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How To Fix The Infested (Idea)


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So, with all this rage of "infested need their own planet" "give xini back" talk...and it's obvious DE loves the infested being a faction that is just that...infesting...so I kept thinking of how to make them a more unique faction...and make peace between both sides (DE and the players)...and I came up with this:


The infested should live in a huge hive ship, much like the Mantis from Conquest Frontier Wars or the Swarm from Starcraft...that way it makes it plausible for them to actually "pilot" a ship and also invade stuff. (Since now, I see now way for them to invade places, unless they can survive without oxigen and fart their way from one place to another)

We could also invade their own ship...which is situated on a different planet every day/week (or the planet they are currently infesting).

They'd have their own tile sets that look similar to the Collector ships from Mass Effect.(Or however DE sees fit,but it MUST be an organic-like inside with living walls and such)


When you click on their ships it sends you to a screen of branching missions similar like ones on a planet, with the final one being a boss fight againt the Hivemind/Overlord (the entity that pilots the infested ship and gives them orders) which will spawn swarms of infested to attack you,will create flashbacks on your screen and make sounds that would send chills down your spine.


So what do you guys think? Wouldn't that be nicer than just keeping them as they currently are? Just some random pop-up missions across the planets...because that feels highly underwhelming for a faction with such potential. (Mind you,I've always been a fan of infested-type factions in every game)

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I like how the Infested currently are. Each one we face is not something that was previously set up by the technocyte virus gotten out of control and mutated our other enemies into them, and I think that is what the Infested are about: the subtle virus suddenly sparking up, and not like EVERY OTHER ENEMY FACTION in the game which moves from place to place and tries to take over planets. Its like a disease, diseases don't have ships, they don't have "their own turf," NOTHING they make is THERE OWN. They are a plague, a weed, a disease, an INFESTATION, not sentient creatures (for the most part).

Edited by Morec0
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I like it to and although they are ''animals'' (sort of) I'm sure we can find some way of them using giant organic ships. Such things have featured heavily in science fiction. The ''bugs'' in Starship Troopers ride asteroids and in the films they control human/other alien hosts via telepathy. We could work something out.

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I like it to and although they are ''animals'' (sort of) I'm sure we can find some way of them using giant organic ships. Such things have featured heavily in science fiction. The ''bugs'' in Starship Troopers ride asteroids and in the films they control human/other alien hosts via telepathy. We could work something out.

Yes, but the bugs also portrayed as being more intelligent than their appearance lets on (at least, that's my impression, I've not watched any of the movies in a long time). They're animal-like in appearance and a displayed some use of tactics (such as the "brain bugs" taking memories from human soldiers) as well, they don't look sentient (as we like to see sentient = humanoid) but they are. I don't get that with the infested, I get that they're a disease that takes over host bodies and looks out to claim more as far as they can go - like a zombie plague from Dawn of the Dead or the like, not an alien invasion.


But that's just me.

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Yes, but the bugs also portrayed as being more intelligent than their appearance lets on (at least, that's my impression, I've not watched any of the movies in a long time). They're animal-like in appearance and a displayed some use of tactics (such as the "brain bugs" taking memories from human soldiers) as well, they don't look sentient (as we like to see sentient = humanoid) but they are. I don't get that with the infested, I get that they're a disease that takes over host bodies and looks out to claim more as far as they can go - like a zombie plague from Dawn of the Dead or the like, not an alien invasion.


But that's just me.

So you're telling me they just go around infesting people ? How do they get to all the planets? Who gives them orders to mass infest only a certain plainet?

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I am totally behind this idea as well!

However, I guess we need a lore reason for them to either keep coming or escaping death? Are we destroying their ship when we kill the boss? does it will always be able to escape "à la Batman" style to fight another day or they just have millions of them laying around in space?

My take on this, will not be original I agree, but looking at the Infested I always though they could merge together to form more complex lifeforms. You can take it from anywhere I guess : Dead Space moons, Stargate replicators, etc.

When the infested come over a planet to infest them they start building/upgrading hive ships from the corpses they infect. As the infestation is driven back, they accelerate the processes until we get a stage in the invasion where the fight is taken up that ship to destroy it.

The time we have access to the hive ship missions would be in relation to the amount of time it took to drive them back from the planet. The longer we take, the larger the ship becomes and the more hostile they can gather to prevent us from destroying it. Ultimately maybe escaping once in a while?

I woud love to have this set on very hard, so that even though a lot of people assault it, we could sometimes fail to destroy it and a half finished ship (yet "flyable") could reappear at a later date over another system to try to finish itself.

My 2 cents to an already awesome idea.

Edit : When I mean fail, I mean fail to destroy it in a set amount of time. Not fail the missions themselves (I understand that would make a lot of people rage). But just impossible goals to make sure the infested are not always destroyed, but sometimes just driven back.

From what I can gather, they have been around for a very long time, they should inspire fear and be something hard to deal with.

Edited by Theodorick
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Well, since we have the Derelict Ships already, why not instead of the infested "piloting" ships across the solar system, one of the Derelict shuttles simply drifts into a new sector periodically, allowing the infested to spread to that area's nodes. As a bonus, the Derelicts will finally have a place on the map (maybe keys could still be necessary to access nodes, but it at least makes it easier to jump into a derelict mission).

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I like the idea... infested could also use some new units/a rework.

Seriously the infested are probably the most boring faction to fight. They need some ranged guys...  maybe a ranged character that can crawl along walls/ceilings.

Or some kind of character that crawls on walls ceilings... and a ranged character...

Seriously they need an infested that's like the ranged flood from halo.


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I like how the Infested currently are. Each one we face is not something that was previously set up by the technocyte virus gotten out of control and mutated our other enemies into them, and I think that is what the Infested are about: the subtle virus suddenly sparking up, and not like EVERY OTHER ENEMY FACTION in the game which moves from place to place and tries to take over planets. Its like a disease, diseases don't have ships, they don't have "their own turf," NOTHING they make is THERE OWN. They are a plague, a weed, a disease, an INFESTATION, not sentient creatures (for the most part).

Yes but they need a HIVE right?....right?

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