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Maybe spend less budget on marketing, and more budget on the actual content?

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This "quest" was a complete joke. Done in a matter of minutes, and the "story" wasn't even barebones... it was just nothing.

Also, fire whoever on the team thinks that "have the player hold W for several minutes as the character inches forward" is acceptable design. There's actually no excuse for that. Gave me flashbacks to the ending of Whispers in the Walls, which pretty much ruined the payoff on that quest too.

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Quest was pretty much designed to be a lore bomb. Jades baby beeing the first naturally born Warframe as opposed to beeing created. They defenitely need to follow up on it but I doubt they will. They are just going to move on to the next thing like they usually do.

The hold W scene was probably done to convey the gravity of the situation in an overly dramatic way.

It wasn't great but it wasn't that terrible I think.

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1 minute ago, German said:

The hold W scene was probably done to convey the gravity of the situation in an overly dramatic way.

It wasn't great but it wasn't that terrible I think.

So make it a cutscene. It's just disrespectful to the player to require input for something that has no actual control.

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hace 12 minutos, Hexerin dijo:

So make it a cutscene. It's just disrespectful to the player to require input for something that has no actual control.

Its like the birthing minigame that doesnt really need any input, since you can just wait without pressing and the cutscene continues as nothing bad happened.

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27 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Also, fire whoever on the team thinks that "have the player hold W for several minutes as the character inches forward" is acceptable design

Were you playing at like quarter speed or something? It was not several minutes. Also please don't dev bash. :)

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I've kinda given up on warframe as a game that you play all the time.

We wait like 2-3 years for a 30 minute quest.

Ill typically play really hard for like 3 months of the year and then not play much if at all for the rest of the year.

Idk how we went from The Second Dream being one of the best quests in gaming to The New War being the most disappointed ive ever been in warfame.

I'm getting tired of half-baked quests with incomplete plots and characters


Edited by Mr.Holyroller
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3 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

Idk how we went from The Second Dream being one of the best quests in gaming to The New War being the most disappointed ive ever been in warfame.

Even the New War wasn't as bad as this quest.

I don't get it how we went from The Second Dream / War Within... all the way to a frigging pregnancy/giving birth minigame... In Warframe, a game about space ninjas who are walking-talking warcrimes. So... inappropriate, out of place, tone-deaf and overly blunt that it's not even funny.

This is what happens when a joke is taken too far.

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And if the quest was a 30 minute cutscene players would be complaining that they're here to play a game, not watch a movie. There's never any winning with this community. 

As is it's no different from other cinimatic quests with exposition/lore breaking up really minior gameplay sections. And for whatever anyone's opinion is on the story itself it did provide plenty of information to speculate and imply on.

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5 hours ago, Hexerin said:

So make it a cutscene. It's just disrespectful to the player to require input for something that has no actual control.

Disrespectful to the player??? My brother in christ, you had to hold down a key for 10 seconds.

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