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Jade's quest and her in-game model after the quest

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9 minutes ago, Shinoyami65 said:

Fair. I wouldn't mind that either, just giving other options as I don't know anything about how long it takes to model/tweak this stuff and DE tends to rush to band-aid things instead of taking the time to properly address the issue (i.e. Dante's release)

A buddy of mine is a modeler, so I have a general idea of how these things go. It would take very little effort for DE to provide the community this request.

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Posted (edited)

 I wasn't intending to imply people should ignore YOU. Just so we're clear. Think there might be crossed wires

Oh aight, a lil mistake on my part i'll admit it. To me, quoting and writing stuff means answering to that first. kisses

Edited by Lordckart
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i though jade's model looked good until i saw that animation of her ... this legit by itself is making me not want to play her, very disturbing seeing that and the specific animation where shes showing it is even worse, PLEASE DE make it removable, as weird as it sounds LET US UNEQUIP THE CHILD lmao

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11 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

There's nothing inherently magical or sacred about pregnancy, that just stems from masked chivalry, which is as unhealthy as sexism in the other direction. Like everything else in life, it is dirty and unpleasant.

Wow, what hurt you?
I'm really sorry for you. Sincerely.

I felt personally attacked, ouch...
From where i come from, it is natural to give the seat to the elderly, have the ones who have physical needs to have priority over myself is a common sense to me.
I just think that it's not about the strong and who needs what. You and me are equals. We just need to make life easier to another, not harder.
Please, do not confuse chivalry with enforcement, That's just wrong...

I still stand by my word:
- it still feels very wrong to have a soon to be mother and her baby into fire.
- The gestational period is a beautiful moment that the mother and her baby should be safe to have the child to be born in the best environment. If not, the mother could die (Wait, oh... Sry Sorren...)

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I really like the Jade design. It's not disturbing or weird for me or anything. It's just an interesting concept of a frame.  I hope that it doesn't get changed because some people find it disturbing. You don't have to enjoy every single frame in the game (I sure don't).

But that's probably partly because I just don't have the mindset to understand how this can be so disturbing and wrong to people. Yeah I get it based on the comments here, but I still kinda don't. And I don't intend to offend people who don't like her design btw.

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On 2024-06-18 at 12:08 PM, Lordckart said:

Welp, played the quest it was good, i agree with most people here, so why?

Why are we bringing a pregnant warframe to battle, wich is the less safe place for her?

I don't wanna be 'that guy' and ask for a whole rework of the playable version, but can we at least have the option to change this part?  It just feels weird lore-wise;

Not sure i'm choosing the right words here, but maybe i'm not the only one thinking this.

I dont want the prego frame either but if it makes you feel better, all your character assumedly did was scrounge around for... something..... in regards to finding the blueprints to make jade so its not like it makes your operator pregnant or anything..... god i cant believe this is an actual conversation what the hell DE lol

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Yeah! I mean, how dare the Grineer and Corpus fire at a pregnant? The enemies should stop firing at her after seeing her ultimate due to respect.


Contains irony. But yeah, I agree, I would like a "no baby" version as well.

Edited by Rayatsu
I wrote "non baby"
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16 minutes ago, Rayatsu said:

Yeah! I mean, how dare the Grineer and Corpus fire at a pregnant? The enemies should stop firing at her after seeing her ultimate due to respect.


Contains irony. But yeah, I agree, I would like a "no baby" version as well.


Not going to repeat all the good points others have already raised in this thread. 

The latest story literally features one of the opposing factions in game which is known for their lack of ethical standards ceasing fire at a child. 

Next minute, the player is encouraged to rebuild the mother and charge into front line tummy first??? What.......?

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The fumy thing is, Jade's design is so DE. They love taking a popular demand theme and adding some random thing to it, creating a mish-mash that (almost?) no one asked for. Examples:

- You want an Eidolon frame? Take some vampire with it.
- You want a paladin frame? Take some goat with it.
- You want a feline frame? Take some extra body torture with it.
- You want a spider/web frame? Take some cat with it.
- You want a gadget/engineer frame? Take some time travel with it.
- You want an angelic frame? Take some pregnancy with it.


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This is one of the craziest things i've ever read online, how in the world does a playable charackter which is pregnant in her lore discomfort some people so bad? There is a reason for it and in her playable charackter model its not even a whole baby in her belly its just, i assume a bundle of energy, and also its not like it has any effect on her gameplay, you cant really see it from behind and there is no real damage done to a baby / bundle of energy whatsoever. Its scary to read that some people aren't going to play her just because this bio weapon portrais a pregnant woman or feel attacked personally by this because they have issues with pregnancy or whatever irl. Its not like she's designed to insult anyone its just a charackter model which probably set up some new ways to tell the warframe lore we're about to get in the future. 


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1 hour ago, S.O.U.N.D.W.A.V.E said:

Honestly, for the same reason DE felt justified for a plot point of ceasing fire upon the cry of a newborn, players should be given the option to not charge into battle with a perpetually pregnant Jade when playing as her. 

true, this is the opposite of what we did in the story, and anyone who says "oh its just a ball of energy" ... have you seen the animation where she rubs her belly like it was a child ? its still very much about the child and not about an energy orb

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25 minutes ago, Ruvik36 said:

This is one of the craziest things i've ever read online, how in the world does a playable charackter which is pregnant in her lore discomfort some people so bad? There is a reason for it and in her playable charackter model its not even a whole baby in her belly its just, i assume a bundle of energy, and also its not like it has any effect on her gameplay, you cant really see it from behind and there is no real damage done to a baby / bundle of energy whatsoever. Its scary to read that some people aren't going to play her just because this bio weapon portrais a pregnant woman or feel attacked personally by this because they have issues with pregnancy or whatever irl. Its not like she's designed to insult anyone its just a charackter model which probably set up some new ways to tell the warframe lore we're about to get in the future. 


if its just energy why does she rub her belly :\

its not people having a problem with a pregnant charcter, its with a pregnant character going into battle with what is seemingly to suggest a pregnant body, people will have preferences and thats just the reality of it, having a pregnant character in a video game is nothing special, but just imagine having a pregnant superhero in a movie whos carrying a child and still flying around and getting shot at ... thats not very comfortable.

plus unlike in a movie, we are PLAYING the character not watching them, when you play a character you are that character, and walking around as a pregnant woman doesnt feel comfortable for me personally at least, the best way to solve this is make the baby belly an auxiliary and equippable so anyone who wants can have or not have it on, make the baby unequippable lmao

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Coming from a woman, I would prefer this be a toggle as well. It merc'd my excitement for Jade. I saw it before the story and immediately knew what was happening, which was fine for the story, but for it to be permanent... Feels gross.

They don't even have to get rid of the see through/core bit, just slim her down. Pregnancy is a super hot topic, and DE knows that, that's why they put the warning up in the first place. It's a sore spot for a lot of people.

I hope they do something for this, otherwise, beyond mastery... I won't use her again, which is a shame for as fun as she seems to be. I just can't get over the icky feeling.

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The other issue is that even if they provide an alternative skin or the ability to toggle the pregnant belly off, other players in relays/missions using that frame might be playing the pregnant version - so if you're one of the people who finds it truly upsetting for whatever reason, there is no real way to avoid it (other than just never going into public spaces) - which is a shame.

There was no need, other than fan service for the people who fetishise warframe pregnancies, to have the playable Jade have a pregnant belly.  She's had the baby, she can still symbolise the creation of life and be a "mother" frame if that's the intention, without needing to be portrayed in the playable frame with the belly. Mothers/life givers don't cease to be that anymore once their pregnant belly disappears. 

And while I get that some people will argue that "she was made into a frame while she had the belly bump, so therefore the copy we craft should have it too".... The reaction on the forum shows why we should have the non-pregnant version, even if it's not exactly the same as the quest one.

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Disclaimer: Intentions of this post are to be as respectful and open minded as possible considering the topic.

I have no problem with the theme of the quest or the warframe, I loved it and I even think it was cool there was a pregnant warframe, but have to agree that looking forever pregnant and even the noble animation acting pregnant (rubbing her belly in a typical fashion) still on a warrior that is flying and flipping and acrobating around in the most dangerous circumstances is definitely the strangest part. 

While this isn't an impossible thing to wrap our minds around, the warframe was based on a pregnant woman and likely always looked as it did during the quest and in recreating the Jade warframe, it is once more as it always was, but without dialogue, an actual conversation or explanation about this, it will feel confronting or surprising or unexpected or nonsensical. 

The idea of machine-like creatures having babies is a stretch and sure space magic is a good McGuffin to explain things away, but to challenge so many concepts and understandings at once, including something forever looking and acting pregnant when it isn't anymore, and especially to a probably mostly male audience without much to ease people into it, it's likely to make a lot of people struggle with it.

I think most people are fully supportive of the general direction and elements of the quest but just thrown by the appearance of the recreated warframe, and technically speaking it creates a larger hurdle for a potential future Prime version, tennogen skin, deluxe skin, heirloom skin or anything else, because then you have to consider that it is both seperate and a remaster that would require reshaping the majority of the model including wings which in it's current state includes a large void womb belly and wings covering it which can limit the ability to reshape the midsection later as well as reshape the wings which are intended to fit around it, PLUS having to potentially redo or add new animations to fit the alternate skins if the original isn't altered to make way for a future with re-useable animations, and if the midsection remains a permanent fixture, it's likely that new concepts will have to retain and work around that, with rules that disallow trying to intentionally cover up or change the midsection in a way that takes away from it's theme, and while it's unlikely for skilled creators to intend to do so maliciously, it does open up further discussion and drama over the issue.

I know that DE did say they were worried about touching on these themes and the direction they were going, and honestly it was very brave and touching and from my limited perspective also respectful in the way they went about it but I hope to hear acknowledgement of everyone's opinions and perspectives of the Jade Warframe as it stands once obtained.

Edit: Just saw someone else mention this so I wanted to touch on it a little here; there is a chance there might be people out there who do have trauma related to pregnancy and while they might be able to avoid the quest, especially thanks to a nice warning before starting it, every multiplayer squad and every player hub or public lobby can include people playing as Jade and thus forcing them to see pregnant women everywhere or seeing pregnant women put in danger, potentially in a game where they might previously have felt like they didn't have to worry about that and could use video games as an escape from having to think about such things due to their personal experiences and feelings.

Edited by BrendanatorX
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4 hours ago, 0bsi said:

There was no need, other than fan service for the people who fetishise warframe pregnancies, to have the playable Jade have a pregnant belly.

This really needs to be emphasized. This design decision was 100% sexual/sexualization in origin, which makes it even worse when you consider that so many people are afflicted with trauma surrounding the topic of pregnancy/motherhood.

Edited by Hexerin
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I too am just another user quite uncomfortable with the permanent pregnancy.
I'm aware it's just a game but I would never take a "pregnant-looking" Warframe into combat. Especially with the chance of her "dying"
While I have no problem seeing pregnant-looking Jade on a Relay or Clan Dojo, I really don't want to be forced to play one or have to completely skip it.
Sadest thing is that I just bought the 1000 plat pack before Jade Shadow launch to spoil myself and spend it on Jade's Collection for 845 plat, but now I can't justify spending that money/platinum on a Frame I know I won't be using at all.
Please DE - make it optional. It literally won't hurt anyone or have any downside on your company or revenue and will only benefit you.

Edited by Hengeyokai
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I feel a tad uncomfortable because as a former military I'd never bring a pregnant woman near battle. Now I know it's a fictional game and I still play as Jade, but the point of the game is serving a recreational purpose, not making me feel like I'm going against my principles.

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12 hours ago, Ruvik36 said:

This is one of the craziest things i've ever read online, how in the world does a playable charackter which is pregnant in her lore discomfort some people so bad? There is a reason for it and in her playable charackter model its not even a whole baby in her belly its just, i assume a bundle of energy, and also its not like it has any effect on her gameplay, you cant really see it from behind and there is no real damage done to a baby / bundle of energy whatsoever. Its scary to read that some people aren't going to play her just because this bio weapon portrais a pregnant woman or feel attacked personally by this because they have issues with pregnancy or whatever irl. Its not like she's designed to insult anyone its just a charackter model which probably set up some new ways to tell the warframe lore we're about to get in the future. 


With this, you're just telling everyone that you're not a woman, and you have no idea what can happen to a woman during pregnancy mentally, nor do you have any empathy towards woman during pregnancy.

It's a deeply personal thing, and if something goes wrong, and entirely destroy the woman for life.
When you're trying to escape from reality by playing a game, you don't want to be reminded of whatever circumstance you've been in.

This is coming from someone who isn't a woman, but I know woman who have this exact issue, or those who have been pregnant multiple times and don't find it appropriate for a game like Warframe.

That's not even to mention the fandom of Warframe being... questionable at best, and Jade just opens the floodgates for extremely weird, disturbing stuff.

There's a line that Warframe has been very close to crossing for a while, and Jade is just that. DE have crossed it.

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On 2024-06-18 at 7:43 PM, Sammonoske said:

We have a month dedicated to being inclusive and celebrating all forms of a person's shape and lifestyle. You won't find that in this thread. And quite frankly, the morally wrong excuse is insulting.

...What are you smoking? What does pregnancy even have to do with pride month?

11 hours ago, Hexerin said:

This really needs to be emphasized. This design decision was 100% sexual/sexualization in origin

Gonna need you to show your work on that one.

Edited by Debatra
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On 2024-06-18 at 8:08 PM, Lordckart said:

Welp, played the quest it was good, i agree with most people here, so why?

Why are we bringing a pregnant warframe to battle, wich is the less safe place for her?

I don't wanna be 'that guy' and ask for a whole rework of the playable version, but can we at least have the option to change this part?  It just feels weird lore-wise;

Not sure i'm choosing the right words here, but maybe i'm not the only one thinking this.

i too was a glowing orb as a baby

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19 hours ago, p_silveira said:

The fumy thing is, Jade's design is so DE. They love taking a popular demand theme and adding some random thing to it, creating a mish-mash that (almost?) no one asked for. Examples:

- You want an Eidolon frame? Take some vampire with it.
- You want a paladin frame? Take some goat with it.
- You want a feline frame? Take some extra body torture with it.
- You want a spider/web frame? Take some cat with it.
- You want a gadget/engineer frame? Take some time travel with it.
- You want an angelic frame? Take some pregnancy with it.


Accurate to DE.

And thats why art is subjective.

The artist can do whatever they like. There are frames i personally didn't like for various reasons, but I never let my feelings overshadow the actual frame and its abilities or lore.

I may not agree with DE on everything, but I will say this, they know how to get a small portion of the community in a tizzy.

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