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Am I The Only One Who Stares At Sedna, And Europa And Go Wow...?


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nothing to do with rewards. The mission on Europa I don't even have unlocked... Most people don't go out as far as Sedna, and Europa... no reason to. Plus its a drag to deal with enemies in those areas.

Nova is there and star chat gives mastery.  I don't want to be one of those leechers spamming everybody in chat just cause they are too lazy every time there is an alert up.  Actually most people don't either.  The invasions with potatoes go away in a day.  Yea, it's the rewards.

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Just sayin', maybe, just maybe, to those who actually complain about this, instead of spending your time QQing, go contribute to Kappa and return it to its former glory.


Or, you know, just sit here and keep complaining, getting nothing done. S#&$ doesn't get done by themselves kids.

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I will say that one way to cull the issue would be to make the percentages actually function as percentages - meaning they follow a logarithmic scale rather than a linear one. Basically the farther a battle leans to a particular faction, the less effort it takes to carry it in favor of that faction.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I will say that one way to cull the issue would be to make the percentages actually function as percentages - meaning they follow a logarithmic scale rather than a linear one. Basically the farther a battle leans to a particular faction, the less effort it takes to carry it in favor of that faction.

Assuming the proportion (Corpus vs Grineer) of player support remains consistent over time (and there's really no reason for it not to), all your proposal does is manipulate the base length of the event at the cost of obfuscating the actual influence values.


A simpler way to accomplish much the same task would be to reduce the victory difference requirement.

Unfortunately, this leads to shorter events where the community/DE might want longer ones (such as for catalyst/reactor battle pay).


The best solution I can think of would be to slap a timer on each invasion, say for 60 hours (2.5 days).

Should the invasion not be resolved by the timer's expiration, it is automatically decided in favor of the currently dominating faction.

If there ever should be a tie, as infinitely unlikely as such an event is, the victory goes to the defending faction.

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The wisest thing to do with invasions is just make them shorter, let them function as community-wide alert type of mission, with the difference of change faction sides of one node.

12h or 24h max for one invasion.

And since they will be shorter and more often, start giving away consumable stuff as a reward -- keys for example or maybe in rare occasion a pack of rare mods (give you randomly few rare mods). 

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I always wonder. There is no point doing these Invasion missions anyways since we can't "lose".

Right now, Invasion missions need a timer or an automatic progression or maybe a force that pushes the score towards the Infested Faction and when that time runs out, we Tenno lose.


Maybe if we lose we only get half of the reward or some credits to compensate.


It should be meaningful to win these battles in a way and a method for Infested to convert a node permamently if they win until Corpus or Grineer (or Lotus or maybe the Corrupted!?!) decides to take it back.


The battle pay right now is kinda unsatisfying as well. 1 Neurode for 3 games? I play one game on a system that offers Neurodes and I have a chance to get 1-3 of those. Mutagen Mass and a considerable amount of Credits are neat but when they want to offer a rare Ressource as Battlepay, 1 is not enough.


btw. why don't we get a uncommon or rare mod as battle pay? Contigious Spread, Fever Strike etc are difficult mods to get even though they are uncommon. Those are perfect things to offer as battle pay and when there is a chance to lose these fights (by doing nothing for a long period of time) then these battles finally get interesting :)

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A simpler way to accomplish much the same task would be to reduce the victory difference requirement.

Unfortunately, this leads to shorter events where the community/DE might want longer ones (such as for catalyst/reactor battle pay).


Maybe I'm naive but I'm pretty sure the last thing the majority of the community wants right now is longer events in any way, shape, or form - so the latter sounds like a much more beneficial prospect currently.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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Maybe I'm naive but I'm pretty sure the last thing the majority of the community wants right now is longer events in any way, shape, or form - so the latter sounds like a much more beneficial prospect currently.


I think you missed out on some of that quote.

Here, I'll write it again:





Edited by Knaimhe
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I think you missed out on some of that quote.

Here, I'll write it again:






Actually I'm not as dumb as I look, thank you. Catalysts and reactors as battle pay are indeed wonderful, and everyone should get the opportunity to grab them surely. There's just one small problem - that battle pay doesn't do you a hell of a lot of good while the node sits there for weeks on end barely moving at all.



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DAMN, it's almost as if it's because Invasion Missions are boring as hell, so no one bothers running them if the rewards aren't really good, and that's why they're stuck in permanent stalemates!

But it's not like DE will ever rollback anything they release, or even overhaul them within 5 major updates, so i'm not even gonna bother complaining about how stupid Invasions as a whole is. Let Sedna and Europa stay that way, it's kinda funny anyway, just imagining the Grineers and Corpus having a british tea party together for the entire duration of it.

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+1 ... to OP.


They should probably have a time limit to those invasions too. 

Maybe a little longer than infested take but if the node isn't conquered after x days the invaders give up? 


It is a little silly, and even thinking about this makes it seem worse because apparently the board will stop funding Alad V, a high ranking, very intelligent Corpus guy/person/employee/thing, after a week or so.  
But some no name Corpus tool with trigger happy crewmen gets to fight the grineer as long as he wants. 


+1 ... Enough said. Legit lore-based solution to the problem. :D


Just sayin', maybe, just maybe, to those who actually complain about this, instead of spending your time QQing, go contribute to Kappa and return it to its former glory.


Or, you know, just sit here and keep complaining, getting nothing done. S#&$ doesn't get done by themselves kids.


I've done that to some extend... But after doing more missions than needed and still the percentage bar doesn't move any further, because everybody else doesn't mind about it I just follow the majority - don't bother anymore as there are other missions I have to accomplish too, like Void and Derelicts, where I still not have all of the stuff because of resentment of the RNG-Gods. So why continue contributing on the Invasion when all I get is 3 Gallium at Kappa? Which I don't need anyways? :P


Problem is... I can't buy anything for my ideals - as much as I like the Grineer, it still holds true. Which is sad, because I feel I've infected myself with the greed-themed gameplay lately. Tenno > Corpus when it boils down to the Profits thanks to the Invasions. Seriously I can't believe how far we drifted off our original goal in just a few weeks.


DAMN, it's almost as if it's because Invasion Missions are boring as hell, so no one bothers running them if the rewards aren't really good, and that's why they're stuck in permanent stalemates!

But it's not like DE will ever rollback anything they release, or even overhaul them within 5 major updates, so i'm not even gonna bother complaining about how stupid Invasions as a whole is. Let Sedna and Europa stay that way, it's kinda funny anyway, just imagining the Grineers and Corpus having a british tea party together for the entire duration of it.


+1 ... It's just our silent way to tell them that Invasions are a "nice" addition one can do for a little "grind-variety", because it's not different from anything else, but that it's simply not a worthy replacement to other stuff. So let them stay until they notice.

Edited by MeduSalem
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its a nice thing to have these invasions if you got nothing else to grind for, but on the event we had only 1 planet at a time. now we can get up to 3 planets with the same effort of the event, and no real benefit of overgrinding them.


its literally impossible for any of these to be completed under 3 weeks unless its something everyone wants like infested invasions or infested mobile defense. clantech, new frames or even old frame parts arent really gonna complete them, just give it a starting boost.


my clan had a twitter working to give timers and status of all invasions, at some point the "quickest" node was 8 days to complete and europa's first war node was halved/balanced from 100k to 3k because noone wanted to grind it.


rather that to have its goal made easier the war really should auto-resolve. grineer had majority? why not give them 0.5% per hour till the end? its really sad to see so many nodes not moving, its like the game was abandoned by the players, even tho they just abandoned the invasion because they had important things to grind like their next frame or weapons.

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I've been looking at those planets too. Got 15 missions done at Charybdos (I don't know if I spelled that right) on Sedna and stopped. Still waiting for my rewards, but I don't think anyone is willing to do anymore missions either.

Keep in mind a lot of people are out of town and won't return for a few days... I myself haven't played since the 23rd. Give it a few hours or a day, they'll come back and go OH &$!# and get theirs done too.

I know I will...

Edited by (PS4)Massie--
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I think people need further incentive to keep playing the missions, otherwise this will go on longer than an actual war.


Perhaps after meeting the requirements for the invasion reward, players could continue to work towards further reward?

So say, Charbydis, it's offering 3 Orokin cells to do 5 missions for the invasion, how about random top-tier rewards for further missions done with that faction - every 5 more missions (up to 15 or 20 in total) you get another random reward added to you takings at the end of the invasion.


Then you could guarantee yourself your standard reward plus up to 2-3 more random items including resources, void keys, a small lump of platinum and maybe even blueprints for weapons like the Detron or existing warframes that don't have boss homes (Volt, Vauban, Banshee etc.) and the best reward of all, the invasion would actually end ^_^

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The problem is that they're glorified exterminate missions. Except in this case, you not only have to do them 5 times to get a reward (that in a lot of cases is kind of 'meh'), but people have to keep doing them to end the invasion. So you end up doing lots of these missions, and it just gets pretty mind numbing. Also consider that it pretty much involves mindless rushing, which is amplified even more since you'll usually encounter frames like Nova annihilating all the enemies. Truly a tedious, boring as heck grind.

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That's depressing. Maybe, if each faction started at 50/50, both win battles on their own, and one faction wins slightly faster than the other (the side with the advantage is randomly chosen when an invasion lands), the invasion could eventually reach 100% on one side, although slowly. The Tenno would be able to end a node faster. After 24 hours, the side with more battles won gets the node.


- All invasions are 24 hours max. The side that has one the most battles wins.

- Both factions win battles on their own, without players. One faction will win slightly, slightly faster, so that there will be a winning side guaranteed by the time the invasion ends.

- Invasions start at 50/50%.

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I hate saying this because I have a stake in the matter (3 orokin cells in sedna if the grineer wins) but an invasion should automatically fail if it takes too long. Or at the very least, the longer time spans the further away from 100% victory/defeat should be the point where one side winds, for example after 1 week passes each day reduces it by 1% so that after 17 days it only takes 90% to win/lose. This would make a resolution inevitable.

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