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Buffs? Buffs. Buffs!


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Let's hope this doesn't turn into nerf day.


I believe in you Scott, i believe in you. May the arms of mighty Geoff carry you through the process of buffing.




I am gone for a couple of hours and the thread has over 5000 views + staff replies? My, my, here is hoping that Scott found a couple of interesting player suggestions regarding buffs/tweaks/changes in here.


Had no idea this would explode in the way it did, warframe community is best pony.


Three tweets by DE... There is the number three in "Half-Life 3."


Half-life 3 confirmed.



Edited by Zeus154
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Can we please fix the reaper prime? It really doesn't make sense that a heavy weapon like that would have so small an impact given its size and weight; the blade should have great piercing damage as well as slash damage since it's not simply a blunt sword with a serrated edge, but it's a very sharp, finely-honed weapon that ends in a point.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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My Volt Wishlist:


-Volt's Speed should be affected by power strength.


-His shield should be affected by power range, maybe the electric damage buff affected by power strength


-Add a little bit more damage to his shock and overload


-Make overload less dependent on electronics. No one else's ults are affected by the environment. Why should his?

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As stated from my fellow Tenno above me and also stated by you.  DMG 2.0 took away Armor Ignore and Rag doll effects from some weapons.


Before DMG 2.0


Fragor charge (I believe) attack would pushback/rag doll enemies into the next enemy unit.

Bo lost it's ragdoll abilities long before DMG 2.0

I believe Gremlin's bullets used to rag doll.


Some other weapons also but I'm sure others can elaborate.


I believe DMG2.0 (Which I love) changed Stagger to Impact.  Bo/Hate/Reaper Prime/Pangolin Sword/ all had 100% Stagger...and now because of DMG 2.0 their stagger abilities are gone (which I don't love.)


Personally I don't like the fact a Lancer/Scorpion can stun lock(stagger ability) me.  It's like DMG2.0 said HAHAAA NOW TASTE your OWN medicine!  Not saying they shouldn't have that ability but I don't see why it was stripped away from us.


Also melee-ing an infested Charger in DMG2.0 is the worse Idea EVER now because our melee weapons do not stagger!


I just wish all weapons before DMG 2.0 that had Stagger or Pushback...Rag doll whatever word you want to use...got their abilities back again.  If do not want to bring back Armor Ignore ever again, that's fine with me.  But being able to melee a Napalm and having him fly back 4 ft into another Napalm or Heavy Gunner would be awesome.  It's just an alternative towards gameplay that doesn't involve you shooting the enemy 200 times.


Flux Rifle also used to ragdoll.  It was hilarious fun.  Now, it's dead.

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My friends say Valkyr needs buffing,I say take 50 off her armor and convert it to shields so she can at least have 100 shield unranked i mean she does have 300 armor.

600. I can barely tell armor rating in fights :(

DE, I say buff everyone's armor rating:)

Whatever rows you Chocoboat

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