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Avalanche Stealth Nerf 12.4.0


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so avalanche has been stealth nerfed, yet another nerf to frost as it was his only useful ability since the snowglobe nerf


its said to be a fix, but it has been working as a freeze duration for a long time (overextended introduction) with no problems or complaints, it integrated so well with frosts play style and theme that players accepted it as working as intended so it is justifiably a direct nerf to his crowd control ability 


here is a recent intent to fix it https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/189393-frost-ultimate-delay/page-2#entry2208518 but it is not mentioned in our 12.4.0 patch notes 


so if your wondering why your frost is completely useless now this is what happened




Devs replied to fix here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/189874-put-overextend-avalanche-back/page-2#entry2217973


here is the megathread Devs referenced in livestream regarding Frost discussion https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/188746-frost-revisited-332014/


hotfix 12.4.5 changes were made to snowglobe but no changes were made to avalanche - it still remains nerfed (CC)

Unranked Snowglobe: Health = 1500 + Invulnerability Duration = 1 second

Rank 1 Snowglobe: Health = 2500 + Invulnerability Duration = 2 seconds

Rank 2 Snowglobe: Health = 3000 + Invulnerability Duration = 3 seconds

Rank 3 Snowglobe: Health = 3500 + Invulnerability Duration = 4 seconds

Snowglobe Health = Health + (Armor x 5)

Edited by HAYABU5A
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Frost prime wasn't purchasable, so of course it gets nerfed.


Honestly his shield should either be duration based, or health based, not both. I feel he should behave closer to the frost leaders enemy types and make his shield operate identically to iron skin, no duration, health gets it destroyed.

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Frost prime wasn't purchasable, so of course it gets nerfed.


Honestly his shield should either be duration based, or health based, not both. I feel he should behave closer to the frost leaders enemy types and make his shield operate identically to iron skin, no duration, health gets it destroyed.



lets spell it out


A V A L A N C H E 

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lets spell it out


A V A L A N C H E 

Well they seem intent on robbing him of everything. Shield was really his big deal for slowing, Now its a joke, and the thing that replaced it got nerfed once again.


It still surprises me that it got this treatment, especially after how rhino's stomp mechanic works.

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its said to be a fix, but it has been working as a freeze duration for a long time (overextended introduction) with no problems or complaints,

I complained, i didn't like it and this "Nerf" is probably going to make try Frost again

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Yeah I was wondering what happened....his five second stun is just gone...completely. Even OBERON is better than Frost now. This is just sad. Very sad.


CC was the only thing he had left and now its gone.


I tried experimenting with max power duration, but even THEN- no stun.


Completely worthless...just as I was starting to like Frost again too. If they left Avalanche alone, at least I could have seen him become an AMAZING support frame..but nooooooo.

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Good. Frost came too close to doing something better than Rhino. Rhino only has personal protection, mobility, and a damage buff. This nerf was completely justified.

I hope this is sarcasm.

If it's not... Get out.

Edit 1: Rhino fanboys are not appreciated here.

Edited by ikillyou8196
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I hope this is sarcasm.

If it's not... Get out.

Edit 1: Rhino fanboys are not appreciated here.


I play Rhino more often than any other Warframe. Not because he's my waifu but because he's my best 'Frame at doing random S#&$ without giving ****s (this wasn't censored, wtf?). I would not shed a tear if he got knocked down a peg, because he makes a joke out of most of the other defense-based Warframes.

Edited by BadAimbot
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Whats happening here is quite simple. By making Frost a horrible frame De is attempting to make Frost players switch over to the other tank which is Rhino who by happen chance just had a primed version released. By doing this and releasing the new prime access at the same time they are trying to make more money. All in the name of profit i guess.

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They said, breaking both of his kneecaps, handing him a foam sword, and letting him back into the game.

Inb4 ice wave removed, replaced with ice wall. Wall has 10 health, lasts 5 seconds.

Or also add a new passive ability: Frost loses health when not in freezing environments, however still suffers from half shields.

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Whats happening here is quite simple. By making Frost a horrible frame De is attempting to make Frost players switch over to the other tank which is Rhino who by happen chance just had a primed version released. By doing this and releasing the new prime access at the same time they are trying to make more money. All in the name of profit i guess.




I doubt very seriously its some kinda conspiracy like this. However it is odd they have gutted almost all the tank capacity frost had and given him nothing in return.

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I doubt very seriously its some kinda conspiracy like this. However it is odd they have gutted almost all the tank capacity frost had and given him nothing in return.


I think that they wanted him to be a Tank/DPS hybrid. The problem being that DPS 'Frames are all terrible because they don't scale hard enough (unless their damage is so damn high that they destroy everything until you get to endless modes).

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I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding people are having here.


They did MUCH more than fix a bug.


i) They removed ANY scaling with power duration at ALL.

ii) By making Avalnche an instand cast they removed his CC.


Originally avalanche is supposed to work by releasing two waves:


A wave that blinds, and then a momentary AoE that charges during the blind phase- and the freezes, bringing us into the freezing phase.


What DE did, was they essencially shortened the time of the freezing phase- to the point where there is none. Instead, the blind phase activates and then the damage is dealt. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO HAPPEN.


By taking a shortcut to fixing this bug, DE has destroyed ANY chance of frost ever becoming a tanky-support. Instead he has a become a less-than-mediocre damage dealing frame with no niche.


When I say Oberon is better than him I mean it in every sense. Oberon is a frame that has arguably one of the most poor late-games at this point in the game. However due to the removal of Frosts avalanche, Oberon is now able to tank better (rage-regen infinite tank), CC better (capable of CCing waves for over 10 seconds with max power efficiency and rage by tossing enemies into the air), AND he can out-damage him with both duration, AND strength builds.


When an under-powered frame like Oberon can do your job better in every way... you know you have a problem.

Edited by Sanillo
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