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Prime Transition, Is It A Great Idea?


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What if DE made a prime version of every Warframe (which I know will happen) obtainable through a special ranking system? 


There's our Mastery Rank, which as of current the max we can achieve is rank 14.

There's our Warframe's rank, level 30.

Then there could be a Prime Rank for each Waframe that a player would have to level up to obtain their Prime version. Sounds good doesn't it?

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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I would agree completely, only if DE made the primes into skins we just select and swap to rather than the current system of what the primes are. And DE has stated that at least 1 of the primes will never be released to the public. *Points to Excal Prime.*

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In my Opinion, a Warframe should automaticly become a Prime when 2 or 3 Formas are used on it. Since the Forma has the looks of a Prime gear and most Primes have just a few polarities more then their commun versions.


Also, the alternative helmets when changed on a Prime Warframe should give them the Bonus/Penalty but not alter the look of the Warframe to keep the Prime Look.

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I'd rather craft Prime versions using the Tenno Lab, or an Orokin lab, and require some special Orokin materials (Orokin gold or something like that), and then upon crafting that, you get a special Prime Skin (that changes the frame to a Prime version, so a model change) and maybe a Prime Mod (that'll give you extra polarized mod slots). That's what I'd prefer, so instead of farming for Prime parts, you could basically "turn" your warframe into a Prime version by using Orokin resources and using a Dojo lab to do so. Sure it'd require at least a one person clan, but IMO that's better than having them via Prime Access.


And I also believe that, given their Orokin-ness, they should be much stronger than regular frames, at least have the stats of a lvl 15 frame. And maybe this would only be available after getting a frame to lvl 30.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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The thing is, Primes are additional content, they are something else you work towards getting in addition to all of the standard models.


The idea of having multiple Forma give you something extra is a nice idea though, possibly an Awakened Skin and animation set as a way to show their power.


Forma and Reactors become a dime a dozen once you get up past 300hrs playtime, more so now that you can get plat from trading.

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The thing is, Primes are additional content, they are something else you work towards getting in addition to all of the standard models.


The idea of having multiple Forma give you something extra is a nice idea though, possibly an Awakened Skin and animation set as a way to show their power.


Forma and Reactors become a dime a dozen once you get up past 300hrs playtime, more so now that you can get plat from trading.


I like the idea of an awaken skin and a new animation to show their progression right before they change into their prime form. Maybe the ranking system can have a combination of some the suggestions offered by everyone here. It's an idea that needs further thought, but it's a start if they considered it.

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The thing is, Primes are additional content, they are something else you work towards getting in addition to all of the standard models.


The idea of having multiple Forma give you something extra is a nice idea though, possibly an Awakened Skin and animation set as a way to show their power.


Forma and Reactors become a dime a dozen once you get up past 300hrs playtime, more so now that you can get plat from trading.

Yeah, but their usefulness over the normal frames is very much overrated. At this point, all I care about is that they look cool. Just consider the Excalibur Prime that all these non-Founders want. Sorry, but it's not that special. Wasn't better than the regular Excalibur IMO.

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Funny you should say, "Just consider the Excalibur Prime that all these non-Founders want. Sorry, but it's not that special. Wasn't better than the regular Excalibur IMO." I actually agree with you. Prime Excalibur doesn't look all that great, considering that he was first, his looks should've been mind blowing.

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Not really fitting with current game elements or lore.


Someone suggested "evolving" appearance some time ago, I'd rather see that.


That's exactly what I mean, but the evolving should involve some form of process that a player has to go through before they obtain their prime version. After obtaining your prime version a player can also be allowed to choose between their regular and prime version.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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I doubt Nova, and Zephy would get a prime... they are more recent to the Warframe universe as they were made by Tenno... Not Orokin.

Prime isn't only for orokin-made gear.  It can be anything that exploits orokin technology to boost the abilities of a weapon(outside of simple mod-capacity when considering weapons). For example, the latron prime.  It isn't orokin made, but merely uses orokin tech to get more damage.


One thing I'm honestly wondering though is about valkyr. Would she get a prime version, or a vandal version?

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Prime isn't only for orokin-made gear.  It can be anything that exploits orokin technology to boost the abilities of a weapon(outside of simple mod-capacity when considering weapons). For example, the latron prime.  It isn't orokin made, but merely uses orokin tech to get more damage.


One thing I'm honestly wondering though is about valkyr. Would she get a prime version, or a vandal version?


Actually, the opposite is true. Prime gear is the OG weapons of yore that some lucky Tenno piece together with parts that they come across. Why else would they be farmed in Void/Derelict missions?

Edited by Ionus
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I'd like to see Infested skins.


I'd like to see a few Warframes, Skins, and Heads that incorporate Corpus and Grineer design elements, too.  It even makes sense, since they hire Tenno themselves.



I also disagree with the position that the Excalibur Prime should never see public release, at least on the PS4, since PS4 players never had an opportunity at it.  I'd even say that'd be massively disappointing as a player that picked Excalibur for his first Warframe and looked forward to the Prime version ever since that first flip through the Warframe section of the Codex to only find out later it was unavailable.

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I also disagree with the position that the Excalibur Prime should never see public release, at least on the PS4, since PS4 players never had an opportunity at it.  I'd even say that'd be massively disappointing as a player that picked Excalibur for his first Warframe and looked forward to the Prime version ever since that first flip through the Warframe section of the Codex to only find out later it was unavailable.


Devs already confirmed for the tenth time last livestream the proclamation of "no touchies" in the case of founders gear. Sorry. 

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Actually, the opposite is true. Prime gear is the OG weapons of yore that some lucky Tenno piece together with parts that they come across. Why else would they be farmed in Void/Derelict missions?

"The ornamental Latron Prime exploits ancient Orokin technology to get a slight damage increase over the standard Latron."

Is what the codex says about the latron prime.  Not that it was orokin-made, but explicitly that it is "exploiting ancient orokin technology".  Others state that they were merely found or that they are essentially the closest they could make to the original orokin design, but this wording makes it sound as if the latron prime is just buffed up with orokin tech in recent times, not that it was the original version.  If this is the case, they would still need to go into the void to pick up parts to appropriately build the upgraded version, no?



Devs already confirmed for the tenth time last livestream the proclamation of "no touchies" in the case of founders gear. Sorry. 

But for the ps4?  There's literally no chance that a strictly ps4 user could have had access to the founder pack.  I think, if anything, releasing the same founder pack deal on ps4 only would be perfectly fair, wouldn't it?

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"The ornamental Latron Prime exploits ancient Orokin technology to get a slight damage increase over the standard Latron."

Is what the codex says about the latron prime.  Not that it was orokin-made, but explicitly that it is "exploiting ancient orokin technology".  Others state that they were merely found or that they are essentially the closest they could make to the original orokin design, but this wording makes it sound as if the latron prime is just buffed up with orokin tech in recent times, not that it was the original version.  If this is the case, they would still need to go into the void to pick up parts to appropriately build the upgraded version, no?



But for the ps4?  There's literally no chance that a strictly ps4 user could have had access to the founder pack.  I think, if anything, releasing the same founder pack deal on ps4 only would be perfectly fair, wouldn't it?

No, it wouldn't be fair, because obviously you don't understand the point of the Founder's pack. Everyone who's on here has a computer. That was their chance. That was their access, to play Warframe in its infancy. But they didn't. The Excalibur Prime won't be made available for anyone who didn't get the Founder's pack. That would obviously include PS4.



Yeah, I think we deserve a founders pack. DE needs to give us a chance to be a part of the game in more then one way. Come on DE, make it happen.

No, you don't deserve it. You didn't help get the game on its feet by purchasing the Founder's pack.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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No, it wouldn't be fair, because obviously you don't understand the point of the Founder's pack. Everyone who's on here has a computer. That was their chance. That was their access, to play Warframe in its infancy. But they didn't. The Excalibur Prime won't be made available for anyone who didn't get the Founder's pack. That would obviously include PS4.


I completely understand what you mean, so why not make something like "Welcome to the Ranks Pack" where PS4 players can get a set of items and a primed frame for joining the game? It won't violate on the PC players on any level and it will definitely get the PS4 players amped up and feeling like a part of something.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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No, it wouldn't be fair, because obviously you don't understand the point of the Founder's pack. Everyone who's on here has a computer. That was their chance. That was their access, to play Warframe in its infancy. But they didn't. The Excalibur Prime won't be made available for anyone who didn't get the Founder's pack. That would obviously include PS4.



No, you don't deserve it. You didn't help get the game on its feet by purchasing the Founder's pack.


No need to start getting aggressive like that, dude.  At any rate, if that's what the angle you're going to try to work, then one could argue that some sort of special package exclusive to the ps4 members is needed.  While they have not helped start the game, they are participating in another very important development stage.  That merits something.

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