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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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Couldn't disagree more. Your analyses of pretty much all of her abilities fall short of identifying their real potential. Her CC potential almost invalidates every other defensive frame in the game right now, making her amazing in groups, and her solo potential is amazing as well with the ability to mind control enemies for extra healing/shields/tanks etc. Her speed is 3rd tier right behind Nova and with Rush she's extremely mobile


She's one of my favorite frames by far and my only real qualms with her are a few needed tweaks for Mind Control, her bad Psychic Bolts and the range on Absorb's explosion (its damage type is also debatable). I can solo pretty much anything I want with her up until the point that one person's weapons just don't do enough damage.

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Valk doesn't really need forma to be highly effective. Maybe one to forma out paralysis....but this is about Nyx.

Absorb really needs an early detonation button.
Psychic bolts are horrible - poor damage, extremely inaccurate (yay waste half em on walls)

She's a CC goddess though. It would be amazing if chaos killed things gave XP...but not entirely necessary. Players usually kill em before chaos ends anyway

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Nyx is one of the most blatantly overpowered frames in the game by a large margin.


Problem, she is not suited for the door heroes spawn campers 4 spammers who want to brag their kill count at the end of the game.


That's why you don't see her much.

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Nyx is arguably the best frame in the game because she can press 3.  Even those with invulnerability (Zephyr, Trinity, ~Rhino, ~Valkyr) can fail to do sufficient damage in the appropriate span.  Nyx on the other hand can just let enemies, regardless of level, kill each other.  Chaos is absurdly powerful.


The reason why you see few Nyxes (Nyxs? Nyxies? ?!?!) is because her play isn't engaging.


1: let someone else do the work

2: do damage that can easily be outdone by a gun

3. wait 30 seconds while the enemies kill each other

4. sit there for a dozen seconds while you get shot at by enemies outside your radius



She's stupidly powerful.  She's just not fun.

Try fleeting expertise. Everything is free and you have much shorter durations. You can actually keep chaos up on more targets since you'll have less of the enemies-come-into-range-while-you-have-power-in-use issue, and you can get that glorious stun on more often as well. Absorb lasts for only a few seconds, which means if you waste it you aren't stuck in place as long, and you still get plenty of damage with it (and a moment to recharge shields). The low-maintenance aspect of her skills lets your run-n-gun a lot more as well, and not needing power strength or streamline gives you more room for defensive mods; my nyx is actually pretty survivable because I have redirection, vitality and vigor on.

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Note that this is entirely my opinion and my standpoints on the game.


Here's what I think about Nyx. She's just God awful.


Her health and shields, while yes, may be higher than some of the other "caster" 'Frames ( Vauban, Nova ), her armor is completely lacking. Yes, I know that there has to be some falloff in a Warframe's abilities, but giving her higher health and shields while lower base armor, a HUGE amount of a difference, is just depressing. She even moves slower than some of them while having a slimmer physical appearance.


Her powers? I do see the uses in them but I hate them, except for Psychic Bolts, the only actual fun one I think she has.


MIND CONTROL : Worthless. It targets one enemy and is a weaker/stronger form of Chaos. Weaker in the sense of being limited to one target out of every single enemy out there, and stronger in a sense of where the enemy shouldn't attack you ( bugs may cause it to attack you ). Targets die too fast to make this even worth using, and on higher level missions ( 40+ ) you may as well just use Chaos.


PSYCHIC BOLTS : You can make these potentially very powerful but at the cost of using up a ton of energy per cast, which makes this her only power even worth using for damage-dealing due to that concept being balanced. Yet, still, even if you try to make it a full-on damage build for these only, you lack completely in every other department if you plan on using any of her other powers. The targeting on them is very limited: tracking, but still, the game is a beta, so that can be forgiven.


CHAOS : God... this power, it causes me stress to no end. I can see its uses. It makes enemies attack their allies/their enemies at random. It prevents the team from being attacked more. It causes enemies to react to their former allies as now enemies, causing them to run about and take cover, causing even more stress being pulled off the players.


I personally think this is one of the two worst abilities in this game, the other being Absorb.


It was very badly done. It has strengths and weaknesses, balanced, but not something Warframe should use. The ability itself does not give anyone XP if killed while under the status effect ( possible bug ), and the ability itself cannot be used again until the effect wears off or if all enemies under the effect dies, being a "balance" in on itself. The ability is only useful at higher levels, much like Mind Control ( 50+ ), and is pretty much a stronger version of Mind Control, though you can compare many abilities to one another easily. No matter what you try to completely max out on the ability, it suffers somehow ( duration against range against efficiency ). If you try to max range as well it takes away from being able to physically see where enemies are at, easily losing potential drops, and still losing XP.


ABSORB : The worst ability in this game, even worse than Chaos. It has no use at all, unless the person playing as Nyx is about to get downed. The meditation state where you're actually absorbing damage either lasts far, far too long, or far too short. I would assume that players would max their power cards out for a Warframe on abilities they want to use, but even so, a 10 second long duration just with the power itself maxed out and no other effects against duration is way too long. By that time other enemies are killed very, very easily. You cannot use the argument of it's only good at higher levels here due to other far more useful powers being able to be used instead, INCLUDING Chaos ( Bastille, Vortex, Radial Disarm, Stomp, ect. ). 


Duration, high or low aside, if maxed, causes the ability a lot more harm than good. Its max base damage, modded correctly, is high I would say, but the strength it has against that base range ( maxed power card range ) if you ignore everything else is awful. Even the max range the ability has, modded correctly, is horrible, and makes the base damage it has almost as low as Psychic Bolts. An ultimate ability should not be that weak, even though it reflects damage back at enemies. 


I've probably forgot to list some of my key points here but I think that my statement has been made: Nyx is the worst Warframe in this game and needs a complete overhaul.



Go home your drunk!

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She's stupidly powerful.  She's just not fun.

how is press 3, scream "fight my minions, fight for the right to be my thrall!" not fun?


whoever survives the chaos gets to be your servant.


you need to disconnect from sanity to play nyx properly. become the evil witch

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Note that this is entirely my opinion and my standpoints on the game.


Here's what I think about Nyx. She's just God awful.


Her health and shields, while yes, may be higher than some of the other "caster" 'Frames ( Vauban, Nova ), her armor is completely lacking. Yes, I know that there has to be some falloff in a Warframe's abilities, but giving her higher health and shields while lower base armor, a HUGE amount of a difference, is just depressing. She even moves slower than some of them while having a slimmer physical appearance.


Her powers? I do see the uses in them but I hate them, except for Psychic Bolts, the only actual fun one I think she has.


MIND CONTROL : Worthless. It targets one enemy and is a weaker/stronger form of Chaos. Weaker in the sense of being limited to one target out of every single enemy out there, and stronger in a sense of where the enemy shouldn't attack you ( bugs may cause it to attack you ). Targets die too fast to make this even worth using, and on higher level missions ( 40+ ) you may as well just use Chaos.


PSYCHIC BOLTS : You can make these potentially very powerful but at the cost of using up a ton of energy per cast, which makes this her only power even worth using for damage-dealing due to that concept being balanced. Yet, still, even if you try to make it a full-on damage build for these only, you lack completely in every other department if you plan on using any of her other powers. The targeting on them is very limited: tracking, but still, the game is a beta, so that can be forgiven.


CHAOS : God... this power, it causes me stress to no end. I can see its uses. It makes enemies attack their allies/their enemies at random. It prevents the team from being attacked more. It causes enemies to react to their former allies as now enemies, causing them to run about and take cover, causing even more stress being pulled off the players.


I personally think this is one of the two worst abilities in this game, the other being Absorb.


It was very badly done. It has strengths and weaknesses, balanced, but not something Warframe should use. The ability itself does not give anyone XP if killed while under the status effect ( possible bug ), and the ability itself cannot be used again until the effect wears off or if all enemies under the effect dies, being a "balance" in on itself. The ability is only useful at higher levels, much like Mind Control ( 50+ ), and is pretty much a stronger version of Mind Control, though you can compare many abilities to one another easily. No matter what you try to completely max out on the ability, it suffers somehow ( duration against range against efficiency ). If you try to max range as well it takes away from being able to physically see where enemies are at, easily losing potential drops, and still losing XP.


ABSORB : The worst ability in this game, even worse than Chaos. It has no use at all, unless the person playing as Nyx is about to get downed. The meditation state where you're actually absorbing damage either lasts far, far too long, or far too short. I would assume that players would max their power cards out for a Warframe on abilities they want to use, but even so, a 10 second long duration just with the power itself maxed out and no other effects against duration is way too long. By that time other enemies are killed very, very easily. You cannot use the argument of it's only good at higher levels here due to other far more useful powers being able to be used instead, INCLUDING Chaos ( Bastille, Vortex, Radial Disarm, Stomp, ect. ). 


Duration, high or low aside, if maxed, causes the ability a lot more harm than good. Its max base damage, modded correctly, is high I would say, but the strength it has against that base range ( maxed power card range ) if you ignore everything else is awful. Even the max range the ability has, modded correctly, is horrible, and makes the base damage it has almost as low as Psychic Bolts. An ultimate ability should not be that weak, even though it reflects damage back at enemies. 


I've probably forgot to list some of my key points here but I think that my statement has been made: Nyx is the worst Warframe in this game and needs a complete overhaul.

Your about 6 Cuils from the reality of the situation on her psychic bolts and choas.


Edited by BloodArmoredApostle
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And she hates you, too, bub.  I will now go ahead and quote every post in this thread that disagreed with OP and said Nyx is great and say, THIS.


If I didn't know how to play her I wouldn't of made this thread, nor would I know so much about the powers and what they can be used for.

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Niche frame for really high level play, absorb definitively need a release button, as generally everything is dead before it detonate (sooo long). Chaos is a saver and ultimately usefull when S#&$ hit the fan...


a very good frame but certainly not as fun as over frames around. It need a dedicated player which don't rely on kill counter to have fun...

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