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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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Some old questions i have. I might add a few later.


Q1. Considering that Valkyr's design only makes sense for a single character not a class of "exo-suits", it raises the question for me. Are Warframes one of a kind character, who just for the sake of gameplay can appear in multiple numbers at the same place, or do they represent character classes with each containing a different individual?


Q1.B. If Valkyr is a class of Warframe, why would the Tenno replicate the original escaped Tenno's appearance like that, including all the clumsily "implanted" devices by the Corpus?


Q2. Is there any plan to create a "fixed up" skin for Valykr? Meaning an alternate appearance that retains the Valykr's own look, but looks like the Tenno fixed up the damage and removed the restrains?


New ones:


Q3. Will melee 2.0 include the ability to keep a weapon charged without the time limit? I always find it annoying when my charge releases too early because the enemy just happend to step 1 meter away all of a sudden.


Q4. Any changes to the Invasion system planned? You kind of broke the balance there.


Q5. First Stalker, than Zanuka, now Mag Corpus Leader and the Disruptor Hyena. Is taking away powers from players the only option you saw fit to create new challenge?

Edited by Othergrunty
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Hey REbecca & DUdes


In a previous Live Stream the DEvs had mentioned that they were taking a second look at all the frames and many revamps were on the horizon. This is a top concern for many players, as some of the most favored frames, like Ash, seem to lack in endgame/group functionality making game life that much more difficult (i.e. joining parties for Voids/Derelicts or anything worthwhile, really, as people want things like Mag or Vauban or any frame that can handle large crowds easily). If you check the forums, there are many a thread on this topic (specifically Ash revamps) suggesting new ways/tweaks to improve playability. Have you taken a look at any of these ideas and are any akin to some of the new ideas you may be tossing around/actively working on (specific examples or impressive submissions)? 


While on the subject of Ash, it seems to me that his look and movements were inspired by/modeled on Shinobi (Ash's Noble Stance = 100% Shinobi)? Was this the case? If so, may his future updates/revamps lead him to be more like the Father of video game ninjas. 


Thanks and keep up the great work!

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When will there be new scarfs in the market? Instead of them being bundled in prime access or the packs.


And also coloring/patterning(<-lol) dojo banners, possible future customization? 


I'm all about the customization of your characters and stuff. (o3o)// Tell the GUYS I love 'em! lol I'm such a creepy female Stalker. 

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DE... When are you going to 'fix' the lack of rag-doll effects when using heavy weapons such as Fragor, Amphis, etc...?


I've posted topics, gotten many upvotes, and even asked during several DevStreams. We should be able to smack an enemy across the room after a killing blow. There is no down side to this and it makes the weapons fun to use... Even Melee 2.0 can't make up for the lack of ragdolling. This is 2014, a PC game should have proper ragdolls for intended weapons. Thank you.

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When are you going to drop the "kills as many guys as possible to get everything in the game"
Affinity is based on that, mods, life support. Gamemodes like survival and mobile def are popular because of the enormous and broken amounts of enemies they sometimes produce. Levels become so clustered it is no longer ninjas in space or any sort of enjoyable gameplay. (phobos defense with grineer for example)

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Once account migration is implemented, Will the PC and PS4 account be able to be online playing at the same time?

It's been said they will be separate and progress on their own after migration, which suggests yes, they could be on at the same time.

Then again it's been said they will be forever linked and if one gets banned, both are banned, suggesting that they may not be able to be online together.

I have PS4 friends and PC friends. Builds won't always be in synch if they ever are. I would like to know if I could be on my computer watching chat, crafting, harvesters, etc. while playing on PS4 running a mission on a migrated account. I'm good at multitasking. If I can't be online with both, that's ok I'll tell the PS4 friends we can only play when they synch up. I don't want to migrate without knowing this and get into playing with them and then all of a sudden have to quit that not running both. With it said migration is close, they are getting excited and this answer would help me know what to tell them.


Any other question I would ask seems to already be getting asked.

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Q1: what do your internal numbers say are the player's least and most favorite parts of warframe?


Q2: is there any plans to slow down the rate of creation of new weapons to give those weapons time to be better designed like to prevent another akmagnus debacle?


Q3: do you think it would be possible to stagger the release of the new faction type so that it is not released all at once. so that you can extend that content that you have created and be more "what stalker" like to have the community come together to figure out what is going on with the mystery faction?


Q4: Is Grineer dominance of the solar system setting the stage for Vor's Prize? or is it Vor's Prize?


Q5: is there any plans to have two enemies of the same level procedurally generated with slightly different stats, so that one lancer has newer and better armor, another lancer was made from superior cloning stock and therefore has more health, one has a karak, and one has a new gratata which is superior to the regular version. Edit 3: The new leaders are awesome. This is no longer a question.


Edit 1:

Q6: when are you going to add the new osprey to the void?


Edit 2

Q7: are you convert all resource drops to individualized to the enemy type like mods?

Edited by zoboso
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It is no doubt that the way invasions work is wildly unbalanced, with the Detron and Harvester gearing most non-potato fights on the favor of the grineer, resulting in them pretty much taking over most of the Corpus nodes in a quick swipe. Two obvious questions pop up here:

What are the devs plans to bring back the solar system to actual balance between factions? (As in a wipe or an event?)

What will be done about the Harvester and Detron, as in will the spawning mechanics be changed or will a grineer counterpart that drops the brakk will be made?

Also any plans to make the Stalker more fair in solo for players who don't happen to have the specific proper gear when he shows up?

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2 questions for you guys :

1. do you have a date for when the migration from PC to PS4 yet? if not that's okay.

2. is there a way to make the left analog(L3)  on PS4 sprint and roll; it might just be me but if feel a bit weird to roll with R3, if you need me to go in to detail i can.

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Would you ever consider allowing for more than 4 players in a single squad? Sometimes our clan members get together and have LAN parties that are not divisible by 4. We then have 1 or 2 guys that end up playing something else or soloing. Even if it was only for special game modes. For example, if you added 2 or 3 spots on the star chart that were defence missions for up to 8 people (sort of like the special conclave icons), then we could play those nodes when we have lots of friends over.


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Ember, Saryn, Valkyr and now Frost.


You have been going over ability after ability, warframe for warframe. Do you plan on looking at everyone else? Who is next on the 'chopping block'?


People look to frost as a Defensive/Support frame, do you want to change that?


Currently the projections show him to be a Tanky Caster (Much like Saryn is, and Overheat Ember was) is this the goal?


Melee 2.0. the next great anticipated thing is being pushed back from update 12.0, so what can we be excited to see in 12.0?


Chocoboat? :3


A lot of content has been focus at the 'early game' which most consider mastery ranks 1 though 5. Is there anything in the near future for us folks sitting in the double digits?


Instead of whats around the corner, what is waiting for us ON the corner?


When will we get to play with the new Melee weapons that won in the contest? Im excited to try a Sword and Board with my Excalibur.


What can we expect to see in Warframe come the dawn of spring?


Grineer pretty much CONTROL the ENTIRE Origin system, the only thing that keeps people from farming for their Detron are rare rewards like Potatos and Forma. How is the Dev team going to tackle the issue of having not one, but two factions almost erased from the star-map?

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What are your thoughts on a contest where players create the lore behind a new event? I personally think it would be a cool concept to test out.

I thought about the same thing. It could be quite interesting. I have already some ideas and i donť want to write them in fan section. 

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Hey REbecca & DUdes


In a previous Live Stream the DEvs had mentioned that they were taking a second look at all the frames and many revamps were on the horizon. This is a top concern for many players, as some of the most favored frames, like Ash, seem to lack in endgame/group functionality making game life that much more difficult (i.e. joining parties for Voids/Derelicts or anything worthwhile, really, as people want things like Mag or Vauban or any frame that can handle large crowds easily). If you check the forums, there are many a thread on this topic (specifically Ash revamps) suggesting new ways/tweaks to improve playability. Have you taken a look at any of these ideas and are any akin to some of the new ideas you may be tossing around/actively working on (specific examples or impressive submissions)? 


While on the subject of Ash, it seems to me that his look and movements were inspired by/modeled on Shinobi (Ash's Noble Stance = 100% Shinobi)? Was this the case? If so, may his future updates/revamps lead him to be more like the Father of video game ninjas. 


Thanks and keep up the great work!

i don't think that there is a need to revamp ash just take his smoke screen and make it a skill that work on the whole team when in a mission that way its more group orientated and more ppl will use it for deception and rescue missions  

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Alrighty, some questions:


- Is old Golem boss gone, permanently?

- Lore? How much of it is coming out? Will we be "caught up" in terms of what happened from the Orokin Era until now? Is Hayden Tenno not a part of it, and just an easter egg?

- Have you guys considered adding to the warframe soundtrack?

- In terms of customization: Interchangeable arms for badges? New scarves? 

- The clothes physics briefly mentioned. Could you go into detail about its implementation and usage (and how it would affect scarves, flags, etc)



- New-game experience does little to introduce the lore, characters/factions, mechanics (damage system, mod system, everything system), and the codex has been presented as the solution to this problem. Does it act as a portal, launching into mini-tutorials of each mechanic (the modding UI, damage system percentages, basic movement, advanced movements, etc)?


- Reputation system? New invasions and infestations is really making the matter of AFK players a problem. I agree that the vote kick system should not be implemented, and can be an abuse of power. HOWEVER. The reputation system can also be misused (by individuals that give everyone bad ratings). What checks do you plan to have in place (or do you plan to develop) to counter abuses of this mechanic?


- Is the codex going to be the definitive, ultimate source for information in regards to introducing new players to mechanics, introducing Void/Derelict drop tables, and introducing warframe lore to playerbase?


- Stealth! Talk Stealth! It was nonexistent back when bows, throwing knives, and shade weren't a thing, but even though it now exists as a playstyle for missions, there are no bonuses for doing stealth. Fast forward to a few livestreams ago, and there was talk of having spy missions that were accomplished appropriately (as in, as a spy. As in, with stealth) would net more "information" that just run and gun. In short, please talk about what you think needs to be done to stealth to make it viable. Little seems to have been done in regards to this playstyle, but the fact that we're supposed to be ninjas will constantly have the playerbase asking about stealth

Edited by michaelwii
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Damage 2.0 still doesn't feel like it's in a good place to many players, making some weapon and frame choice (such as Oberon) a bit underwhelming in higher level play. What additional tweaks to Damage 2.0 are in store with the coming of U12? What can we expect from pure elemental damage weapons and elemental frames (aside from Frost) with any of these changes?

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