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Cannonade Mods are too restricted

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As title - the Cannonade mods only apply specifically to the SEMI trigger type, and don't apply at all to the BURST or DUPLEX trigger types, or to weapons with swappable or hybrid trigger types by default.

Thankfully this doesn't seem to apply to incarnon modes, but it dramatically restricts how many weapons can even equip them in the first place. Just having a SEMI trigger isn't enough, they need to only have a SEMI trigger and no other modes or alternate actions.

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I am actually wondering if they are worth a slot (yet to test so I only have opinions),

It doesn't seem to give anything better than an equivalent Riven (subject to dispo of course) but with greater drawbacks.

There are very few semi auto weapons which feel good to me without changing the base fire rate.

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It's just an amazingly obtuse handling of the situation. I will point out that Destiny 2 lets you use all weapons as fully automatic without any downsides. You aren't punished in that game for not wanting to give yourself and RSI for shooting a weapon at its intended fire rate.

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The cannonade mods were ruined in spirit with the setting to turn semi-autos into fully-automatic weapons. This setting doesn't even reduce the speed to something human like an 80% of listed FR, it is flawlessly full fire rate. Any player would be a fool NOT to enable it. So the remaining weapons that are "automatic" by this now arbitrary technicality, even slow ones like Envoy are not allowed to enjoy the cannondade mods, even if the cannonade FR cap could be fairly applied to any weapon (which isn't a bad thing?).

I've seen one bugged case so far, listed as semi-automatic is Mutalist Quanta's Alt-fire, which does not currently benefit from the full-auto setting. Likely an oversight, like everything about that fire mode (please list the status chance while you're there).

These Semi-autos run into the semi-automatic cap fire rate of 10 (not all of them were, komorex was previously 8 before the changes), but other weapons that really had semi-auto triggers too don't seem to have this same cap? Namely burst-triggers were all semi-automatic at heart with the exception of Battacor, explicitly listed as "Auto-Burst" which is no longer a relevent label.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1i8PpilbCM video demonstration of burston prime with full fire rate modding.

first bullet releases at frame 74, magazine zeroes at frame 135 (60fps). That's 15 bursts in 61 frames, where the semi-auto cap would normally limit this to 10 bursts, but really less due to the additional duration of the burst itself, not to mention the fallable human timing previously involved.


Charge triggers are also overwhelmingly semi-automatic with the exception of Tenet Ferrox. There is a lot of hidden diversity in charge triggers that I wrote to the trigger_type wiki page. Shown below, somewhat dated as it's missing everything from Cinta onwards.


Weapons listed here without auto-release remain truly semi-automatic weapons, particularly unfortunate for kuva drakgoon and it's fractionally brief charge time.



Yet those weapons with semi-auto triggers (weapons that do not automatically re-trigger) which included are charge, active and burst triggers, for the fact they aren't listed in-game as "semi", cannot use the cannonade mods!

Kulstar: semi-auto, but trigger says "active" due to a manual-detonation feature.


Meanwhile, semi-auto launchers are applicable, even ones with 1 magazine such as Tonkor, which btw can bypass its fire rate by manually pressing R to reload

Exergis: Cannonade-applicable, but doesn't care about fire rate anyways!! Reload speed is freely moddable still, letting it fire as fast as before.



I don't see why these cannondades shouldn't be applicable to every single weapon with the caveat that fire rate (reload speed too should be) is capped at base.

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9 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I am actually wondering if they are worth a slot (yet to test so I only have opinions),

It doesn't seem to give anything better than an equivalent Riven (subject to dispo of course) but with greater drawbacks.

There are very few semi auto weapons which feel good to me without changing the base fire rate.

i can tell you that it may actualy be so overpoweredly broken i would not be surpriced if it gets nerfed. on weapons like the lex prime incarnon and kuva chakkhurr it gives a massive increese in damage and thanks to the mecanic that it removes the effect on firerate mods, critical delay and creeping bullseye no longer have a negative effect as the negative firerate no longer apply if used with cannonade

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Cannonade mods aren't really worth it from what I tested. Raw weapon damage doesnt really scale well in the current state of the game.

You can use the hold to fire with or without the mod equipped.

The update was a huge W though, im so glad i dont need to click constantly for Lex or Latron and Phenmore anymore

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think these mods should be changed from Semi-[Weapon] Cannonade to simply [Weapon] Cannonade, and simply be useable for all weapons. My reasoning:

  • For the vast majority of weapons, Fire Rate is a very powerful stat. Capping it means you are nerfing your potential, even if you are dealing slightly more damage per shot. Mathematically speaking (due to Arcanes, Rivens and other raw damage increasing options), the Cannonade mods are potential downgrades to most weapons - a strong reason why it could easily become an all-weapon option.
  • Sometimes, yes, capping your Fire Rate CAN be useful, as I often hate to get buffed by extremely-high-strength Wisp Haste motes, as some weapons just become uncontrollably fast. If there are weapons I know I don't wanna buff in fire rate, please just let me mod it so with the Cannonade mods!
  • A lot of already powerful weapons can use it - Strun and Latron Incarnons, for example, which don't care all too much about fire rate in the first place and can thus equip it basically for free - while weaker weapons that could arguably make pretty good use of them (Sybaris, Zylok etc) can't, just because they are not "true" semi-auto.
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