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Hotfix 12.3.2


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For those complaining about void tables... Stop running the void until its fixed... Done.. I just saved you keys...

Of course I'm not going to play content that's broken to the point of having no real reward, but avoiding and ignoring the problem doesn't really make it go away. It's not an acceptable resolution. We have also not yet been told whether or not the change to the void drop tables are a blatant and intentional money-grab or a bug. We've been pretty well ignored and left in the dark on this. I think it's perfectly reasonable for the community to voice it's concerns on this issue.

WELL... now that you released brakk to the community... something that should have been event only, will you release strun wraith, lato vandal, excalibur prime, and the others?

Did DE ever specifically state that the Brakk was exclusive to Gradivus Dillema? I wasn't around for that, so I can understand the frustration if that was the case. If not, then I really can't, as stuff like Excalibur Prime was specifically labelled as an exclusive.
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Having killed these three guys both before and since this patch, all I can say is, when is garbage day where you are DE?


Pre 12.3.2 when I killed these guys each of them dropped a rare mod after running about 40 invasion missions.  Hell's Chamber, Barrel Diffusion and Split Chamber.


Post 12.3.2 after about another 30 invasion missions when I killed these guys, one dropped a FUSION CORE and the other two each dropped RESOURCES.


This is utter nonsence, period.

Edited by Mickey1779
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over 30 invasions and no bp or part and now nerf to chance of getting it ?


this game blows


i got the blueprint, natrual talent, hells chamber, and a part on my first run. now it's nerfed, wa wa waa....


rebecca why you increase my rng :O

Edited by Pure
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Dear lord DE ... The customer is king - Just fix lot of bugs there and then you can add some features ...


And this G3 bug with a lot of cores a lot of credit like millions... u failed too hard - TEST IT BEFORE U RELEASE !!!111 But i dont even care about that.


Its like EA - Throwing DLC on bugged game and ignoring community / bugreports  ...  I fail to comprehend how you could do that -.-'


Wanna get on "Worst Company 2014" ? ... I betcha



ahahahahahaah is this real life

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WELL... now that you released brakk to the community... something that should have been event only, will you release strun wraith, lato vandal, excalibur prime, and the others?

Loving the sore epeens in this thread.


They said Excalibur Prime isn't coming back, Vandals will never be re-released as well as Wraiths.


Brakk isn't a wraith and it's not a Vandal, it was never Founders/Prime Access, and they NEVER said Brakk was going to be event exclusive.



Edited by Synaesthetic
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Hotfix 12.3.2




Changes to the Grustrag Three drop logic, they no longer exhaust everything in their repertoire (mod + part + resource) on death, they now each drop (mod OR part OR resource).




Fixed Jat Kittag FX reflecting a sweet party on the screen instead of a deadly hammer, sorry, party is over.

Fixed issue with endless mission rewards in missions where the Grustrag Three have spawned.

Fixed issues with Forest Level walls and collisions.  

Fixed Immortal Skin unintentionally overriding Ember Prime’s gold colours.

Fixed mods picked up in game not having backgrounds.

Fixed Grustrag Bolt removal recipe not being craftable if you only have one Warframe.


So let me get this straight, you guys know how much we hate RNG and grind and want to try and improve it, yet here you are making it even worse? My god, what goes on inside your offices? Do you guys just sit down and have a meeting that goes like this?:


Steve: Hey guys, everyone is complaining about RNG and Grind.

Scott: Well, the new Grineer Deathsquad is currently dropping mods, resources, and blue prints all on death, so maybe that's a step in the right direction?

Steve: What? No! Make them drop only one of the three at a time!

Sheldon: Guys, doesn't that make the RNG and grind even worse than it already is?

Steve: Think of it as motivation for them to buy boosters!


Seriously, come on guys. You could have made it so the Harvester and Stalker followed the whole drop mods+BP+Resources thing per death and people would complain less because you'd actually be fixing the RNG/Grind in babysteps. You know what though? I don't think you guys have a clue about what to do with the RNG and Grind. I saw that livestream where Rebecca pressed you about what you were gonna do with the RNG and Grind and you had this nervous look, like a deer in headlights, that is a bad sign.


edit reason: Bad spelling being corrected.

Edited by NalkorRN
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All these "fixes" are kicks in the rear.  This isn't a hotfix it's a hot mess.


Just a tip: games are supposed to be fun.  That jat kittag anim... now that was fun. 

But the fun police were alerted.  As too were the RNG enforcers who've now made the game seem like a chore.  I just don't even want to think about the G3 that I haven't been able to encounter yet after hours and hours.  This hotmess sucked the life out of me a bit as far as logging in goes.  When the prospect of playing a game feels like housechores perhaps it's time for me to think about another game.  Sad but true.

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Wha wha, I can't get my gun I really wanted without working for it. What about Zephyr? Or Detron? All the same bullS#&$, next you'll complain about the melee 2.0 "special" mods being too rare or something.


Its always a downward spiral with you guys. 

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So the consensus is: DE are not exactly very popular with the community right now, and they have some mistakes to fix. I really hope this doesn't interfere with Melee 2.0. But really, I hope it does if it fixes the godawful RNG.

Pretty sure it's the vocal minority, outside of "F*** RNG", but pretty much every online RPG has that issue.

Come on people, do you SEE the @(*()$ wraith or vandal suffix on the brakk? No. If it was the Bronco Wraith, you butthurt people may have had a point, but it's the Brakk.

For other event rewards, see ammo mutation, vigor, shred, and lethal torrent mods. Yeah those didn't stay exclusive did they?

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Fixed issue with endless mission rewards in missions where the Grustrag Three have spawned.



Nothing in your post pissed me off more than this.  So some people got away scott free from this.  I sincerely hope DE actually bans people who abuses these or I'm not spending a single dime again in a game that is so vulnerable.

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Wha wha, I can't get my gun I really wanted without working for it.


noun \ˈwərk\

: activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something:

a : sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result

b : the labor, task, or duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood

c : a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity


noun, often attributive \ˈlä-tə-rē also ˈlä-trē\

: an event or affair whose outcome is or seems to be determined by chance

Which seems like a more accurate description of farming for the Brakk: Overcoming a set of obstacles through real effort to reach a set objective or performing a series of simple and mundane tasks in exchange for a random chance at a reward? Seems to me that farming one low-level mission to try to get G3 to spawn is a lot like pulling the lever on a slot machine or spinning a roulette wheel and not at all like exerting sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result.

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*coughs* minus my 3 orokin cells, split chamber, barrel diffusion, and natural talent drop in one run... along with all 3 parts for brakk... 4 times in a row.... the spawn rate was ludicrous and the garunteed drop made these rare mods seem common. thank you DE for proper fix ^___^

My friend and I did over 50 invasion but not a single time Gustrag spawn. I would take 100 run Gradivus event for a sure Brakk BP any day than 50 invasion run with nothing. This is a waste of my time which I would rather grind T3 survival for forma. I doubt another 50 run would get me the BP. No thanks DE

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credit drops need to stop in the void in survival. I am fine for them droping in the first 10 mins but lasting for 30 mins and still getting it awful. i did  2 survival with friends and 9 out for 11 rewards were credits PLZ CHANGE YOUR CRAP DROP RATES.

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