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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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Note that this is entirely my opinion and my standpoints on the game.


Here's what I think about Nyx. She's just God awful.


Her health and shields, while yes, may be higher than some of the other "caster" 'Frames ( Vauban, Nova ), her armor is completely lacking. Yes, I know that there has to be some falloff in a Warframe's abilities, but giving her higher health and shields while lower base armor, a HUGE amount of a difference, is just depressing. She even moves slower than some of them while having a slimmer physical appearance.


Her powers? I do see the uses in them but I hate them, except for Psychic Bolts, the only actual fun one I think she has.


MIND CONTROL : Worthless. It targets one enemy and is a weaker/stronger form of Chaos. Weaker in the sense of being limited to one target out of every single enemy out there, and stronger in a sense of where the enemy shouldn't attack you ( bugs may cause it to attack you ). Targets die too fast to make this even worth using, and on higher level missions ( 40+ ) you may as well just use Chaos.


PSYCHIC BOLTS : You can make these potentially very powerful but at the cost of using up a ton of energy per cast, which makes this her only power even worth using for direct damage-dealing due to that concept being balanced. Yet, still, even if you try to make it a full-on damage build for these only, you lack completely in every other department if you plan on using any of her other powers. The targeting on them is very limited: tracking, but still, the game is a beta, so that can be forgiven, even though they still don't track all too well at all.


CHAOS : God... this power, it causes me stress to no end. I can see its uses. It makes enemies attack their allies/their enemies at random. It prevents the team from being attacked more. It causes enemies to react to their former allies as now enemies, causing them to run about and take cover, causing even more stress being pulled off the players.


I personally think this is one of the two worst abilities in this game, the other being Absorb.


It was very badly done. It has strengths and weaknesses, balanced, but not something Warframe should use. The ability itself does not give anyone XP if killed while under the status effect ( possible bug ), and the ability itself cannot be used again until the effect wears off or if all enemies under the effect dies, being a "balance" in on itself. The ability is only useful at higher levels, much like Mind Control ( 50+ ), and is pretty much a stronger version of Mind Control, though you can compare many abilities to one another easily. No matter what you try to completely max out on the ability, it suffers somehow ( duration against range against efficiency ). If you try to max range as well it takes away from being able to physically see where enemies are at, easily losing potential drops, and still losing XP.


ABSORB : The worst ability in this game, even worse than Chaos. It has no use at all, unless the person playing as Nyx is about to get downed. The meditation state where you're actually absorbing damage either lasts far, far too long, or far too short. I would assume that players would max their power cards out for a Warframe on abilities they want to use, but even so, a 10 second long duration just with the power itself maxed out and no other effects against duration is way too long. By that time other enemies are killed very, very easily. You cannot use the argument of it's only good at higher levels here due to other far more useful powers being able to be used instead, INCLUDING Chaos ( Bastille, Vortex, Radial Disarm, Stomp, ect. ). 


Duration, high or low aside, if maxed, causes the ability a lot more harm than good. Its max base damage, modded correctly, is high I would say, but the strength it has against that base range ( maxed power card range ) if you ignore everything else is awful. Even the max range the ability has, modded correctly, is horrible, and makes the base damage it has almost as low as Psychic Bolts. An ultimate ability should not be that weak, even though it reflects damage back at enemies. 


I've probably forgot to list some of my key points here but I think that my statement has been made: Nyx is the worst Warframe in this game and needs a complete overhaul.




People seem to be missing my point of that her powers are outclassed, far outclassed in what they're supposed to do, by other 'Frames.


This is not a troll thread.




I HAVE played as her and I HAVE leveled her to 30. I have tried many different builds on her, and no matter what, it seems underpowered and not really useful in many situations at all. Underclassed, underpowered. I do not need to "L2P" her.


This is still not a troll thread.

Edited by Etsoree
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Um... wut?


Psychic Bolts are good and Chaos is bad...?


I... see...


Nyx isn't  a tank, so she is bad.


Nyx isn't a nuker, so she is bad.


Nyx is the QUEEN of crowd control... so... she is bad...


You have a right to your opinion. You will not find many who agree.


(edit) For the record, I do not agree.

Edited by Kalenath
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absorb =  bye vauban,frost,loki (for def as example) dunno why u call it bad.. top kek?


chaos = not as great as months ago but still usefull


her other 2 spells are  bad i can agree.



about shield/health.. i think shield and health on every frame is kinda useless anyway... specially at high lvl enems. so it doesnt matter if u got 1100 with mods or 300 without

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 I don't know if a joke or not.


 Mind control is intended to be used against heavies. Doing so, you pretty much have a strong ally, bullet sponge and damage dealer. Even more if it is a Leader. Highly situational? Yes. Useless? Not even close.


 Psychic Bolts. I can't tell anything about this. I only used them on the first mission I could after getting Nyx, didn't like them, never equipped them again. I hear they got an overhaul though.


 Chaos... I can't even begin to imagine why would you say it is bad. This is pretty much why I think you are joking. But I see no other evidence of sarcasm.


 Absorb. Never liked it. I like mobility. Getting stuck in place and get shot at is not really appealing to me. Used it once, did nothing outstanding, never used it again.


 To me Nyx has 2 skill that are not very useful. But she is far from being bad.

Edited by HellEnforcer
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Mind control is a extremely decent ability aim at high level, mostly for is cost!


I honestly don't see how Psychic bolts is good....(it aim at a random target and don't deal much damage my opinion but could work against low level enemy). Kinda wish it was replaced.


Chaos in the other hand is balance as is. Losing exp and the loot is a bummer I admit.


Nyx may not be that good at lower level but she shine at high level mission. Absorb is amazing if you know how to use it (it can replace the good old frost snowglobe). I will admit that absorb need a range buff (overextended is a must atm with stretch) and the ability to unleash your power anytime you want (press power again to stop it and damage anyone nearby)

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I respect your opinion, no matter how wrong it is!


You must be the only person to think Psychic Bolts is her best power!




I think you may have used the skills in the wrong situations or something very traumatic happened using her. Truth is, she is an extremely useful frame that can survive on her own almost as easily as Loki... Almost.


But hey, it's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

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I never can understand that argument of not using X ability because Y ability is a better version of it.

If you see a heavy with a few normal troops around that you can take care of quickly you are really going to waste 75 energy when you can MC the heavy which is going to help you take care of those troops even faster then continue to help as you move on?

You are really going to waste 75 energy on 4 enemies?

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i don't know why..but i expected some intelligent and well written article on why Nyx was bad for the game or something. instead i got a crazy person claiming 2 of the best skills are terrible because they work correctly, claiming the worst possible skill is her best, and i stopped reading at absorb.


nyx is quite possibly one of the best ability sets in the game. mind control is a single target minion. psychic bolts needs replacement with something cohessive and useful. chaos is exactly what it's called, it distracts everyone without nuking them. i don't use absorb because it's counter to my gameplay.


the biggest complaint to be levelled at her abilities is how long absorb takes...but nyx really shouldn't be built for power duration. she has 2 abilities that require reduced duration mods to be usuable. one that is neutral and one that would benefit from increased duration.

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I hardly ever play Nyx myself but I can always see her presence in a team as extremely useful whenever one or more player in my group is one.


So no, it's not because she doesn't have a "I WIN" button that she is bad. Not everything is dependent on damage; sometimes preventing damage takes precedence and her role is to make threats turn on each other or make a major threat a very useful pawn.


Nyx probably saved more catastrophic situation by herself than most other frames combined; it just happens her powers are situationnal and not something you can just sit on and expect to do all the work for you.

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you got to be trolling

nyx can solo t3 def 


chaos is like the best cc in the game, not only does it effect the enemies in range but the other enemies that see the effected enemies attack them


Absorb is the new replacement for snowglobe lol


And if you use it while jumping into a hole you can walk around and shoot while using it :D

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Nyx is arguably the best frame in the game because she can press 3.  Even those with invulnerability (Zephyr, Trinity, ~Rhino, ~Valkyr) can fail to do sufficient damage in the appropriate span.  Nyx on the other hand can just let enemies, regardless of level, kill each other.  Chaos is absurdly powerful.


The reason why you see few Nyxes (Nyxs? Nyxies? ?!?!) is because her play isn't engaging.


1: let someone else do the work

2: do damage that can easily be outdone by a gun

3. wait 30 seconds while the enemies kill each other

4. sit there for a dozen seconds while you get shot at by enemies outside your radius



She's stupidly powerful.  She's just not fun.

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