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Mastery Rank 15 Test...is A Wallrun Test?


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Hello all,


I heard that mastery rank 15 is a wall run test, the test that was for mastery rank 8 test, is same for mastery rank 15 too??


Is this a joke? because the previous mastery rank tests were all different but hearing that mastery rank 15 test being same as rank 8 test...is lot weird and reminding me the same for mastery rank 8-10 being the same wall run test that time,...


is it just me, or they haven't updated more different tests for higher mastery rank? i am currently 35k away to mastery rank 15, still lvling 5 more weapons for mastery points, seeing mastery rank 14 test being the hardest test, wasn't actually the hardest as lotus said except the lvls and sentinel restriction. So yeah that wasn't the hardest test faced yet.

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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test 7 through 12 was the wallrun test for a long time. to my knowledge only rank 14 is achieveable anyways. its possible they havent made more considering few people are going to be that high.


All of the mastery rank tests were originally place holders. I was grinding rank very early when most people were trying to make gear "builds" and only wanted a few weapons. I never had to do many of the tests that are in the game now, because they were placeholder tests when I got there and were improved later. I'm sure 15 will get something fancy in due time.


I believe Rank 15 is possible now. I am at roughly 14.8, and I missed several event weapons (working weekends. D:), have not gotten Detron, and I do not have Lato or Braton Vandal from the beta beta beta phase. If not possible, we're DAMN close.

Edited by VKhaun
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test 7 through 12 was the wallrun test for a long time. to my knowledge only rank 14 is achieveable anyways. its possible they havent made more considering few people are going to be that high.

oh yes i forgot that the wall run test was till rank 12 that time, well i did the rank 11 test later after they implemented different tests till 14, well its true, that very few people are able to make it, but u12 is not far away, and i really hope they do change it, because mastery rank 14 can't be the hardest test...it was just advanced of previous ext tests but it was still easy to complete....

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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If that's true then they haven't made and rank tests past 14 yet. That used to be the place holder test.

Rank 15 is a reachable goal now. If you have all the event weapons and are a high enough founder. I need about 14k more mastery and I don't even have ember prime, burston prime, glaive prime, or sicurs prime plus I still need some levels on my detron.

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  • 2 months later...

Currently sitting at about 1000xp from 15, managed to get the gorgon as a log in reward today so that should do it. I'm also still missing the Brakk, Despair, Hate and the Wraith Twin Vipers (not that these are obtainable now!). Definitely achievable. 

Edited by (PS4)Petey_Boi_
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you don't need every weapon in the game to hit 15. there are about 10 left over if you've been around awhile.

and rank 15 is a interception test.

you have to hold 3 nodes from grineer for a minute or two. solo.

sounds harder than it is.

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Yes it is possible to get Rank 15.  But just barely if you are one of the players playing Warframe since it went to open beta on Steam a year ago.  (And easily possible if you have all vandal weapons and are a Grand Master Founder.)


As a person whom has every weapon and frame that I can possibly get, I am only two or three weapons away from ranking up to 15.  (For the curious, the only weapons that I am missing are the Vandal Braton, Vandal Lato, and Lato Prime, Lex Prime and the new chainsaw gun,)  So, once I get that last Lex part, and have the chainsaw gun this Sunday, I will be very close to rank 15 if not at it.  


The reason why there may be people that can above and beyond get rank 15 is because in the early closed beta days of Warframe, you could rebuild a weapon a second time and get Mastery points for it.  This has not be possible for quite a while and would, if I recall correctly, only possible for the people who were playing Warframe in 2012 or very early 2013, and before Warframe was on Steam.


For current players, there are many weapons that you can no longer get in Warframe, and if you do not have these weapons already, you will not be able to get net Rank 15.  



But, back onto topic, it wouldn't surprise me if it was the wall jumping course again for rank 15, that was the DE standby for the any rank test above 8 up until a few months ago where they have made more rank tests.

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Hate to upset you I got mastery test to get to 15 earlier and it is a wall run test. I am no good at this so Ill be stuck on this for a while as with test 8


How? That test was one of the most fun ones I ever encountered, also passed it on the first try.....

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Hate to upset you I got mastery test to get to 15 earlier and it is a wall run test. I am no good at this so Ill be stuck on this for a while as with test 8


this may be the case of pc and ps4 not running the same code.

when you're up to where we are currently in pc it will be an interception test.

i did my rank 15 less than 10 days ago.

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Interception on a small map?

Mag +90% power efficiency +energy restore +energy syphon = crush, crush, crush until it's over. I guess. I need another weapon for 15, which could be detron, brakk, boltor or ankyros prime. But I'll just wait till update 13.

The map is big enough that you won't be able to cover all three with Crush, thanks to the middle being empty space.


Not that it really matters.  Easy enough to pick 'em off with a decently accurate hit-scan weapon.

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Rank 15 is an interception test, as is 16. 3 points to conquer and hold. Enemies are not pushovers like in other tests, meaning they strip iron skin pretty damn quick.

Unless they strip Invisibility I'll just Loki it up :p

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