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No incentive to stay on the elevator.

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Got people flying up and killing things way above that I think people aren't getting drops due to how fast the killing is up there and its causing other drops to despawn.

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There is an incentive to stay on the elevator in a coordinated group. The sad issue I think you're seeing is that Warframe does not encourage groups to work together, but merely treat teammates as NPCs.

My fastest runs are with 3 people staying within range of the elevator to drop boosted charges onto the elevator for a fourth player to meticulously use the charges to keep the elevator boosted without waste (keeping it at 50/50 and throwing new charges in at 38/50). The only problem with the gamemode to me is that you can't create a boosted charge out of a normal charge.

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10 hours ago, Voltage said:

There is an incentive to stay on the elevator in a coordinated group. The sad issue I think you're seeing is that Warframe does not encourage groups to work together, but merely treat teammates as NPCs.

My fastest runs are with 3 people staying within range of the elevator to drop boosted charges onto the elevator for a fourth player to meticulously use the charges to keep the elevator boosted without waste (keeping it at 50/50 and throwing new charges in at 38/50). The only problem with the gamemode to me is that you can't create a boosted charge out of a normal charge.

Yea i see that but that means someone has to lose out on loot as the others kill everything. Again cause DE put in a loot drop limit that starts deleting older items.

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5 hours ago, Lancars said:

Yea i see that but that means someone has to lose out on loot as the others kill everything. Again cause DE put in a loot drop limit that starts deleting older items.

I understand where you're coming from, but at the same time, the people who are hyper-optimizing like that don't really need those drops.

I do see a valid reason though for a gamemode like this to have universal team loot, especially if they add a Void Fissure version.

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On 2024-06-21 at 2:56 PM, Voltage said:

There is an incentive to stay on the elevator in a coordinated group. The sad issue I think you're seeing is that Warframe does not encourage groups to work together, but merely treat teammates as NPCs.

What sucks is that nobody wants to stay near the elevator or the ones that do can't be bothered to maintain it and just basically AFK it.  I often see someone on it with several boosted charges with elevator moving slowly.. 

Also, if everyone is too high maybe that affects boosted spawns?

I'd like to see regular glowsticks dropped on elevator boost the time you get from a boosted charge or something.  Someone said throwing two is like boost, but not sure?

Edit: Sorry, wrong quote really.  And just pubs issues.  Coordinated is nice if you have that option I'm sure.  Overall these are minor issues.  Most of the time it runs pretty smoothly and was enjoyable new material to me.

Edited by Lord_Drod
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