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This Game Is Beautiful!


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I'm still very noob (on Earth planet) but man this game is beautiful. I sometimes just stop, look at the windows on the spaceships, or on the outside, and just look for about 1-2 minutes, unfortunately I can't do that many times because the rest of the squad is rushing or just want to keep on.

What do you think it's the coolest place in Warframe, what would you like to see next?

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Moving on from the cramped spaceships made the first frozen mountain level seem like a revelation. I especially liked all the little details like transport Ospreys hauling cargo in the background, or the way the Tenno extraction shuttle dips down below the landing pad when it first comes into view.


And then the Corpus gas city blew me away when I first saw it. I think it's still my favourite map. Some spots give me vertigo!


Special mention has to go to the invasion tilesets where you start on one faction's ship (or base) and you go through a massive docking tube or solar rail gateway to end up on the other ship/base. Really feels like one faction is violating the other faction's space in quite a brutal way.

Edited by Hamstertron
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ODD is my favourite. It is just so dark and spooky.


The new Earth Tileset is also a really nice one, and I am looking forward to the new Shipyards of Sedna (At least I think it is Sedna)



The art team at DE is a great one, with each set being better than the last.

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ODD is my favourite. It is just so dark and spooky.


The new Earth Tileset is also a really nice one, and I am looking forward to the new Shipyards of Sedna (At least I think it is Sedna)



The art team at DE is a great one, with each set being better than the last.

ODD is just 2spooky4me

and sometimes on earth, i pick dread or paris prime, and go murder, predator style

Edited by ChileanWarpig
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Some of the invasion tilesets are pretty damn awesome, particularly when you're transitioning from one ship to another.


Take a walk on some asteroid for a bit! Walk on the outside of the ship in the vacuum of space! Get yourself shot out of a cannon onto the other ship! Cool stuff :)

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My favorite tile set is most likely the Earth tile for two reasons.

A: It looks the best.

B: I have the most fun as Zephyr there. (BIRD FRAME AWAAAAY!!)


The corpus gas city is... painful, I really don't care for it, The void is really cool but the derelicts are weird with the overgrowth vines and stuff which you can walk on and climb on. (almost feels like a playground.)


The invasion tiles are really neat-o, the one where you are on the asteroid and then the one where you have to walk outside into space on the ship and then go through a portal thing into different ship.

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Since I like to explore, I tend to favor the Grinner Galeon tilesets and some of the Void tilesets. I just love the look. One is gritty and the other really soothing. The Corpus mountaintop tileset is another favorite for the long jumps and slides.

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