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Thank You For Watching Livestream #20


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Thank you for tuning in to Livestream #20.


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Livestream #20 Summary:


We kick off the first Dev Q & A of 2014 with the traditional introductions and then Rebecca get’s right into the questions:


Is Warframe where it needs to be?




Rebecca- Trading is in the game, Damage 2.0 is live and still being worked on, we’ve revamped bosses with major updates and more coming (Vay Hek), melee 2.0 is the next huge overhaul, we’ve added guns n’frames n’ tile sets. Yet we are at a cusp of a new issue: What does it all mean? What do we do for new players who can’t even scratch the surface and put down the controller/mouse? What do we do for old players who don’t know why they’re doing it?

It’s clear that the feedback coming from forums, professional reviewers, and other places are all saying the same thing:

New players: We don't know what we're doing or older players: Why we're doing it. We have fun doing it and that keeps us around – but as fun evaporates, what’s left?


Michaelwii asks “It's been over a year since closed beta testers came to Warframe. The growth and popularity of Warframe are great things to be proud of. Do you each think that Warframe is where it needs to be after over a year? (both in the parts you each play AND Warframe as a whole)”


Scott- I’m proud, I think we still have work to do. Obviously new User is still high on the list.


Steve- People are hungry for Lore. We lose a lot of players that can’t set their own goals or off the bat don’t understand what the game is about. The game has grown massively and the complexity has created problems for new users. But Warframe is in a great spot. 2014 is like Warframe 2.0 for me.


Geoff- We do need to make those aspects better (beginning experience/end-game users).


Lore: Clear Priories




Scott- Vor’s Prize has been something we’ve left hanging for awhile. It’s a mater of execution. Getting that done will hopefully fix being able to see the cool things about the game.


Geoff- Letting players know the depth of game play that they have.


Sheldon- Looking at how to put items into the Void properly.






Steve- It’s like an in-game manual that explains systems, etc. The idea is that if you want to replay tutorials, mastery challenges, or learn what polarity symbols means is going in there.






Rebecca- Most PS4 members feel as though we are getting the short hand of the stick in terms of older exclusive items because of the great time disparity between the PC members and PS4 members, do you have plans to fairly distribute like-items (something similar, but not exact) in Warframe to help ease tension between the two different platforms? (Asked by PS4i_illusion)


Sheldon- We’re heard at work bridging that gap. We have a build going to cert in the next couple days. They’ll get everything up to 11.5.8.


Steve- We have frame rate improvements, stability improvements, massive network optimizations, AI optimization, controller bindings, and so much more. I’m so excited for them to get that build.


Sheldon- Right around the corner is going to be Migration. The last few bugs are being ironed out. I’m referring to being able to do that before the builds are in-sync.







Character Liveliness: New Transmissions





Geoff- All the characters are getting that treatment.


Steve- A lot of it is Update 12, their working very quickly.


RNG/Void Drop table




Rebecca- Bazools asks “The Devs talked about RNG and the Voids drop table being a bit wonky lately... so are there plans for a replacement? Also any plans for a better reward system in defense and survival?”


Sheldon- We are definitely working on the amount of duplication in the Void. We want to make sure as we put new things in the void pool it doesn’t dilute. I put some newer Prime items in the Derelicts to make a short-term solution.


Scott- Potential changes for Defense rewards. There is an obvious disparity.


Beam Damage Display





Warframe Buff




Rebecca- Kaidinah asks “Can Banshee please get looked at?” In terms of proprieties, do you have anything to share?


Scott- In terms of priority, Banshee is on the list. There is a group that hasn’t been looked at.


2013 Lessons for 2014





Rebecca- Moondancer asks “What are some lessons you have learned from Warframe that you will take into your next project? (2014)”


Sheldon- Everything has a UI element.


Geoff- Making this year a much richer experience for players to sink their teeth into.


Scott- The lengths at which people to go to get what they want. People are willing to grind a certain aspect of the game to get that certain item. In my eyes those were added for players that started the game and by the time they got to that point, they would have an abundance of them. We need to take into account long terms players that focus all their time grinding for one thing. I appreciate and I think it’s awesome.


Steve- Event scoring is really hard. Adding a bit more Lore will be really nice for players.


Founders Swag




Founders gift shipping is in progress.


Melee 2.0




Rebecca- HandsOfanArtist asks “Melee 2.0.”


Geoff- It’s a lot of work. On the content side, we’ve gone through all weapon the stances and created movement sets based on carrying those weapons, and the parrying that goes along with that. We’ve added new directional attack which is a forward thrust meant to break enemies defenses. Right now we’re focusing on giving much better feedback through AI that your melee is effective. Custom hit effects for each faction, adding a parrying system so you can also block and parry attacks. We’re also creating a new AI type who has a deep melee system for them. These guys will have patterns that you can read. Quick melee will still be an option.


Melee Concept Weapon Submission




Rebecca- Dev’s are looking over submissions.


RNG Generated Stats




Rebecca- SabreUr asks “Mod 1.0 had one distinctive advantage over mod cards - mods' stats were randomly generated, which provided players with possibility of collecting more powerful mods, and was small substitute of end-game. With Mod 2.0, each mod is pretty much the same, and if you get one, for example, Serration, you are pretty much set. Is there a possibility (or plans) of introducing some kind of loot with RNG generated stats? There were few ideas appearing on forums varying from total remake of mod system, adding secondary layer of gun and Warframes modifications and giving random stats to fusion cores (and allowing them to be installed).”


Steve- I’m proud of a lot of the Mod systems. We do have a list of ideas for Mods to bring a little bit of that Loot reward back. But it has to be very cautiously done to not disrupt people’s great builds they have worked hard on.






Rebecca- Roflchoptreh asks “What are you guys planning to do with the good, the bad, and the ugly that is RNG?”


Steve- We still haven’t added the Mission rewards which are absolutely coming. We are extremely proactive about fixing these problems.


AI Variety/New Enemy Kubrow




Geoff- The Forest set that we teased is coming back with a new creature and enemy type that you fight in there.


PS4 Talk




Rebecca- (PS4)edqinp426 asks “When are we going to start seeing more developer talk concerning the PS4? A lot of people are feeling left out and with good reason.


Geoff- We don’t want that.


Scott- I don’t separate the two in my mind.


Steve- We’ve been tasking out the team to adhere to PS4 concerns so they can have their own fixes.


Clothe Animation




Rebecca- VicAnimus asks “Are the clothe physics still being worked on or have they been set aside?”


Geoff- Very soon, we’re working on it. You’ll see improvements on Syandanas too.


Next Boss Overhaul: Vay Hek Art



Vay Hek Drone Art



Polarity of Slots




Rebecca- Brahmastra asks “Will we be able to change the spot of the polarities?”


Steve- We’re in test for moving slot polarities around, it’s definitely an Update 12 thing.


Grineer Shipyard Art









Bird of Prey Art



Infested Ship



Current Stat Helmets




Sheldon- I know we’ve talked about it many times before, we’ll address it.


Ability timer on new HUD




Steve- Yes.


Hobbled Key Fix




Steve- It’s coming.






Steve- The problem is the secrecy that we think is interesting has a double edged sword, people want that stuff and then they get irate.


Scott- Harvester will hunt you if you support Grineer.


Steve- It leads to a very challenging situation, which still has mystery to it.


Steve- The Gradivus Dilemma choices do not put you in a sink hole.


Back to your desk




Geoff- Dioramas for Steve (codex stuff), Melee 2.0, and Kubrow.


Sheldon- Recipes for new stuff next week.


Scott- Balance changes for new stuff next week and trying to differentiate it so it feels new, Vor’s Prize, the potential crazy new movement sets, game play difference between the art sets, and the new Warframe.


Steve- Trading part of Codex, Vor’s Prize, and new enemy types.






Scott- The dojo will continue to evolve and so that the players should invest in it.


Account Resets?




Steve- We are not planning to offer account resets right now.



Thank you for joining us!

Edited by [DE]Megan
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god i hate the guessing game just tell us the new warframe and Prime's, its annoying playing the guess "WHAT'S THE WARFRAME?" this is not Pokemon <========just saying right now on my honest opinion......

Actually I have to agree with this, Teasers are one thing, refusing information for absolutely no reason is just annoying.

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Thanks to you Rebecca for the questions asked (mine included) awesome work representing the community!


To the Devs thanks for some the answers asked that were rolling around the forums lately and need some serious answers

and for getting reed of some of the doubts in our minds.


Till next time and keep it up. 

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god i hate the guessing game just tell us the new warframe and Prime's, its annoying playing the guess "WHAT'S THE WARFRAME?" this is not Pokemon <========just saying right now on my honest opinion......

then don't guess? we'll know when it gets closer to release, no point trying to guess now. but in all honesty, if you really want to try to make a prediction, here's a spoiler: all the current frames will eventually get a prime counterpart. likely. and assuming DE doesn't suddenly run out of money and disappear. highly unlikely.


I'm pretty excited about all the new weapons alluded on the livestream. guess I'll have to free up some inventory slots and buy a couple extra to accommodate them. I trust Scott will differentiate them from the current weapons. but for now, I gotta rank up this drakgoon and get that out of the way


edit: also, Pokemon is a pretty damn successful franchise, gamefreak's still going strong. bad comparison? nah, bad you


(Jake and Amir reference, anyone?)

Edited by Wallace24
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I would like to note that a lot of stuff is finished the day of release, or hotfixed shortly there after, and "will this work?" is often a big question. Like, Oberon, they were having issues with it, so they weren't sure when it would be available. When they finally got the kinks worked out, they announced it and released it. It's safe to suppose they probably have multiple frames in que being worked on, and that it's just a matter of them figuring out which fit best with new content, what works best with the current system, and what's progressing the fastest.


So everyone complaining about "WHY DON'T THEY TELL US?", well, they frankly don't know. They have guesses that they can tease with, but if frame X turns out to be unviable for some reason, or badly delayed, it's a bad thing to have promised it as the next frame out.

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then don't guess? we'll know when it gets closer to release, no point trying to guess now. but in all honesty, if you really want to try to make a prediction, here's a spoiler: all the current frames will eventually get a prime counterpart. likely. and assuming DE doesn't suddenly run out of money and disappear. highly unlikely.


I'm pretty excited about all the new weapons alluded on the livestream. guess I'll have to free up some inventory slots and buy a couple extra to accommodate them. I trust Scott will differentiate them from the current weapons. but for now, I gotta rank up this drakgoon and get that out of the way


edit: also, Pokemon is a pretty damn successful franchise, gamefreak's still going strong. bad comparison? nah, bad you


(Jake and Amir reference, anyone?)


Truthfully i am not guessing i am just DISAPPOINTED on how DE don't release the information what comes next in detail, TOO MUCH SECRETIVE IS REALLY UNNESSARY IN THIS GAME....yeah i know this is BETA...but its high time that we get the gist of knowing to whats to come in the future purposes....well whatever if you think i am idiot then go ahead i dont care....all i want is for DE just tell us already....it feels like a POKEMON and YUGIOH category as of right now.....





YU-GI-OH! :  "I'll activate a trap card, Your WARFRAME, and Weapons and Mods are Nerf!!!!!"



Bottom line is its Annoying.....

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Disappointed there was no mention about looking into the mod system. There's been some great threads about it lately and hoped you would give it some attention in this livestream


That said, there was still several exciting things being talked about

Edited by Tarudizer
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I was there! At the live stream and it was awesome but you guys have news that had us on the edge of our seats.  You guys are tackling the most important issues like networking controller layout those are what counts in my book when it comes to ps4.  Can't wait for the update.  See you guys again soon on the next lucky #21 live stream.

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One thing to note though. The first 8+ minutes were awkward as all hell. They were NOT happy with that question of whether Warframe is where it needs to be or not.


Rebecca starting with the mallet to the face.


Well played Rebecca. Well played.


Loved watching them squirm.

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I would like to post my feedback about the RNG mods : No. Simple. Terrible idea and the current system is much better.


EDIT : Also great work with the questions Rebecca. It's great to see a community manager on the player's side. You gave them the real big concerns and the important questions, really appreciated! :D

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