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Why do they double down with unnecessary annoying systems/mechanics/visuals?

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Been playing the game on and off for years and there is always little things that I dont understand with some of this game aspects:

  • Bright AF lighting from enemys, skills or areas: Why did they though that a obnoxiusly bright visual effect that also makes everything darker on the room would be good gameplay wise? Seriusly why? And for what they showed on the new Soulframe they are carrying it on to that game too, do they even play their own games?
  • Being knock down: Oh boy, I LOVE to spend a few seconds stunned on the ground while I keep getting hit by other enemies everytime a volatile eximus decides to do a explosion with a huge area of effect or an ambula/moa stomps the ground creating a circle of knock down effect on the ground. I know there is some mods that may help with that but not only it would mean wasting capacity on your warframe for BASIC QoL but also the effect on its own goes agaisnt the very nature of the fast paced gameplay. If is fast paced why are you creating an effect that basically freezes you and can be spammed by enemies if their AI chooses too.
  • Reputation/Focus: There is absolune no reason, zero, none at all to have daily limits ON ANYTHING in a game which core gameplay is based on grinding, even less when there is not even an incentive on the devs ends, they didnt even attempted to monetized it so they dont even have an excuse or reason. I do remenber reading something the CEO said on twitter about the focus system, something about a way to prevent exploit abusers and that the limit was a ''temporaly fix''... he said that NINE YEARS AGO 
    and it still remains the same moronic way. I also heard the daily caps was to prevent burnouts. Let me make this clear, if your system needs to be grind to such a degree that can cause burnout on its own to players that engage with it, then the problem is not the amount of time you can engage with the system but the time they HAVE to spend in order to reach their objectives, whether is to reach lvl 5 with a faction in order to get certain mod/blueprint or to max out a skill tree or one of those passives that can be used even if you have a different tree active.
  • Crafting times system: Everyone knows this one so ill keep it short, they shouldnt exist. I know, I know, such a hot take.

This is mostly just a rant but I really wish they changed this bs things.

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DEVIL ADVOCATE enter the room 😈

🧐 My dear Tenno, I've heard the complain of Miss @Leonicos_CG who just misses a lot of points :

  1. BRIGHT ... It's a good movie and ol' timers of Saturday Nights fever really LOVES flashy, blindy and colorfully lights, spots and lasers; In the Name of John, ................. John Travolta, I plead guilty of the colofull state and ask for your forgiveness to not be visually deficient, colorlessly tastefull and LGBTABCDE Friendly.
  2. Being KO for a mere 3 to 6 seconds; As state in the Jurisprudence Grineer VS Tenno; The grineer have obtain right to lighty push down a Tenno as the tenno themselves send Grineers flying farther than the TEAM ROCKET trans-universal records which is far being the Everest horizon...
  3. FOCUS : About The limit to exploit, I understand that some are bothered by it but let's see the true; As long as ASIAN is a level of difficulty some Tenno easily reach, we can't abolish the limit. I call in front of the audience MR NoSKill who can attain 30k or reputation within an hour of play; Now Imagine the same player in ASIAN level of difficulty : a strange being who can play 72 hours x 30k which by the knowledge of Mr Math, expert in number, make 2 160 000; A bit more than 2 MILLIONS of FOCUS in less than a HALF WEEK.
    • Do any human tenno wanna receive such EMOTIONAL DAMAGE to hear a ASIAN finishing the whole 1500h game in 2 months !?
  4. Crafting times system : Yeah a Pay to skip is an horror of a game, an infested kind of boyz band that replicate trough the gameverse. But that forgetting the real Warcrime that is Pay to Win; Do we want to kill the cheap P2S Platinum ? For sake of what ? P2W, Season Pass, Grind more than ever. No, My dear Tenno, it's a cheap price to pay for everyone to have their way to the top; The Generous P2S, the Wise planificator and also the Oups-I-forget-to-craft-it-again ?

This is mostly just a rant Joke but I really wish they changed not this bs things.

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hace 13 minutos, RLanzinger dijo:

DEVIL ADVOCATE enter the room 😈

🧐 My dear Tenno, I've heard the complain of Miss @Leonicos_CG who just misses a lot of points :

  1. BRIGHT ... It's a good movie and ol' timers of Saturday Nights fever really LOVES flashy, blindy and colorfully lights, spots and lasers; In the Name of John, ................. John Travolta, I plead guilty of the colofull state and ask for your forgiveness to not be visually deficient, colorlessly tastefull and LGBTABCDE Friendly.
  2. Being KO for a mere 3 to 6 seconds; As state in the Jurisprudence Grineer VS Tenno; The grineer have obtain right to lighty push down a Tenno as the tenno themselves send Grineers flying farther than the TEAM ROCKET trans-universal records which is far being the Everest horizon...
  3. FOCUS : About The limit to exploit, I understand that some are bothered by it but let's see the true; As long as ASIAN is a level of difficulty some Tenno easily reach, we can't abolish the limit. I call in front of the audience MR NoSKill who can attain 30k or reputation within an hour of play; Now Imagine the same player in ASIAN level of difficulty : a strange being who can play 72 hours x 30k which by the knowledge of Mr Math, expert in number, make 2 160 000; A bit more than 2 MILLIONS of FOCUS in less than a HALF WEEK.
    • Do any human tenno wanna receive such EMOTIONAL DAMAGE to hear a ASIAN finishing the whole 1500h game in 2 months !?
  4. Crafting times system : Yeah a Pay to skip is an horror of a game, an infested kind of boyz band that replicate trough the gameverse. But that forgetting the real Warcrime that is Pay to Win; Do we want to kill the cheap P2S Platinum ? For sake of what ? P2W, Season Pass, Grind more than ever. No, My dear Tenno, it's a cheap price to pay for everyone to have their way to the top; The Generous P2S, the Wise planificator and also the Oups-I-forget-to-craft-it-again ?

This is mostly just a rant Joke but I really wish they changed not this bs things.

Thank you, I love this

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2 hours ago, Leonicos_CG said:

Bright AF lighting from enemys, skills or areas: Why did they though that a obnoxiusly bright visual effect that also makes everything darker on the room would be good gameplay wise? Seriusly why? And for what they showed on the new Soulframe they are carrying it on to that game too, do they even play their own games?

if you watch asmongold reacting to the new elden frame.. I mean soul frame demo (it's a hard watch, he isn't kind) he constantly bashes on it, every time a sword swings there are huge bright sunbeams and he keeps asking "why" so it seems to be a trend crossed over into that game too.

though honestly I am fan of using darker energy colors to mitigate some of the brighter effects.

3 hours ago, Leonicos_CG said:

Being knock down: Oh boy, I LOVE to spend a few seconds stunned on the ground while

while green laser beams that do 3 million damage target me!

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Weird rants

1. Brightness. 

This can be adjusted in either your monitor/TV or ingame settings, personally i never have any problem with it.

2. Knocked down

It makes sense, in a game where mobility is a number one power in a fast paced combat, getting knocked down can be very dangerous, especially in SP. But if this is a problem great enough for you to take it on this forum as if it was the dev's fault, then it proves to me that you're incapable to learn of how to resolve it without being an entitled snowflake.

3. Standing, focus, and crafting time

Well, imposed limitation is great so that players won't be able to complete the entire content overnight, because the whole premise is usually like this

>> Player: completed the new update overnight

>> No more content to do

>> The same player: "Content drought, DE sucks, Warframe sucks"

It takes time to create quality contents, and players completed it overnight doesn't help. Why? See above

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hace 5 horas, Leonicos_CG dijo:

Bright AF lighting from enemys, skills or areas: Why did they though that a obnoxiusly bright visual effect that also makes everything darker on the room would be good gameplay wise? Seriusly why? And for what they showed on the new Soulframe they are carrying it on to that game too, do they even play their own games?

I don't know about you, but I can modify that in the options.

hace 5 horas, Leonicos_CG dijo:

Being knock down: Oh boy, I LOVE to spend a few seconds stunned on the ground while I keep getting hit by other enemies everytime a volatile eximus decides to do a explosion with a huge area of effect or an ambula/moa stomps the ground creating a circle of knock down effect on the ground. I know there is some mods that may help with that but not only it would mean wasting capacity on your warframe for BASIC QoL but also the effect on its own goes agaisnt the very nature of the fast paced gameplay. If is fast paced why are you creating an effect that basically freezes you and can be spammed by enemies if their AI chooses too.

Move, block, roll, I don't know, do something! It's now much easier to avoid getting knocked down since they changed the way the enemies' grappling hook works.

hace 5 horas, Leonicos_CG dijo:

Reputation/Focus: There is absolune no reason, zero, none at all to have daily limits ON ANYTHING in a game which core gameplay is based on grinding, even less when there is not even an incentive on the devs ends, they didnt even attempted to monetized it so they dont even have an excuse or reason. I do remenber reading something the CEO said on twitter about the focus system, something about a way to prevent exploit abusers and that the limit was a ''temporaly fix''... he said that NINE YEARS AGO 

and it still remains the same moronic way. I also heard the daily caps was to prevent burnouts. Let me make this clear, if your system needs to be grind to such a degree that can cause burnout on its own to players that engage with it, then the problem is not the amount of time you can engage with the system but the time they HAVE to spend in order to reach their objectives, whether is to reach lvl 5 with a faction in order to get certain mod/blueprint or to max out a skill tree or one of those passives that can be used even if you have a different tree active.


Yes, there is a reason, to prevent players from finishing leveling a syndicate in a single day, otherwise they will be on the forum complaining that there is nothing to do, although I would prefer that Cetus and Fortuna had the same leveling system necralisk.

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On 2024-07-21 at 5:04 PM, (PSN)ATreidezz said:

Weird rants

1. Brightness. 

This can be adjusted in either your monitor/TV or ingame settings, personally i never have any problem with it.

2. Knocked down

It makes sense, in a game where mobility is a number one power in a fast paced combat, getting knocked down can be very dangerous, especially in SP. But if this is a problem great enough for you to take it on this forum as if it was the dev's fault, then it proves to me that you're incapable to learn of how to resolve it without being an entitled snowflake.

3. Standing, focus, and crafting time

Well, imposed limitation is great so that players won't be able to complete the entire content overnight, because the whole premise is usually like this

>> Player: completed the new update overnight

>> No more content to do

>> The same player: "Content drought, DE sucks, Warframe sucks"

It takes time to create quality contents, and players completed it overnight doesn't help. Why? See above

  1. Sure I could go the extra mile and turn the brighness of my screen down for warframe in specific every time I play it (wich wouldnt fix anything), totally not an annoyance created becuse the in game settings that affects brightness change everything except the sources that actually blinds you on combat
  2. ''If this is a problem great enough for you to take it on this forum as if it was the dev's fault''... are you serious? So who designed the knock down mechanic? God? My dog? ''You're incapable to learn of how to resolve it without being an entitled snowflake'' I know the ways to avoid it, having to avoid it while there is so many enemys on screen that you cant keep track of all them is kind of a problem and is also still a bad mechanic to have in a otherwise fast paced game, it only interrup the gemeplay flow and makes the game less enjoyable. Also I found hilarious that a sony pony is trying to call me an entilted snowflake lmao.
  3. ''Imposed limitation is great so that players won't be able to complete the entire content overnight'' I played through the entire Elden Ring base game in a week when it released, I played at every opportunity and didnt rush it, did I complain that a game that took 3 years to release since its first annoucement lasted only a week on my hands? Of course not, that was the peakest gaming experience I ever had, only matched with its DLC. Im not saying warframe have to bring that amount of content with an update but if the content is so swallow that can be finish in one night and there is no fun/interesting stuff to be wanting to come back and keep playing it that just means it was BAD CONTENT and you are just being milked out your time an patience. You need 6-9 millions of focus to max out a skill tree and instead of doing a few intense farming sessions I have to drag it out across several days maybe weeks because they are scared of people whinning about not enough content? What does these systems even have to do with the content? These are only the tools that leads you to acess different play styles and/or being able to reach end content where you get your ass beat regardless for not bringing the best weapons/warframes that you can grind out WITHOUT DAILY LIMITS.

Listen, I understand you, I really do, I like this game too but white knighting the S#&$ out of it is not gonna make it better, criticism is not an insult is a tool for improvement and you can disagree with it, thats fine!
But honestly disagreeing with anything stated above is like saying fire doesnt burn, git gud at criticism.


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Posted (edited)
hace 9 horas, _Anise_ dijo:

if you watch asmongold reacting to the new elden frame.. I mean soul frame demo (it's a hard watch, he isn't kind) he constantly bashes on it, every time a sword swings there are huge bright sunbeams and he keeps asking "why" so it seems to be a trend crossed over into that game too.

though honestly I am fan of using darker energy colors to mitigate some of the brighter effects.

while green laser beams that do 3 million damage target me!

I had a problem with brightness on this game making me go insane for so long, seeing asmon also pointing it out made feel like I wasnt the only one insane, they focus so much on making things flashly that they forget about the possibility of actually flashing the players with all the effects (and using darker energy colors is probably the one actual helpful advice I got from all the comments here even if it cost me a bit of the fashion frame).

Edited by Leonicos_CG
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12 hours ago, Leonicos_CG said:

Being knock down: Oh boy, I LOVE to spend a few seconds stunned on the ground while I keep getting hit by other enemies everytime a volatile eximus decides to do a explosion with a huge area of effect or an ambula/moa stomps the ground creating a circle of knock down effect on the ground. I know there is some mods that may help with that but not only it would mean wasting capacity on your warframe for BASIC QoL but also the effect on its own goes agaisnt the very nature of the fast paced gameplay. If is fast paced why are you creating an effect that basically freezes you and can be spammed by enemies if their AI chooses too.

And this is why (in spite of what the idiots in another thread say) is why I use PSF. The worst part is DE went and doubled down on it by giving certain weapons the ability to stagger or even knock you over. The game isn't difficult by any means. But the pure irritation of this mechanic is why the mod sees so much use.

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31 minutes ago, Leonicos_CG said:
  1. Sure I could go the extra mile and turn the brighness of my screen down for warframe in specific every time I play it (wich wouldnt fix anything), totally not an annoyance created becuse the in game settings that affects brightness change everything except the sources that actually blinds you on combat
  2. ''If this is a problem great enough for you to take it on this forum as if it was the dev's fault''... are you serious? So who designed the knock down mechanic? God? My dog? ''You're incapable to learn of how to resolve it without being an entitled snowflake'' I know the ways to avoid it, having to avoid it while there is so many enemys on screen that you cant keep track of all them is kind of a problem and is also still a bad mechanic to have in a otherwise fast paced game, it only interrup the gemeplay flow and makes the game less enjoyable. Also I found hilarious that a sony pony is trying to call me an entilted snowflake lmao.
  3. ''Imposed limitation is great so that players won't be able to complete the entire content overnight'' I played through the entire Elden Ring base game in a week when it released, I played at every opportunity and didnt rush it, did I complain that a game that took 3 years to release since its first annoucement lasted only a week on my hands? Of course not, that was the peakest gaming experience I ever had, only matched with its DLC. Im not saying warframe have to bring that amount of content with an update but if the content is so swallow that can be finish in one night and there is no fun/interesting stuff to be wanting to come back and keep playing it that just means it was BAD CONTENT and you are just being milked out your time an patience. You need 6-9 millions of focus to max out a skill tree and instead of doing a few intense farming sessions I have to drag it out across several days maybe weeks because they are scared of people whinning about not enough content? What does these systems even have to do with the content? These are only the tools that leads you to acess different play styles and/or being able to reach end content where you get your ass beat regardless for not bringing the best weapons/warframes that you can grind out WITHOUT DAILY LIMITS.

Listen, I understand you, I really do, I like this game too but white knighting the S#&$ out of it is not gonna make it better, criticism is not an insult is a tool for improvement and you can disagree with it, thats fine!
But honestly disagreeing with anything stated above is like saying fire doesnt burn, git gud at criticism.


1. Bloom settings? Glare settings?

2. Bad mechanic? This thing already there since the beginning, where were you all this time? And there are tons of ways to deal with it. Even you can block the fire eximus AoE attack or moa stomp with a melee weapon.

Knock down is just a mild inconvenience, wait till you experience the LIFTED STATUS aka RAGDOLL like when you got hit by the limbo Acolyte with rapier. If normal enemies can do that, we die.

3. Regarding Focus and Schools, CMIIW, but while we have daily limits, which can be increased with MR, we also have EIDOLONS SHARDS (regular, brilliant, radiant) that can be converted for focus exp. Outside the Daily limit, so if you truly wanna get millions of focus, its possible by converting tons of shards. You don't know about this?


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3 minutes ago, (PSN)ATreidezz said:

Knock down is just a mild inconvenience, wait till you experience the LIFTED STATUS aka RAGDOLL like when you got hit by the limbo Acolyte with rapier. If normal enemies can do that, we die.

The Limbo Acolyte is Violence and he just turns off your abilities while in range. Mania is the one who procs the lifted status with his melee hits. So freaking annoying.

Fortunately Gauss' kinetic plating makes you immune to it. So I just curb stomp him while laughing my ass off.

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Bright Lighting: That's just the game's visual design and DE (mostly Steve) loves lighting. If you don't like it try adjusting your settings more or stick to dark/black energy colors.

Knockdowns: They don't last "seconds" if you bother to roll out of them (literally just press the roll button while down). If you don't want to learn how to avoid, mitigate, or get out of knockdowns then you're stuck needing to use mods or overguard for immunity.

Rep/Focus: Padding. Complain all you want but it's a necessary thing for games in general to function, especially live service ones. Without it players would rush through content even faster, burn themselves out, or run out of objectives and get bored.

Foundry Timers: Same reason as with rep and Focus. Plus it's tied into the monetization model.

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3 hours ago, Leonicos_CG said:

Listen, I understand you, I really do, I like this game too but white knighting the S#&$ out of it is not gonna make it better, criticism is not an insult is a tool for improvement and you can disagree with it, thats fine!
But honestly disagreeing with anything stated above is like saying fire doesnt burn, git gud at criticism.

Uh huh...

So you're saying that im wrong and youre always right?

15 hours ago, Leonicos_CG said:

Reputation/Focus: There is absolune no reason, zero, none at all to have daily limits ON ANYTHING in a game which core gameplay is based on grinding, even less when there is not even an incentive on the devs ends, they didnt even attempted to monetized it so they dont even have an excuse or reason. I do remenber reading something the CEO said on twitter about the focus system, something about a way to prevent exploit abusers and that the limit was a ''temporaly fix''... he said that NINE YEARS AGO

and it still remains the same moronic way.

Yep... completely not insulting at all...

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Posted (edited)
hace 6 horas, (PSN)ATreidezz dijo:

Uh huh...

So you're saying that im wrong and youre always right?

That last was mostly a joke but of course I think im right, why else would I be saying this?


hace 6 horas, (PSN)ATreidezz dijo:

Yep... completely not insulting at all...

...You realize im talking about a mechanic and not a person there, right? Do you thinks mechanics are persons and have to be respected like people or something?
Also you are the one who began the insults calling me entilted snowflake in case you forgot.

Edited by Leonicos_CG
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hace 8 horas, (PSN)ATreidezz dijo:

1. Bloom settings? Glare settings?

2. Bad mechanic? This thing already there since the beginning, where were you all this time? And there are tons of ways to deal with it. Even you can block the fire eximus AoE attack or moa stomp with a melee weapon.

Knock down is just a mild inconvenience, wait till you experience the LIFTED STATUS aka RAGDOLL like when you got hit by the limbo Acolyte with rapier. If normal enemies can do that, we die.

3. Regarding Focus and Schools, CMIIW, but while we have daily limits, which can be increased with MR, we also have EIDOLONS SHARDS (regular, brilliant, radiant) that can be converted for focus exp. Outside the Daily limit, so if you truly wanna get millions of focus, its possible by converting tons of shards. You don't know about this?


  1. Already said that doesnt really help with the issue but ok.
  2. Just because it was on the game since the begining doesnt mean is good, look at stamina, you needed stamina to run and do stuff at the start of the game, did they keep it because it was there from the very begining? No, they removed it because it was annoying and absolute chore to play around it.Knock down is an inconvenience in that we both can agree, I dont think is mild since it can happen so often.
    I have experienced the Ragdoll and I have the same problems with it, unnecessary annoying and obviusly worst that being knock down, hell it can stuntock you and there is not much you can do about it wich is why I would also say is bad mechanic and should be out of the game aswell since interrups the game flow.
  3. I did know about the edidolon shards but arent those limited to the day/night cycle aswell? Also doesnt that just adds an extra 80k to the limit?
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2 hours ago, Leonicos_CG said:
  1. Just because it was on the game since the begining doesnt mean is good, look at stamina, you needed stamina to run and do stuff at the start of the game, did they keep it because it was there from the very begining? No, they removed it because it was annoying and absolute chore to play around it.Knock down is an inconvenience in that we both can agree, I dont think is mild since it can happen so often.I have experienced the Ragdoll and I have the same problems with it, unnecessary annoying and obviusly worst that being knock down, hell it can stuntock you and there is not much you can do about it wich is why I would also say is bad mechanic and should be out of the game aswell since interrups the game flow.
  1. I did know about the edidolon shards but arent those limited to the day/night cycle aswell? Also doesnt that just adds an extra 80k to the limit?


- Stamina was removed because it doesn't offer movement freedom, and it was reworked with parkour 2.0. Knock down can only be found in a battle and some traps and can be easily negated, its not even a challenge.

- Nope, its independent from daily limits, and Eidolons can be farmed unlimited times, so as far as limits for focus school, you are incorrect.


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hace 14 minutos, (PSN)ATreidezz dijo:


- Stamina was removed because it doesn't offer movement freedom, and it was reworked with parkour 2.0. Knock down can only be found in a battle and some traps and can be easily negated, its not even a challenge.

- Nope, its independent from daily limits, and Eidolons can be farmed unlimited times, so as far as limits for focus school, you are incorrect.


-So it limited movement... just like being knock down...
-There is a daily limit for eidolons still, day/night cycles, so not unlimited plus you have to keep track of the cycles.

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9 hours ago, Leonicos_CG said:

-So it limited movement... just like being knock down...
-There is a daily limit for eidolons still, day/night cycles, so not unlimited plus you have to keep track of the cycles.

If there's anything i have seen from you is that there's always something to complain about. Your original post didn't even include stamina bar as part of discussion, which means that youre intentionally changing the subject by bringing other topics. I tried to follow to see where this is going and i think you're just complaining just to look edgy and feel better about yourself, the discussion itself is meaningless to you. And you keep jumping to wrong conclusion on purpose, like when i said stamina doesn't offer movement freedom, and then you conclude that is limited movement which is completely different thing.

So i don't think that Warframe is a game you should be playing if you feel that this game always double down on unnecessary mechanics/system/visuals.

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On 2024-07-21 at 5:52 AM, Leonicos_CG said:

Reputation/Focus: There is absolune no reason, zero, none at all to have daily limits ON ANYTHING in a game which core gameplay is based on grinding, even less when there is not even an incentive on the devs ends, they didnt even attempted to monetized it so they dont even have an excuse or reason.

Uncapped syndicate reputation = players burning thought all the content in one day = hardcore money spenders getting bored from a self-inflicted content drought = players leaving the game and not spending money

Timegating is good in the same way medicine is good. It might taste bad, but it's keeping the system alive

(This is also why crafting times are still a thing. It's why they were a thing in the first place)

Edited by TARINunit9
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On 2024-07-21 at 1:23 PM, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

I don't know about you, but I can modify that in the options.

Well, I've tried quite a few settings and I've never found anything that really makes the constant contrast between the environment and super bright effects any better. It genuinely makes the game unplayable for me at times, and a lot of the time I'm not picking up any visual cues about where to aim other than shoot back at the bullets

The earlier content is just fine. But around about the time of Cetus they started really taking away the contrast between the enemies and the environment, and now we have all the added bright visual effects on top of that. In places like Cetus, or later stuff after the New War, I'm regularly straight up aiming off of my minimap when the visual effects start ramping up.


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Posted (edited)
hace 9 horas, (PSN)ATreidezz dijo:

If there's anything i have seen from you is that there's always something to complain about. Your original post didn't even include stamina bar as part of discussion, which means that youre intentionally changing the subject by bringing other topics. I tried to follow to see where this is going and i think you're just complaining just to look edgy and feel better about yourself, the discussion itself is meaningless to you. And you keep jumping to wrong conclusion on purpose, like when i said stamina doesn't offer movement freedom, and then you conclude that is limited movement which is completely different thing.

So i don't think that Warframe is a game you should be playing if you feel that this game always double down on unnecessary mechanics/system/visuals.

You are the one who tries to excuse every thing I brough up and whenever I gived a counter argument or example, look at the stamina thing, I was using it as a example of a bad old mechanic because you were saying that something (being knock down) that was on the game from the very begining cant be bad and then you tried to negate how valid is as an example with an argument that inderectly made you agree with me. You also straigh up tried to lie about the ediolon too saying there is no daily limits despite having a night/day cycles meaning to a degree you are still limited.

They are not wrong conclusions, they are counter arguments for your contradictory excuses that can be debonked so easily that now you have to say im making up sh*t as a way to dismiss what I say. You are a hardcore fanboy of the game, and while that is not a bad thing on its own, you are telling other players to stop playing whenever they brought up issues with the game basically white knighting the game and gatekeeping others from playing actively hurting the game.

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14 minutes ago, Leonicos_CG said:

You are the one who tries to excuse every thing I brough up and whenever I gived a counter argument or example, straigh up wrong or a half truths, look at the stamina thing, I was using it as a example of a bad old mechanic because you were saying that something (being knock down) that was on the game from the very begining cant be bad and then you tried to negate how valid is as an example with an argument that inderectly made you agree with me. You also straigh up tried to lie about the ediolon too saying there is no daily limits despite having a night/day cycles meaning to a degree you are still limited.

They are not wrong conclusions, they are counter arguments for your contradictory excuses that can be debonked so easily that now you have to say im making up sh*t as a way to dismiss what I say. You are a hardcore fanboy of the game, and while that is not a bad thing on its own, you are telling other players to stop playing whenever they brought up issues with the game basically white knighting the game and gatekeeping others from playing actively hurting the game.

Of course, im always wrong and you're always right, you made that clear when you replied me the first time

On 2024-07-22 at 8:04 AM, Leonicos_CG said:

Listen, I understand you, I really do, I like this game too but white knighting the S#&$ out of it is not gonna make it better, criticism is not an insult is a tool for improvement and you can disagree with it, thats fine!
But honestly disagreeing with anything stated above is like saying fire doesnt burn, git gud at criticism.

You made it clear that your statement is scientifically right and that trying to prove it otherwise is wrong, like proving fire doesn't burn or water isn't wet. So im always wrong. I tried to ignore it before, but now you have made it absolutely clear.

Edited by (PSN)ATreidezz
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hace 7 horas, TARINunit9 dijo:

Uncapped syndicate reputation = players burning thought all the content in one day = hardcore money spenders getting bored from a self-inflicted content drought = players leaving the game and not spending money

Timegating is good in the same way medicine is good. It might taste bad, but it's keeping the system alive

(This is also why crafting times are still a thing. It's why they were a thing in the first place)

I see where are you coming from but also think about it from a new players perspective, syndicates are a good portion of the game but not all the game, there way too much content to just finish it one day also this kind of things acts as a filter for them ''Do I want to put up with this crap or quit playing'' the more systems like this you have the less players you get. I myself been playing on and off for years because the daily caps/missions creates burns out.
And yeah, crafting times are there from the start for the sole purpose to bully you into buying platinum but you have to at least agree in that it feels a bit outdated, having to wait 3 days and a half to craft a warframe or an entire day to craft a weapon is a little too much.

(I could also see how having uncapped syndicates reputation could be a problem for the economy of trading)

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Posted (edited)
hace 13 minutos, (PSN)ATreidezz dijo:

Of course, im always wrong and you're always right, you made that clear when you replied me the first time

You made it clear that your statement is scientifically right and that trying to prove it otherwise is wrong, like proving fire doesn't burn or water isn't wet. So im always wrong. I tried to ignore it before, but now you have made it absolutely clear.

Oh look, the same thing you said before whinning about what I already stated it was a joke, good job!


hace 23 horas, Leonicos_CG dijo:

That last was mostly a joke but of course I think im right, why else would I be saying this?

And when I say something, yes, I belive im right, saying something that I believe is wrong doesnt make much sense to me and im always open to be proven wrong but your argumentation is usually ''game gud'' ''u bad'' ''git gud'' I will just take you as a joke and ignore you. If you want to be mad be it but do it privately, this is just sad to look at.

Edited by Leonicos_CG
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