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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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I do have a question, though, was gonna post it on the hype megathread before it was locked so they can process our replies:


Wouldn't it have been better to release the update today, albeit buggy, and expect our feedback, than to push it back to look at whatever went wrong with it, fix it, release it, and then deal with other bugs we will surely find? I mean, it's gonna be the same result, we find bugs, they fix bugs, and we play the game.


Guess we're not really that much trusted as "beta-testers".


If it was a true beta, yes that would make sense.

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it was your guys own fault. They never said it was going to be released today.

To be fair. It was rather obvious that it releases today. The pics on the grineer side which appear every day. The last day with a picture was today which is always update day.

It was quiet clear that today would be the update....

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it was your guys own fault. They never said it was going to be released today.


Yet they've basically admitted that this was the intention. To release today. Why? The timer was a last minute addition because they weren't ready, again.


And yes, that begs the question. Given that they were geared to release U13 today, what will release today? Probably some bug fixes and that's it.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Yet they've basically admitted that this was the intention. To release today. Why? The timer was a last minute addition because they weren't ready, again.

Dude they never said they would release it today, they had images being revealed. Not once did they say once the last image is shown it update time.

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Okay so this started out few months ago after damage 2.0 came out.

DE announced that they are gonna bring Melee 2.0. We got super hyped since damage 2.0 was so darn interesting that it kept us glued to Warframe for endless hours.

But as soon as we all discovered the combos and the damage system,the game began to slow down.

But we knew that Melee 2.0 was "around the corner" so we decided to stay glued. Many updates passed,many livestreams passed but still Melee 2.0 was nowhere to be seen.

Again DE introduced an update with which they started the concept of "DOJO FTW",where we have to wait for days to build a weapon or a warframe despite having all the resources ready.But that was okay because Melee 2.0 was "around the corner".

The sad part is, I joined warframe 8 months ago and then I made 6 of my friends join..they loved the game in the beginning...we used to do endless hours of defense and survival,but soon they started losing interest.

Today out of 7 friends, only two of us remain and I will stay dedicated to Warframe till this game dies.

And after you introduced that grineersystems thing we were so happy that at last we are gonna get the "Big Update" at the end of the transmissions.

But alas!! 7 days!!!! Again!!! This so not cool guys..so not cool.

I am sorry to say but I am gonna take some break from this game.

I never thought I'll do this.

My 1000 hours of gameplay is almost complete..will reach 1000 hours and then me and my friend will keep Warframe aside for some days.

Will only take the daily log-in rewards and leave.

Thank You,


"warframe for life"

Dude learn how to space after each period and punctuation

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Wouldn't it make sense to come out next week? The recent Gift of the Lotus sequence of 48 hour alerts is to "prepare." This sequence of alerts says that the last one with the Forma will be out on 4/6. 4/9 is Wednesday, so U13 is probably coming then.

DERebecca said it was an apology because they cant just increase a value so swords are viable in the game instead it takes a 5 month project dedicating resources to do something no one wanted in the first place. its not to prepare for anything its an apology. check rebeccas post. also ESO back online so yea cya warframe

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approval or that there will not u13 or mele 2.0 ..... then today not held in store for the update on Wednesdays? ..... there will be something ... we will update the new warframe? ...... ., or will another week end with few, if not rare events and alert during the weekend. 

is even so grateful for potatoes but ....... a whole weekend without something different to do is not very interesting.
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Dude they never said they would release it today, they had images being revealed. Not once did they say once the last image is shown it update time.

Rebecca posted saying that the timer wasn't intended, that it was last minute, and that the Dev team needed another week. That means ONE THING. That the update was intended for TODAY. STFU with your crap.

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if you ask me they should just 12.7 and release everything but melee 2.0 that way we get everything we want and nothing we dont. that way i can enjoy my new warframe before the game becomes completely ruined for a month or more with the useless overcomplicated mechanics and systems that they like overhauling.

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Thank you! I thought it was an update and you confirmed it, so it's comming in a few days? 


We don't know. DE says it'll drop in a week. Then again, they've intended it for today, and in the past they'd intended it for the beginning of March. Don't take their word that it's dropping next week. Just accept that, if it comes, it'll come when it's ready, not when DE wants it to.

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We don't know. DE says it'll drop in a week. Then again, they've intended it for today, and in the past they'd intended it for the beginning of March. Don't take their word that it's dropping next week. Just accept that, if it comes, it'll come when it's ready, not when DE wants it to.

Cool, I wish it comes fast, the new frame and melee weapons are gonna kick grineer &#!' 

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New melee system that will be stupidly broken and useless as melee is. You cannot fix broken mechanic. Melee can never beat ranged weapons, if it could people would still use melees as primary in todays warfare.



No matter what fanboys say, melee 2.0 wont solve much. Will be fancy and flashy, but not so useful.

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New melee system that will be stupidly broken and useless as melee is. You cannot fix broken mechanic. Melee can never beat ranged weapons, if it could people would still use melees as primary in todays warfare.



No matter what fanboys say, melee 2.0 wont solve much. Will be fancy and flashy, but not so useful.

Since Warframe is ultimately a shooter, it's expected that the guns will usually be more effective than most melee weapons. There's always games like Devil May Cry if I really want a melee focused game, which Warframe is not. 

However, I do applaud DE for setting themselves apart making melee more interesting than a single button system. Melee 2.0 doesn't need to be variable. All it need to be, is to be fun. The main strength of Warframe that kept me invested in the game is how a lot of the weapons actually feels fun to use. So if the melee 2.0 system managed to make melee combat more interesting than "press to hit, hold to hit harder", why not?

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