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People Flying Across Rooms, Etc


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No it's not, it's enhanced movement. All you gain by coptering is time.

What I have learned about a exploit is that it is something that is not supposed to be possible but it is and can give you an advantage over someone, yes be it only something as trivial as time and effort. Technically it still is an exploit though not a very serious one since this is PvE. game and time and effort does not help the player all that much.

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It's not an exploit


1. a notable deed or feat, esp one that is noble or heroic
vb (tr)
2. to take advantage of (a person, situation, etc), esp unethically or unjustly for one's own ends
3. to make the best use of: to exploit natural resources.
[C14: from Old French: accomplishment, from Latin explicitum (something) unfolded, from explicāre to explicate]

exˈploitable adj ˌexploiˈtation n exˈploitive exˈploitative adj

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

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1. a notable deed or feat, esp one that is noble or heroic
vb (tr)

2. to take advantage of (a person, situation, etc), esp unethically or unjustly for one's own ends
3. to make the best use of: to exploit natural resources.
[C14: from Old French: accomplishment, from Latin explicitum (something) unfolded, from explicāre to explicate]

exˈploitable adj ˌexploiˈtation n exˈploitive exˈploitative adj

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

I guess it is notable deed. 

How would it be unethically or unjustly taking advantage of anything when you move faster?

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I guess it is notable deed. 

How would it be unethically or unjustly taking advantage of anything when you move faster?

well by definition it is an exploit.  And to answer your question, the def just says especially unethically or unjustly, does not mean it is always so.  It is up to DE to claim it as such (unintended or intended). 

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The deep root problem is not separation of play styles but actually having equal rewards for both activities.

In most missions there is 0 reason to "go slow", you just don't get rewarded for it. I pointed this out the last time this debate came up, and it is still an issue.

The rewards for going slow, opening lockers, exploring at a walking speed, ARE FAR LOWER then rushing and speeding as fast as possible.

Until this very core aspect of play is addressed, people will always find a way to 'exploit' any game mechanic to get the most reward.

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I don't think a weapon should increase mobility like this at all, unless weight becomes a factor. If a heavy melee weapon caused you to run slower and the vis versa with light weapons, then that's something to consider but being able to launch myself great distances because I swing a pair of tiny axes seems too much.


I'd be all for DE making base mobility faster or making melee viable, the latter being what's been promised with Melee 2.0. As for the game being "Unbearably slow" I don't know what you mean. I've been using Rush and Quick Rest and I've seen no pacing issues. Perhaps you've been using the Zorens for so long that you've been spoiled by it.

Your Thinking to hard....this guy LMFAO!

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I don't think a weapon should increase mobility like this at all, unless weight becomes a factor. If a heavy melee weapon caused you to run slower and the vis versa with light weapons, then that's something to consider but being able to launch myself great distances because I swing a pair of tiny axes seems too much.


I'd be all for DE making base mobility faster or making melee viable, the latter being what's been promised with Melee 2.0. As for the game being "Unbearably slow" I don't know what you mean. I've been using Rush and Quick Rest and I've seen no pacing issues. Perhaps you've been using the Zorens for so long that you've been spoiled by it.

actually, any light weight melee weapon does this when equipped with a Max Fury mod (i've tested almost every one of them, doing it with the Lecta lately). I don't know if DE intentionally made it so that players could use light weight melee to speed through levels, but it sure helps when you have hobbling key equipped, I don't even notice the difference when I have that key on if I'm using daggers.


I believe what causes the phenomena is that doing the air slash reduces your gravity ever so slightly, and your weapons attack speed effects how far you travel, thus, higher attack speed = greater distance during air slash.


that said, it feels more like an exploit, since having light weight weapons like that renders things like Rush mod and Stamina pointless, unless of course your to lazy to do a bunch of air slashes. The Air Dash with light weight melee is accelerated even further when effected by anything that boosts attack speed, such as Valkyrs Warcry, Volts Speed, or even the Berserk Mod activating.....it's actually quite beautiful when in a group with Volt when your excalibur....super jumping and then soaring through the sky across phobos desserts, or the pale blue skies of frozen corpus planets.....so beautiful.


This also works for anyone else if Nova is willing to share a Wormhole to the heavens, or Valkyr if there is something to grab onto above you etc.

Edited by Temphis
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actually, any light weight melee weapon does this when equipped with a Max Fury mod (i've tested almost every one of them, doing it with the Lecta lately). I don't know if DE intentionally made it so that players could use light weight melee to speed through levels, but it sure helps when you have hobbling key equipped, I don't even notice the difference when I have that key on if I'm using daggers.


I believe what causes the phenomena is that doing the air slash reduces your gravity ever so slightly, and your weapons attack speed effects how far you travel, thus, higher attack speed = greater distance during air slash.


that said, it feels more like an exploit, since having light weight weapons like that renders things like Rush mod and Stamina pointless, unless of course your to lazy to do a bunch of air slashes. The Air Dash with light weight melee is accelerated even further when effected by anything that boosts attack speed, such as Valkyrs Warcry, Volts Speed, or even the Berserk Mod activating.....it's actually quite beautiful when in a group with Volt when your excalibur....super jumping and then soaring through the sky across phobos desserts, or the pale blue skies of frozen corpus planets.....so beautiful.


This also works for anyone else if Nova is willing to share a Wormhole to the heavens, or Valkyr if there is something to grab onto above you etc.

Till now noone gets better mods or weapons due to this awesome jump tactics(man i got to try some of them tomorrow), so these kind of things are more or less funny things. And i think there is no need to remove funny stuff which hurts noone. I love these kind of things in games :)

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it feels more like an exploit, since having light weight weapons like that renders things like Rush mod and Stamina pointless

im not sure thats what makes mods like rush or stamina pointless. for instance i don't use mods like rush vitality redirection stamina because they are all pointless IMO, and i prefer to enhance dmg range and duration. my point is there are better mods for general use and there is actually rarely room for mods like that in top builds. also this has no relation whatsoever with the melee i choose. i actually use zoren v little but they are fun to fly with and coptering is the only reason i made and kept them. lets be realistic for a moment. i think anyone will choose weapons that can actually kill mobs and of course it you want variety u cant have all melee do the same dmg as heavys. so what can compel ppl to pick up weapons with lower dmg? little fun "exploits" like this is the only reason i think. removing it would be akin to removing the weapon. Edited by ol0.8io
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Coptering consumes stamina hence making it useless. Logic!

tiny axes launches you 2-3 rooms ahead, Game Logic! in every other game that would be called exploit and be dealt accordingly, hell in most cases these would be the things that lowers metacritic scores.

exhibit 1: Day one: garrys incident, exhibit 2: Guise of the wolf   <- these are the most extreme cases but to prove a point.


In a games like this, Zorencopter is an exploit same as Nocliping trough a walls or  floors, which even that happens on regular basis.

Edited by Mabswer
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I'm just going to blunt here and tell you that I find most of the people who are complaining about coptering absolutely disgusting and repulsive. Why? Let me tell you a story about it: 


Once in a time there was a tiny birds nest, inside the nest there were three eggs.

The eggs eventually hatched and the chicks were able to become splendid birds thanks to their parents.

The youngest of the three birds was quick on her wings and was the first to learn how to fly.

The eldest of the three birds, having his pride of being the elder sibling learned how to fly soon after.

The middle brother however for some reason refused to fly, but his siblings were fine with that since everyone should be allowed to do what they like the most.

Autumn came, and it was time for the birds to unite with their flocks and migrate south.

Please don't leave, stay with me - said the middle bird.

The elder bird couldn't just leave, he had to protect his younger sibling.

Because of this, the youngest bird was hesitant to leave but eventually realized that she had to.

Eventually the winter came and both of the birds who remained froze to death.

What about the youngest bird?

After being indecisive she set off too late, missed her flock and got eaten by seagulls.


What I'm saying is that the game currently allows you run the missions at your own pace. Yet there's always slow people complaining about exploits or how others are going too fast and wanting nerfs. Have you ever noticed that there aren't any threads made just to complain about how people are going too slow? or that going slow should be banned and you should only be allowed to zoom around and taking too long time or falling too much behind should get you kicked from the game? Take a moment and reflect on that. Because that's just how selfish and repulsive these people are. There's a sense in freedom and these people just want to restrict it because half of it isn't how they do it.


If DE explicitly didn't want people to be able to wing through the stages quickly, then wouldn't be any sudden speed increase from sliding, or doing the sliding melee, or jumping off from wallruns. The game would've worked fine if sliding simply slowed you down from initial running speed and slide melee did the same but that's not how it is right now.


Remember how every review says "take away the fancy stuff and warframe is just another mediocre boring third person shooter"? Well that's just what I'm seeing here. Apparently certain people want their mediocre boring third person shooter.

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If DE explicitly didn't want people to be able to wing through the stages quickly...



Since you're new here, To remind you DE did try to remove that slide speed up once already, But same as with Rhinos optimizations it got so much Bit***ng and whining that they where forced to revert the changes and on rhinos case Buff it twice just to cater to "Master race"

Edited by Mabswer
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I've seen something promising in terms of copter nerfing in the last live stream. They gave the spin attack a third motion, which breaks the frame's momentum before it lunges forward for its last strike. If that's part of the same attack they might have managed to fix coptering, as anyone attempting to do so would also have their frame perform the stabbing strike, forcing their frame in a "downtime" as the animation plays out. Dual weapons might have some animation that's even elaborate and takes longer, who knows.


Let's stay optimistic, they'll get rid of this scourge sooner or later.

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I've seen something promising in terms of copter nerfing in the last live stream. They gave the spin attack a third motion, which breaks the frame's momentum before it lunges forward for its last strike. If that's part of the same attack they might have managed to fix coptering, as anyone attempting to do so would also have their frame perform the stabbing strike, forcing their frame in a "downtime" as the animation plays out. Dual weapons might have some animation that's even elaborate and takes longer, who knows.

Let's stay optimistic, they'll get rid of this scourge sooner or later.

look dude. i let you move like a turtle along the map ok? let me fly if thats my thing i dont see how it affects you. play solo or with like minded friends if u want to take your time. if its a public game get with the program. why not nerf wormhole, slash dash, switch teleport etc while we're at it? ppl are using those also to get to the end of map quickly u know? point is unless DE addresses the CAUSE of ppl wanting to go fast nerfing coptering will only make it worse.

the main problem here is that going slow and exploring is not worth the time. when/if DE makes it worthwhile then ppl will have a reason to do it. as it stands now i want to get to the end as fast as possible since i'm a rank13 player and i know the repetitive maps like the back of my hand and have tons of recources. exploring them gives me nothing anymore. flying does. why do you want to enforce your playstyle on me? what if i tell you that making me go slow takes the fun away i im not one for playing unfun games? how is that progress? u sound like the TSA ..

Edited by ol0.8io
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look dude. i let you move like a turtle along the map ok? let me fly if thats my thing i dont see how it affects you.


the main problem here is that going slow and exploring is not worth the time. when/if DE makes it worthwhile then ppl will have a reason to do it. as it stands now i want to get to the end as fast as possible since i'm a rank13 player and i know the repetitive maps like the back of my hand. exploring them gives me nothing anymore. flying does. why do you want to enforce your playstyle on me? what if i tell you that making me go slow takes the fun away i im not one for playing unfun games? how is that progress? u sound like a racist ..


Because maps are made to be traversed in within a specific time frame. Undercutting that frame by 50 to 70 percent affects the game flow. No, flying doesn't give you anything. All it does for you is reduce grind because you spend less time traveling from start->objective->extraction. That's not a valid reason to keep such a broken mechanic that also creates some serious imbalances between frames that are supposed to be slow in the game. You want less grind? Tell DE. Relying on a bug for your playstyle and then complaining about it if they remove it is pretty ignorant, not to mention egocentric. Coptering also invalidates every other form of normal movement and the traveltime of players level creators design their maps around. If they designed it with coptering in mind we would have maps that take ten times longer to traverse.

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Because maps are made to be traversed in within a specific time frame. Undercutting that frame by 50 to 70 percent affects the game flow. No, flying doesn't give you anything. All it does for you is reduce grind because you spend less time traveling from start->objective->extraction. That's not a valid reason to keep such a broken mechanic that also creates some serious imbalances between frames that are supposed to be slow in the game. You want less grind? Tell DE. Relying on a bug for your playstyle and then complaining about it if they remove it is pretty ignorant, not to mention egocentric. Coptering also invalidates every other form of normal movement and the traveltime of players level creators design their maps around. If they designed it with coptering in mind we would have maps that take ten times longer to traverse.

maybe you didnt understand me. i dont regularly use coptering (because actually my main melee is glaive prime) but i regularly rush through maps using any means at my disposal: slash dash, charge, teleport, wormhole rush coptering etc. so i still take v little time to go across the map when i want to rush it. and what do you mean taking 60 mins to do a ext or cap mission because u want to explore doesnt affect the game flow? it just depends on your POV. how is yours more valid then mine when its a personal thing? dont u see? the issue here is not coptering or going fast but the CAUSE of this behaviour. DE needs to fix that. make exploring worth my time and ill do it. same goes for stealth

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I've seen something promising in terms of copter nerfing in the last live stream. They gave the spin attack a third motion, which breaks the frame's momentum before it lunges forward for its last strike. If that's part of the same attack they might have managed to fix coptering, as anyone attempting to do so would also have their frame perform the stabbing strike, forcing their frame in a "downtime" as the animation plays out. Dual weapons might have some animation that's even elaborate and takes longer, who knows.


Let's stay optimistic, they'll get rid of this scourge sooner or later.

I hope DE addresses the scourge of going slow, it is really hurting the pace of this game. This game is meant to be fast paced ninja action and people going slow are really ruining my fun.


I hope they remove this scourge of slow soon.

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All it does for you is reduce grind [...]

You want less grind? Tell DE.


It reduces pointless traveltime through empty, repetitive hallways. 'Coptering does not help to acquire resources, mods or affinity. Since DE has decided that their game needs to be grindey, as a factor that cannot be changed, travel time is the next factor being adjusted. Now, if the rooms and hallways had interesting things to do, if there were alternate paths to the objectives, if there were reasons to go slow, this argument would hold water. Since there isn't, it doesn't.


Tell DE? We have so, many times. DE's response: "We understand". Then came more grind. "But, why, DE?" - "Well, we said we understand you don't like grind - but we didn't say we'd remove it." Then came more grind. "Really, DE?" - "Well, yeah, it makes the content last longer."


We told DE what we didn't like. DE didn't listen.

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