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Destiny Will Crush Warframe Like Little Girl


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.....Warframe = F2P and on a MUCH MUCH smaller scale and still in BETA  ....I don't see why those 2 games would " compete" with each other.....2 different things. 


+It's bungie ......so yeah I don't see the point you're trying to make...

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You're comparing an MMOFPS to a four-person cooperative arcade-styled third-person shooter. There's a difference in development budgets. There's a difference in aesthetic style. There's a difference in pretty much everything except the fact that you can use guns and collect loot. They're hardly similar games, so stop it.

That, and you've left a rather important detail out:

Destiny will likely have a lovely on-release price tag of around 60 USD. Compare that with Warframe's purchase price of 0.00 USD. Anyone playing Destiny on an Xbox also gets to contend with Microsoft's usurious LIVE subscriptions.

To each their own, but that's not offering up much of a competition to me. I'd much rather give my money to DE than Bungie and EA. Not saying Destiny doesn't look cool, but it's hardly going to convince me to stop playing Warframe.

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I think Destiny will make people stop playing a lot of games because it's going to be a really good game, but I think comparing it to Warframe would be like comparing Starcraft to Airmech, they're just different games

Firstly oh my god someone else who plays Airmech.


Also yes a lot of people will play Destiny but I will also continue to play warframe as they are almost completely different games so no Destiny will have as much effect on warframe as CoD is currently having on it.

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 Anyone playing Destiny on an Xbox also gets to contend with Microsoft's usurious LIVE subscriptions.


Got to say that I don't see why people constantly complain about this it is £40 a year, if you are a gamer who doesn't have that much spare income from your yearly income then perhaps you should not be a gamer?

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Got to say that I don't see why people constantly complain about this it is £40 a year, if you are a gamer who doesn't have that much spare income from your yearly income then perhaps you should not be a gamer?

You dont pay that on pc. Because we have user rented servers, then we dont need to payt sony or microsoft servers. Most people can play completely at no extra cost.

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you see destiny is just the halo games reskinned. so no warframe will not be crushed by some imitation. bungie should have just kept halo instead of rewriting the story.


and here's a relevant song/video


Edited by Zhoyzu
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I'd much rather give my money to DE than Bungie and EA.

Activision actually, not EA.


Destiny looks awful. Money driven, exotic and rare item centered, totally unbalanced, p2win type of game. I am glad we have warframe

That's a bit exaggerated, Bungie are good guys.


you see destiny is just the halo games reskinned. so no warframe will not be crushed by some imitation. bungie should have just kept halo instead of rewriting the story.

It's not that easy. Micro$oft owns the rights to the Halo franchise. So Bungie can't just make a new Halo game unless they put on the slave collar again.

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To each their own, but that's not offering up much of a competition to me. I'd much rather give my money to DE than Bungie and EA. Not saying Destiny doesn't look cool, but it's hardly going to convince me to stop playing Warframe.


The best game Bungie ever made (yes, not Halo), was Oni in my eyes. Sadly the pc version seemed greatly cut back compared to it's console version but it was still cool. Hell, if the melee system in Warframe hit that level, the complaints would subside quite a bit.

I'm not a big fan of the Batman Arkham style mechanic anyways, that's just pressing hit all over, game even showing you when to block, counter etc. It smells too "console" for me, holding my hand in everything - ah well, better not to continue on this track of thought or I will end up in an argument about PC or Consoles being better.


By the way, who in his right mind would say something about crushing a little girl? That alone makes a pack of Zanuka-riding-Stalkers hunt you!

Edited by K_Shiro
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Thank you for comparing a game that is more experienced in making a game to a company that just started a MMO branding.


Let me give you clap. 


Bungie vs Digital Extremes.


You are very Smart. 

Such wow.

Never use brain

Not Impress.

Such Hip.

Edited by AliciaTA
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Firstly oh my god someone else who plays Airmech.


Also yes a lot of people will play Destiny but I will also continue to play warframe as they are almost completely different games so no Destiny will have as much effect on warframe as CoD is currently having on it.

Hell yeah airmech is loads of fun :)

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