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Well the system is 1 week old, that's a bit early I guess to draw conclusions. I started deleting builds only 2 days ago, which will help the system when  I'll start deleting more and more builds, and I'm also working on a last feature which will help the good builds to reach the popularity they deserve, at least for a time. I'll be able to mark a build as a 'good build', and you'll see that in the list (maybe a star before the name). So you'll know when a build has been approved by Warframe Builder (me or another person helping managing the builds), and it'll also push the build to the top of the list to get more visits and more popularity.


It's already apparent even after 1 week.  Builds trend to 0 popularity very quickly.  In looking over your published criteria, you can deduce that it must suffer heavily from recency effects.  There is no way for the community to come up with "classic" builds that are easily discoverable, especially if you start deleting builds just because they haven't been visited in a week.


I totally understand why an anonymous voting over the internet thing won't work.  But "popularity deduced from visits" seems differently flawed.  I'd suspect you really want to capture more signal from experienced players about their favorite builds instead.  That's not terribly different from the original Google algorithm which weighted "people making links" as popularity instead of "people visiting web sites"


fwiw, I'm way more interested in finding all of Darzk's builds (or insert other experienced active forums poster with good sense) than searching all the anonymously posted builds.

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especially if you start deleting builds just because they haven't been visited in a week.

This has never happened and it won't happen. I'm deleting builds only if they are not useful to the commuity, which means incomplete builds, and/or builds with incorrect name and/or description.

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Love the software, but not a fan of the terribly long links. Have you considered using base64 for encoding the builds in the url instead? e.g.something like https://docs.python.org/dev/library/base64.html#base64.urlsafe_b64encode

There are two links when you export a build, a long link and a shorter. I.E http://goo.gl/Nz46Nb

Also using base64 won't shorten the link, it'll be worse I think, I already thought about that in the early development. You can try it yourself here with a long link : http://www.base64encode.org/

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Sort of a small rant but the top rated valkyr build has a 155 Hysteria Cost when she only has a max of 150 energy. Trying to look for some good builds is frustrating when people don't pay attention to what they build and it gets voted up...


7 forma too? Jesus what is this


also i love you and i love the site, great work!

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This will change when I'll have the opportunity to 'promote' builds. I also didn't deleted that much builds yet, so it's a bit messy at the moment, but it's a lot of work so it could take some time before we have something more clean.

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Not sure if this has been asked before so I'm sorry if it has. But will it be possible in the future for us to edit our saved builds instead of creating brand new ones that will take up our slot space for builds? Just a suggestion of course. I'm an avid user and so far I've only saved builds I want to make but because of suggested improvements, I always end up wanting to change stuff stuff here and there.

Edited by AxialBlue
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Not sure if this has been asked before so I'm sorry if it has. But will it be possible in the future for us to edit our saved builds instead of creating brand new ones that will take up our slot space for builds? Just a suggestion of course. I'm an avid user and so far I've only saved builds I want to make but because of suggested improvements, I always end up wanting to change stuff stuff here and there.


Umm, build editing is working just fine for me. Simply open the saved build and change it, reclick save. Can change the description too.

Edited by Darzk
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Umm, build editing is working just fine for me. Simply open the saved build and change it, reclick save. Can change the description too.


And I'll also say that now you can create as much builds as you want, there's no longer a 'slots' limit.


Ah, I did not know that! I haven't checked up on updates for the builder since the ability to save builds was first introduced.

This will be extremely handy, so thank you. =)

Edited by AxialBlue
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This spoiler contains a first clue.

How much groups of letters are there ?


This spoiler contains a second clue.

The text decoded is long of 3 words.


This spoiler contains a third clue.

The letters are all used in the decoded text.


This spoiler contains a fourth clue which would definitely help you if the others didn't. Only use in the last resort.

It's not an anagram, you have to find how to read the text.


Keep using my PM box to ask anything or giving me the solution.

Edited by Stoi84
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At the moment you can't delete your own builds, this is to prevent good builds from being deleted if an user decide to become an idiot. But, I can delete builds, send me a private message with the name of the builds you want to delete and your account name + email.

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There's one more thing I want to say before deleting the builds. I'll soon (probably tomorrow) add the possibility to create private builds, which means builds that will only be listed in your account, but not in the search engine. Do you still want me to delete the builds ?

Edited by Stoi84
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hello, thanks for this awesome builder you offer us all ;)

i use it for a long time now, from time to time and really enjoy the various improvements that have been done.


i also want to report a really annoying performance issue ...

when i navigate some time, checking builds, creating my own, my computer just begins to ... lag?

~30% cpu usage, non responsive page and firefox.


what infos could be needed to help you and me debug this?


i currently use:

firefox 28.0

flash 11,9,900,117


intel i5 3570k

8GB ddr3 1600


what else?

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a good idea would be to test with another browser, to see if it's not an issue with Firefox before I try to search for something in the code. I never experienced such problem, so I can't tell at the moment.
Also, how long average does it takes before it becomes laggy ? Do you have a lot of Warframe Builder tabs opened when this happens ? Is this always happens when you are on the builder page, or it also happens when you are on another page ?
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So... another update :D


First, the bad new. It's late here, and I made a mistake because my eyes are burning. So... we 'lost' 270 builds. In fact, we lost the name and the description in english of the last 270 builds. So the name has been replaced by 'Name and description lost, please update me', and the description is empty. If one of your builds is affecteed, you can retrieve it in your account, and write the name and the description again. In fact, those 270 builds have been privatized and renamed (see below).


Next, good news, because there are some, at least :D


I added the sentinels and their weapons, nothing special to say about that, simply look for bugs, it works the same as the frames and weapons.


What I want to speak about, is the private builds. I added this feature because no matter what I do and what I say, people keep using the save function as a personal storage for their builds. So now, you'll be albe to do that. Saving a private build is easy, don't put any description and the build will be private. The build will be listed in your account, you'll be able to edit the build like any other build, if you give the link to a friend he'll be able to see the build, but it won't be listed in the search engine. You can make a build private by deleting the description, and public by writing a description.


What other changes this involves ?


I made a lot of builds private, in fact, all the builds with a description with less than 60 chars are now private, which means the description in all languages have been deleted for these builds. It can seems that there are a lot less builds now, that's not wrong, but no builds have been deleted, they're just private now. At least, I didn't deleted any builds during the update... Also, the minimum number of chars for the description is now 60 (30 previously). And of course, private builds can't get any popularity, and setting a public build to private will reset the popularity to 0. While you can't save a build that already exists (same link), you can do that if you save the build as private. If you want to edit a private build to a public build, it must not already exists (same link).
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I see my build was made privatized (Dinnertime in Paris). The description had a character count of 188 ._.

I don't see a name of "Name and description lost, please update me" but the French and Russian descriptions are still there.

Was there a specific reason for this or was it a simple mistake?


Edit: To clarify, it originally had an English description with 188 characters.

Edited by MrDinnertime
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