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How To: Pull Valkyr Out Of Poop Tier


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Proposed changes to skills:


1: This skill is fine, and sort of a trademark of Valkyr. The only change that's needed is to pull Valkyr to other friendly Warframes, not the other way around (to remove griefing). Keep it as it is for conclave though, it's PvP after all.


2: In addition to increasing the speed of melee attacks, also increase firerate of guns - May be slightly OP, so probably the first suggestion to throw away.


3:  Reduce the amount of shields drained - this has already been done, so it can be ignored.


And finally, the main fix to make this ulti not be completely useless

4: Add a leap function to targeted enemy if out of melee range. - Makes the skill useful and more fun to use.



Suddenly, Valkyr is mid/high tier :P

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1: Add an alternate function where you can hold down 1 and perform a low damaging AoE attack maybe. Just maybe.

2: Firerate increase is a great idea, agreed there.

3: Replace or merge Paralysis with Dispel {Stalker™}, remove the shield drain completely as well, I mean what's the point, seriously, she's already a "glass cannon without a cannon".

4: Remove the constant blocking stance and let people use their ranged weapons


that wouldn't make her god-tier but it'd be still quite close I think :P and still not OP or anything in comparison to other WFs.

Edited by CapricaSix
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1. (Rip-Line) Leave it as it is. Its perfect right now.


2. (War cry) Turn this into an AoE team based "miniature" iron skin.

Melee buff is pretty useless to the team. Only two melee weapons matter - Galatine and Dual Zoren. Players who use Galatine don't need any help, and players who use Dual Zoren don't use it as a weapon.

Slowing down enemies is pretty useless to the team. Rarely will a group of enemies last 15 whole seconds for this kind of debuff to be worth a damn.

Armour boost is completely pointless for any Frame that isn't Valkyr, Frost, or Rhino. These frames don't need an armour boost anyway, they already have more than sufficient defensive capabilities of their own.


Instead, scrap this ability and turn it into an AoE iron skin that affects the entire team.

If iron skin absorbs 1200 damage, make war cry absorb 400. That way Valkyr will actually have some utility power that the team will thank you for.

"Valkyr lets out a fierce battle cry, inspiring her allies to push forward."


3. Paralysis - Make this a fixed energy cost ability with fixed damage/range/duration.

Right now it is 100% reliant on Hysteria. Valkyr's shields are too flimsy to risk wasting your shields and allow enemies to start eating into your much harder to replenish health. It's just a skill designed to force Valkyr into Hysteria, whether it be to cast the ability without reprecussions, or to heal from casting the ability while being shot at.


4. Hysteria - Hysteria is a great skill for solo players but provides no utility to the team, and turns Valkyr into a spectator at higher levels. As a result she is not "the berzerker warframe", but instead quickly turns into "the reviving warframe"

Combine Hysteria with what is currently war cry - slow down enemies, raise attack speed.


Alternatively, either let people use their own melee weapon, or transfer the mod bonuses over to the claws.

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1. (Rip-Line) Leave it as it is. Its perfect right now.

I don't know about you but I'm quite annoyed when some... tenno skum... griefs me with it.

2. (War cry) Turn this into an AoE team based "miniature" iron skin.


3. Paralysis - Make this a fixed energy cost ability with fixed damage/range/duration.

Right now it is 100% reliant on Hysteria. Valkyr's shields are too flimsy to risk wasting your shields and allow enemies to start eating into your much harder to replenish health. It's just a skill designed to force Valkyr into Hysteria, whether it be to cast the ability without reprecussions, or to heal from casting the ability while being shot at.


4. Hysteria - Hysteria is a great skill for solo players but provides no utility to the team, and turns Valkyr into a spectator at higher levels. As a result she is not "the berzerker warframe", but instead quickly turns into "the reviving warframe"

Combine Hysteria with what is currently war cry - slow down enemies, raise attack speed.


Alternatively, either let people use their own melee weapon, or transfer the mod bonuses over to the claws.

Going way overboard with the changes, those are not small suggestion but complete reworks, arguably a completely new frame.


"Fixed mana cost" won't happen either, it's against game mechanics (mods) and creates even more inconsistency (which Warframe - the game - has more than enough already)


The only thing I agree from that post is copying over the melee mods to the claws.

Edited by Shifted
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I don't know about you but I'm quite annoyed when some... tenno skum... griefs me with it.


How do they grief you with it? I mean I understand the concept - it pulls people. But that is just as capable of being useful to get someone out of a sticky spot as it is to griefing.

And if you think rip-line is bad, you should see Loki's switch teleport.


The only situations I can see it being a viable tool for seriously griefing is if a player uses it to pull you in to or out of extraction to stop/start the countdown.

In which case, like switch teleport, it should be blocked from working in extraction.



Going way overboard with the changes, those are not small suggestion but complete reworks, arguably a completely new frame.


"Fixed mana cost" won't happen either, it's against game mechanics (mods) and creates even more inconsistency (which Warframe - the game - has more than enough already)


The only thing I agree from that post is copying over the melee mods to the claws.


How does fixed energy cost go against the game mechanics?

Make it a 25 or 50 energy ability instead of a 5 energy ability with a gimmick attached.

Stretch/Streamline/etc would all still work with it. There are plenty of 25/50 energy abilities in warframe that do not mess with your shields.


The only thing I can see in my list of suggested changes that's a bit overboard is overhauling war cry - and that's because war cry is an absolutely terrible ability and no amount of buffing what it currently does can rescue it.

Giving your team +armour is useless for most war frames.

Giving your team +melee attack speed is useless for most players, and I don't even see melee 2.0 changing that once the novelty wears off.


Slowing enemies down by up to 30% for 15 seconds is about the only useful thing this ability does. By comparison, Snow globe slows enemies by 67%

But paralysis already stuns them, pushes them back, damages them, costs practically nothing, and can be re-cast almost instantly.


As an ability, war cry is completely redundant. Its only practical application is to give Hysteria a boost to attack speed, a boost which is fundamentally necessary to remaining remotely effective in Hysteria at dealing damage in the higher levels.

So much so that if you aren't treating them as one skill, you are doing it wrong. In which case, the attack speed may as well be merged into Hysteria, and the rest dropped and replaced.


The one area Valkyr is absolutely crippled is her contribution to a team.

Frost has his giant bubble of fun.

Oberon has his sanctuary and healing fairy things.

Rhino has roar, which boosts ALL weapon damage.

Volt has speed.

Vauban has....well Vauban has a lot of things.

Loki has decoy and radial disarm to draw away enemy fire or remove their ability to fire entirely.

Nova has her mega CC that slows enemies to a crawl, doubles damage, and lasts forever.

Trinity is the very definition of team player.

Banshee has sonar, as rare as it is to see anyone using it on the grounds that all ehr other abilities are terrible.

Excalibur has radial blind.

Ember has accelerant and ring of fire. Not great, but I think ember's badly in need of a rework. But at least she tries.

Mag has shield polarize and bullet attractor.

Nyx has chaos to CC enemies before they start killing each other.

Even Nekros has desecrate for some red orbs and extra loot.


When it comes to direct team assistance abilities, the only one Valkyr has is war cry, and out of all the team abilities, it is miles below the rest.

Edited by ChasePanic
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The speed buff needs to last twice as long and the ult needs aoe swings, movement speed buff and the ability to equip a blood energy weapon depending on which power button you press while holding down the switch weapon key.


Each weapon having it's own set of skills for attacking, charge attack and jump attack as well as special attack by pressing the fire button since she does not use guns in that mode and of course another attack since the reload key is also free. That is a lot of potential attacks especially fr sliding and jump slide and jump slide attack. Even pressing two buttons at once or holding down another button. She could be the true alternate to gunplay by simply utilizing gun related buttons, jump and slide attack, switching melee weapon, even switching to current melee and make using such weapons a blast especially with aoe melee attack.


THIS is how you improve Hysteria and this is something that would go well with Melee 2.0 and please everyone. Anythings possible. the way Hysteria is now, it's just swing swing swing with nothing going on, even slide swing can be turned into jumping great or jump slide swing.


Same applies to this new melee system with all weapons for all frames.


This would go well with the new melee system.


And this is the Hysteria that everyone wants, one that not only helps you but the whole team.


Also buffing powers and alternating them to perform much better is also great and there can also be a ultimate damage skill hidden within hysteria. As you kill more enemies, you gain blood energy, when that meter fills up, you press 4 again and this blood energy beam spews out from the ground killing everything within or mortally wounding. it could take long to fill up maybe two a whole lot need to die or not. Depends, but once this is down, hysteria shall be cancel and additional energy shall be required to do this so you'd need a lot of kills and 200 energy(100 to activate Hysteria(Perhaps another 100 maybe needed incase the first Hysteria is not enough) and 100 for the Blood Energy Beam) so that's a lot of energy for that powerful beam. if a cooldown is needed then so be it.


So there. An improvement that many would love, the beam could also replenish only the health of allies by sucking it out of the enemies and into your allies(Blood Energy really-It's what you see when you stare at enemy in hysteria mode).


there you go. you're new Hysteria. NOT all of this has to be done, but many good ideas and suggestions especially the Blood Energy beam even if nothing else typed here is done.

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1. so there a mob in a bunches of mobs. You wanted to pull that mob out to have a 1 vs 1 with it. Instead you gonna pull yourself into those mobs to have a 1 vs ___? what. 


With #4 being fix like how you suggest, Valkyr still depend on hysteria way too much, even with such leap to running mobs. It better if we separate the HP regenerate to either warcry or paralysis, instead of putting it on hysteria. 

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Only things I would change:

* Faster movement speed while hysterical

* Make Hysteria claws use whatever mods you have on your current melee weapon.

* Perhaps, use the ripline to move to the enemy and not the other way round. Not sure about this, needs some thinking.

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1. so there a mob in a bunches of mobs. You wanted to pull that mob out to have a 1 vs 1 with it. Instead you gonna pull yourself into those mobs to have a 1 vs ___? what. 

I said warframes, not regular enemies, only to prevent griefing.

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Sorry, I don't want some random dummies pulling me all over the place.

I don't want some random dummies senselessly filling the whole battlefield with multiple ice globes and crippling/blocking everyone or switch-teleporting me for no reason either. Ripline is nothing compared to that, not a very viable troll tool and quite hard to aim without pulling yourself in.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that it shouldn't be "fixed", just saying there are worse things that should be fixed first.

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I'm getting the impression you have unusually strong opinions about rip-line being used to grief, despite it being the least common and least effective way of doing so.

....Is there a story behind this or something?

If I ever been trolled on extraction, it was by valkyr.

Happened like 8 different times, succeeding with screwing me out of creds reward about 3 or 4.


Never been swapped by Loki or w/e, but if you do get trolled by that, of course it also needs changing.

Either way, thread is about valkyr.

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If I ever been trolled on extraction, it was by valkyr.

Happened like 8 different times, succeeding with screwing me out of creds reward about 3 or 4.


Never been swapped by Loki or w/e, but if you do get trolled by that, of course it also needs changing.

Either way, thread is about valkyr.

Wtf... I'm pretty sure you still get the rewards even if you are not in the extraction area when time runs out... I'm 99.99999999% sure I have had this happen to me and still got them.

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