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A Katana Weapon Please!


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Dude. Get online. Submit all your stuff to the contest.

just did we can only submit one unfortunately so i posted the katana as its got the most votes. so check out the thread and support my design i guess.

thanks for the support guys.



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This weapon with a quick draw sword style. Epic. And I'm adding something I think would be cool, two different styles for this blade. One would be the open style doing slash damage, a closed style doing impact damage with the back of the blade. basically holding the sword normally or backwards.

Katana are samurai weapons; the Tenno are space ninjas.  Obviously, they would never use katanas.  ;)

I guess we should stop using our guns then too? How about that Scindo? Never heard of a ninja using giant battle axes or guns.

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My vote is 100% for this weapon. i just hope if it wins they find a way so that if you strike with the sheath its impact dmg and the sword is slash, if they were able to do that then this would be my weapon of choice no matter the dmg output. if it is ok with you I would like to link this on my clans site so that they can see this beautiful concept.

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1. Katanas were folded millions of times by the greatest Japanese swordsmiths which are the best in the world.

2. Each Katana is personalized to the warrior and imbued with decades of prayer before they can be used.

3. Katanas are made out of the HARDEST METAL KNOWN TO MAN and studies have shown to be about 7000 times harder than diamond, the second strongest metal known to man.

4. In WW II, Katanas accounted for 90% of Japan's tank kills against American Shermans, because the speed of the katana leaving its sheath (by a technique called iato) creates a vacuum so powerful it slices the tanks in half from miles away.

5. If you lay a masterwork katana down in a quiet room and say a prayer to Muramasa, you can faintly hear "Through Fire and Flames" by Dragnoforce emanating from the vibrations in the blade.

Can't tell if trolling, sarcastic, or you actually believe that. No matter what, gonna humor this anyway.


1. Do you know what it means to fold something? Have you ever folded a shirt before? Ok, let's imagine doing that a million times to a piece of metal. Let's also take into account how thick and long a katana blade usually is. Wasn't it around 30-40 inches? Somewhere in there? And like a couple inches thick? You'd need a hugeass piece of metal to make one blade. Not to mention you'd need the tools to fold said piece. Doing it by hand is out of the question. In fact, you'd need such a huge piece of metal that you would never exist. Not to mention, if you folded something a million times and it wasn't huge, it'd be very tiny and so fragile it would be useless. Most katanas are folded maybe 8 times.

2. That'd require way too much effort for the already poor smiths of Japan. Not to mention praying for decades over a sword to make it battle-worthy would have meant not having a weapon for decades when you needed them during war or a battle.


3. Diamond isn't even a metal... It's a mineral.. and it's usually made by exposing carbon-bearing materials such as coal to very high pressure. 7000 sounds like a ballpark number; an exaggeration. Actually, it could be possible for it to be harder than diamond, but I think that has to do exactly where you try to slice the diamond. Certain parts of it are more fragile and less dense than others.. something to do with cleavage, I think? I don't know. Just something I'm trying to remember off the top of my head in some documentary I watched in a high school science class like 2 years ago. Not even gonna google it. Onto more relevant facts... Most katanas were made from a metal dubbed pig metal, which was very cheap and crappy. This is what attributed to said swords being very fragile. They used it because it was basically all they had around, save from probably a few scraps of an actual useful and sustaining metal. Probably not that. I'd have to do more research than I already did, and I don't feel like doing that. It's actually the other reason why they folded it. Because the metal was pretty crappy, they had to fold it to make it more usable.


4. What anime have you been watching? It sounds very trope-filled and shonen-genre!


5. Google search tells me that, historically, Muramasa was a swordsmith, not a god or legendary sword demon thing. Praying to a dead guy wouldn't yield any results. It's also very ridiculous that praying to some guy from ages ago, long before modern society, would invoke your sword to play a song that's not even culturally relevant or of the same race/origin as said name. That's also from like 10 years. Who knows? It could happen. You could also build a small speaker into the sword and hook that up to an mp3 player. I think the latter would be more fruitful, and a great way to convince your friends that elder sword gods exist.


I don't know. I'm really bored and this seemed like a good way to kill 22 minutes. Weapon design is pretty great. Hope it wins in the contest and I'd like to see more designs from the op.

Edited by Xehalin
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Wow. Really good looking sword. I have the stats etc idea. Since it's a "precise" weapon why not make it single target? If it'll be single target then we'll have to haigh damage. It looks like it has heated blade which means it would be really good against armor. So it's damage type is puncture(maybe add a bit to slash so it was

Puncture: 40

Slash: 20

Impact: 5


I saw your post on the melee contest thread. Instead of making the first slice the most powerful how about leave it to the charge attack. So you basically hold the sword's handle with one hand and the other you put on the scabbard and then you stop, slash dash a bit and cut the enemy. 


But i really hope they add this into the game. Keep up the good work!

Edited by Half-Hero
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just did we can only submit one unfortunately so i posted the katana as its got the most votes. so check out the thread and support my design i guess.

thanks for the support guys.



Excellent the weapon we all want!


[Edit]  I see you're going the Iajutsu route with it.  Please, don't.  The fast draw style is designed for ONE strike against ONE opponent, and you NEVER have that in Warframe.  Ever, unless it's a boss, and you never one shot kill a boss.


It's OK, for the first strike when you draw, but the next few swings you want are two handed.  Because using both hands gets you more power per hit.  More power means more damage, more damage means more dead enemies.

Edited by Nagisawa
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