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The Update 12.3 Anticipation Megathread


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Mere reinforcement wouldn't take this long, those usually come out half way through the day. There's some more features in this that are tripping them up.

The first couple reinforcements when they went into Wednesday mode came very late at night as well. So far they are on a 50/50 late to on time ratio.

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People don't get it. They don't owe us ANYTHING, lol. We're QA testers to them. They give us a product when they're ready to, then we play it, tell them what's wrong, and they (presumably) fix it. We are not entitled to anything.

I'm not say they have to do it. It'd be nice if they spent 5 seconds to say something about the delay. If hoping for 5 seconds of someone's time is entitlement then I'm the most entitled person on this forum.

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Sometimes, I wonder if DE is procrastinating on purpose. If you guys are having a hard time releasing content on Wednesday, why not move the update day to Tuesday and not tell anyone outside DE, and we can all think it's Wednesday. The moment Wednesday early morning rolls around, we get an update, and everyone is happy!

Edited by rangeless
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Can someone photoshop the cover of the Grinch who Stole Christmas to say "The Grineeer who Stole the Update"? I would, but I can't art.


It's a bit small and done in paint, but here you go



I can't art either.

Edited by Bleghy
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People don't get it. They don't owe us ANYTHING, lol. We're QA testers to them. They give us a product when they're ready to, then we play it, tell them what's wrong, and they (presumably) fix it. We are not entitled to anything.

well, I'm pretty sure DE is trying to meet expectations that they themselves set, and normally meet. If they didn't, I think their product would begin to loose some of it's relevancy and loose a bunch of interest, as is usually the case with anything that doesn't keep it'self relevant.


but yeah, sure, lets pretend that DE doesn't care because they don't "Owe" us an update....they still owe it to themselves, if they want us to keep checking religiously on Wednesdays for new stuff.

Edited by Temphis
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LordofTibera, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:21 PM, said:

People don't get it. They don't owe us ANYTHING, lol. We're QA testers to them. They give us a product when they're ready to, then we play it, tell them what's wrong, and they (presumably) fix it. We are not entitled to anything.

While I get the entitlement bias, I really do, the beta testing argument stopped flying the moment they started selling things and porting to consoles. I mean this game is on multiple systems now, "beta" is merely a formality at this point.
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Introducing...Warframe 2.0!



- The Warframe Council! For an entry fee of 250 platinum, players can buy entry into the renamed Warframe Council. This replaces the previous Design Council, and Founders have automatic access to the new Warframe Council.

- The Brakk Wraith  and Excalibur Prime Prime! Two new rare items have been discovered. It seems the Grineer have been working on a new weapon, whilst Tenno digging around in the Void have uncovered an even older Excalibur class Warframe. These new items can be found in the...

- Grineer Prison and Orokin Void T4 tilesets! Two tilesets have been released for you to explore.

  - The Grineer Prison is available once you clear every sector in Phobos and are attacked by the Grustrag Three. If you are captured, you are taken to a High Security Grineer Prison. There will be a small chance that a blueprint component will be hidden deep within the Prison, but if you are spotted, the BP will be unobtainable.

  - The T4 Void keys cannot be found in regular missions. Instead, they must be crafted similarly to Orokin Derelict keys. You will need  3 T1, 2 T2 and 1 T3 key of the given gametype in order to craft a T4 key. E.g. 3 T1 Exterminations, 2 T2 Exterminations and 1 T3 Extermination will build a T4 Extermination key. These enemies are not for the faint hearted, and Tenno should group together to have the best possible chance of survival.



- All Blueprints can be traded between players.

- The Credit Tax when trading between players has been removed

- Soma damage has been buffed, doing 15 Impact, Puncture and Slash damage 

- The Warframe Market has been adjusted. Weapon, Warframe and Sentinel Blueprints now cost 15 platinum each. Gear items can still be purchased using credits


- The entire game.

You are the master of all trollers... I commend you and offer you my sacrificial no melee 2.0 tears as homage...may they sustain you.

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Something I noticed about Updates: Typically if the update is rather large, important, filled with good content, etc. it takes forever to come out. But when we have very 'plain' or 'boring' updates, it comes out rather early in the day. Hopefully we get that teased "Grustrag Three", more than one new weapon, PRIME ACCESS available for new Rhino Prime pack, and hopefully more than expected...


I just hope it comes Soon(insert superscript TM here).

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