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LIST: Basic melee (stances) issues - 'standing combo' moves, 'moving combo' is slow, no backward combo


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Melee has lot of basic issues:

- no backward combo - it executes forward combos, probably most melee but I have not checked it

- standing combo moves frame - most melees, it feels the worst when you have high attack speed (especially with team).

- moving combos either slows you down or even stops you (gunblades), some standing combo are even faster than moving combo

- missing combos

Basics (for me is):

- standing combo doesn't move you

- moving combo moves at, more or less, constant speed

- block+moving is (at least first attack(s)) either gap closer (e.g. quick jump to enemy & attack) or high range attack

- backward combo exist (you can attack while moving backward) - especially good for gunblades

- all 4 combos (standing, moving, block, block + moving)

- attack doing damage/status (gunblade ground finisher issue)


Here is list. It's mostly: missing combos, missmatched speed (standing/moving combo issues as above - most melees) and few specific.


blade & whip
=> defiled snapdragon
- standing combo moves you

=> vermilion storm
- standing combo moves you
=> malicous raptor
- 2nd & 3rd standing combo moves you
- first animation of block+move combo unneccessary stops frame, not having reach nor gap close like other "block+move" combos
=> four riders
- standing combo moves you
- block+move combo - same as malicious raptor stance

=> stinging torn
- standing combo moves you
=> homing fang
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you
=> Pointed wind
- no block combos
- standing combo moves you

Dual daggers
=> Gnashing payara
- no block combo
=> Sinking talon
- no standing & block combo
- standing combo moves you (use moving combo)
-- has "backwards combo" (good)
=> spinning needle
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you

Dual swords
=> Carvning mantis
- 2+ attack of standing combo moves you
=> Swirling tiger
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you
=> Crossing snake
- standing combo moves you

=> Seismic palm
- standing combo moves you
=> Gaya tragedy
- standing combo moves you
=> fracturing wind
- standing combo moves you

- no auto melee (some option, like turn of charge attack? or swap charge to heavy attacks (so no heavy/detonation))
=> Astral twilight
- standing combo moves you
=> gleaming talon
- standing combo (3rd+ attack) moves you

- Ground combo sometimes have very small or 0 damage/status
=> High noon
- standing combo moves you
=> Bullet dance
- standing combo moves you
- moving combo 2nd+ attack slow down attacks, it's 'blade slashing' instead of shooting all the time
- COMPARISION: 35 meter travel: 27 second  standing combo & 15 second moving combo

=> Crushing ruin
- 1st attack of standing combo moves you
- 2+ attacks of moving combo slows you down a lot
Shattering storm
- standing combo moves you
- moving combo slows you down

Heavy blade
=> tempo royale
- standing combo moves you
=> Cleaving whirlwind
- very small move of last attack of standing combo
=> Rending crane
- standing combo moves you

Heavy scythe
=> Galeforce down
- standing combo moves you

=> cyclone kraken
- standing combo moves you
=> Surrending weave
- standing combo moves you

=> Decisive judgement
- standing combo moves you
- moving combo slows you down
- standing combo is faster than moving combo
=> Tranquil cleave
- similar to Decisive judgement
=> Blind justice
- similar to above

=> atlantis vulcan
- standing (slowly) moves you

=> Shimmering blight
- no block + block/move combos
- standing moves you
=> Twirling spire
- standing combo moves you
- moving combos is just little bit faster than standing combo
=> Bleeding willow
- no standing & block combo
- standing combo moves you

=> Vulpine mask
- standing combo moves you

=> soverign
- standing combo moves you
=> Gemini cross
- standing combo moves you

Two handed nikana
=> wize razor
- standing combo moves you

=> Reaping spiral
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you
=> Stalking fan
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you

=> Brutal tide
- no standing & block combo
- standing combo moves you
=> Grim fury
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you

=> Clashing forest
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you
=> flailing branch
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you

=> Vengeful revenant
- standing combo moves you
=> Crimson dervish
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you (almost like moving)
=> Swooping falcon
- standing combo moves you
=> Iron Phoenix
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you

Sword & shield
=> Final harbringer
- standing combo moves you
=> Eleventh storm
= standing combo moves you

=> slicing feather
- standing combo moves you
=> Votivve onslaught
- standing combo moves you

=> burning wasp
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you
=> Coiling viper
- no standing & block combo
- standing combo moves you

Dual nikanas
=> mountain's Edge
- no block combo
- standing combo moves you


Assault saw:

- standing combo moves you


Edited by quxier
assault saw - goodnight
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On 2024-07-31 at 2:32 AM, quxier said:

moving combos either slows you down or even stops you

While I have a lot of issues with melee in this game, the quoted part is my biggest gripe with it. It's so AGGRAVATING.

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On 2024-08-03 at 6:23 PM, Azamagon said:

While I have a lot of issues with melee in this game, the quoted part is my biggest gripe with it. It's so AGGRAVATING.

Gunblade combos are hell on earth.

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