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Jade is making me and a lot of other people uncomfortable

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb Pneumanoultra:

I invite you to consider some of the options that are already tucked away in the games menus. Through the menus, we have the option to do the following:

1. Toggle off gore effects.

2. Modify Mandichord volume for yourself or for other players.

3. Disable Ordis, hint transmissions, and operator voice.

That first one I think is for people who are made uncomfortable by an aspect of the game while the second two are to remove something that some players might find annoying. These options take nothing away from people who choose not to use them but improve the game for people who do. Options are never a bad thing.

I've reached the point where I think I'll be comfortable playing Jade. It took some time and customization, but I think I'm happy with her for now. Still, I can understand why people might not want their frame to look a certain way. I don't personally don't use the Grendel Nian skin when I play Grendel because it looks like he has a big waggly dong with a piercing on the end, but I'm fine with it existing since I as a player have the option not to use it. I don't think a lot of people here necessarily have a problem with pregnant-looking Jade, just the fact that it's the only option.

it really depends on the players. because not everyone can put themselves in the role of the character on the screen. maybe the younger population has "forgotten" the skill.
or a precise example: when I was little, I read a lot of adventure books. while reading, I saw a film somewhere in my head. that's crazy! so again: I read letters in the book and at the same time I see a film! wtf is that?

and the same thing actually happens with movies. there a lot of people feel what a good actor feels. but in the game the whole thing is much more intense. because it is not about 2 hours, but about days or months of performance

but maybe too many people have turned to stone/dead wood and they don't care about anything. but imagine you're a pregnant woman and there's a new life in your belly. and then some enemies shoot at you... 🤮👎

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Going to be honest, going to be real honest...

At first, I personally thought everyone was overreacting. Making a mountain out of this. I mean, Grendel has a belly, no need to not just head cannon that Jade has one too.

But..with that being said....

I will concede that having a... (Won't lie this is very awkward to type in) ....pregnancy toggle, and/or turning that into an Auxiliary for Jade would behoove DE as it would ease many player's unease.

Even I'll confess that Jade made me (and I'm an emotionless jackahhh) hesitate one one and only one occasion and that was during my usual Helminth feeding. 

My rule of thumb is that the first acquisition of a Warframe I get goes straight into Helminth's belly (sorry Hun how but thanks for the power unlock). Otherwise, I lose motivation to farm a second copy (I'm still farming a second Jade.). 

But...I won't lie...

When I noticed that the player copy of Jade was also pregnant/had the baby bump, I spent an embarrassingly long time staring at: "Your Warframe will be consumed in the process. Type: CONFIRM to proceed." 

I typed out confirm, and then for the first time in perhaps my Warframe history, I legitimately couldn't bring myself to hit enter. I actually and legitimately was like: "Uh... doesn't this mean Helminth's also gonna eat the damn kid?" 

😒 I hate kids btw. Noisy, smelly, obnoxious, and insufferable but......despite my vehement dislike of them. I don't desire to see them come to harm, and even knowing this was polygons on a screen.

I legitimately just had a moment of: "Does this make me an awful person?"

Well...more awful of a person. 

I won't type out how long it ultimately took me to hit confirm. But it gave me legit pause...

Which is why I was going to post a thread saying they need to make her pregnancy state a toggle.

Allows those who want to run around as a pregnant Jade, shaking her child like a British nanny during every bullet jump the option. 

But also, give others who don't wish to do that, the option.

I personally....would have checked the abortion box (removing the baby from the equation) before kicking her into the ravenous jaws of my Helminth had I been given the option. 

Instead, I went about my work day while uncomfortable thoughts and moral implications swirled around within my head. Especially once lunch hit and the guy doing the lunch run comes in with double our lunches and said: "Hey! For Taco Tuesday they had a two for one special going!" 

Me: "...I'm not hungry."

(No this isn't a joke. This actually happened. My stomach actually turned irl and my appetite was gone, just like that.)

I must be getting old...🤦🏾

/Rant off


Now, if subsuming Jade (no toggled off) also unlocked the ability to put a second Aura slot on Warframes, I'd maybe be more accepting of the situation. As at least then it's like, eh, it wasn't for nothing...

Right now it just feels bad. 🤦🏾

Edited by Aerikx
Added the Addendum
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On 2024-06-21 at 2:48 AM, (XBOX)Spiderwick3666 said:

Jade is pregnant and fighting and many people on reddit and other sights (myself included) don't particularly enjoy the child death and playing as a pregnant woman in a game where you run around blowing up ships, not that I don't like pregnancy in story telling particularly it's just this is really weird that we're playing as one killing people, and if there was like a alternate skin that doesn't change anything but does remove this uncomfortable looking energy spear on her stomach that would much appreciated. Another thing is that it also sucks when customizing her. 

I think you are in dire need of a reality check. 

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4 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

it really depends on the players. because not everyone can put themselves in the role of the character on the screen. maybe the younger population has "forgotten" the skill.
or a precise example: when I was little, I read a lot of adventure books. while reading, I saw a film somewhere in my head. that's crazy! so again: I read letters in the book and at the same time I see a film! wtf is that?

and the same thing actually happens with movies. there a lot of people feel what a good actor feels. but in the game the whole thing is much more intense. because it is not about 2 hours, but about days or months of performance

but maybe too many people have turned to stone/dead wood and they don't care about anything. but imagine you're a pregnant woman and there's a new life in your belly. and then some enemies shoot at you... 🤮👎

I had a similar experience with Jade at first. She frankly made my stomach hurt. I would toggle off her belly if I could, but since I can't I used customization to de-emphasize her pregnant figure. I'm pretending she's just heavy.

Reb said yesterday in a devshort that they'd stop considering Jade's pregnancy as a spoiler post Tennocon. I expect we'll hear a response then.

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i have been reading this post for... what? half an hour now? and the only thoughts i have towards it all is i don't see the issue with there being a toggle but i also don't care about there being a toggle mainly cause i never had an issue with their design, the frame is fun to play, thats all that really matters to me.

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The double standard of some people is genuinely laughable.

Jade is what tipped your scales? Really?

The writing of Warframe has always been a bit morbid and grotesque. Jade is honestly no different at all compared to everything else in the written lore.

Become more aware of your own double standards.

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Doesn't bother me but I can see where some people might be made uncomfortable by the frame's design. Maybe make the glowing baby bulge into a removable cosmetic piece?

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45 minutes ago, Varzin13 said:

Doesn't bother me but I can see where some people might be made uncomfortable by the frame's design. Maybe make the glowing baby bulge into a removable cosmetic piece?

This is the best option to be blunt. Should have been considered from day 1. Probably is being worked on as a result. 

1 hour ago, Ikishoten said:

The double standard of some people is genuinely laughable.

Jade is what tipped your scales? Really?

The writing of Warframe has always been a bit morbid and grotesque. Jade is honestly no different at all compared to everything else in the written lore.

Become more aware of your own double standards.

Honestly, I have no issues with the plot element of her being pregnant and I absolutely loved the quest. Thought it was truly beautiful and the way it showed Stalker as an actual developed flawed and nuanced character was amazing. 

I don't even have an issue with the fact that going off the quest...my Male Operator has basically experienced the brutality and 'wonder' of giving birth (as we transferred into her and quite literally delivered it with/through her).

I am also 100% okay with her golem-like clones (what we the players make and pilot) having the option of being 'pregnant'.

I just feel like it needs to be that...

An Option.

Cause even folks as cynical and uncaring as me have some minor issues with the implications of her 'carrying' during basic gameplay.

That said...

If her kit involved the baby in some way. I'd recant all of my gripes as I could then say: "This is what she is. This is her theme. Ballas was one sick sob!" 

Right now, it feels tacked on to the 'playable' variant of Jade. Not even going to touch on the Lore implications.

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On 2024-06-26 at 3:02 PM, Aerikx said:

Going to be honest, going to be real honest...

At first, I personally thought everyone was overreacting. Making a mountain out of this. I mean, Grendel has a belly, no need to not just head cannon that Jade has one too.

But..with that being said....

I will concede that having a... (Won't lie this is very awkward to type in) ....pregnancy toggle, and/or turning that into an Auxiliary for Jade would behoove DE as it would ease many player's unease.

Even I'll confess that Jade made me (and I'm an emotionless jackahhh) hesitate one one and only one occasion and that was during my usual Helminth feeding. 

My rule of thumb is that the first acquisition of a Warframe I get goes straight into Helminth's belly (sorry Hun how but thanks for the power unlock). Otherwise, I lose motivation to farm a second copy (I'm still farming a second Jade.). 

But...I won't lie...

When I noticed that the player copy of Jade was also pregnant/had the baby bump, I spent an embarrassingly long time staring at: "Your Warframe will be consumed in the process. Type: CONFIRM to proceed." 

I typed out confirm, and then for the first time in perhaps my Warframe history, I legitimately couldn't bring myself to hit enter. I actually and legitimately was like: "Uh... doesn't this mean Helminth's also gonna eat the damn kid?" 

😒 I hate kids btw. Noisy, smelly, obnoxious, and insufferable but......despite my vehement dislike of them. I don't desire to see them come to harm, and even knowing this was polygons on a screen.

I legitimately just had a moment of: "Does this make me an awful person?"

Well...more awful of a person. 

I won't type out how long it ultimately took me to hit confirm. But it gave me legit pause...

Which is why I was going to post a thread saying they need to make her pregnancy state a toggle.

Allows those who want to run around as a pregnant Jade, shaking her child like a British nanny during every bullet jump the option. 

But also, give others who don't wish to do that, the option.

I personally....would have checked the abortion box (removing the baby from the equation) before kicking her into the ravenous jaws of my Helminth had I been given the option. 

Instead, I went about my work day while uncomfortable thoughts and moral implications swirled around within my head. Especially once lunch hit and the guy doing the lunch run comes in with double our lunches and said: "Hey! For Taco Tuesday they had a two for one special going!" 

Me: "...I'm not hungry."

(No this isn't a joke. This actually happened. My stomach actually turned irl and my appetite was gone, just like that.)

I must be getting old...🤦🏾

/Rant off


Now, if subsuming Jade (no toggled off) also unlocked the ability to put a second Aura slot on Warframes, I'd maybe be more accepting of the situation. As at least then it's like, eh, it wasn't for nothing...

Right now it just feels bad. 🤦🏾

man, I think I felt how you did reading all that. that's.... yeah that's another reason for a toggle.

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16 hours ago, WanderingJoe said:

And thats what this all comes down to at the end of the day. This isnt really about players convincing other players, its about the players that are uncomfortable making a request for a Qol change from DE.

for this I'm glad, because if we DID have to convince other players, I'd have given up already because I know how forums and the people on them often end up.

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Good morning.
I suffer of severe Tokophobia. And even if I managed to do the quest with a lot of help, I would never, for the love of Heaven, be able to play a Warframe with visible PREGNANCY signs. And don't let me start with the animation! I'm feeling sick even while typing this.
Thanks to my friends for telling me in advance and saving me from the dreadful experience.
Please, please, please, give us an option to remove that part in the 3d model, as we can remove Kullervo's knives in the APPEARANCE section.
Have mercy of us, tokophobic players. Thanks.
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Excluding all the story stuff, isn't she just gathering storing and firing energy from her gut, like Grendel? You're probably overthinking it.

Remember, that the whole pregnancy thing is limited to the Jade warframe in the story that is no more. The one players are playing has nothing to do with her and is not pregnant. Her nuclear fusion reactor is just a bit too big and round for her figure to be like other warframes.

As far as an option to remove that part of the warframe, I see nothing wrong with it, if DE decided to add the feature.

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I wonder how phobophobia people would feel.


Half-joking aside, it's yet another topic.

When it comes to phobia there are many. I wonder at which point they should listen. I mean if enough people are not ok with that they should at least consider but if we are going to with any phobia then this game will be like black boxes moving black boxes around black boxes.

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Or maybe, if there's an issue, the people without that issue should stop saying "it's not a big deal". I will not go to an arachnophobic telling them they should stop be bothered by spiders. I would support their need for a new skin without spiders on it. Because for me it's not precluding any game experience.

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4 hours ago, Vaalyah said:
Good morning.
I suffer of severe Tokophobia. And even if I managed to do the quest with a lot of help, I would never, for the love of Heaven, be able to play a Warframe with visible PREGNANCY signs. And don't let me start with the animation! I'm feeling sick even while typing this.
Thanks to my friends for telling me in advance and saving me from the dreadful experience.
Please, please, please, give us an option to remove that part in the 3d model, as we can remove Kullervo's knives in the APPEARANCE section.
Have mercy of us, tokophobic players. Thanks.

I get that this can cause problems, but if DE needed to change everything that has to do with a phobia, the game would simply not exist as there is something like heliophobia (fear of the sun) or hydrophobia (fear of water) and even aerophobia (fear of flying). These three fears combined, rule out all of railjack, all of archwing, lots of duviri, the earth tileset, PoE and the uranus tileset. It is a hard reality check, but phobia's are as much part of life as the thing the fear stems from. It sucks that you have this phobia, but yeah unfortunately that means you will be excluded from some experiences, unless you are willing to put the phobia aside and go for it.

I know that is easier said than done, but i have an associative fear of needles (yes clinical diagnosis), still i have to get my vaccinations, have to go donate blood, etc., it took a lot of therapy and i still feel anxious almost every time, even though it has gotten a lot better. I used to even feel anxious and got panic attacks just spotting a needle, fortunately that is no longer the case and i can finally learn how to sew. I hope you can work through your phobia in a way.

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It's a game with robots. No, I would have not expected to deal with a pregnant one. For obvious reasons.

Again, it is only an option on appearance menu. Why are you, people not facing any consequences from this, so eager to discuss a random request? I'm frankly surprised.

A community should say "we hope DE will listen, since this is an actual problem for you and others", not trying to brush everything off. It will change NOTHING to other players, but will surely help those with this issue. Support to other fellow players is the way.

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I Personally didn't even know about Tokophobia before before reading the post, and I'm not affected as a man. BUT this is just DE's double standards at its finest. They show support and tolerance towards LGBT people during the Pride month and people like and support it, but those comments really bug me. If Kullervo can hide his knives for cosmetic reasons entirely, jade should at the very least come with an alternative non-pregnant skin. And i do understand that there are a lot of phobias in the game, but this is a fairly easy avoidable one. Just requires an alternative skin and the issue is solved, while the issue @3xt1inct mentioned can't be solved that easily as removing the sun from the game would break the immersion, while adding an alternative skin to a frame doesn't break anything, its just some extra work, which is fair considering they also add LGBT related items into the game. and yes, a 3D model takes more time and effort compared to a LGBT display, But its totally reasonable to ask for it. Same goes for the other phobias said user mentioned. We can't just remove Archwing and water without breaking the game and immersion of the game, but we absolutely can add a alternative skin to a single frame to fix an issue. I prolly do have arachnophobia (not diagnosed), but I'm fine with unrealistic looking spiders in games like the Profittaker or Exploiter orb, but I'd still respect those people that feel very uncomfy when facing their phobias in a game. I'm not a medical professional, and I don't even know much about it, all i know is that there are more and less severe cases, so people who obviously don't suffer those conditions should just show a little bit more tolerance towards people with phobias that severe. Infact, I couldn't think of a single phobia that could be easier to fix than this one as it wouldn't take anything away and its a huge W for everyone. People with Tokophobia would have a way to play Jade with the Alternative skin, and everyone else would have 2 options to chose from. So stonks for everyone. I'd even be fine with a alternative skin that costs platinum but gets added into the game asap, but I'd still prefer to have a free alternative skin for those people. Infact, you can even be really lazy and just modify the affected are and make a non-pergnant variant of the default skin. This shouldn't take more than 1 Day and would be a great QoL addition.

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3 hours ago, VENDOMINUS said:

isn't she just gathering storing and firing energy from her gut, like Grendel? You're probably overthinking it.

I wouldn't call it personally overthinking it when her animation set makes her hold her belly in the most generic "soon to be a mother pregnant woman" imaginable so i could totally see how someone tokophobia can be beyond triggered at this point. I would say it's too obvious to ignore.



3 hours ago, VENDOMINUS said:

and is not pregnant.

Her whole animation set says otherwise. The issue here is not her being pregnant or not lore wise, or context wise.
The issue is her being visually visible of being pregnant or appearing to be so. 
at least when it comes to the animation set we have an option to chose something else to pretend that she is not pregnant. 
So I totally see how someone that has a huge fear and strong reaction against it could struggle playing the warframe.

I personally don't even have the phobia and I found it to be unsettling playing as someone pregnant or portraited as someone pregnant doing some serious physical ninja movement. So I simply just avoided playing the warframe all together until they add an option to tuggle it off and make it less visible. However that is my personal issue and take.

Like vaalyah mentioned when it comes to Kullervo having an option to make me look less stabbed. which was the first thing I was looking in the options for myself when I first got him.



49 minutes ago, quxier said:

When it comes to phobia there are many. I wonder at which point they should listen. I mean if enough people are not ok with that they should at least consider but if we are going to with any phobia then this game will be like black boxes moving black boxes around black boxes.


5 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:

I get that this can cause problems, but if DE needed to change everything that has to do with a phobia, the game would simply not exist as there is something like heliophobia (fear of the sun) or hydrophobia (fear of water) and even aerophobia (fear of flying). These three fears combined, rule out all of railjack, all of archwing, lots of duviri, the earth tileset, PoE and the uranus tileset. It is a hard reality check, but phobia's are as much part of life as the thing the fear stems from. It sucks that you have this phobia, but yeah unfortunately that means you will be excluded from some experiences, unless you are willing to put the phobia aside and go for it.

I know that is easier said than done, but i have an associative fear of needles (yes clinical diagnosis), still i have to get my vaccinations, have to go donate blood, etc., it took a lot of therapy and i still feel anxious almost every time, even though it has gotten a lot better. I used to even feel anxious and got panic attacks just spotting a needle, fortunately that is no longer the case and i can finally learn how to sew. I hope you can work through your phobia in a way.

Here is the criticism I have as a counter argument against "if they listen then they have to listen to everyone"
kindly and please, it's pretty obvious the request here is not "REMOVE THIS NOW! I HAVE PHOBIA!!!" because if it was then yes, the game will have nothing left because there is phobia of literally everything that, could, doesn't and will exist.
if they remove all stuff based on phobia there will be nothing left.
The content can remain and should remain, DE should not bend the knee and remove content from the game and not be accessible to other players that has no phobia from some things just because a sub-group out there happened to have a strong medical/diagnosed reaction out of it.

The thing that is simply requested is an option to "hide" it for those that can not handle it.
For those that have no issue with it can just keep it on. your experience with the game remains intact as you left it it will stay.

There is an option I consider lovely in this game. the fact it has gore option. I loved it when I saw it. I have a choice and adjust the game to my liking. I could adapt to playing the game with gore but when I saw it I enjoyed the game better because it had the option to hide it for me. I had an option.

The point here is, it's good to have options not remove content from the game. I believe nobody get to have the right or feel entitled to order any developers to remove anything from their work due to personal issues. But it should be fine to ask for an option that allows those that struggle with issues to enjoy the game separately while the rest of those who have no issues still play the game no problem.

I personally suffer from SEVERE motion sickness in this game and I wish I have more options to adjust the FOV or POV more which reduces my struggle. I had to rush to the bathroom multiple times while playing railjack or duviri (i don't know why I can't last too long playing with the flying horse). I can not last longer than an hour and a half.
But if I am being told I am overthinking and nothing can be done because other people doesn't suffer as much as me or other people have problems too, is not exactly nice. I am fine if devs can't add more options that match my needs but to feel my issues is not validated as if it's not a "real issue" or "stand in line buddy, if they have to listen to you then they have to listen to everybody" does provoke a mocking sense of feedback towards a problem you are factually struggling with severely.

Warframe is not the type of game we would go "meh whatever" you reach like 5 or something hours in the story and then close it. 
It has a warning message letting us know we been playing for too long for a reason. Because it's a long experience, for months or years to play so your experience with the game is far more invested and what you might deal with that impacts your experience negatively might be something you wish to have an option for to hide. a solution that is simple and not asking it to be taken away from other players.

I do think jade should have an option to have that "aspect" of her hidden.
And I do think other people phobia also should be validated and receive options as well allowing them to enjoy the game equally as you. of course within rational thinking and what realistically can be done. as long it can have an option that toggles or adjust it in the settings somewhere without it affecting everyone else's experience with the game that suffers from no issues.
Realistically you can not please everyone and people will of course complain as the list is never ending of things they are phobic of. But consideration shouldn't be something impossible. Adding options once in a while that allows those with specific struggles to enjoy the game. Not an issue to you doesn't mean nobody should care about it. (not talking about anyone here in this post saying it, but just the mentality I see when people point out this sort of struggles)
The goal here should be everyone being able to enjoy the game, be part of the community, build memories and simply playing it like everyone else without feeling like they are missing out on the fun over something they can not help.

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2 hours ago, Vaalyah said:


Just in case you didn't get it ;-)

Yes I did google it before typing my reply.


31 minutes ago, sorryh said:

Her whole animation set says otherwise. The issue here is not her being pregnant or not lore wise, or context wise.
The issue is her being visually visible of being pregnant or appearing to be so. 

That's what changing you animation set is for. It's a bit silly how DE's recent decision to auto-equip animation sets is a cause for this. If it was the default then she would just stand there as any other warframe. Maybe we should push DE on that point.


Unfortunately imo I feel like OP is pretty much forcing herself to see the cause of her phobia.

The Jade Warframe we build and play lorewise and gamewise is not pregnant (with the exception of how her animation set makes her look, which can be changed). We're blowing nothing out of proportion.


That aside, I did say that I support OP's suggestion of having the option to remove that part of the warframe. Nothing wrong with having a 2nd Citrine.

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I have only 2 phobias, black holes and viruses. The black holes are there at the head of my favorite warframe: Wisp. I changed my helmet so I wouldn't see that black hole behind his head again. Luckily I'm happy because I can hide or change my style. Viruses look like mines look like a coronavirus, I have a nasty phobia of that. I have already shot the mines while keeping my distance to be able to continue the mission. Once destroyed I can continue the mission without trouble. I didn't like it. but no choice, Necralisk is much worse, I didn't like it, the only solution is to use the teleporter without looking at the big building in the shape of a funny virus. There will always be solutions to get around our phobias. You too should find workarounds like I did.

Edited by Eclipse2024Qc
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14 hours ago, Vaalyah said:

It's a game with robots. No, I would have not expected to deal with a pregnant one. For obvious reasons.

Again, it is only an option on appearance menu. Why are you, people not facing any consequences from this, so eager to discuss a random request? I'm frankly surprised.

A community should say "we hope DE will listen, since this is an actual problem for you and others", not trying to brush everything off. It will change NOTHING to other players, but will surely help those with this issue. Support to other fellow players is the way.

You get me wrong here, I'm playing devil's advocate. I wish everything players wanted was realistic and immediatly attainable, but sadly that is not the case. Secondly a forum is inherently a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas, proof: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/forums, so by posting to a forum you invite discussion and exchange of views and opinions. What I'm trying to do is help you make your argument more solid. Questions, does your tokophobia get triggered by broodmothers (infested enemy with maggots) as well? Does the khora urushu skin trigger your fear as well? Do other players playing Jade trigger your phobia?

Finally warframe is not about robots, that is an assumption you made, could not find any mention in a description of the game where it said this game was about robots....

The game is also rated PEGI 18 which means that also "The glamorisation of the use of illegal drugs and of the simulation of gambling, and explicit sexual activity should also fall into this age category." source: https://pegi.info/what-do-the-labels-mean. Pregnancy falls under explicit sexual activity.

14 hours ago, R3D_T1G3R1 said:

I Personally didn't even know about Tokophobia before before reading the post, and I'm not affected as a man. BUT this is just DE's double standards at its finest. They show support and tolerance towards LGBT people during the Pride month and people like and support it, but those comments really bug me. If Kullervo can hide his knives for cosmetic reasons entirely, jade should at the very least come with an alternative non-pregnant skin. And i do understand that there are a lot of phobias in the game, but this is a fairly easy avoidable one. Just requires an alternative skin and the issue is solved, while the issue @3xt1inct mentioned can't be solved that easily as removing the sun from the game would break the immersion, while adding an alternative skin to a frame doesn't break anything, its just some extra work, which is fair considering they also add LGBT related items into the game. and yes, a 3D model takes more time and effort compared to a LGBT display, But its totally reasonable to ask for it. Same goes for the other phobias said user mentioned. We can't just remove Archwing and water without breaking the game and immersion of the game, but we absolutely can add a alternative skin to a single frame to fix an issue. I prolly do have arachnophobia (not diagnosed), but I'm fine with unrealistic looking spiders in games like the Profittaker or Exploiter orb, but I'd still respect those people that feel very uncomfy when facing their phobias in a game. I'm not a medical professional, and I don't even know much about it, all i know is that there are more and less severe cases, so people who obviously don't suffer those conditions should just show a little bit more tolerance towards people with phobias that severe. Infact, I couldn't think of a single phobia that could be easier to fix than this one as it wouldn't take anything away and its a huge W for everyone. People with Tokophobia would have a way to play Jade with the Alternative skin, and everyone else would have 2 options to chose from. So stonks for everyone. I'd even be fine with a alternative skin that costs platinum but gets added into the game asap, but I'd still prefer to have a free alternative skin for those people. Infact, you can even be really lazy and just modify the affected are and make a non-pergnant variant of the default skin. This shouldn't take more than 1 Day and would be a great QoL addition.

Welp i mentioned i have a phobia that includes needles, a lot of weapons use needles as projectiles.... Therapy made me playing this game and real life in general very manageable., That is how i chose to deal with my fear, by saying enough is enough and then starting to deconstruct it and learning to manage it in cooperation with a therapist.
Everyone can choose how they deal with fear, you don't have to do the same things i did, you can choose how you live with it, but every choice has some consequence.

There is a lot of players with fear of insects, so they cannot physically bring themselves to play nidus. There is a fear of drowning and water in general that makes hydroid unplayable, another one for hydroid is fear of tentacles. Fear of cats, what to do then, toggle a kavat to look like a kubrow, fear of dogs, fear of animals, there is a lot of fears that are more easily fixable or just require the same treatment being: the developper making another 3D model that can be toggled. 

Also can't break immersion of the jade shadows quest without a pregnancy.

Depending on the phobia this will have impact on a full lobby, in this case I do not know if OP's phobia gets triggered by other people playing Jade, but if that is the case should the whole lobby be automatically switched to playing not pregnant Jade? If the game starts selecting which form of cosmetic you are wearing this will receive a lot of backlash from players, etc etc. This would mean they would need to make a check script for cosmetics and toggled phobias, which would require a whole new system to be built into the spaghetti code that is warframe. There are a lot more questions than answers at this point.

And yes i do respect everyone's fears and limits, but you cannot built something that everyone is always happy with, such is life. Having the options to toggle off all of the existing phobias would be nice, but frankly unattainable at this stage of the game, due to the many toggles needing to be made for everyone's phobia. All while figuring out how to have contradicting phobia's in the same lobbies and how to render the game with phobia's etc., so there is not discussion or talk of matchmaking bias, or how DE gives preference to people with a certain phobia etc.  It is a really difficult topic, More so than would seem on first glance, and much more than a simple request.

Edited by 3xt1inct
incomplete and grammatical errors
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