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Jade is making me and a lot of other people uncomfortable

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb Pneumanoultra:

I invite you to consider some of the options that are already tucked away in the games menus. Through the menus, we have the option to do the following:

1. Toggle off gore effects.

2. Modify Mandichord volume for yourself or for other players.

3. Disable Ordis, hint transmissions, and operator voice.

That first one I think is for people who are made uncomfortable by an aspect of the game while the second two are to remove something that some players might find annoying. These options take nothing away from people who choose not to use them but improve the game for people who do. Options are never a bad thing.

I've reached the point where I think I'll be comfortable playing Jade. It took some time and customization, but I think I'm happy with her for now. Still, I can understand why people might not want their frame to look a certain way. I don't personally don't use the Grendel Nian skin when I play Grendel because it looks like he has a big waggly dong with a piercing on the end, but I'm fine with it existing since I as a player have the option not to use it. I don't think a lot of people here necessarily have a problem with pregnant-looking Jade, just the fact that it's the only option.

it really depends on the players. because not everyone can put themselves in the role of the character on the screen. maybe the younger population has "forgotten" the skill.
or a precise example: when I was little, I read a lot of adventure books. while reading, I saw a film somewhere in my head. that's crazy! so again: I read letters in the book and at the same time I see a film! wtf is that?

and the same thing actually happens with movies. there a lot of people feel what a good actor feels. but in the game the whole thing is much more intense. because it is not about 2 hours, but about days or months of performance

but maybe too many people have turned to stone/dead wood and they don't care about anything. but imagine you're a pregnant woman and there's a new life in your belly. and then some enemies shoot at you... 🤮👎

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Going to be honest, going to be real honest...

At first, I personally thought everyone was overreacting. Making a mountain out of this. I mean, Grendel has a belly, no need to not just head cannon that Jade has one too.

But..with that being said....

I will concede that having a... (Won't lie this is very awkward to type in) ....pregnancy toggle, and/or turning that into an Auxiliary for Jade would behoove DE as it would ease many player's unease.

Even I'll confess that Jade made me (and I'm an emotionless jackahhh) hesitate one one and only one occasion and that was during my usual Helminth feeding. 

My rule of thumb is that the first acquisition of a Warframe I get goes straight into Helminth's belly (sorry Hun how but thanks for the power unlock). Otherwise, I lose motivation to farm a second copy (I'm still farming a second Jade.). 

But...I won't lie...

When I noticed that the player copy of Jade was also pregnant/had the baby bump, I spent an embarrassingly long time staring at: "Your Warframe will be consumed in the process. Type: CONFIRM to proceed." 

I typed out confirm, and then for the first time in perhaps my Warframe history, I legitimately couldn't bring myself to hit enter. I actually and legitimately was like: "Uh... doesn't this mean Helminth's also gonna eat the damn kid?" 

😒 I hate kids btw. Noisy, smelly, obnoxious, and insufferable but......despite my vehement dislike of them. I don't desire to see them come to harm, and even knowing this was polygons on a screen.

I legitimately just had a moment of: "Does this make me an awful person?"

Well...more awful of a person. 

I won't type out how long it ultimately took me to hit confirm. But it gave me legit pause...

Which is why I was going to post a thread saying they need to make her pregnancy state a toggle.

Allows those who want to run around as a pregnant Jade, shaking her child like a British nanny during every bullet jump the option. 

But also, give others who don't wish to do that, the option.

I personally....would have checked the abortion box (removing the baby from the equation) before kicking her into the ravenous jaws of my Helminth had I been given the option. 

Instead, I went about my work day while uncomfortable thoughts and moral implications swirled around within my head. Especially once lunch hit and the guy doing the lunch run comes in with double our lunches and said: "Hey! For Taco Tuesday they had a two for one special going!" 

Me: "...I'm not hungry."

(No this isn't a joke. This actually happened. My stomach actually turned irl and my appetite was gone, just like that.)

I must be getting old...🤦🏾

/Rant off


Now, if subsuming Jade (no toggled off) also unlocked the ability to put a second Aura slot on Warframes, I'd maybe be more accepting of the situation. As at least then it's like, eh, it wasn't for nothing...

Right now it just feels bad. 🤦🏾

Edited by Aerikx
Added the Addendum
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On 2024-06-21 at 2:48 AM, (XBOX)Spiderwick3666 said:

Jade is pregnant and fighting and many people on reddit and other sights (myself included) don't particularly enjoy the child death and playing as a pregnant woman in a game where you run around blowing up ships, not that I don't like pregnancy in story telling particularly it's just this is really weird that we're playing as one killing people, and if there was like a alternate skin that doesn't change anything but does remove this uncomfortable looking energy spear on her stomach that would much appreciated. Another thing is that it also sucks when customizing her. 

I think you are in dire need of a reality check. 

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4 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

it really depends on the players. because not everyone can put themselves in the role of the character on the screen. maybe the younger population has "forgotten" the skill.
or a precise example: when I was little, I read a lot of adventure books. while reading, I saw a film somewhere in my head. that's crazy! so again: I read letters in the book and at the same time I see a film! wtf is that?

and the same thing actually happens with movies. there a lot of people feel what a good actor feels. but in the game the whole thing is much more intense. because it is not about 2 hours, but about days or months of performance

but maybe too many people have turned to stone/dead wood and they don't care about anything. but imagine you're a pregnant woman and there's a new life in your belly. and then some enemies shoot at you... 🤮👎

I had a similar experience with Jade at first. She frankly made my stomach hurt. I would toggle off her belly if I could, but since I can't I used customization to de-emphasize her pregnant figure. I'm pretending she's just heavy.

Reb said yesterday in a devshort that they'd stop considering Jade's pregnancy as a spoiler post Tennocon. I expect we'll hear a response then.

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i have been reading this post for... what? half an hour now? and the only thoughts i have towards it all is i don't see the issue with there being a toggle but i also don't care about there being a toggle mainly cause i never had an issue with their design, the frame is fun to play, thats all that really matters to me.

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The double standard of some people is genuinely laughable.

Jade is what tipped your scales? Really?

The writing of Warframe has always been a bit morbid and grotesque. Jade is honestly no different at all compared to everything else in the written lore.

Become more aware of your own double standards.

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45 minutes ago, Varzin13 said:

Doesn't bother me but I can see where some people might be made uncomfortable by the frame's design. Maybe make the glowing baby bulge into a removable cosmetic piece?

This is the best option to be blunt. Should have been considered from day 1. Probably is being worked on as a result. 

1 hour ago, Ikishoten said:

The double standard of some people is genuinely laughable.

Jade is what tipped your scales? Really?

The writing of Warframe has always been a bit morbid and grotesque. Jade is honestly no different at all compared to everything else in the written lore.

Become more aware of your own double standards.

Honestly, I have no issues with the plot element of her being pregnant and I absolutely loved the quest. Thought it was truly beautiful and the way it showed Stalker as an actual developed flawed and nuanced character was amazing. 

I don't even have an issue with the fact that going off the quest...my Male Operator has basically experienced the brutality and 'wonder' of giving birth (as we transferred into her and quite literally delivered it with/through her).

I am also 100% okay with her golem-like clones (what we the players make and pilot) having the option of being 'pregnant'.

I just feel like it needs to be that...

An Option.

Cause even folks as cynical and uncaring as me have some minor issues with the implications of her 'carrying' during basic gameplay.

That said...

If her kit involved the baby in some way. I'd recant all of my gripes as I could then say: "This is what she is. This is her theme. Ballas was one sick sob!" 

Right now, it feels tacked on to the 'playable' variant of Jade. Not even going to touch on the Lore implications.

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On 2024-06-26 at 3:02 PM, Aerikx said:

Going to be honest, going to be real honest...

At first, I personally thought everyone was overreacting. Making a mountain out of this. I mean, Grendel has a belly, no need to not just head cannon that Jade has one too.

But..with that being said....

I will concede that having a... (Won't lie this is very awkward to type in) ....pregnancy toggle, and/or turning that into an Auxiliary for Jade would behoove DE as it would ease many player's unease.

Even I'll confess that Jade made me (and I'm an emotionless jackahhh) hesitate one one and only one occasion and that was during my usual Helminth feeding. 

My rule of thumb is that the first acquisition of a Warframe I get goes straight into Helminth's belly (sorry Hun how but thanks for the power unlock). Otherwise, I lose motivation to farm a second copy (I'm still farming a second Jade.). 

But...I won't lie...

When I noticed that the player copy of Jade was also pregnant/had the baby bump, I spent an embarrassingly long time staring at: "Your Warframe will be consumed in the process. Type: CONFIRM to proceed." 

I typed out confirm, and then for the first time in perhaps my Warframe history, I legitimately couldn't bring myself to hit enter. I actually and legitimately was like: "Uh... doesn't this mean Helminth's also gonna eat the damn kid?" 

😒 I hate kids btw. Noisy, smelly, obnoxious, and insufferable but......despite my vehement dislike of them. I don't desire to see them come to harm, and even knowing this was polygons on a screen.

I legitimately just had a moment of: "Does this make me an awful person?"

Well...more awful of a person. 

I won't type out how long it ultimately took me to hit confirm. But it gave me legit pause...

Which is why I was going to post a thread saying they need to make her pregnancy state a toggle.

Allows those who want to run around as a pregnant Jade, shaking her child like a British nanny during every bullet jump the option. 

But also, give others who don't wish to do that, the option.

I personally....would have checked the abortion box (removing the baby from the equation) before kicking her into the ravenous jaws of my Helminth had I been given the option. 

Instead, I went about my work day while uncomfortable thoughts and moral implications swirled around within my head. Especially once lunch hit and the guy doing the lunch run comes in with double our lunches and said: "Hey! For Taco Tuesday they had a two for one special going!" 

Me: "...I'm not hungry."

(No this isn't a joke. This actually happened. My stomach actually turned irl and my appetite was gone, just like that.)

I must be getting old...🤦🏾

/Rant off


Now, if subsuming Jade (no toggled off) also unlocked the ability to put a second Aura slot on Warframes, I'd maybe be more accepting of the situation. As at least then it's like, eh, it wasn't for nothing...

Right now it just feels bad. 🤦🏾

man, I think I felt how you did reading all that. that's.... yeah that's another reason for a toggle.

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16 hours ago, WanderingJoe said:

And thats what this all comes down to at the end of the day. This isnt really about players convincing other players, its about the players that are uncomfortable making a request for a Qol change from DE.

for this I'm glad, because if we DID have to convince other players, I'd have given up already because I know how forums and the people on them often end up.

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On 2024-06-21 at 10:55 AM, Chewarette said:

That also draws a very weird line. You're OK with beating women to death to get some shiny loots, but OMG if they're pregnant that's instantly a problem.

So let's say one of the Corpus Sisters chooses to bring her unborn child into a war zone. What a horrible mother. I'm quite happy that no child will ever suffer her as a parent. If her child dies because she was shot in self defense by the person she was trying to murder, then that child's blood is on her hands, not mine.

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I know people want to play mind games to make it feel unacceptable, but the fact that you have to is just another example of the problem. I have nearly 5600 hours in this game and really want to play the new frame as always, but simply can't bear to play the new frame because she purposefully looks pregnant, especially after the association from the quest. 

You guys can make any excuses you want, but she looks pregnant and that is crossing a line that many players, myself included are very uncomfortable with. If you are ok with it, then fine but it's really none of your business if other players want an option to opt out because of discomfort.

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38 minutes ago, Pizzagulper said:

but the fact that you have to is just another example of the problem

DE has this real Grineer like mandatory fun vibe the past few years.

You must Grind a mech! Totally useful in all content!

You must play Kahl! It is so very tactical!

You must enjoy randomizers! The purest form of skill!

You must appreciate the preggo frame! Appreciate her! MAGGOTS!

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On 2024-06-28 at 12:11 AM, WanderingJoe said:

And thats what this all comes down to at the end of the day. This isnt really about players convincing other players, its about the players that are uncomfortable making a request for a Qol change from DE.

Since DE are blocking the words on their twitch chat and blocking players, I don't think DE care

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I doubt that they would have made a design, with an associated story that sets up further story elements, that they themselves would feel the discomfort that you imply - they would have had months to plan and actually create this story with Jade. The “P” word being censored is in line with the current spoiler embargo, as it is a major element of both the story and Jade’s design.

Edited by TheCursedUltima
Added final sentence.
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Yes, I meant to imply that. I was trying, and seem to have failed, to point out the irony that would occur if the opinion was that people should not be uncomfortable about something, but then are not allowed to talk about it. My post was meant to be kind of tongue in cheek but I'm not that adept in being funny.

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