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People Leaving Warframe


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Don't know what has happened, but a lot of players that i personally played with, and many others that i knew, are just leaving the game.  I get on warframe and I almost have nothing to do anymore.... I also feel myself playing the game much less often and doing other things and going to other games.  I really can't put my finger on a single thing, but its just a trend i'm seeing.  For some reason I'm not finding the enjoyment i used to in the game anymore, 


Anyone else have the same experience? would be good if people could share, and the reason to why so many people are leaving (at-least from what i have seen lately)



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I have had similar experiences which makes me really sad, I made some sweet friends playing together in warframe. From what I have seen and heard from friends who use to play this game is that they have personally reached their goals in this game and currently does not offer any more fun according to what I have heard and seen. I am speaking of my high mastery friends who have practically finished leveling frames and weapons. What makes them coming back is the events and the exclusive weapons associated with them. 

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Don't know what has happened, but a lot of players that i personally played with, and many others that i knew, are just leaving the game.  I get on warframe and I almost have nothing to do anymore.... I also feel myself playing the game much less often and doing other things and going to other games.  I really can't put my finger on a single thing, but its just a trend i'm seeing.  For some reason I'm not finding the enjoyment i used to in the game anymore, 


Anyone else have the same experience? would be good if people could share, and the reason to why so many people are leaving (at-least from what i have seen lately)



Are these people clanmates or friends?
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That's a common thing of many games I think. I've had a few names I used to play with just quit playing this game. Even I sometimes struggle to find a reason to play it anymore, I don't enjoy prolonged matches in Survivals and Defenses and I can't be bothered to grind like mad. Perhaps some of the people that left were less patient than me and decided it was time for a change.


I believe this is a normal thing. I find it hard to stay on the same game for years, don't know about the rest...

Edited by Vintovka
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I am bored at the moment. Waiting to see what melee 2.0 brings but it won't bring as much as it needs to as in the end, it's still going to be the same game as it is at this moment in time. 


Oh and what's bothering me these days is how quickly the 'significant' updates are occuring. 11.5/6/7 etc.. for example, just rolled in too quickly. Now it seems it may be becoming a standard. I remember when we used to have 'minor' updates/fixes but they had a whole list of changes, additions and fixes. The weapon updates had more noticeable gaps in between them but still with a list of edits. Instead we get the new weapon updates far too often and the list of changes/updates/fixes is small and for lack of a better word, pathetic. I remember the updates when we used to get LOADS of changes in a massive list. Have not seen one of those in a very long time.


Don't quite understand it but it's not a good sign in my eyes. I assume it may calm down more once melee 2.0 is out of the way but part of me still thinks that may not be the case.


This is just honesty here but DE, you need to shape up on the patch notes. I don't care if you've made loads of edits and 'forget to note them down, there's too many', note them down anyways when you do them for our sake and your own (seriously). The more edits the community are aware of the better. If you forget to note down stuff we feel may be important that isn't a good sign and definitely doesn't give me a happy feeling. Thought it would come under basic Patch Notes 101. 

Edited by Naith
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Friends made in game I wouldn't count on being around at the same time every time you are. It would only be logical for friends made elsewhere that you know outside the game that may or may not hop in when you are. All of my friends still play, but we all obviously have other things to do on a daily basis. Hawken just popped up, as well as the Titanfall 'beta' (a.k.a. demo) to eat up all that precious gaming time.

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Just by raising the enemy level in Pluto or Neptune from 35 to say 60, veteran players would get a challenge since the first minute of the game.

No need to go through thirty minutes of boring survival/defense before the game actually becomes interesting.


No end content other than this will help the situation since you will eventually get bored of anything that means no challenge.

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Just by raising the enemy level in Pluto or Neptune from 35 to say 60, veteran players would get a challenge since the first minute of the game.

No need to go through thirty minutes of boring survival/defense before the game actually becomes interesting.


No end content other than this will help the situation since you will eventually get bored of anything that means no challenge.


why would they bother replaying those systems once the star system is unlocked, theres no incentive or reason.

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My friends still play, but I found myself playing less and less. 


I just keep asking myself what's the point. I feel like I've achieved everything in the game (even though I haven't maxed all weapons and frames I have most of the blueprints for them) and there's no real challenge or goal to get. I wreck everything the game throws at me in my rhino, so yeah.


MAYBE if DE added some stuff like AVATARS or EMBLEMS for mastery / achievements *cough, cough*

Even use the damn mastery rank icons if you're lazy...

Edited by Shifted
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This game ebbs and flows. You can't keep everyone happy all the time.



Besides, there are Soooooooooooooooooooooo many good games out right now, and not just big titles. Indie games are huge right now too.


Hell... I've logged about half as much time in FTL as I have in Warframe, and don't get me started on Reus or Strike Suit Zero. Although I don't remember if SSZ was an indie or not...

Edited by Archistopheles
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relax, all the people you know will come back when Update 13 rolls out :D


I said the same to myself at update 6...7...8...12...yet they never came back and most likely will never come back. Oh well not like DE even need more customers anyway.

Edited by SaintLucifer
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well i personally noticed lots of people on my friends list stopped playing right after dmg 2.0, i guess way too much unnecessary confusion for them,

another huge amount of them left when infested got removed from Eris , the very few that stayed ,just playing like 1 day and week off than i see them to log on again, but mostly can't catch anyone online anymore

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For me and many of the other veterans I speak to; it's basically Damage 2.0. The game was never very difficult to begin with, but at least with Damage 1.0 there was the occasional challenge, but with Damage 2.0 the game has become EnduranceFrame, on top of already being GrindFrame and WarFarm. When you absolutely know you're going to succeed in every mission until you run out of DPS or oxygen, there's really little point.


And removing Infested from the star chart, (namely Xini, Paulus, Cyath and Elara,) has caused people to play less, and enjoy it less when they do. It's also caused some to quit outright.


And what is DE's response? An idea that is always popular; a credit nerf. Which comes on the back of 3-4 previous credit nerfs that came along with new and popular credit sinks.

Edited by --collstro--
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For me its not the lack of endgame, for I don't even know if such thing exists or what that means.  It's just not as fun. It might have to do with a bunch of things i don't' realize when i play.  Warframe is just isn't warframe I used to know.  I don't know, its very hard to describe. the good old days when grineers used to say get on the wall.  or when you would see someone on fire getting shocked and then blows up with ice.  That stuff was very entertaining.  sure it wasn't 'BALANCED' but i would get much more satisfaction playing the game and laughing at the mobs, then trying to unload 2 clips in an orokin void gunner leader, and get a crappy green corrosive proc thats just not as fun as the old day.


I guess I its just not the way i expected the game to evolve.


Clan weapons should have always been better and should not be as easy to get. yet they are easier to craft now and are not as good with a few exceptions.  The whole mutagen mass invasion, fieldron made things too easy, the new void drop table makes things much too easy for someone to obtain all the void weapons and frames too easily, reach a certain rank in a short time. yes i guess cut down on the grind but i think a little difficulty should still be left in obtaining things in the game.  Anyways I don't know if these things are part of the reason at all.  But yea, just some of the things i'm seeing recently compared to the old "space ninja" idea of warframe!! oh well.. life goes on.

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Having small hotfixes more frequently than big lists is a sign that DE is on top of bugs as they happen and have the manpower to fix them faster. If you like the huge lists Naith, then you're saying that DE should ignore bugs as they come up until it's convenient for them to fix.

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