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Jade is making me and a lot of other people uncomfortable

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28 minutes ago, (XBOX)Omega399 said:

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is how an angel of death itself being a bringer of life is a poetic irony, as well as a unique idea thats not really seen in media often, giving her an extra dash of originality you just don't see in other angel-themed characters.

That's all well and good but there is no reason for her to be permanent pregnant as we saw her give birth. And for that reason we feel like a toggle would be a good option because none of jades moveset is effected by her pregnancy. Unlike grendel where him eating people is a fundamental part of his design because he NEEDS a mouth to eat people. Jades belly bump is not needed and causes a lot of the player base to be uncomfortable. Where not asking to remove the quest, in my opinion I loved the quest it was fun and I loved the story. hell I have the Warframe now and bought the Jade chorus pack. Just a toggle is an acceptable outcome for this turn of events because there no harm in doing this, you can make all the claims you want about it not being cost effective but it's a million dollar company that (sometimes) cares for its fan base so if there's a chance of this 15+ page argument giving us a simple toggle, I'm sure gonna take it.

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37 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

People are complaining about playing as a pregnant frame. That is what I mean by headcanon.

I dont think anyone actually thinks she is still pregnant after witnessing her having the baby, and not being able to see a baby in her stomach. It makes more sense to me that shes being regarded to as a pregnant warframe because she looks like one.

But maybe its just me, just doesnt add up people would still thinks shes pregnant after the quest

My issue is that she looks pregnant atleast

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People are missing the point of the matter. Headcannon, phobias and issues... saying they dont matter isnt really the take away. The point is player satisfaction of the product. We don't like having to play as the shape of a pregnant woman. Simple as. You can't argue away how Jade lovingly caresses her belly like a mother with child. Saying anything along the lines of "Well she looks pregnant but isn't actually pregnant" is semantics.

And I dont remember exactly where in order to quote it but a couple people mentioned this could also be pointless. That's true. It is, I'm going to be real. We could be talking to the proverbial brick wall. At the same time, this is a hail marry pass were throwing to DE to see if it does work. So it's either futile or it works, at which point we don't see the harm in trying to talk to DE about this issue we're having.

Edit: coming back in before anyone just says dont play her. I know I don't have to. I'd like to. Her kit seems interesting. At the same time, She's going to be regulated to the back of the arsenal untill I get an alternative to work with

Edited by WanderingJoe
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5 hours ago, RichardKam said:

Personal feeling" was seldom a sufficient justification for change.

This game is not democracy

Thats how games die though. If you naturally are able to produce ideas that are okay with the majority of people, then you dont really need to know peoples personal feelings. Or if your objective is to make 1 game and you dont care about reputation to increase your earnings in the next game you make, you can ignore personal feelings too

However most professional developers nowadays gather peoples personal feelings to see what is commonly felt, and often make changes accordingly because they want the player base to grow and be entertained/happy. Even if you are just making games for money, it still works in your favor to pay attention to how people feel about your game, you can almost let them guide the game for you and you keep making increasing income off of it.

Edited by (PSN)Frost_Nephilim
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13 minutes ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

There is in fact media with permanent pregnancy out there though: preggo fetish lol.

This is true but I dont think there's anything constructive with that angle. If anything, it's more likely to be dismissed by making this a complaint about sexuality, which is highly subjective. 

It's more constructive to keep up the request for an alternative look for Jade without going too far in to detail why because at this point there's a myriad of reasons. The leading opinion for why people are disturbed seems to be people who have either experienced loss or have fears of being pregnant. Jade's questline comes with a trigger warning. Her warframe does not have any optional recourse after the quest is over. I haven't seen anyone have any problems with the questline since you only have to do it once in order to get to the event.

Edited by WanderingJoe
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12 minutes ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

Does this mean I can leave Jade in the Foundry for 9 months and I'll get two Warframes?

There is in fact media with permanent pregnancy out there though: preggo fetish lol.

That would be good, though I'd say in 9 months we'd have farmed the frame parts. :laugh:

That shows how much I bother with media then.  :shocked:

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On 2024-07-01 at 9:58 PM, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Except skins do not remove the visual identity of a Warframe. Grendel has alternative skins, still with a mouth on the belly, Nezha skins all have the Universal Ring, Wisp has no feet no matter the skin, everything I've listed in my first comment follows that same rule, even Dagath who only has a helmet skin also follows this rule by having a different looking hole to the head.


Funny, and here I thought Jade was the angel frame, not the pregnant combatant frame.

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On 2024-07-02 at 12:14 PM, SneakyErvin said:

Just wanna point out one thing regarding this that came from the thread about the phobia "issue" with Jade.

Nearly every frame has something that would trigger some phobia. What makes people affected by Jade through their phobia any more important than the guy having thoughts of fear or terror about a specific beast, element or germs? Should we ask to have Embers flaming head removed, or fires in the game in general? Remove the rocky features of Qorvex and Atlas. Remove the electrical effects from Gyre and Volt? Turn Containment Wall invisible?

No matter where we look there would be a phobia to trigger in WF. So to the people thinking Jade should be based on something like that, please stop thinking you are special in comparison to the rest. :clem:

What "rest"? Were there a bunch of threads about these other phobias?

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59 minutes ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

There's literally only one context for permanent pregnancy. Preggo fetish. No, I would like my Warframe-Child in 9 months, please.

It does nobody any good to take Jade's design in bad faith. The playable Jade has this feature because it's part of her story, and her blueprints are based on a snapshot from when the original got turned into a Warframe, not when we last saw her. It's visual signifier of the horrors Ballas was willing to commit and the overall depravity of the Orokin. On top of this, a whole team of devs had to agree to make this frame--do you really think they all had the same fetishistic idea?

And idk if this is what you mean to insinuate, but I certainly don't appreciate the idea that the fetish is the only way someone would like or want this design. Source: me. I already made a thread about what having Jade has done for my dysphoria as a transfem, and why I like getting to express myself with a Warframe that has something I never can. I chimed in on the discussion partly to say, yeah, there's more to this design than what's on the surface, and just as I get to have emotional gratification from playing Jade, so too should others be able to avoid the discomfort she gives them.

So, if those associations you have with Jade make you uncomfortable, by all means they are valid and you're welcome to them; but please don't be so dismissive when talking about why this Warframe exists or assume nobody wants it for "normal" reasons. It'll only obscure your advocation for a toggle, which is something I myself support.

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32 minutes ago, Ha1p said:

What "rest"? Were there a bunch of threads about these other phobias?

the people that try to hand wave it away with what aboutism aren't even worth talking to. they dont want actual conversation about it. they just want to dismiss it away with whatever strawman argument they can use.

the bottom line is if it makes someone uncomfortable, it does. that is the literal end of discussion.

we ask for a toggle and people acting like we want the entire game changed or something. ridiculous people are ridiculous

Edited by latetier
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1 hour ago, latetier said:

the people that try to hand wave it away with what aboutism aren't even worth talking to. they dont want actual conversation about it. they just want to dismiss it away with whatever strawman argument they can use.

the bottom line is if it makes someone uncomfortable, it does. that is the literal end of discussion.

we ask for a toggle and people acting like we want the entire game changed or something. ridiculous people are ridiculous

Oh, I am well aware. I mostly asked the question so that other people reading can more easily see the hole in their reasoning.

Or, well, if I had missed such a thing, I would feel bad.

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For all those who seem to be offended by the idea of having an alternative for Jade’s design, I have a few questions I would like you to answer with simple YES or NO:

1. If DE launches an alternative (toggle button, skin, etc…) for Jade’s design, will you use it?

2. Will it affect your gameplay in any way?

3. Will you be disturbed or in any way feel uncomfortable to imagine that maybe another player may be using it?

If you answered NO to these 3 questions, than I ask you: what’s your problem then? Why are you so eager to stand against something that won’t affect you in anyway, and still will do some good for other players?

When someone above criticized me because I said people lack empathy. That’s exactly my point.

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1 hour ago, Digital_Malz said:

For all those who seem to be offended by the idea of having an alternative for Jade’s design, I have a few questions I would like you to answer with simple YES or NO:

1. If DE launches an alternative (toggle button, skin, etc…) for Jade’s design, will you use it?

2. Will it affect your gameplay in any way?

3. Will you be disturbed or in any way feel uncomfortable to imagine that maybe another player may be using it?

If you answered NO to these 3 questions, than I ask you: what’s your problem then? Why are you so eager to stand against something that won’t affect you in anyway, and still will do some good for other players?

When someone above criticized me because I said people lack empathy. That’s exactly my point.

I answered no on all.

But the reason why I argue is because people are trying to shove their phobia on everyone else, instead of dealing with it themselves.

So the devs should just spend a lot of time researching phobias and developement time to figure out and fix all of these things, or just stop developing future things completely because there's a phobia for it. It's pretty egotistical to think that the game (or anything, really) should be tailored to 'you' because you have this special feeling that devs should cater to.

Edited by Ikishoten
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I am going to put this simply. Coming from someone who was pretty active awhile ago. Let the DEVS work more on content and ensuring life for the game. If you have some issue that you (personally) need to work on. DO IT ON YOUR OWN TIME.

Second, the complaint here is ludicrously out of context. First, Jade is not pregnant at any point that you have control. You are controlling the Stalker. Second, the last part of the quest is the Stalker carrying the "child" (using that loosely) away from the Corpus. Which just so happens to mean you are having to end a few greedy Corpus underlings. Not a big deal. So I don't see what your problem is. For those of you saying to just "add a toggle". Yeah, it isn't quite that simple. It takes time effort and a lot more than just "program me a toggle". So unless you are volunteering to upfront the costs to DE for that extra (frankly needless work); do something else that is productive. My suggestion would be to do the following:

1) Go talk to your shrink, sort out your issues there

2) Take your meds, if applicable

3) Play the Game or Don't but LEAVE THE DEVS Alone; unless they are literally doing something stupid

Edited by RynuusukeHanshin
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