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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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I'm still surprised that trading for plat in game came along from the start.  That said I am surprised the prime trading isn't blue print for blue print only, but yeah the over reaction by many is silly.


My first trades however just helped 3 people complete Latron Prime.  2 stocks for barrel and receiver.  All and all the reality is much closer to what people have been asking for than it is all of the sudden $$$ for everything grab!

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I am gonna watch and see how it pans out...

Im thinking about the future, where a economy can be adjusted to create demand to drive plat transactions. The idea was "toyed with" but not fully realized with the advent of "prime access"... because notice, it was not ez to get a Ember Prime or the relative items.

DE has to make money, it cannot be all free... that is the reality. Games take resources and staff, that cost $$$. Completely logical.

I am beginning to think it is the nature of the beast... and that it is risky and unprofitable to sell the player a complete box, then sell you another box that adds to the value, when it is complete. EA used to do that (and they got studios and resources out the wazzu) but they even switched to small incremental DLC's that cost MORE in the long run of a product's lifespan (and dont even talk about Origin).

This will earn DE capital... IF, they change the loot tables and make some prime parts extremely rare, and the weapons they create are really spiffy and really powerful.

Logic dictates that that is the next course of action. Even worse the obvious course of action I pray they do not take (but the MBA in me says takes this course) is the "item chance box"...

They have been very very very good to not do this and I thank them 1000 times to not do this because it is profitable... but evil

simple as that.

But Im not gonna freak out by no means, just see how it pans out... see if the tables get manipulated, see if the player economy gets changed when the new prime items debut.

Edited by Takai
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I'm a vet and I'm cool with this.


I do think there should be certain things eventually added that cannot be traded. You know, legendary status gear. I don't really want to call prime gear that. One teir up from the standard being the legendary weapons? nah. But maybe it won't be weapons. Might make more sense as mods being those legendary things, which we see with the legendary cores already. Those are tradable but, eh, they are cores. actually legendary mods I expect to be non tradable and super hard to acquire.

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All this knee-jerking rage has really shown how immature some people are.

*sees post, hits +1*


I hope I'm not getting too old in wondering why other players are irritated about "the work in grinding for <blank>" and-- well I think the word I am looking for is "jealousy"... idk, BUT... It only means less rng for any and everyone. Also, with a huge backlog of prime parts and bps each player has overall the trade costs will be abysmally low to non-existent. I think prime stuff will wind up being given to players or traded for prime parts and bps that they may not have while those who do want to feel the efforts of the rng grind still have that option. Plus, Sheldon has made a big effort so that the rng pools are fair and balanced. I wanna say they made a step forward and that the community reactions will calm soon.

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There's no explanation, no pictures. What are you trying to say, exactly??

If anything seems similar with the hub bub right now and the hub bub about Frost prime back then obviously rolleyes.png



I was being vague on purpose to spark memories about stuff that's happened before and relating them since the arguments now seem similar to the arguments then.

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Simple post and im not intresded makeing another thread like the other 60 below me so if you agree that prime parts shold be removed from trading post below and as a possible solution make it so that you can only trade prime parts for other prime parts as some guys in my clan suggest so pls say if you agree with that part or disagree

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Ya know, the ones that put 300+ hours into the game that worked their butts off (myself included) to play their broken-arse (RNGwise) void and put up with the same mission over and over and over. 


I Know that a good amount of vets either uninstalled or are planning to as now with a few dollars, you can get everything in the game.


What's next?


Making it so you can only play five or less void keys a day?


Putting all previously "clan only" weapons onto the market?


Making all BPs tradable including the stalker weapons?


What's the point?


The people that actually work their arses off to get the weapons and warframes and blueprints and resources...their work means nothing now other than to contribute to Warmarket: The worlds first Ninja supermarket store. There's gameplay, but why do that WHEN YOU CAN TRADE FOR IT INSTEAD!


It's not even "Pay2speedthingsup" it's just "Give us money so you can enjoy the gameplay we're going to ruin later."


Not sure which is worse, EA customer support, or DE in entirety.



Nope. Who cares? It's RNG.


No idea.




I hope they do, why not?


Hate though. It is logical, isn't it? Though I guess it would be bad. They just need to fix his terrible table.


That you and those that agree with you are highly butthurt.


Money for the Dev's, or work for it, like it ALWAYS HAS BEEN. Trading? Again, back to RNG.


You wish.


You have officially made yourself a scumbag. I don't regret saying it. DE are making a logical, good turn. I would like to see trading parts removed when RNG is fixed entirely, and legendary added into the game with an amazingly low drop rate. Problem solved.

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Why do you people scream and cry about Platinum trade? Saying Veterans this and Veterans that. I have more ingame time than most of you and i dont think anything about this prime trade. It is another credit and platinum sink.



I have all primes, gotten them by grind. And i simply dont care how people are going to get them.

Edited by RoboDoge
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