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New Hud Feedback


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Hey guys,


As most of you have seen the new HUD is out, there's several posts with feedback now and we are looking at them closely. A few recurrent things we are seeing:


- Too small, particularly the minimap. -> We are already working on this

- Minimap markers are not distinct enough. -> Also have a fix in the works

- Abilities are in a new place. -> This is a big change but we want to give it a chance and not give up on it so soon, we want to have the combat (weapon and abilities) together, we realize everyone, us included, were used to look upper right, but after playing for a while we feel lower right with the support of the dots below the reticle really works.

- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.



We'll keep on monitoring all threads, this one in particular.



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Oh, hello, sorry for not reading this earlier. I suppose this is the thread where all the HUD feedback is supposed to go, nobody else seems to have noticed it either. Anyway, I can't delete my topic since I have a reply, so I suppose I could quote it here:


DE has probably made the new HUD to obscure the view as less as possible, but now it does it to the point that I don't even look at it. Some things like my health and the defended object's health should be grabbing my attention. The defense's health used to start flashing or something, now it does nothing and I often forget about it.


Take a look at this video: http://youtu.be/8cchlIyO_IU It's about a fighting game, but some things can be applied here as well. For example it's a good idea that DE added lifebars, it's a fast paced game and I don't have time to read numbers! Also for the same reason the important things like my health and the defense health or the life support remaining should be closer together. I rarely look at my teammates' health and now they have slapped it right under mine. I probably would have paid more attention to the other two things I mentioned if they were placed under my health instead.


Heck, I even spoke about DE in third person, because I was convinced that no staff member will look at it. I'm glad you are taking into consideration the users' opinions!


edit: decided to quote my post instead of having the reader go to another page.

Edited by Kethus
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Hey guys,


As most of you have seen the new HUD is out, there's several posts with feedback now and we are looking at them closely. A few recurrent things we are seeing:


- Too small, particularly the minimap. -> We are already working on this

- Minimap markers are not distinct enough. -> Also have a fix in the works

- Abilities are in a new place. -> This is a big change but we want to give it a chance and not give up on it so soon, we want to have the combat (weapon and abilities) together, we realize everyone, us included, were used to look upper right, but after playing for a while we feel lower right with the support of the dots below the reticle really works.

- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.



We'll keep on monitoring all threads, this one in particular.




This is the problem with the energy bar being on the bottom right.

From another post.


Yeah, i find it easier to sneak a peek on the top right in the middle of the fight than to look at the bottom. On the top right i can still keep an eye on some of the field while the bottom right i am just looking at the floor. The actual problem that i have is that when moving around is the number telling you your actually energy disappears off screen, after experiencing that a couple of times i quickly turned off the HUD movement and will never be using that again. Ever.


I think they should remove the level stuff from the top right, i really dont know why you would need to know the level of your stuff while in mission. I never understood that. If they insist of keeping it they should take away the bar and turn it into a small circle and use that space to bring your energy bar back to the top.


I did the Davros mission solo and let me tell you, looking at the bottom right while the ice hyena was doing her ice wall attack, the fire one was lobbing her fire ball, and with a Tech, a leech osprey, a moa and a crewman running around it was not very intuitive.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Oh, I just created a new topic. If I had not I would have just posted here instead - I am sorry about that. I will quote it here though:



I'm sorry to say this as I know there must have gone a lot of effort into making it, but I really dislike the new HUD. Here are some of the issues I have:



1) It is hard to tell how much energy I have -> Am I full or not? Teammate's health -> Is it full or not/have they taken damage?


2) Why are my abilities and energy separate from my hp, shields and stamina?

3) Right-hand side is the «wrong» side for me and my brain to keep track of so many things.

4) And why place all of the static information on the right-hand side?


5) Vital information - like abilities, energy and counters - look unimportant and they fade too easily into the background compared to the «HEALTH IS LOCATED HERE!!!!». Against certain backgrounds some of this information disappears completely or becomes illegible. Please change the colors, add outlines or add contrasting backgrounds to the blocks.

6) My Sentinel vitals are merging with the squad vitals.

7) The mini-map icons are too large and it is even harder than before to tell if the enemy/objective is on the same floor or if you need to go up/down. The tiny white arrow gets easily mistaken as a map «wall»/outline or lost on a light background.


8) The hp/shield. I don't know why anyone would want the hp/shield displayed as a merged bar where each visually fills its respective % of the total. Everyone appear to be low on shields. As a Trinity this is terribly confusing. When shields are gone, ex. in Nightmare mode, I have no means of monitoring what state of health my teammates are in. At least give us the option to display percentage-wise hp/shield values instead of arbitrary numbers.


9) Not visually listing what frames our teammates play in.


10) The «42/102 Enemies» in Exterminate. Visually it does not make sense to have the important information («42») the furthest away from your focus (center screen), while «102» is the number you will find in your perifial vison. Please either enlarge the number of remaining targets or change how it is listed. (And it is too small.)

11) Please add a value for our max energy. It helps towards managing pickups. A bar is hard to judge. Perhaps add increments of 10 to the bar?


12) The font is very generic. It feels lifeless and looks arcadey.


13) The HUD is not optimal in providing at-glance information.


14) I much preferred the mock-up ability bar shown in the livestream to the new one.


15) And for ease I will quote myself (not-applicable parts were edited out):







1) The section with Mastery bar + credits/plat etc. looks sleek!


2) It is nice to have Sentinel hp/shields.


3) (Not sure if pertaining to the HUD, but:) The level-up item notification is brilliant.


4) Ability counters were most welcome - thank you!!! (Please make them larger though.)


5) The new Waypoints look far better!


6) Teammate bleedout marker is a step in the right direction and quite helpful.



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Personally i was excited about the new HUD UI, Now i wish there was an option to use the "classic" version.

Things I would have done differntly base don new HUD UI:


-Small interactive lotus/boss chatter

-Life support bar 50% increase in hieght and Green with a White outline

-Minimap Tenno (encluding team) Green/Allies blue and enemys red, player marked waypoints green/mission waypoints orange

Put the red plus sign on for downed team members back in, add back in mission end makers so they are completely different.

-Keep last enemy seen HP/name at top longer on screen say 1.5 seconds more, unless another object/person is spotted.

-Shields and hp as one long bar, who play tested that? it becomes very diffcult to even register when your shields are down, the classic version was good and made more sense.

-keep the senitnal hp but as above^

-Move powers back to top right this is just as important as hp and shields and where players need to focus attention during play

-Ammo and weapons again are fine in bottom right, only time they are looked at is when ammo has run dry if not at all.



Not saying the HUD is bad just overly cluttered with numbers making bars like hp/powers and get lost when they are essentiel during any game play.

With fast gameplay you need a UI you can look to quickly take note of whats important and go back to aiming/moving.


Colour changes could be done very fast and easy, the moving around of the UI would take time.

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- Abilities are in a new place. -> This is a big change but we want to give it a chance and not give up on it so soon, we want to have the combat (weapon and abilities) together, we realize everyone, us included, were used to look upper right, but after playing for a while we feel lower right with the support of the dots below the reticle really works.

The dots could do with some slight enlarging, and probably its own counter.

Maybe space them out into a half circle under the half circle of the reticule? xD

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I am going to repost a topic I made here, wish I had seen this topic before creating my own thread:


I know there are probably at least 100 threads on this now, so I apologize, but here are my suggestions to make the new HUD work.


First, add a slider to adjust the size of the elements on screen. On a large monitor, each of the elements (text/bars/etc) are very tiny and hard to read. The ability to make them larger would help. 


Another thing to note is that waypoints no longer say "mod" or "enemy" when you place them on each. Adding this functionality back would be useful. 


The Revive Icon does not display the remaining time left to revive someone anymore. I liked the old one where it had a silhouette that showed the life force draining in addition to the revive progress bar. 


It would also be helpful to get the old Extraction symbol back for the minimap. 


Lastly, the ability dots under the crosshair should be moved to the bottom of the screen, or just completely removed. They are not necessary and create clutter on the crosshair. The power icons in the bottom right already show your selected power. 


Bonus: add color customization for the HUD, but not necessary. 


I know you put in a lot of effort to make this new HUD, so it must be disheartening hearing so much negativity towards it on the forums (I know I was part of that). However I think it just needs a few tweaks and then people will be able to appreciate it. 

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I quite like the minimalistic look, makes it look quite sleek. The only changes I would potentially want are a slider to adjust the size, and better minimap icons, especially if a team mate is bleeding out. I've had several people die earlier because they were bleeding out and I had no idea where they were in relation to the minimap.

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*Wall of Text*

That one is actually a very good feedback.

It covers everything that im thinking myself.


My biggest problems so far are the placements.

new Health system looks good so far.

But the Energy to the lower right is not that good, completely out of the field of view. also i agree that we need a min/max number.

Minimap Icons are too large and in survival too similar. i have no idea if there is a Big Pod or if there is just a small drop. Also there are two more problems: overlapping of Team and quest markes, and the "invisible" markes. after a while you cant see the direction of teammates and objectime at the corner of the map, you need to rotate a little bit to make them visible.


Another problem i have is with the healthbar of bosses. its too small for them, there should be the option to make them static. as soon as a boss is there, the healthbar(s) will be always at the top. also they could be a little bit bigger (same for survival or defense bars)




the support of the dots below the reticle really works.

oooooh thats what they are meant for..i was wondering because i had Vulkar (4 shots) equipped. thought it is a weird ammo counter or something.

I think here the color setting could be a little bit different. grey (not equipped) and white (not enough energy) look too similar


and i agree, at the moment we are raging, because we were used to the old system. its just a matter of time until we can actually read the new hud without any problems

Edited by LazerusKI
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I only wish a few thing, make it rearrangeable & resizable, or make it moddable...


I agree with this. However, I had never problems with the size on my 1280x720 resolution, everything is just fine.


But the map needs bugfixes, sometimes I can't see the "where-to-go" mark, so I have to press M for the bigger map in order to see where should I go. And these mini-icons should be bigger or not all the same color. Make them easier to recognize!


The others are really good. I can actually deal with the abilities in an other corner. However, I look at my Health and Shield bars not very often now. But I would wait for a month. I like new things, and maybe I should just get used to it.

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My solution to some of the HUD problems is to give the option to scale the hud, like a slider to increase or decrease the size of everything in the hud like the health bars, or maybe a simple small, medium, large type of thing. Another thing to go along with this is that there should be an option to drag each section of the hud into different place like if I wanted the health for everyone including you to the side I would just click and drag it either to the center left or center right

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Hey guys,


As most of you have seen the new HUD is out, there's several posts with feedback now and we are looking at them closely. A few recurrent things we are seeing:


- Too small, particularly the minimap. -> We are already working on this

- Minimap markers are not distinct enough. -> Also have a fix in the works

- Abilities are in a new place. -> This is a big change but we want to give it a chance and not give up on it so soon, we want to have the combat (weapon and abilities) together, we realize everyone, us included, were used to look upper right, but after playing for a while we feel lower right with the support of the dots below the reticle really works.

- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.



We'll keep on monitoring all threads, this one in particular.



I actually like the changes that were made. Sure they need some improvement is some places, but this is a great start! The waypoints take a bit of getting used to with their new color, but distinguishing them from objective markers makes it a great change! Being able to resize the HUD would be a fantastic option for those that feel the HUD is too small and snapping features would be goo for people that want to reorder their HUD layout (i.e. if a player moves their Health/Shields and team HUD segment to the lower left, it auto-adjusts accordingly to open upwards instead of downwards from).

One thing I would like to note as a potentially bad change is that the Bleedout marker of fellow team members has been removed from the minimap. I found myself getting lost and confused trying to find a downed ally in the middle of a fight.

Other than that, as I said previously, it's a good change.

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OK, I like the new HUD, its similar but a bit more minimalist then the first one and I understand it takes time to get used to it:

The things I like:

- The positions and proportional display of health, shields, and stamina; where they are for me, team, sent (this is pretty perfect)

- The hotfixed size of the minimap (this is pretty perfect now)

- The white text (which usually does not get lost to the background).

- The concept of the layout: It is very practical.

- The mini map's Blue player Icon.

Things I think should be changed:

- The mini map and map icons (this has already been mentioned): They inadvertently give too much information to decipher

* For example: In survival, yellow symbols that communicated different information: such as exit or LS pillar. The player has to decipher these small symbols and distinguish rapidly the direction of exit and the direction of the LS. On top of that they must rapidly distinguish the difference between LS drop and LS Pillar. The yellow icons have subtle differences in symbol and this distinction is difficult in fast paced play. Nothing was wrong with a green cross for LS drop, yellow exclamation for Pillar, and Red arrow for exit. They were easily separated by color and symbol. For interception, I understand the need for a "A, B, C, and D, icon: maybe making those yellow for enemy controlled and green player controlled (white for neutral) would aid with rapid information gathering. The red enemy icon is fine; red usually indicated danger; but I would consider a dot again for the minimap; negate the floating direct icons of enemy modulus for interception, and treat that condition similarly to having "enemy sense" mod.

- Ammo and Power Quantity information: Is very small, but so important for survival, should be a tad bit larger (this too could be scaled small due to high resolution)

- Objective timers and Objective decrement bars: are very small and all white (very neutral to the eye): these are critical information points that at least need a color saturation to the bar in contrast to the white outline. This would make them more communicative to the player and easier to find. I do not mind the size as much as the color. When a a timer or objective bar goes into a dangerous or important value, It should turn yellow, then red.

- The 4 Dots of power: For PS4, I understand, as you cycle powers with a button. This is a option on PC too. Displaying the 4 Dots under the reticle should be optional because it is a distraction, I dont know exactly why but 4 dots in formation under a 5th dot with a outline, pulls the eye towards them. Sometimes I do not want that (it feels like it is messing with my brain! lol) and I just want the reticle in the center. It should be something you can toggle on or off in options.

- HUD transparency slider and RGB slider in options: I would like this ability to modify or tailor the HUD to preference.

- OH and this is referencing the HUD and player experienced as well: The screen shake upon receiving physical melee attack.

* I suspect this is a bug based on the distance proximity of a friendly object (player or friendly) receiving a melee attack. For example: you enter a infestation mission with Grineer units. The grineer units become surrounded by those contorted wolf things (clawers? slashers?, I forget) and it registers as a melee attack received to them, but shakes the screen based on the distance you are from them. So if you stumble upon a Lancer getting mauled by 4 Clawers and get closer to help him, your screen is shaking like a earthquake even though you are not getting hit. The same applies to friendly Tenno aswell. If you are far away but hear the noise of this damage received to friendly, your screen is static, but the closer you get the shake increases. It makes logical sense that when you (the player) receive this attack, your screen shakes: it is a violent experienced. But when Johny Grineer is playing with lion cubs, and you are watching from 10m away, you should not get dizzy.

Edited by Takai
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First I want to say thanks for the hard work in putting out this update, but it is not without flaws.


Not just the Mini-map is small to me it's also important numbers like team HP/shields, sentinel HP and shield,


Survival numbers (the % and time) are not only small but very hard to see on some maps ,the void for example, because they are in a white text instead of a more noticeable color like red..


My same issues with survival are the same with Defense and Mobile Defense,



In exterminate I would like it back to the single number of how many are left as compared to the two numbers that are there now and like the other things listed above I would like to see them bigger..


My screen resolution is native 1920 x 1080. I play in windowed mode and enlarge the window so I can switch between programs without a problem. I know playing in windowed mode (1920 x 1080 by the way) is not the problem because i put it in full screen mode and I I was still having issues with seeing the HUD numbers and all that jazz listed above. I would love to see a scale for the HUD added to my options so I can make it a size that is less painful on the eyes.. 

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With new hud its like I'm playing without it at all. Its useless and here's why:

- Not intuitive ~ You really have to strive to find / identify the meaning of it.

- Placing of important info on oposite sides makes player eyes wander the screen ~ if they have bigger screen >27'+ its a lot of eye movement...

- The Teammates HP bars should be where they used to be as when there is so many no. in that one spot its confusing during the battle and makes you simply ignore it.

- Sentinels bars should be same as teammates ~ means u can hide it.

- Also I'm aware which warframe i'm playing i don't need it to tell me. Its a waste of space. (same with sentinels name)



Its a bad design ~ in attempt to do something like crysis UI



Add ability for a player to move the hud around as he wants and if so let him remove pieces if he wishes so. Then You'll solve all the issues. + You might sell other hud elements and skins for it.

Edited by CyklonDX
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I'd like to add something else. On the map there is no way of telling if a blue icon is an NPC or a player. If you want to use the same color for all allies no matter what you could have the icons be a bit different. I noticed that all the blue icons have the lotus logo. You could have the lotus logo appear only for other players and have grineer show as their own logo on the codex and so on.


On an unrelated note I think that the enemy's HP bar could be smaller and placed over them, or maybe closer to the crosshair, it doesn't need to be big at all, I don't think we even need the enemy's name. The point is that if I want to see an enemy's health I have to aim at them, then look up while still aiming at them. If that healthbar can't be conveniently seen it might as well be gone.

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Hey guys,


As most of you have seen the new HUD is out, there's several posts with feedback now and we are looking at them closely. A few recurrent things we are seeing:


- Too small, particularly the minimap. -> We are already working on this

- Minimap markers are not distinct enough. -> Also have a fix in the works

- Abilities are in a new place. -> This is a big change but we want to give it a chance and not give up on it so soon, we want to have the combat (weapon and abilities) together, we realize everyone, us included, were used to look upper right, but after playing for a while we feel lower right with the support of the dots below the reticle really works.

- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.



We'll keep on monitoring all threads, this one in particular.




I can understand wanting to have weapon and abilities together. However you forgot to keep health with that too. Your still glancing up/down at whatever information you need at the moment. If you wanted to condense it and reduce the time your eyes are looking for something then it would've been better to have kept it all together in one spot. So that at a quick glance you see everything.




The 4 dots for the power. Could there be an energy bar there too? Something tiny? Or maybe tiny power icons that highlight when they are available? It's hard for me to tell which power I can use by glancing at the dots. I still end up glancing at the bottom right.

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My opinions of new UI.

HP/Shields and ammo are a bit too far from center, should be easily seen in center maybe even near the reticle. 

I find the animated character chatter videos unnecessary for few reasons, i would not like to look away from center of my screen, minor movement is not registered in the brain in peripheral vision.

For me the ability color for ready or not is unnoticeable as different shades of blue. The readiness could be stated with different color red for not ready and green for ready. 

The map needs to have consistent shape and not laggy. And there needs to be toggle for looking closer at the map.

Unnecessary stuff on UI are weapon/frame level, tiny "ability" dots in center (i do not need two places for the same info).

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-Needs to have easy customization (Such as removing the dots under the reticle, or even moving around certain parts of the HUD)


-Map markers overlap each other/drop out of the minimap too often. The markers move too far away o nthe minimap, and you can only see them by pressing M. Making it very hard to extract at times.


-Energy meter is too small numbers, and too far into the corner of the screen. Now I can never seem to know how much energy I have.


-Needs a lot more contrast overall. Such as the old HUD's brightly colored LS % bar. The current contrast levels make it rather difficult to see/read the meters.




-Sentinel health/shields :)

-New position of the player list. Now I can see the health of my teammates while I check my own.

-Overall it feels more like a HUD than a game screen. Almost like you're seeing through their technology.


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I'll repost my thoughts about the crosshair... it's better to have it here rather than bringing back buried thread:



- The dots are unnecesary/redundant, especially if you play on PC: There's no need to know which power has been selected when we used them directly via 1-4. Also, said info is already shown on the right-down corner section of the hud.



- The crosshair itself: Too static for a hud that moves, a small animation (Like the good 'ol "Bigger if you move a lot or there's recoil, smaller if you stay still") should do the trick.

Edited by HK-A6A7
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OK, firstly, I generally like it, but (there is always a but).


Dots below crosshair for skills, not needed, at all.

If you want us to get used to looking bottom right, fine, but we don't need the area that should be absolutely clutter free cluttered (the crosshair).


Red X and red crosshair when I hit something.

Again, just not required, this is not BF3 or COD15.

I know I have hit something by the big numbers jumping out of their heads.


Please, reconsider this, the crosshair should be a crosshair, and nothing else.

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