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Your Top 3



So *Drum roll at a completely bad place* 

What is your best Frames, And weapons (1 Primary, 1 Secondary, 1 Melee) And if you really want to, your sentinels.

My top 3 frames are *Drum roll at the right moment*

Nova (Just replaced Nyx by her, she's amazing ) Booben (Well, enough said he's amazing) And Rhino (I'll replace him by Zephyr when I get her, I dislike 100% tanks) 

My top 3 weapons are *Drum roll*

Primary : Synapse, I just got it, pretty fun and it's good.

Secondary : Hikou, don't ask why, It's the first secondary I built and my only one too.

Melee : Kestrel. That boomerang is amazing. 

Sentinel : Carrier for the moment.

And if you want to, give some reasons why you like them, I didn't because I can't find any good reasons, I just like them like that (Except the Kestrel for that power and Sentinel for that pickup ) 

- Yes this is a useless thread, but it can help some people choosing their frames/ weapons / sentinels/ in the future.

Edited by (PS4)korm-2_0
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22 answers to this question

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hmmm my top 3 warframe: Trinity, Vauban and Volt in no specific order


top 3 weapons would be : Synapse too *high five*, Tysis (RAGDOLL MADNESS) and Fang prime (cause it's sexy)


sentnel : Carrier because I'm lazyyyyyyy.

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hmmm my top 3 warframe: Trinity, Vauban and Volt in no specific order


top 3 weapons would be : Synapse too *high five*, Tysis (RAGDOLL MADNESS) and Fang prime (cause it's sexy)


sentnel : Carrier because I'm lazyyyyyyy.

I want Fang Prime but I'm missing 2 blades and 2 handles for it.

And I'm going to build Tysis tomorrow ^ .

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How people want to play and what they want to get out of the game will influence these choices. I know it influences mine:


1. Volt: I actually didn't care for him early on, but when they made Speed Boost something you SHARED with the team rather than being another warframe that let other players rush ahead and ditch/not mark boss BP drops (which is now also dead)? I slapped on the Pulse Helm and make with the love. It's fun to help a lagging player/slower Warframe keep up with the team.

2. Vauban: Traps. TRAAAAAAAAPS. Traps errywhere. Trap Zappy Balls on Rhino. Big Dumb Bounce Party On Exit. Big Dumb Bounce Traps On Defense Stairs/Climb Points. Bastille Juggling. TRAAAAAAAAAAAPS. He's just too fun as a support frame to not break out.


3. Rhino: He's the big friendly slow swiss army knife of a Warframe that can juggle support and offense oh-so well. He's the guy you want when those surprise bleed procs down you and you need to get back up. I've actually enjoyed popping Rage to help out as well, and don't miss the old powersets as much as I thought I would.


1. Synapse: I'm a sucker for biological designs; I wish more weapons were cool, freaky half-living researched stuff. It's so freakin' neat, and it's a great short range critical damage spitter.

2. Kestrel: I wish I'd made this sooner. Melee weapons with useful utility? Yes please. With my preference for support frames, a quick panic throwing weapon that can bounce even the biggest brutes on their butts for a bit is SUPER useful. Check it out if you haven't.

3. Spectra: Oh, Spectra. I wish I could use you. Nerfed to near uselessness atm, I still keep it just because I love the idea of a repurposed welding weapon. It's a neat style that I hope one day gets buffed. It's a clan weapon, for crying out loud. But anyone whose a fan of continuous clan weapons already knows my pain.

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1. Rhino. Useful all rounder, has things he can bring to the table both solo and in a cell.


2. Trinity. Something about the entire team being invulnerable for 20 seconds just speaks to me.


3. Oberon. The majority of his skills are bland and too spread out to be useful, but Reckoning is just an awesome skill.



1. Drakgoon. The versatility of this weapon is its strong suit for me. Quite adept at any range from very short to medium long.


2. Castanas. I love having a pocket penta.


3. Galatine. I gotta love how easy this one makes it to cut down swathes of enemies.

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How people want to play and what they want to get out of the game will influence these choices. I know it influences mine:


1. Volt: I actually didn't care for him early on, but when they made Speed Boost something you SHARED with the team rather than being another warframe that let other players rush ahead and ditch/not mark boss BP drops (which is now also dead)? I slapped on the Pulse Helm and make with the love. It's fun to help a lagging player/slower Warframe keep up with the team.

2. Vauban: Traps. TRAAAAAAAAPS. Traps errywhere. Trap Zappy Balls on Rhino. Big Dumb Bounce Party On Exit. Big Dumb Bounce Traps On Defense Stairs/Climb Points. Bastille Juggling. TRAAAAAAAAAAAPS. He's just too fun as a support frame to not break out.


3. Rhino: He's the big friendly slow swiss army knife of a Warframe that can juggle support and offense oh-so well. He's the guy you want when those surprise bleed procs down you and you need to get back up. I've actually enjoyed popping Rage to help out as well, and don't miss the old powersets as much as I thought I would.


1. Synapse: I'm a sucker for biological designs; I wish more weapons were cool, freaky half-living researched stuff. It's so freakin' neat, and it's a great short range critical damage spitter.

2. Kestrel: I wish I'd made this sooner. Melee weapons with useful utility? Yes please. With my preference for support frames, a quick panic throwing weapon that can bounce even the biggest brutes on their butts for a bit is SUPER useful. Check it out if you haven't.

3. Spectra: Oh, Spectra. I wish I could use you. Nerfed to near uselessness atm, I still keep it just because I love the idea of a repurposed welding weapon. It's a neat style that I hope one day gets buffed. It's a clan weapon, for crying out loud. But anyone whose a fan of continuous clan weapons already knows my pain.

I had Volt but sold him for I think Trinity. ^^'

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Frame: Nova/Oberon/Volt

Primary: Drakgoon (4 Forma and 5 figure DPS can't lie)/Synapse (Easy corrosive/radiation/magnetic damage. Whats not to like?)

Secondary:Hikou (High five!) or Brakk (Really liking it recently)

Melee: Dakra Prime/Reaper Prime (What can I say, I like bling)

Edited by Imaru12
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Well my top three




Loki. He's a solo god and viable in any situation.


Nyx. Well she's awesome. the best CC and potentially the most powerfull ultimate, her speed is amazing and I love how she looks.


And the third one. Zephyr. The highest health and shields, not great armour but speed and a skill that makes her almost untouchable (does that word exist?) and a crazy mobility, she's great.




The Paris Prime. Because nothing gets better than Paris Prime.


The Tysis. I put a potatoe on it as soon as I got it and I felt like I had make the worst mistake in warframe, I just didn't like the damage and the proc was not good at all (i believe it was a bug). It stood there just collecting dust then I saw a perso going with one against Krill, and make me thought why not use it, even if is just for mastery and then ditch it. I got really surprised when I saw almost every hit proc, slamed ratiation there and viral and wow it's awesome. I love going for Hek and just see a three way battle with him and his clones.


The Orthos Prime. Got it without even wanting it, already had a forma and potatoe on my orthos when I got all the pieces, the stats where the same, but i did it for the mastery. Then it got the buff, and what a buff I must say. It has been the best melee so far since it got knoc down added.


And well my Carrier serves his propose. Already gave him three formas and another four to his Sweeper, he one shots grineer until level 30s

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Top Frame Will Always be Frost Prime, love everything about him, his support, his damage, his suit (although i wish he was more "primey")

Second favorite frame would be Oberon, the damage over time its great for defense and his ultimate skill is just madness

Third frame would be Nekros, because I love playing survivals and grabbing more life support is always useful..


Favorite Weapon Loadout

Primary - Tigris, the double barrel old school shotty feel outweighs its low dps anyday..

Secondary - Dual Vastos, come on dual revolvers.. and the 1k corrosive damage output tears through everything

Melee - Magistar, great damage both charging and regular, and the high a.o.e. ground slam knock down is great for crowd control..

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well, things tend to change a lot, I try to switch up my weapons/frames to avoid boredom. for example, I recently brought out frost prime and my SWraith again, and before that I was on a banshee binge with burston and latron primes. so it's tough, but here's what I got right now..


Frames: Trinity (always a good go-to), Banshee (sometimes a good go-to), Frost Prime (Ice Wave is so fun. if you've dismissed him after his changes, you've made a huge mistake). mag prime and vauban didn't make the list, unfortunately. shield polarize took a hit from when shields were removed from grineer, and seems to have taken another hit recently. it used to be better than m prime (for shielded enemies). frost prime feels like a proper ice mage now. his skills aren't the strongest, but they'll get you through standard content (once enemies hit level 40 or so, skill damage starts to decline drastically)


Weapons: I'm going to have to stick with some old classics on this one. Penta, AkMagnus, and Orthos (Prime). really haven't used penta much lately, but it is the most fun weapon in the game, in my opinion. akmagnus are great sidearms, and they're pretty strong. and there are no other melee weapons outside orthos and orthos prime. dual zorens for utility, I suppose


Sentinel: Carrier, with sweeper or stinger depending on your primary. because I'm lazy

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Strun Wraith






Twin Gremlins







Jat Kittag

Fang Primes

Dual Heat Sword or Reaper Prime

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Excalibur <3 my homeslice




And I can't choose just one for these categories so:



Braton Prime





Kunai (wtb Kunai Prime)

Dual Gremlins

Dual Vipers



Glaive Prime

Dual Cleavers

Jat Kittag


And finally:





Carrier (least favorite, but the one I end up using 9 times out of 10)

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Vauban (CC), Loki (Invis, force melee), Saryn (ult, dots, molt)


Too many good weapons to limit to 3. How about 3 per category?


Shotguns: Phage (Tentacles), Drakoon (Flak Cannon), Tigris (Dual Trigger)

Rifles: Synapse (Electricity gun), Soma (ofc, just so much damage), Penta (Explosions everywhere)

Secondaries: Despair (Throwing Knives), Stug (Glob explosions), Detron (Irradiated mini-flak cannon)

Melee: Kestrel (Ragdoll), Jat Kittag (Knockdowns everywhere), Dual Zorens (mobility)


Sentinel: Carrier is just too useful, but Shade is more fun.

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I tend to run around on all of them from time to time so I don't have favorites per se. These are the ones I tend to run on a lot in recent though

Frost Prime: Especially since the changes. SG needs love and he is slow as the &#036;&amp;*^ens, but Frost Prime is what sold me on really digging into the game and I am enjoying running around on him

Rhino: Always a good decision. I don't tend to go nuts stomping often, but I like having the option when needed.

Vauban: Tactical. I tend to like a plan and have enough power to carry it though. Vauban gives me that typically.

Honorable mention goes to Ash... While Loki is awesome I enjoy soloing on Ash more.


Primaries: Boar Prime, Sobek, SWraith 

Honorable mention to Flux Rifle

Secondaries: Despair/Kunai, Brakk, Sicarus Prime

Melee: Scindo, Fangs, Dual Ichor

Sentinel: Carrier or Shade

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Warframes: Vauban ( booben prime we need you ), Nyx ( hawt ), Excalibur Prime ( best darn warframe )


Primary: Braton Prime ( cause I luv yew~ ), Dread, mutha truckin SO-Muh ( because I like easy mode )

Side arm: Aklex ( grinurs ), Akmagnus ( kurpus ), Akvasto ( the shredder of infested ).

Melee: ORTHOS PRIME ( aww yiss), Dual Zoren ( zoren-copter ), Reaper Prime ( cause its classy ). 


Sentinel: Praise Carrier, give into the pressure. Carrier is Love, Carrier is Life.


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For frames:

1. Loki - You know why

2. Valkyr - I really like her character design

3. Nekros - Desacrate goodness


1. Boar Prime - I generally role shotguns and it definitely gets the job done

2. Dual Ichors - Work well with hysteria and are pretty great by themselves

3. Glaive/Kestrel - Thrown melee weapons are cool

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So *Drum roll at a completely bad place* 

What is your best Frames, And weapons (1 Primary, 1 Secondary, 1 Melee) And if you really want to, your sentinels.

My top 3 frames are *Drum roll at the right moment*

Nova (Just replaced Nyx by her, she's amazing ) Booben (Well, enough said he's amazing) And Rhino (I'll replace him by Zephyr when I get her, I dislike 100% tanks) 

My top 3 weapons are *Drum roll*

Primary : Synapse, I just got it, pretty fun and it's good.

Secondary : Hikou, don't ask why, It's the first secondary I built and my only one too.

Melee : Kestrel. That boomerang is amazing. 

Sentinel : Carrier for the moment.

And if you want to, give some reasons why you like them, I didn't because I can't find any good reasons, I just like them like that (Except the Kestrel for that power and Sentinel for that pickup ) 

- Yes this is a useless thread, but it can help some people choosing their frames/ weapons / sentinels/ in the future.

Currently I have:


3 forma Boltor Prime

3 forma Dual Magnus or 3 Forma Marelock(I expect marelock nerf, so im prepared)

Orthos Prime






I change frames alot when I need to, but I prefer Nyx or Mag Prime

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