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January 31St: Community Hot Topics!


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AFK Players

We've been stating that the Reputation System will be a way to help alleviate the ‘AFK’ problem. Unfortunately this will not come with Update 12 but is not off the plate!


Melee 2.0 and Hysteria

As work on Melee 2.0 continues players have been asking how it will affect Valkyr’s Hysteria ability. The answer is it won’t. Hysteria is meant to be a ‘state’ you’re in rather than a melee weapon. Recently the ‘Upcoming Changes’ for Valkyr made back in December was closed and feedback was noted. Geoff has stated that the scope of the work involved in Melee 2.0 means it is not making it into the “U12 build” but will come after.

AFK Players : Reputation systems throughout game history tend to have a... bad reputation. Imagine the potential drift such a system could generate^^'.


Hysteria : Correct me if I'm wrong, but the "not making it into the “U12 build” but will come after" means that it WILL change, right? Not remain the most underwhelming ultimate? That's how I understand it anyway and I say thanks in advance. Because with melee 2.0, leaving it as is... Kinda makes you wonder why she even bothered escaping from Alad V's labs... She could have waited for the "upgrades" Alad V would have made just for her... Right now people are just throwing her in the trash can (and it hurts my little heart because I like her very much...) I understand it requires work and careful planning, after all her ult isn't supposed to be a regular melee style. But it doesn't mean it has to be worse either^^'. Especially when compared to Ash and Loki, both being VASTLY superior to her in that domain. (Loki Master Race anyone?^^)


Other than that (I know it's a BIG that), thank you for your hard work :-). Remember that if we complain about the game, it means we actually like it and want it to thrive, just like you! So don't take it personally when you see people flame and rage on the forums. That's what they're for anyway^^.


P.S. : Please don't listen to the "Nerf Penta/Ogris ammo count and make them use sniper ammo" rants... Like sniper ammo makes more sense than rifle anyway...

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Instead of going through all that work programming a reputation system, why can't you just reduce extraction wait time from 1 minute to 30 seconds?  Literally half the frustration.  Half the reasons for reporting afk players.  Survival already has 30 sec extraction timer, just do the same for other missions.  Even 15 seconds just for invasions would not be overkill.

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I'll throw this down here... again.

For AFKers there is Kick System solution. However both Vote Kick and Automated Kicks can be bad... so.... combine them.

--> Automated system uses aggressive flagging for AFK behaviors.

------> Look at comparative item and mod pickups, damage being taken over time, time inside XP share range, and other things the game already tracks

------> Be aggressive and let it generate false positives

--> The System starts the kick, but doesn't actually execute

------> A player flagged for AFK should be notified first privately (on screen message or even Lotus chatter)

------> After grace period a "Kick" option is then added to the other player's Menu screen (ESC)

------> The "Kick" needs to be unanimous among NON-flagged squad members

Using an aggressive automated system to "unlock" and initiate a vote kick that is "agreeded" to by the active players prevents both the False Positives from being executed (kicking legit players), and prevents abuse of Player initiated Vote Kicks.

System Flags, Players authorize.

Edited by Brasten
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Any thoughts on the trading tax for platinum?  I know some people have had to resort to trading for cash because of the high credit cost on some trades for valuable mods.  Imo that's worse than people trading exhorbitant amounts of plat for the small handful of mods that are worth anything.

Edited by Aggh
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About Valkyr, really. Is she now closed to buffs Forever?


No, the lot of you are reactionary and assume it's a concrete statement and extrapolate information that isn't there. The only thing that it states is that Melee 2.0 is not the harbinger of a Valkyr buff, but rather, when they say they're going to rework her, they will.

Edited by Vaskadar
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DE you are missing a great opportunity to fix valkyr, if she isn't fixed when melee 2.0 comes out greater backlash will occur until she is fixed. I hope you are going to hotfix her damage at LEAST when 2.0 comes. Otherwise...heck I don't know but this straight up infuriating.   

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No, the lot of you are reactionary and assume it's a concrete statement and extrapolate information that isn't there. The only thing that it states is that Melee 2.0 is not the harbinger of a Valkyr buff, but rather, when they say they're going to rework her, they will.

You are correct, no melee 2.0 version of hysteria does not equal no valkyr debuffs ever.

Still the idea that Valkyrs ultimate (A melee form) would not be effected by the basic changes to melee coming with melee 2.0 just doesn't make any sense.


Some of us aren't being "reactionary and assuming" anything.

Edited by Ronyn
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Melee 2.0 and Hysteria

As work on Melee 2.0 continues players have been asking how it will affect Valkyr’s Hysteria ability. The answer is it won’t. Hysteria is meant to be a ‘state’ you’re in rather than a melee weapon. Recently the ‘Upcoming Changes’ for Valkyr made back in December was closed and feedback was noted. Geoff has stated that the scope of the work involved in Melee 2.0 means it is not making it into the “U12 build” but will come after.


This makes me extremely sad...  As a player who thought this game had great potential back before all these cool new warframes, I mainly played Saryn, her abilities were often viewed as useless back then, and for the most part havent changed much.  I loved Saryn, but quit playing this game for awhile because DE refused to address the uselessness of some of her abilities.


I came back after hearing about Valkyr, didnt really know much about the frame other than the first look video I watched, which also complained about her ult ability.  I disregarded it as the video was old and things might have changed, so I farmed for her and built her anyway.  While leveling her up I had a blast in the lower levels where she's not useless.  I loved spamming her 3 just for the scream.


I've been searching and testing builds for her since I got her to max level trying to find a viable way to play her in end game content without luck.  I had hopes that Melee 2.0 would be the answer.  But since DE once again refuses to fix the abilities of another warframe I love playing I'm not so sure I want to continue to support the company.


Whats extremely sad is that I'm now forced to play Nova if I want to do any end game content and not be a burden on my team, overpowered does not even begin to describe this frame when compared to the others.

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Okay, I obviously have a + here waiting for the Reputation System though I must admit, I could live with a "simple" system of "If player is afk for X seconds, kick-vote becomes availible" too and that would be much easier to implement. Of course a reputation system would be much deeper than simple afk-management though I feel such a system will either have to be fully automatic (and void of bugs/glitches) or we will face exploits or otherways greatly annoying problems with it.


On another note, a few things that are on the list of things that "fell off the priority plate" I guess:

a) Range for Flux/Spectra (or maybe even Synapse): the limited range for these weapons seem to be unnecessary, actually completely illogical. It seems this range limitation is a tradeoff to balance some kind of great efficiency that the weapon has somewhere within... only it has no such thing. Flux is weak, while even having limited range, Spectra is even worse. Apart from the obvious removal of range limitations I have fun ideas for these weapons to solve the problem in a more creative way:

- Flux's and Spectra's shot should bounce off walls, restarting the rangecalculation every time so by making the ray bounce a lot you could reach any range.

(- Synapse could behave in a "chain-lightning manner", it would be logical and fun, starting on 100%, using diminishing returns...)

- Actually Embolist has a range problem too, that pistol is more like a pepper spray than an actual weapon. Could use some more range or whatnot - though I actually see that it would look weird to have such a small weapon produce a larger cloud. If it's clouds would stay for 5 seconds, all would change though...


b) We can still only rarely join back into a mission if we manage to DC/crash out of it. The game could really remember for the duration of the mission whom were in once and allow them back in if they left, from where they left so that no loot is lost. Kinda like an autosave. To avoid exploits the game should also store (for mission time) the loadout you have. If you wish to enter the mission with a different loadout, it should warn you that this way either your progress will be lost or you cannot join altogether - this way we cannot open a vault by getting the proper key inside the mission later on etc.


c) People sometimes have the mood to keep switching sides during decesion-screen within Defense missions. It would be nice to:

- IF you choose a side, you activate a cooldown of 3 seconds in which time you cannot switch to the other.

- IF someone chooses a side and the cooldown reaches further than the time limit of this decision, that person cannot vote again but the timer will be extended to the end of his cooldown, so the others still have the time to react.


- Player votes Claim and exit. Cannot vote for 3 seconds.

- At the end of the cooldown, he votes for Battle, 3s cooldown starts again.

- After a while, at 9 seconds (1s remaining from the 10s time given to the players to choose), the player decides to switch to Claim and exit. Because his new cooldown extends further than 1s, he cannot choose again.

- The timer jumps to "3seconds left".


d) Dojo decoration placing is still greatly bugged, when using snap to grid, the objects Frequently end up floating above the floor/object under, not by a huge amount but still. Also, the trees and some objects (like waterfalls) have a way bigger "hitbox" around them than their real size. Thus you cannot put huge trees in your rooms, sometimes even with double the space required.


e) Invasion missions are overall boring. They are always the same Xterminations, and doing 5 (or more!) of these on effectively the same maps is killing All the fun. Oh, and thanks to Detron, the Grineer sides are chosen more frequently - thanks to that most of the corpus maps are now on Grineer hands right now.


f) Old weapons that were taken out should be reworked a bit instead of taken out. The current state gives a feeling of being rushed to player like "If I don't get everything fast I might not get the chance to max it!", which might induce more platinum purchase in some people (to buy stuff, like slots so they can store everything) but I doubt it's a really good idea to make people feel this in particular. It will make newer players feel like they have no chance to get as high in levels like the veterans - that never ends well.

You could create contests if you want - people would love it if their ideas would make it into the game. Like "How to make the Grakata more viable?" "Make it shoot bullets instead of just poofing away the gunpowder!" etc. Or make us create concept art for those weapons - I would love a new look for Lanka, like http://th02.deviantart.net/fs51/PRE/f/2009/304/e/4/Railgun_V2_Highres_by_The_5.jpg or something more "corpus-themed".


g) Brakk in one hand, Detron in the other! A way to change the base element of a weapon that only uses elemental damage. It's kind hard to make Detron truly powerful if it's base damage is radiation and you cannot do anything about it.


h) Sentinel repair/revive/respawn. Or actually any/all of the following: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/79196-concepts-of-mine-consumables-merchant-gambler-and-void-cause-i-like-that/#entry863293 As usual. :D

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The news about Valkyr is a bit disappointing to read, I haven't had the chance to play with her due to her being labeled as "useless", which is something I can't stand because people won't invite you unless you have a Nova, Vauban, Rhino, and maybe Frost. I think a lot of the frames get shunned because they are considered useless in higher level content. Which blows because I get stuck as Nova in any high level mission in the Orokin Derelict, I've had guys literally close the room because I chose to stay on Ember rather than pick my Nova. It made no sense, Ember is the best frame against them yet they want Nova because of MP, and they seem to forget about Antimatter Drop which is way more useful at higher levels.


Sorry for the rant, but Valkyr's issue should be addressed, like everyone else has stated she's a melee frame and even if Hysteria is a "state" it's a melee based "state" so there is no excuse for it not to be considered for a revamp along with Melee 2.0, you guys could at least consider giving her the hit effects you were talking about that coming with the new melee system. Because it's gonna look hella weird seeing someone using hysteria and the enemy just shrugs off the hits, while I cut up some chumps with a low level melee weapon and they are still swinging at that one guy.

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Yeah and what about the beautifull Nova? Too OP? Nope Nova is "balanced". Nova is a gamebreaker, I hate it when I get into a lobby with 3 Novas, what happens all the time, in almost every mission there is at least one Nova. It is no fun, i want to level my guns, all frames are lvl 30 already. But Novas permanently blow $H!T up. I honestly hate Nova, she breaks the game, she takes the fun away. I personally don't care about kills and in a game where i permanently have to kill i want to do this with more than just press 4 and go boom. Nova needs no strategy, you could teach a dog how to play with nova. But I guess Nova won't be nerfed because many people buy her in the market (=$$$). Nova is on the same level like CoD killstreaks, both are unfair (I stopped playing CoD because of the killstreaks).

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Wouldn't it be simpler to just ask DE to allow Valkyr the option to use her melee weapon during hysteria? Change the effect to some aura around her and let her go to town with your favorite stabbing/bludgeoning device. You could even ask nicely for them to give a status effect similar to Berzerker mod during the Hysteria state.

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AFK Players

We've been stating that the Reputation System will be a way to help alleviate the ‘AFK’ problem. Unfortunately this will not come with Update 12 but is not off the plate!




I for one would like to point out a glitch/bug/unmentioned feature here:

If I play a mission online as host and at the end everyone leaves the lobby, as long as I don't exit to the starmap, the game still sees me as active lobby for that very map and people starting that map in online can end up in my lobby and start the map. If I go to make food or whatnot after completing the mission and seeing that everyone has left, not knowing about this "problem" I might come back to being reported by 3 people for being afk while it was clearly not my fault, since I did not start that map in online mode. I don't say you should change this mechanic (your call) but I for one would like a tip or some message being shown while my lobby is active and open for players to join so this never happens again.

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That is really not ok. Not at all. That is the definition of counter intuitive.

Melee is being improved largely to please melee fans. Isn't it HIGHLY likely that melee fans will be looking to a frame with a melee based ult?

All of the various moves and such that melee is meant to have with melee 2.0 and beyond is what will make melee interesting.

To hold Valkyrs hysteria back in the pre-melee 2.0 state just means that her hysteria version of melee will feel less than standard.

Treat the claws as a melee weapon. It needs to happen. Period.

I understand that things take time so do it when you can...but do it. For goodness sake...do it.

If need be drop the "floaty" stance she goes into and just make her hysteria claw moves the same as whatever the fist weapons will be.

Seriously guys.....


That is really not ok. Not at all. That is the definition of counter intuitive.

Melee is being improved largely to please melee fans. Isn't it HIGHLY likely that melee fans will be looking to a frame with a melee based ult?

All of the various moves and such that melee is meant to have with melee 2.0 and beyond is what will make melee interesting.

To hold Valkyrs hysteria back in the pre-melee 2.0 state just means that her hysteria version of melee will feel less than standard.

Treat the claws as a melee weapon. It needs to happen. Period.

I understand that things take time so do it when you can...but do it. For goodness sake...do it.

If need be drop the "floaty" stance she goes into and just make her hysteria claw moves the same as whatever the fist weapons will be.

Seriously guys.....

i wouldnt drop any thing about val i love her play style but as her hysteria stands now its seems a bit weak but love the effects, i hope yall reconsider changing her hysteria i play her melee bc i choose to and i enjoy it but my melee wep does more dmg that her abilitys plz change that make them on par with each other or change the dmg type her claws do or have her claws take on the propertys of the weapon ie mods dmg type

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i wouldnt drop any thing about val i love her play style but as her hysteria stands now its seems a bit weak but love the effects, i hope yall reconsider changing her hysteria i play her melee bc i choose to and i enjoy it but my melee wep does more dmg that her abilitys plz change that make them on par with each other or change the dmg type her claws do or have her claws take on the propertys of the weapon ie mods dmg type

I don't quite understand what you're saying.

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There are a lot of important issues brought to light in this topic, I've got a little thing I'd like to add.
Could the prerequisite status of clan halls smaller than the largest one built in a clan, be dropped once they've been used to create the one that comes after it.
At the moment I have loads of spare clan halls in my small clan's dojo and it's just silly and annoying that I can't delete them as they're a prerequisite to the bigger one's.

Edited by MrNonApplicable
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Hi.. im a new player of war frame..im from Philippines.

when i start the game, i have a 50 free platinum right?

i bought a sentinel, that is worth 45plat , i forgot whats the name of the sentinel.

my concern is that, where is my sentinel?. ive been asking to other players about the issue if they already know it.

and they said that i have to craft it now, coz you just guys , released a new version, right?.

but i went to my foundry, and click the sentinel, there's nothing to craft there. so i hope you can help me with this issue. please.

every player that is registered in your game is just like a potential costumer. so i hope, you make some actions about this concern. thanks a lot ..

Edited by k3nztoy
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Hi.. im a new player of war frame..im from Philippines.
when i start the game, i have a 50 free platinum right?


i bought a sentinel, that is worth 45plat , i forgot whats the name of the sentinel.

my concern is that, where is my sentinel?. ive been asking to other players about the issue if they already know it.

and they said that i have to craft it now, coz you just guys , released a new version, right?.
but i went to my foundry, and click the sentinel, there's nothing to craft there. so i hope you can help me with this issue. please.

every player that you have in your game is just like a potential costumer. so i hope, you make some actions about this concern. thanks a lot ..


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