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De, It Is Time To Increase The Mastery Requirement To Use Primes Dramatically.


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I guess I will be one of the few contrary voices in this thread.


Horrible idea OP. This is no better than the many band-aid fixes DE has implemented to try to make a bad system relevent/worthwhile.


A better solution would be for DE to offer some gameplay that will encourage players to stick around besides just grinding for gear. Besides, your "solution" does nothing more than delay the departure of people, it still does not give them a reason to stick around once they have finally levelled their gear. It has "solved" nothing.


Once people reach the mastery required and have all the parts/primes they bought with their filthy lucre, they can immediately work on and level them. What has been accomplished? They had to grind out some other weapons and Frames for about 30 hours? Not really helping retention at that point.


At least with the current system of repetitive grinding, which your post appears to be defending for some bizarre reason, a player can reach Mastery 13 and still have primes that the RNG has not seen fit to open its cyclopean eye and bless the player with.


Besides, as others have pointed out, with Prime Access DE has already allowed some Prime Frames and some Prime Weapons to be available at the get-go for money. How is the trading system actually any different?


None of the Primes require a Mastery rank currently, which makes sense given that some of the Primes can be obtained entirely through T1 & T2 missions, which do not require the player to have highly modded equipment. Further, a player may choose to just heavily mod a specific weapon and Frame because it suits their playstyle, and so never advance beyond Mastery Rank 2 or 3, so apparently you would rather punish said player and force them to rank up and use items they do not enjoy, all so they can get a chance to try out an item they want. Brilliant. That won't make them get fed up with WarFrame sooner, no sir.


Moved to the proper section.

Just because I have been wanting to say this since I saw your avatar: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Tulzcha R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

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Isn't that what we all strife for ? To be the best? And if you ask me, being the best in Warframe right now can just be achieved with 30$. Which is a giant kick in the balls for the vets that worked hard to get there.


depends on wat u mean by 'being the best'

IMHO the pplz who are TEH BEST are the ones posting the 4+ hrs in survival, or getting to wave 100+ in defense, or learning all the fastest/coolest parkour moves to travel thru the terrain, or finding all the secret rooms

i cant exactly thro much cred atm towards the current pvp stars, since the system is so wonky atm, but still there are tenno amongst us with some admirable skillz

i DONT consider someone 'teh best' just becuz they have some shiny piece of gear ala a scarf, or gold trim, or a floatly nutsack next to their head

but whatevs, and again, NO, it is NOT a giant kick in my balls, YOUR ballz maybe, and others with similar mindsets as u, but not mine or any other "veterans" like myself

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but whatevs, and again, NO, it is NOT a giant kick in my balls, YOUR ballz maybe, and others with similar mindsets as u, but not mine or any other "veterans" like myself

do tell, if there is Gun, and Gun Prime that is basically Stat Creep to Gun, and you have neither, other than for Mastery reasons, which one do you know you'll end up using if use it at all?


encouraging players to skip content that required time and effort to create is one of the fastest ways for a Developer to die, like many have in the past.


a Mastery Requirement (pre-requisite of the non-shiny Equipment also sounds reasonable) is a start to adding any sense of 'progression' in Warframe, which has none other than how many Fusion Cores you've spent upgrading.

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Just one thing...


What the F***?! Is up with this community having to desperately wave their epeen all over the place while trying to prevent new players from having any good things at all costs? 


Mastery already affects how many trades you can have and how many Titan Extractors you can use, more things like this is okay, but limiting content that actually seems fun to use is pure garbage. New players literally have to spend a week in the game before they can start doing fun stuff with fun weapons. Even if they are throwing their money at the monitor, nothing is going to happen because "Uh-oh... You don't have the required mastery-rank to buy this weapon. Shame on you scrub." ...


I have spent almost 500 hours into this game, and in no way does that make me feel good, because I have tried to get so many people into playing this game, but they are all turned off as soon as I mention how much they have to grind to get the weapon they want. 

My conversations with my friends literally go like this:

Me: "So! Which weapon do you want to go for?" 

Friend: "I don't know... Soma looks cool, I guess?" 
Me: "Uhh, yeah, about that... You might as well go for something else, as you can't use that weapon unless you are at a certain mastery rank." 
Friend: "Mastery Rank? Well, I guess that makes sense... Level requirements and all. Which rank do I have to be?" 
Me: "Rank 6..."
Friend: "Rank 6?! That's going to take me @(*()$ ages! Can't I just buy it?" 
Me: "Nope, not unless you're at rank 6. It's locked to you even if you threw your money at the screen."
Friend: "This game is so bullS#&$..." 

- End of conversation.  

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I truly think it's a failing argument to claim that people will get bored of a game and quit faster by spending money on content. It's the people that tire trying to grind for things with some crappy lowbie items that bore of the game faster (especially if they play for free).


However, I feel prime warframe requirements should be upped. Maybe Rank 8 as that was a monster of a quest. It makes completing it that much sweeter.

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Just one thing...


What the F***?! Is up with this community having to desperately wave their epeen all over the place while trying to prevent new players from having any good things at all costs? 


Mastery already affects how many trades you can have and how many Titan Extractors you can use, more things like this is okay, but limiting content that actually seems fun to use is pure garbage. New players literally have to spend a week in the game before they can start doing fun stuff with fun weapons. Even if they are throwing their money at the monitor, nothing is going to happen because "Uh-oh... You don't have the required mastery-rank to buy this weapon. Shame on you scrub." ...


I have spent almost 500 hours into this game, and in no way does that make me feel good, because I have tried to get so many people into playing this game, but they are all turned off as soon as I mention how much they have to grind to get the weapon they want. 

My conversations with my friends literally go like this:

Me: "So! Which weapon do you want to go for?" 

Friend: "I don't know... Soma looks cool, I guess?" 

Me: "Uhh, yeah, about that... You might as well go for something else, as you can't use that weapon unless you are at a certain mastery rank." 

Friend: "Mastery Rank? Well, I guess that makes sense... Level requirements and all. Which rank do I have to be?" 

Me: "Rank 6..."

Friend: "Rank 6?! That's going to take me @(*()$ ages! Can't I just buy it?" 

Me: "Nope, not unless you're at rank 6. It's locked to you even if you threw your money at the screen."

Friend: "This game is so bullS#&$..." 

- End of conversation.  

So your friend understands level restrictions, but not a relatively low restriction for what is a top tier weapon? Sounds lazy and/or impatient.

And 6 is relatively low considering what it takes to get to each rank afterwards.


I'm honestly surprised there's not more xp locked gear over a broader range of levels. Put most of the prime gear behind rank 3 or whatever it is by the time you get to Saturn.

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Mastery Rank needs to mean something other than how many Titans you can run...




I have a friend that bought a large amount of stuff with Platinum when he first started playing and got bored and doesn't touch the game. He only lasted a month because he could just buy everything and use it right away. While gaining Mastery to allow him to use his shiny new toys, would have kept him playing longer, and thus allowed him to spend more $$$ on Platinum, instead of quitting.


I have another friend who is currently doing the same on PS4 despite my warnings, and he is about to quit. :(

Edited by Lensman
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Mastery Rank needs to mean something other than how many Titans you can run...




I have a friend that bought a large amount of stuff with Platinum when he first started playing and got bored and doesn't touch the game. He only lasted a month because he could just buy everything and use it right away. While gaining Mastery to allow him to use his shiny new toys, would have kept him playing longer, and thus allowed him to spend more $$$ on Platinum, instead of quitting.


I have another friend who is currently doing the same on PS4 despite my warnings, and he is about to quit. :(




Except if it's DE's intent is to get a quick buck and never see a long-term playerbase in return. Bragging with your Prime is sweeter when you're a newb no more.

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+1 to OP for obvious reasons.


But another point is ever since trading got such a major source of Mods and Parts... I know most of you guys might hate that... I propose the same thing for Mods too. The usabillity of rarity or maybe max. fusion rank should also be dependend on Mastery rank.


Otherwise most of the guys will buy a cheap weapon in the Market (or Prime weapon as it is now from trading channel) and slap a Serration rank 10 with Split chamber and Heavy Caliber on it and that's it. Since there are so many Legendary cores floating around it's even more easier to get maxed out mods now. No need to play anymore as they get instantly bored with the lack of challenge.


But that's something that needs good balancing as if it's implemented too strictly it may become cumbersome and drive away players who don't feel gameplay advances fast enough.


I've been playing for a year now and until a few days ago (yeah that damn Legendary Core scandal) I didn't even own a maxed out Serration or Hornetstrike, (I did Vitality and Redirection myself but they are much easier to do) which means people can play without maxed mods for a very very long time. And I'm Mastery Rank 12 by the way, but that doesn't mean I would like to see Serration Rank 10 being dependend on Mastery Rank 12.

Edited by MeduSalem
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