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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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Alright so I just wanted to know if anyone had any idea of speculations. In all the latest videos images etc we see Excal with a Katana that has a Scabbard with it, does that mean all weps will come with some fort of scabbard or is it exclusive only to long swords that are more Skana sized.


Also do we know if we'll be able to change the placement of if we want our weps on our waist or back < ---------- Would be a cool feature.


Anyways would love to know what you all think.



Edited by trams87
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Get bored to it within 5 secs, too little, too late !!!111!


where is the token system?!?


where is the Rep system ?!?


where is the focus System ?!? 



need i say more ?

Edited by Mabswer
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If all bladed weapons had scabbards that would be awesome. It would certainly make all my frames feel more comfortable carrying all my burning, acid-dripping weapons on their backs. :D


I can see scabbards being a cosmetic thing in future updates. I'd be willing to pay a little platinum for them. Maybe 25 per weapon type.

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Cry over Galatine nerf.

Pretty much the main reason why I'm withholding potatoing my "better" melee weapons (Galatine, POrthos, Ichors). I'm about 83% sure Galatine is gonna get #*(&#036;%%@ by Melee 2.0 just like Acrid was by Damage 2.0


I will buy that katana I saw in the trailer and I will master and complete both of those stances and all there combos and if possible get that rifle the water frame was holding.

It's a crossbow

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I will use melee right out the gate, find that it's still mostly useless because getting TO the bad guys is step one, and actually putting any number of them down before going down myself is step two.


This doesn't happen even right now, so unless melee damage has been considerably beefed up across the board, all 2.0 is is a "cool system."

Edited by Littleman88
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I've been preparing for this for some time now. Having all melee's, all of them potato-ed and all of them have at least 1 polarity.


1. Make sure the game is set to Private,

2. Select Loki with Radial Disarm build,

3. Check sentinels load out to make sure it can not shoot,

4. Choose a melee,

5. Mayhem.

6. Repeat step 4 and 5.

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Hop on my Valkyr and hope they changed their mind about not upgrading her Hysteria to incorporate Melee 2.0 systems.


If they didn't, I'll be sad. But then I'll just Warcry and beat the hell out of every boss solo+melee only.


Edit: Also going to finally max rank quite a few of the melee weapons I've been holding off using just for 2.0 to be released.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Get bored to it within 5 secs, too little, too late !!!111!


where is the token system?!?


where is the Rep system ?!?


where is the focus System ?!? 



need i say more ?

An explanation of why you are bothering to post here. Do you often waste time on the forums of games you appeartly don't like anymore. About things which are still coming or there is no consensus from the community about?

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1st gonna buy any new melee wep from the market

2nd take my fav frame to a solo mission

3rd test the melee 2.0 system

4th gonna take valkyr out for a walk afther the im done testing melee 2.0 and see if they reworked valkyr's hysteria :D

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First and really only thing that I am going to do is use Trinity with a hobbled key and massacre some Grineer and Corpus alike without prejudice with the Lotus being the only being capable of taming my actions by having a new shiny mod(that is really just the innards of the enemy that is cleverly highlighted on my hud as a new mod) given directly to me....And the aftermath of me trying to shove the decaying organs onto my melee weapon only to smear blood onto it as the Lotus(once again) cleverly highlights my weapon as gaining some attribute...Rejoicing in my new-found power I continue my assault throughout the solar system only to be stopped time and time again by the Lotus as she lures and allures me with her clever way of turning decapitated heads and rotting fleshy-bits into pristine mod capsules and a favorable placebo effect until the Lotus runs out of new mod ideas and just allows me to run rapid as she cashes in on the 'protection' money that she hustles from the more desirable targets that allude my wraith for as long as the Lotus gets her bank.


You know, the usual.

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I'm going to pray to get another Catalyst, upgrade my Dakra Prime, and take my Nekros Prime for a spin.

Until then, I'm going to kick the S#&$ out of Grineer with my Loki Prime and potatoed Fang Primes!

I'm confused some of those things aren't primes yet, and as we most likely wont be getting 2 prime frames at once kinda impossible. Did I miss some super cool announcement? Edited by NevanChambers
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