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Dev Workshop: Koumei & The Five Fates - Companion Reworks


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hace 7 horas, [DE]Momaw dijo:

Cull the Weak (Beast Companions): +60% melee damage per Status type affecting the target, and +240% damage for non-critical hits.  

  • Purchased with Conservation tags from the Earth Conservation vendor.



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7 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:


  • Previously: Slow, high damage, high accuracy sniper rifle (Damage 85, Status 25%, Fire Rate 0.15, Magazine 10/Reload 2, Critical 35%/2.5x)
  • Now: Increased damage and gained Punchthrough  (Damage 175, Status 25%, Fire Rate 0.15, Magazine 10/Reload 2,Critical 35%/2.5x, Punchthrough 1.5M)


Sad that firerate remained unchanged.. but glad to see other weapons buffed to viable stats!

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7 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:
  • Charm (SMEETA Kavat): The resource and credit pickup multiplier has been removed from Charm and promoted to being its own separate precept Mod (Loyal Retriever,) equippable on all Beasts. Charm's chance to provide a buff on activation has been increased to 40%. The available buffs are:
    • 25% chance of Reinforced Shield
    • 25% chance of Instant Reload (re-rolled if your current weapon doesn't need to reload)
    • 10% chance of Bonus Critical Chance buff
    • 10% chance of Free Ability Casts
    • 10% chance of Bonus Affinity. (Affinity bonus has been increased to 3x)
  • Loyal Retriever (Beast companions): Provides a passive 13% chance that each resource or credit pickup will be doubled. This effect is always active: there is no cooldown, no duration, no waiting for it to be ready.
    • If you already own a Smeeta then you will receive Loyal Retriever for free automatically. In the future, this will be purchased with Conservation tags from the Earth Conservation vendor.
    • We chose 13% as being the statistical average of what amount of time Charm's resource bonus would be active.

Can we get some clarification on the following:
Will Smeeta have an increased chance of proccing Loyal Retriever, or is it 13% like with all other beast companions?

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7 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

MORE loot is so important that no alternatives can compete.

It's so important you decided it was only worth giving it to beast, this just creates the same problem but instead of "use smeeta" it becomes "use a beast".
This is the same problem before we got fetch. You want vacuum? got to run a sentinel.  Want to run a Beast? well get screwed.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:
  • Loyal Retriever (Beast companions): Provides a passive 13% chance that each resource or credit pickup will be doubled. This effect is always active: there is no cooldown, no duration, no waiting for it to be ready.

I would like to know if this still applies to Void Traces or is it only resources that can be picked up from the ground. If it's the latter I see no reason for me to use anything else than Helios from now on.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:
  • Previously ALL types of Kubrows: Damage 304, Status 5%, Critical 10%/3x.
  • Chesa Kubrow: Damage 275, Status 15%, Critical 15%/1.5x
  • Huras Kubrow: Damage 350, Status 5%, Critical 20%/3.5x
  • Raksa Kubrow: Damage 250, Status 20%, Critical 7.5%/2.5x
  • Sahasa Kubrow: Damage 300, Status 5%, Critical 10%/3x
  • Sunika Kubrow: Damage 550, Status 7.5%, Critical 7.5%/3.5x

It feels like the Sahasa Kubrow is not really getting a fair treatment weapon wise:

  • Huras is just the everything it does but way better double the critical chance, more critical damage and more base damage, while they both share the same status chance
  • Sunika has almost double the base damage of it more status chance and critical damage with only a tiny bit less critical chance
  • Raksa has a so much status chance and it's only barely missing out some less critical chance and damage and not that much less base damage
  • Chesa has a very good split with a good amount of status chance and critical chance for the trade of barely less damage and half the critical damage

I feel all four of those Kubrows have very clear designs stats wise, Huras is critical based, Sunika is raw damage, Raksa is status based and Chesa is a critical and status mix, while The Sahasa actually has less base status then all the previous weapons...

It sits in the middle for base damage, it's tied for the worse status chance, it's in the middle for critical chance and critical damage. I honestly think just increasing its status chance to be in the middle of the group would make it seem like the actual all rounder of the 5 rather then the actual just worse version of Huras.  

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Some of these changes are big.  But the majority of the changes I see to Precepts and Sentinel weapons are so lack luster that I feel like they're wasted work.  Not enough was done to most of these to actually convince people to use them.

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8 minutes ago, (PSN)Vorenoxx said:

Can we get at least a toggleable option to see companion damage numbers? Would love to see more feedback from actual numbers so i know im doing something correctly when modding my companions, moreso with these upcoming changes!

Absolutely this! Been wanting to see my pets wreck havoc with numbered feedback ever since Moas came into the picture!

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Could we get Spare Parts extended to MOAs as well as Hounds? Since with these changes every other type of companion gets some kind of resource boosting effect.

Also how many of y'all didn't know that Spare Parts got changed a while back to 'tag an enemy and make it have +200% drop chance', I wonder.

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Alright wait a second here. Please tell me I'm wrong in this assumption based on what is presented here. (Can't imagine getting upset over colors for emphasis :p )

Every single companion got base stat buffs EXCEPT THE HELMINTH CHARGER.

All it got was an overall damage DECREASE and a specification in regard to its Toxic damage. 

The original damage as read from the stat screen is: 10% CC / 3x CD / 5% SC / 349.6 (not 350 as quoted above) Damage spread: 45.6 Toxin | 304 Slash 

The new "proposed damage upgrade" is the loss of 304 slash to 200, and that toxin being raised from 45.6 to a measly 50. 

Does that "Non-combining" toxic damage mean, and THIS IS A HEAVY ASSUMPTION, that it won't fuse with just having Frost Jaw on it to achieve Viral? Because if so that's pretty upsetting. Same goes for it having corrosive or gas. This is an overall oversight, and if this is how it will function, then I solely believe you want the Helminth Chargers to be dead on arrival. Sure, possible elemental modding from what you've proposed, for example: Corrosive, Heat, and Toxin all at once. However, knowing how a lot of things roll, you would never allow that. 

This almost seems like a nerf in its own damage. Not to mention it is not even receiving any stat changes (CC/CD/SC) compared to LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE YOU LISTED ABOVE...

The only thing that got changed was how Trample works, which is nice and all, but come on...

Now this is extremely upsetting, and I genuinely hope you just accidentally left out the Stat Changes (CC/CD/SC) for the Chargers. If not, I solely believe the Helminth Charger deserves a little bit of love. Something. Anything. 

If there is any clarification or distinction, I would love to be notified. 

If this is not the case for the Helminth Charger, then what in companion discrimination heck is this. Absolutely dead on arrival, and I will be the unhappiest camper here on the companion bus, right next to our resident Smeeta players. 

Edited by Halo
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Just now, Halo said:

Alright wait a second here. Please tell me I'm wrong in this assumption based on what is presented here.

My brother in christ it is not the mid 2000's anymore you don't need to make your post a #*!%ing rainbow. You don't need to bold and underline your text for emphasis, wew.

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1 hour ago, Kayce_OwO said:

What about vasca kavat draining bite?

yes please give Vasca some love/viability


1 hour ago, Waeleto said:

Please remove the out of combat restriction on that one

Dig should always be available

1 hour ago, Kayce_OwO said:

What about vasca kavat draining bite?

yes please give Vasca some love/viability


1 hour ago, Waeleto said:

Please remove the out of combat restriction on that one

Dig should always be available

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DE, I really hope you see my message. These changes look great, but there is one pet mod that isn't addressed, and it can be quite disruptive in-game: The mod is the Hound's Reflex Denial. Normally, it creates a shield that absorbs a large percent of incoming damage and channels it into magnetic damage. The problem is that the shield absorbs Tenno fire, but does not get converted to damage. This means that if the Hound approaches an enemy with the shield up, it is impossible to damage the enemy with firearms, because the shield absorbs all the damage but does not assist in killing the enemy the Hound is attacking.

I believe there are 2 possible (practical) solutions:

1: Make the shield generated by Reflex Denial NOT absorb Tenno weapon fire

2: Make the shield generated by Reflex Denial absorb tenno weapon fire, but translate that into the magnetic damage the skill does for enemy fire, so it will damage the enemy in question

I really hope this message gets read. I really want to use my hound in high level gameplay, but the disruption to fire that is hard to see in hectic combat makes it frustrating for me AND my teams.

Edited by Cephalon_Break3r
word choice
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Weapon & aura slot for companions, a buff I've been hoping for for years. Thank you.

I didn't see anything about Hybrids mentioned, either for the Kavat options available currently (eg Smeeta that looks like a Vasca) or the Predasite/Vulpaphyla 2-8 trait Mutagens. Hopefully those get a look at in the near future as well.


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11 minutes ago, Halo said:

Alright wait a second here. Please tell me I'm wrong in this assumption based on what is presented here. (Can't imagine getting upset over colors for emphasis :p )

Every single companion got base stat buffs EXCEPT THE HELMINTH CHARGER.

All it got was an overall damage DECREASE and a specification in regard to its Toxic damage. 

The original damage as read from the stat screen is: 10% CC / 3x CD / 5% SC / 349.6 (not 350 as quoted above) Damage spread: 45.6 Toxin | 304 Slash 

The new "proposed damage upgrade" is the loss of 304 slash to 200, and that toxin being raised from 45.6 to a measly 50. 

Does that "Non-combining" toxic damage mean, and THIS IS A HEAVY ASSUMPTION, that it won't fuse with just having Frost Jaw on it to achieve Viral? Because if so that's pretty upsetting. Same goes for it having corrosive or gas. This is an overall oversight, and if this is how it will function, then I solely believe you want the Helminth Chargers to be dead on arrival. Sure, possible elemental modding from what you've proposed, for example: Corrosive, Heat, and Toxin all at once. However, knowing how a lot of things roll, you would never allow that. 

This almost seems like a nerf in its own damage. Not to mention it is not even receiving any stat changes (CC/CD/SC) compared to LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE YOU LISTED ABOVE...

The only thing that got changed was how Trample works, which is nice and all, but come on...

Now this is extremely upsetting, and I genuinely hope you just accidentally left out the Stat Changes (CC/CD/SC) for the Chargers. If not, I solely believe the Helminth Charger deserves a little bit of love. Something. Anything. 

If there is any clarification or distinction, I would love to be notified. 

If this is not the case for the Helminth Charger, then what in companion discrimination heck is this. Absolutely dead on arrival, and I will be the unhappiest camper here on the companion bus, right next to our resident Smeeta players. 

I don't think that's a heavy assumption. Seems like there's two paths:

1. Just as said, toxin won't combine, ever. Viral, Gas, and Corrosive are out. You can run something like Blast + Electric + Toxin Helminth Charger instead of Blast + Corrosive.

2. The 50 toxin is the only thing that can't be removed. Modding for toxin buffs it as normal, but viral would become Viral + Toxin. A Viral + Heat + Slash + Toxin build comes to mind.

Either way, seems like a nice unique buff.

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