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Omg Soma Is Op! What The Hell O.o


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So, I was toying around with many a gun during my time leveling from mastery rank 1-6. Pretty much every blueprint I could get off the market I built and tried out for a little bit (pre rank 6), and found a few weapons I really enjoyed. 


The AKVasto's are AMAZING pistols. Would never need other pistols ever again with em. Flexable, dmg monsters, solid fire rate, good feel, good projectile travel speed, solid base states. All around badass guns.


Then there was the Galatine. Holy S#&$, a sword after my own heart. Yeah the orthos prime has higher stats, but this sword still wrecks S#&$ in one charge attack regardless, so I see no need to run after a stick they use to get clothing off high shelves with at old navey (orthos prime is SO lame looking compared to the normal orthos(dat chrono cross weapon)).


Then came the assault rifles. I never really seemed to find one I felt was truly badass. Even when forma'd a bunch of times these things always fell short in damage to the akvasto's and galatine. I felt like there was nothing actually strong out there AR wise and kinda gave up on me. Until...




WHAT THE HELL DE!! This thing WRECKS everything on any amount of legs at all times! The akvastos dont even compare to it! o.o


Was this intended? Did I stumble on to the end all be all gun in the game? or do they get even stronger then this at higher ranks? or are there even guns for higher ranks????


If this isnt intended btw, are the other guns gonna be brought closer to the soma in power without needing formas to even come close? Seems so odd.

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Soma's a mastery 6 gun that really needs a few formas, a potato, and some difficult to acquire mods to actually shine.

It shines very brightly when you have all that though.

Synapse is similar, then there's penta/ogris for mass destruction, phage if you're into shotguns, and latron prime for semi-auto rifles.

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I thought this was a joke thread by how  the title was written but it's not 

soma is rather boring. I use it to load up my antimatter drop and that's it.

might toss and go back to gorgon or supra

heavy duty guns bro

Gorgon is really fun with fire rate mods. Although other weps are superior. But hey fun over fire power.

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Well, get used to it. We're getting a Soma Prime. Definitely gonna get it :)


Soma PRIME?! Holy S#&$. Nothing will stand a chance! XD


Also thanks for the gun list of soma level guns. I hope they bring the other guns more in line with these other guns, because there's alotta them out there that seem really fun but just aren't stronk enough to be worth the time and money to work on. :<


I do agree tho that soma needs a specific mod set that's a pain to get. Once you have it all tho, it wrecks all apparently. 


The mods I use on it are Serration/Split Chamber/Hammer Shot/2 situational eles/ Point Strike/Shred/Vital Sense.  All maxed except serration. That ones got 2 bars left till max. and I have 6 slots left on the soma, forma'd 4x/catalysted

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I use the soma pretty often for missions I just want to rush through. But I also like my Penta, Braton Vandal, and random other guns. I have to change things up, I get bored using the same items all the time. I haven't tried the Akvastos yet, I've mostly been using the AkMagnus, Despair, or Castanas.


Other main weapons I really enjoy - Dread, Boltor, Tetra, Dera, Drakgoon...I use 'em all. I make all my guns strong though, I don't mind dropping a potato in every gun and formaing.

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Play Vs heavy nepalms, and gunners lvl 65-75-80 you will not say same.

Soma is not OP at all.

Medium units are fodder people need tooo understand that.


But for star chart missions only sure soma can 1 shoot but anyting can 1 shoot that with few formas.


I laugh at threads like this.


And i have 4 forma soma.


People who still think it is OP without headshots vs Heavy gunners at that lvl, i will give you cookie.

Edited by SALE94
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lol OP...OP,,,,sssssssss$%^ Im so tired of OP....


I know, the gun kills thiings, Oh damn it, can't use that, it works. quick lets all go tell the devs they did it wrong///hey devs, give us feathers and pompoms and lets rename the game cheerleader tickle party. we don't want to kill things, our powers are to strong, our guns are to strong, but dont make the feathers tickle to much, they'll be to strong. 



GODS Im tired of OP>

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