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What's The #1 Thing You Wish De Would Do That They Just Don't


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Fix end game frames drop. Been around forever and I've seen countless posts and efforts. The only recent thing they tried to do to fix it was reduce the amount of ammo that drops (and add despawn to it) and that definitely didn't fix it. It also screwed over a lot of people's ammo efficiency. It's impossible to go far on defense without a host migrate, and survival is difficult if you don't know fixing methods. I say impossible lightly - It is possible because I have done it, but let me tell you that playing with 10 fps for 4+ hours is very annoying.

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Make research labs more useful and stop throwing all Grineer/Corpus based weapons in Marketplace.

- Introduce a better way to actually RESEARCH corpus/grineer intel (like doing raid-like missions, spy missions, and "collect?" missions [something like the Cicero Event] on the faction's respective planets) and everyone in Clan can contribute their share of gathered materials and intel

Edited by Trowicia
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Love the Dojo raiding idea, That is actually an awesome idea.


Oh and maybe make mutagen samples easier to acquire, or make other resources like feldron samples as hard to get. I don't see why they are made to be so easy to get while the mutagen samples take a hell of a long time to get.

Edited by (PS4)InVaLiD94
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I want a linear(ish) story line to go through!  One that explains all the events that have happened, allows me to learn more about who I (the Tenno I play as) am.  Most missions should be multi-player, but the occassional would have to be single player.  



I want to explore this amazing story!!!  I've picked up a lot from playing, and I've fantasized about my own fan-fiction and read a lot of fan-fiction too.  I crave a story-line to play through!  Some epic tale of ninja-tude to experience and have my mind blown by!  I like the events, but it's not enough of a story to play through..



THAT is the most important thing that DE needs to do in 2014. I can't see myself playing all of 2014 without a campaign to do.  I'd be willing, even if I have to start all over with just an Excalibur or something.

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Balance and test their content more before releasing it to the masses, and hot fixing the S#&$ out of it 3 times in a week.


I'd gladly wait longer for new content if I had the confidence the design has been rigorously thought through and tested. The Cicero event left me feeling like ideas at DE go from paper to development in the span of a day or two. And if DE stopped for a little while and thought about it, they'd realize a lot of the things they've done are: a) horrifically repetitive, even within WF's repetitive game play. B) lead to a lot of boring down time ala killing stuff and then spending 20 minutes scanning. C) Poorly balanced. Generally things end up being 2x as easy as they were when an event first starts. This goes back to invasions and even further. Which is why I never play a WF event on the first day or two, DE always changes the balance, usually making that first day or so worthless.


I like DE but their content release schedule, I think, is to blame for a lot of perceived short comings of updates.

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Simple poll, what do you wish DE would do/add/change that they haven't, even if they said they would. Try to only pick one thing. Be civil and don't bash DE, that's against the rules. I'll start:

Add endgame (Especially something like Path of Exile maps, clan vs clan, or dojo raiding as discussed in livestreams)

Sorry, bro but I have to pick more then 1 thing.

 Let's start!



-More Violence and gore

-better AI

-all Warframes in Prime editon

-all weapons in Prime edition (primary, secondary and melee)

-improve the performance for slow PCs to run the game on higher settings

-add more stuff in the codex and when I mean more I want more

-add more maps like on planet not only on ships

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Make a new Unreal Tournament game. They are much better at that. The market is flooded with modern day shooters I miss my UT with all its crazy guns with secondary fire modes.



And if I'd have to say something I want in warframe, I'd just say balance.

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I would say lore.

Why tenno fight for lotus? She saved us, ok, but does it make us her property? It's plain baby duck syndrome when tenno considers first thing they see after cryo pod to be their mother/owner. Where is the so called tenno honor? Tenno fight for scraps and for anything versus anyone.

How come every boss knows your name?

Why does stalker target pawns instead going for lotus? Tenno are mere tools.

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"Won't Do" (JUST YET)

a. Scarves

b. Weapon Skins
c. Frame skins
2. Sentinels need more swag.
a. Mods that make them do things than just shoot and restore
b. There own Animation sets
c. Moar Music
3. Fix old textures.
a. Lotus Sentinel Mask
4. Increase FOV/AF Settings
a. Stuff look too blurry in the distance.
5. We want Grineer Wraith to have their own Void.
a. Scorpion Wraith
b. Napalm Wraith
c. Lancer Wraith
6. Bring back the old Bo physics
a. Bo Prime with Ragdoll effects
7.Make Excalibur Prime Prime
a. Frost Prime Prime
b. They need to be revisted to match current Primes
8. Saryn is too damn sexy for her own good
a. Make Nova sexier
b. Make Nyx sexier
c. Make Banshee sexier.
10. All planets need new definitions.
a. Sedna has Corpus and Grineer..update lore
11. Bring back stamina.
a. This sucks (current stamina)
b. Enemy running away from me when I'm attacking. This sucks.
c. I'm not chasing you. #@%#@ you.
12. Sleek Coding.
a. Improve.

Edited by Ishki88
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I would say lore.

Why tenno fight for lotus? She saved us, ok, but does it make us her property? It's plain baby duck syndrome when tenno considers first thing they see after cryo pod to be their mother/owner. Where is the so called tenno honor? Tenno fight for scraps and for anything versus anyone.

How come every boss knows your name?

Why does stalker target pawns instead going for lotus? Tenno are mere tools.


where Lotus is hiding anyway ? where is our main Base/ship ????

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Simple poll, what do you wish DE would do/add/change that they haven't, even if they said they would. Try to only pick one thing. Be civil and don't bash DE, that's against the rules. I'll start:

Add endgame (Especially something like Path of Exile maps, clan vs clan, or dojo raiding as discussed in livestreams)


Fix the helmet bugs.

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I'd like quick context searches on the mod screen. Like press "R" and it goes to mods that start with "R" instead of scrolling through hundreds or thousands of mods to get there. 


Wildcards would be cool, too. Maybe rare drops of existing mods that have a wildcard polarity, allowing you to slot them in any polarity slot for the reduction in cost.


A melee counter that allows you to offset a heavy attack like a knockdown would be nice, too. Hit your melee button quickly when hit with a knockdown attack and maybe you get knocked back but not down, or something like that. 


I'd like parkour improvements to make it more intuitive and better functioning. They've already been working on that, though, it's already better than it was a few months ago in a lot of ways. 


That's not really one thing, but those are what I'd like the most right now.

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Add a more rewarding system.


This includes :


- better reward tables or another system

- risks/rewards (such as exploring a map, lasting longer, pushing yourself)

- melee system (soon)


Edited by matto
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