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Frost: 2/5/2014


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Boredome frame became garbage frame. Please playtest before making changes.

Snowglobe being a solely duration based skill created issues of viability of other frames in the "Defense" mission types, as well as a skew towards pace of gameplay.


Here's a list of changes off the top of my head that would actually accomplish the design goal which I am assuming is making boredome frame less boring and less game breaking.


A.) Increase Frost's speed to something that isn't codlike.

B.) 1.) Make Snowglobe slow incoming projectiles and make hitscan weapons become projectile so that they are dodgable.

      2.) Make Snowglobe wall reduce a percentage of incoming ranged damage.

C.) Ancher Snowglobe to Frost rather than cast location.

D.) Let frost be able to slide down Icewave.

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Well, Freeze is garbage.  Did the change to make it "ice blast" just not go through?  Because it's just as crappy as it was before.  


New Ice wave is nice since it slows enemies, good buff, makes it more worth using I think.


Snow Globe drops pretty fast when you put it against waves of enemies.  How about making the anti-damage portion and the slow separate?  I mean make the slow field persist even after the damage shield HP is gone.  Then it'd still be useful, even if it is in a different manner from before.  If you don't do that, do something with snowglobe to make it a percentage rather than a flat bonus so that it's actually useful in endgame content.  Actually, do that for all the frames.  


Why is Frost still super slow even after the snow globe bunker type change?  Boost his speed if you're going to make him have to move constantly.

Edited by CyberneticSaturn
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I know that this wont be readed by any de stuff i will tell it.. You make some really bad decision.. Wtf did happen to DE? In old times you werr actualy listening to your player base now you do nothing.. Who on earth asked for snowglobe nerf?? Ok maybe it needed nerf but this kind? Ok then lets see other skills, please nerf trinity blesseing,lets make it 1000hp bonus.. Then vauban, oh the poor guy, vortex op,lets make it with max enemy count,lets say 3 enemy top,no more,maybe this is a lot aswell but never the less.. Rhino stomp... Oh no cc,just damage... Loki radial disarm max 2 units.. Seroously de do you play the game? Or are you in a group of kids who play till wave 15 and then leave thus dont see why you cant play w/o frost old snowglobe ??? My friend sent my a video,because i am not home abouth the new globe.. Enemy lv : 113..


So he played frost,a tramate god his health to 50,he wanted to save him ,he went to him and casted snowglobe 1sec later he died.. Thats i think a preatty good story,.. He told me that ice wave is useless,slow is ok but for 5sec?? we dont play this game just against the

infested... His 1st skill useless as it was,even if it can 1 shoot lv9584738282 heavy greener it will be usless , give it some utility.. Avalance,useless aswell,give it something like rhino stomp.. But pleasr snowglobe because this is pointless..

Sry for english

Edited by GhostWOlf995
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Please no snowglobe.. Now its imposible to do higl lv def missions,.. No matter how good you are there will be 1greener who will shot at the pod, the shot will intantly destroy snowglobe and the pod altogether.. Frost went from usefull to useless now,the damage buff to his skills arent needed we need utility... !!!! Sry for english


Snowglobe just binary nulfies any incoming ranged dmg - this is unhealthy for gameplay and must be fixed.

Mobs scaling without limit - is ANOTHR issue that shold be fixed if DE keep making skills with flat dmg or health numbers.


To hell with Frost. I guess you dont see the bigger problem - right now only chalenge we have is to suicide on lvl 100+ Grineer, and I hope that that wont be that somewhere in the future. Defences and Survivals are the only places where mobs scale through the roof - other then that Iron Skin and Globe are PERFETCLY FUKING FINE!


If you only care for Defence e-pino-metry - guess what - you are not supposed to stay in such missions forever. Whole idea - that you eventually fail.


DE need to adress the problem of Survivals adn Defences being "go-to" option for farming purposes. Missions overall should be more chalenging but WITHOUT NEED of using "permanetnt invincibility" skills to be able to do them.


We need a limit on how strong mobs can become, because right now the philosophy  behind Frames are strictly shows that they want Frames to have limits of how strong they can be. This means that as much as some Frames are unbalanced - our enemies are also unbalanced because at some point we can do anything to them no matter how min\maxed we are.

Edited by derclaw
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Something tells me it may have been one of the reasons and that's definitely unfortunate. Quite lame too.


If some of you didn't get to fight the Ice Leader in Darvo's mission, it's essentially a Corpus which has a snow globe encasing him. 

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Common this is no brainer ...

Snow globe is not the last ability which desrves a nerf ...

Next will comming for sure ...Bastille you called it ... (only a slow)

and so on ...

Fact is De is working on end game.

And this not endless defense or survival, because its without an end > no end game ...

Some of OP utility and Cc abilities need rework, in order to makw end content chalenging and not easy mode like everything before.

This was a move in the right direction. And yes Frost need further rework as many other frames ...

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as long as rank 20 or 40 enemys shoot u down like nothing. there is no need to nerf everything.  start with the enemy damage first maybe,,,


also frost was never a frame u needed in corpus/grineer def.   disarm loki or cc stomp rhino did the job way better (even at wave 100++)

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Snowglobe just binary nulfies any incoming ranged dmg - this is unhealthy for gameplay and must be fixed.

Mobs scaling without limit - is ANOTHR issue that shold be fixed if DE keep making skills with flat dmg or health numbers.

Aham, so then shy do we have leaderboards?? Why endless defense instead of 15 wave?? Answer thos question and tell me what we arent supposed to do..
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Boredome frame became garbage frame. Please playtest before making changes.


Here's a list of changes off the top of my head that would actually accomplish the design goal which I am assuming is making boredome frame less boring and less game breaking.


A.) Increase Frost's speed to something that isn't codlike.

B.) 1.) Make Snowglobe slow incoming projectiles and make hitscan weapons become projectile so that they are dodgable.

      2.) Make Snowglobe wall reduce a percentage of incoming ranged damage.

C.) Ancher Snowglobe to Frost rather than cast location.

D.) Let frost be able to slide down Icewave.


Or, like I've said, E.) improve the pants on head stupid AI so they actually attempt to storm the Globe and engage in CQB rather than simply remaining at stand-off distance.


Other frames were already perfectly viable in Defense, moreso than Frost depending on Faction; it was a matter of debate on whether Globe was worth using against Infested, for example (since it had to primarily rely on the slowing effect), whereas Vauban or Nyx still effectively trivialize it.

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Snowglobe just binary nulfies any incoming ranged dmg - this is unhealthy for gameplay and must be fixed.

Mobs scaling without limit - is ANOTHR issue that shold be fixed if DE keep making skills with flat dmg or health numbers.


To hell with Frost. I guess you dont see the bigger problem - right now only chalenge we have is to suicide on lvl 100+ Grineer, and I hope that that wont be that somewhere in the future. Defences and Survivals are the only places where mobs scale through the roof - other then that Iron Skin and Globe are PERFETCLY FUKING FINE!


If you only care for Defence e-pino-metry - guess what - you are not supposed to stay in such missions forever. Whole idea - that you eventually fail.

I see that you dont play pluto ir other missions, dobt try snowglobe at mercury.. please go ingame and try son pluto /t3 runs
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Common this is no brainer ...

Snow globe is not the last ability which desrves a nerf ...

Next will comming for sure ...Bastille you called it ... (only a slow)

and so on ...

Fact is De is working on end game.

And this not endless defense or survival, because its without an end > no end game ...

Some of OP utility and Cc abilities need rework, in order to makw end content chalenging and not easy mode like everything before.

This was a move in the right direction. And yes Frost need further rework as many other frames ...

Bastille's fine, I think. The cap on lifted enemies makes it helpful, but doesn't turn it into a "toss-one-onto-the-ground-and-win-the-game" ability as it did before, since it requires quick killing to be effective. Vortex does need a tweak, though; its effects on the Infested are immense and are even more of an automatically-win-defense than Globe was against Grineer and Corpus.


It's good to see that Globe isn't an auto-win ability anymore, either, but I think that the devs could have given it a little bit more scalability. A %damage reduction system of some sort would have been better than a straight-up health bar.

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First lets compare frost and rhino since there both tanks


Rhino stomp= damage and very gd cc range big

Roar= boosts damage gd and allies

Iron skin=Mobile so dosent all ways get hit resists all kinds or staggers and protects health no duration

Charge=gd cc and Mobility


Avalanche= no cc small radius damage still rubbish

Snowglobe= not MOBILE duration and health dosent stop any staggers still gets damage through with napalms and such

Ice wave= small radius damage rubbish still cc erm hardly any duration

Freeze=single target only use boss damage rubbish still breaks on damage

Well this shows way to much difference

Now about the change


Health based well same hp as s rhino can get on iron skin

Duration based why this and health base if rhino has mo duration on his

The slow effect now has become useless as the globe gets destroyed before it slows enemies comming in

Napalms and moas can still damage the globe and you

50 energy to much if it has to be recast all the timE

Not mobile

Easily destroyed by heavy gunners and napalms but ypu cant move so they dont hit the globe

Wow rubbish ability no


Damage boost not very much at all

No cc

Small radius

Ice wave

Small radius

Cc none existent last so short not notice able

Damage still rubbish


Damage rubbish

Breaks on damage

Single target

Not hit scan

From what I have seen this is still a big problem this was a huge nerf with so many cons

I wonder where they got the ideas to do all this as its not from any frost thread as over the course since before damage 2.0 and after no one suggested this aswell as no buffs where given its bait to say he got buffs but in actual fact its nothing

I can link all frost threads with so many better options to all these skills

Well I hope invisibility and blessing and other abilites like these get nerfs like this otherwise this is unjustified

Sorry but I wont be playing warframe for a while as this is just getting silly now

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Snowglobe just binary nulfies any incoming ranged dmg - this is unhealthy for gameplay and must be fixed.

Mobs scaling without limit - is ANOTHR issue that shold be fixed if DE keep making skills with flat dmg or health numbers


You know what else nullifies "any" incoming ranged damage? A basic crate, wall, etc. they also don't require any energy to use.


And the reason I put "any" in quotes? Because incidentally, anything capable of bypassing the aforementioned cover like Grenades, Napalms or Railgun Moas are perfectly capable of passing through globe too.


Nevermind that globe's not even the worst offender here; Blessing nullifies all damage, ditto for say, Hysteria.

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I wonder where they got the ideas to do all this as its not from any frost thread as over the course since before damage 2.0 and after no one suggested this aswell as no buffs where given its bait to say he got buffs but in actual fact its nothing

Sorry but I wont be playing warframe for a while as this is just getting silly now


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Snow Globe change is terrible. Instead of Frost being a go to, viable, frame for high level defenses he is now garbage. Unwanted. Better off with a Nyx to chaos the enemies to get them to focus fire off of the pod and players.


Please undo this change, it's just painful facepalming myself on your behalf.

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The latest change is the worst thing I've seen done by DE in years.


Snowglobe was frost's ONLY saving grace. His other skills and being the slowest warframe in the game, without too durable either, make him a lackluster frame.


NOW SNOWGLOBE HAS HP!? And only 2k-3k!?


Make Snowglobe the way it was before, the frost frame needs an overall upgrade as you said BUT THIS LATEST JOKE IS NO UPGRADE.

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Don't you think either going so high that you need infinite immunity to damage or if that should remain needed, that you need infinite damage immunity is a larger problem then the snowglobe change? No offense but pretty sure most here are being rather narrow minded, and more than a bit selfish.

Edited by Vercinaigh
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