missing an arm and a leg cause, well' you know at this point.

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Yes but playing child soldiers is much more morally sound. I honestly love the design, and even if they gave you guys a skin, I'd be playing Warframe Midge as she is, and other people probably would too, so you'll see it anyway.


There's nothing inherently magical or sacred about pregnancy, that just stems from masked chivalry, which is as unhealthy as sexism in the other direction. Like everything else in life, it is dirty and unpleasant.


That or it's the thought that fetuses have agency and personhood, therefore devaluing the mother's worth. What a bleak reminder of the state of things right now (in the US, at least.)


I'd understand the idea of not wanting to send a mother and fetus (and I'm not convinced that there is even a fetus in there, someone mentioned it now being the core of her power, which makes more sense as the baby is born in the quest, and your Jade is just a replica,) to not go into battle, IF we didn't already have things like child soldiers and uncountable atrocities on our belt. The idea that we were ever the good guys to anyone has always weirded me out. Ya'll need to pay better attention.

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5 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

(and I'm not convinced that there is even a fetus in there, someone mentioned it now being the core of her power, which makes more sense as the baby is born in the quest, and your Jade is just a replica,)

With the knowledge that you're using the replica, and not the real thing itself makes me think that Jade's pregnancy theme is just a weird symbolic thing representing motherhood. I think I've seen similar things in other media that uses this kind of symbolism.

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5 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

The idea that we were ever the good guys to anyone has always weirded me out. Ya'll need to pay better attention.

Just wanted to address this point to state that the story has always pushed for the Tenno to be some kind of underdog hero vigilantes and described them as 'saviours' and 'warrior-gods' in lore entires, quest dialogue, etc. All of the most morally questionable acts in the game (the creation of the Operators and the Warframes) are conveniently attributed to the Orokin rather than the player characters, and the story has generally pushed the players to assist the 'good' factions (i.e. Solaris United, Veilbreakers) against the evil oppressing faction (Nef Anyo, Narmer).  

I don't really have a stake in whether there's any moral implication in Jade's design, but the game and its marketing has frequently portrayed the Tenno as the good guys relative to the far more villainous factions out there.

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1 minute ago, Shinoyami65 said:

Just wanted to address this point to state that the story has always pushed for the Tenno to be some kind of underdog hero vigilantes and described them as 'saviours' and 'warrior-gods' in lore entires, quest dialogue, etc. All of the most morally questionable acts in the game (the creation of the Operators and the Warframes) are conveniently attributed to the Orokin rather than the player characters, and the story has generally pushed the players to assist the 'good' factions (i.e. Solaris United, Veilbreakers) against the evil oppressing faction (Nef Anyo, Narmer).  

I don't really have a stake in whether there's any moral implication in Jade's design, but the game and its marketing has frequently portrayed the Tenno as the good guys relative to the far more villainous factions out there.

It does? News to me. Just because we do good things sometimes, doesn't mean we are good. I used to work for a MUD, and I did event stuff as part of my job for the "evil" side of the game, which enforced being in character. You know how hard it is to motivate and incentivize evil characters? It's much much easier to write questlines for helping people. In this case, while we are helping people, we screw up thousands of other peoples' days pretty bad. It's just always in the undercurrent of the game. How many corpus lost limbs or vital organs when we whizzed through, miniature murder machines, then couldn't pay their bills and were brain shelved. An idea that has it's own inherent derangement as it would be like solitary confinement on steroids.

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